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Director Is There Still Hope for My Team's Show Submissions This Month?

In summary, the month is almost over and the team has not submitted any shows. The individual has been dealing with low sales and difficulty getting bookings.
Gold Member
There are 8 DAYS left in the month. (9 if I am positive and count today)
I am the ONLY person on my team of 16 to have submitted shows to date.
This is month 3 for me. I am just sick about it.
Please tell me that there is still hope, because I'm having trouble staying positive at this point :cry:
(((hugs))) I take it no blue dots either? Send out an e-mail & ask them if they are planning to be active. Put out an incentive that if they pull it off & make a Director team, that you'll do a drawing for a $50 Gift Card. They have to have at least $150 and be ACTIVE to qualify ~ each ACTIVE consultant will get 1 entry for every $100 in sales.
HUGS Linda! I can't imagine how frustrated you are! xoxo :candyheart:
I'm with ya girlfriend. Prayers.
I'm there with you! I have 1 that said she submitted last friday, but still not showing up. 1 has 2 shows this weekend & 1 is getting orders! :cry: Geeez Louweeez :cry: BUT lets look optimistic!!! :approve:
  • Thread starter
  • #6
I took Sheila's advice and sent out an email that we are still vulnerable. Told them I'd give away a $50 GC if we can make it this month. Let's hope it helps, so far I've heard from none of them...very frustrating! And, on top of that all of my own shows this month have been pitifully LOW....excellent bookings, but I have yet to have one close out over $350....WTF? :grumpy: My show average is $725, I usually have at least one $1k show a month, I just don't understand it. It's like EVERYTHING is against me this month! :cry:
pamperedlinda said:
I took Sheila's advice and sent out an email that we are still vulnerable. Told them I'd give away a $50 GC if we can make it this month. Let's hope it helps, so far I've heard from none of them...very frustrating! And, on top of that all of my own shows this month have been pitifully LOW....excellent bookings, but I have yet to have one close out over $350....WTF? :grumpy: My show average is $725, I usually have at least one $1k show a month, I just don't understand it. It's like EVERYTHING is against me this month! :cry:

I am so sorry that you are dealing with this:( If it helps at all, my sales have been LOW too, not sure what is going on. I usually have a high show average too. I will be glad to see September!
pamperedlinda said:
I took Sheila's advice and sent out an email that we are still vulnerable. Told them I'd give away a $50 GC if we can make it this month. Let's hope it helps, so far I've heard from none of them...very frustrating! And, on top of that all of my own shows this month have been pitifully LOW....excellent bookings, but I have yet to have one close out over $350....WTF? :grumpy: My show average is $725, I usually have at least one $1k show a month, I just don't understand it. It's like EVERYTHING is against me this month! :cry:

Thats how my July went! 7 shows barely totaled 3000.00 :(
We are green except for the $5k... we are at $4700. I have an intro show Friday that she's using her kit credit for so hopefully we can get to $300 so we can do both the kit credit AND get over the $5k as a team. Thankfully this is the first month we've been below the mark... but it's mostly my fault because my personal schedule as been sucking a$$ (sorry). Usually I do at least $3k myself and I'm just going to squeak by with $2k. Honestly, the only thing that's helped me this month are those darn bags and people wanting them! So I will stress and some will most likely submit at the 11th hour so it will all be for nothing. And now come to think of it, I have 3 that will be submitting more before the EOM. But unless I see it IN, I still get stressed...
  • #10
Linda I'm in the same boat with you (again) and I feel your pain. I sent out an email last week and got NO response. I have one green. I even sent them an email offering them to choose a time slot at out county fair and no response. So I'll be doing the fair for the week by myself with another fellow director. Their loss, my bookings gain?

  • #11
So sorry...sending you good vibes! It is super annoying, especially when no one will give you the courtesy of an update.

My sales this month have also been lame...even for me who is happy with a $500-$600 average. I thought it was something I was doing...lots of bookings and recruit leads though....now, if they'd only make a decision and sign already! lol

Here's hoping for those last minute submissions!!! Wishing you an active team!
  • #12
Feeling your pain. We've been hitting green no later than the 20th. This month...just over $2,000 team sales (mostly mine) and only 2 submitting. I have 27 on the team!! Did everyone take off for Aug.?
  • #13
It is in the air. I have 80 people on my personal team and only 11 have submitted, which is about 30% of normal. Back to school= no $
  • #14
I'm also w/you guys............so STRESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • #15
and none of my downline directors are even remotely close to making it.
  • #16
Here's a sample of what I'm sending out right now based on cookware wish lists in my P3 program:


You had a LOT of the cookware items on your wish list from [Host]'s show in Okinawa back in Oct '09. If you haven't yet filled that wish list, now is a GREAT time to get what you want with fabulous savings!!! Pampered Chef has the Cookware on this month's special.

You had the Executive 8" Saute Pan (Item #2863 $48.00), the Executive Stir-Fry Skillet (Item #2864 $148.00), the Executive 12" Skillet (Item #2865 $150.00) and the Executive 10" Saute Pan (Item #2886 $99.00) on your wish list. I'd love to see you get those for at a great savings!

It takes $150 to make a show. I can put the Executive 12" Skillet in as a guest order, making you your own show, then you could get your Executive Stir-Fry Skillet at 60% off as a Host, and the Executive 8" Saute Pan and Executive 10" Saute Pan at 15% off as a host. That's $445 on your wish list for $338.65! You'd also get to choose 2 of the Green Color Coated Knives for FREE off the Guest Flyer.

If you wanted to collect outside orders from others, you could move your big item over to the host side & get it even cheaper!!! If you made it to the $150 level, we could move your Executive 12" Skillet to the host side & save you 15% off it too!

If you made it to the $300 level, you could get the Executive 12" Skillet at 60% off and your Executive Stir-Fry Skillet at 50% off! And your discount on the Executive 8" Saute Pan and Executive 10" Saute Pan would increase to 20% off! That would knock you down to $251.60 for all 4 items! And you'd still get one of the Green Color Coated Knives off the Guest Flyer for free.

Higher guest sales mean more savings! But this offer expires at the end of August. What do you think? Would you like to try an online show & close on the 31st to try & earn some or all of your wish list items for a discount?

Please Note: The price quotes I gave are assuming you still live in Okinawa (a tax free zone). If you've moved back stateside, I'd have to add any applicable tax for your current location to the quotes. ;)
  • #17
In total agreement with everyone. I am with Jenni- school supplies, school lunches, yearbooks ( for high schoolers,) school clothes.... you get the picture. My personal team is green but my downline d's not. She will be though... I have faith.
Here's to a Fantastic Fall Ya'll!!
  • #18
I just had this conversation tonite. I asked a ton of people who have been on my 'at some point" list. They all said "I cant in August. Its back to school shopping." Then I was told how much was spent on shoes, backpacks etc. (I didn't ask...LOL)

I think it seems like August this year is like July 2010. Although my conversation tonite was "This is my third August and its the hardest month (aside from Dec) for me to book every year."

Here's to a good Fall!
  • #19
you guys noticed that HO leads have been picking up? I know for me they have. It was like a light switch got flipped this month
  • #20
Lost them last month. Fukushima has put a HUGE effect on my business sales & recruits the last couple of months. :(
  • #22
Thanks Jenni! If I had known when I first evacuated to TX that this was going to be my home for 2+ years, I could have hit the ground running. But I couldn't book cooking shows not knowing how long I'd be here, so I've just been surviving off catalog shows.

Things are looking up though. I have all those recruit leads from the job fair & now I have a 3 day booth Sept 9-11 where I hope to pick up some bookings & sales! ;)
  • #23
I have only gotten one lead in the last 3 months (and i'm eligible). A fellow director took me out to dinner last night and seh even said "Have you gotten any leads?" Jenni must be getting them all. LOL j/k
  • #24
I average an HO lead every 4 days (90% online orders). I'll be joining Sheila in the land of ineligibility if I don't sign a recruit this month. Someone must have lost eligibility near Jenni. Their loss is your gain!
  • #25
My leads have not only been sparse but also random...a $20 order or someone who forgot they had a PC rep at church this month.
  • #26
I am blessed to receive a lot of HO leads. Which puzzles me because there are several D's in my radius... but I know they just *maintain* which is why I end up getting them!I'm signign my 3rd for the month tonight. I looked back over my records and I've only signed 3 in a month 2 other times... once in a January and the other in another August. Go figure!
  • #27
Congrats Colleen.. feels good to hit the big numbers huh! There are probably 9 people in my area (at least) that get leads, so to see that big of a jump is surprising. I can feel fall in the area...ok it is 110 degrees here this week... but my phone is ringing off the hook with out of the blue bookings. I have 14 shows on the calendar for September and 8 on my calendar for October already. At this rate my downline is going to benefit from free bookings because I am going to have to give them away! Believe me I am not complaining!!! I went 8 shows in April with not a single booking. The ups and downs are just part of this business
  • #28
pcjenni said:
Congrats Colleen.. feels good to hit the big numbers huh! There are probably 9 people in my area (at least) that get leads, so to see that big of a jump is surprising. I can feel fall in the area...ok it is 110 degrees here this week... but my phone is ringing off the hook with out of the blue bookings. I have 14 shows on the calendar for September and 8 on my calendar for October already. At this rate my downline is going to benefit from free bookings because I am going to have to give them away! Believe me I am not complaining!!! I went 8 shows in April with not a single booking. The ups and downs are just part of this business

Wow! That is an awesome schedule. I need to get on the phone, I have had a stressful month and while I have shows for Sept I am only halfway where I want to be.
  • #29
We went green this morning!!!!
  • #30
WooHoo! Congrats!!!
  • #31
Congrats Chantelle! Make September happen, you can do it!
  • #33
pcjenni said:
Congrats Chantelle! Make September happen, you can do it!

Thanks! I plan on it! Just trying to adjust to my husband being on the road and having to get babysitters for my shows:help: as well as plan dinner( I never cooked when I had a show :chef::chef:) and keep the house clean because it is more embarrassing to have a 16 see the mess than dad! Plus getting back into the swing of things with school too. I will get there.
  • #34
Congrats Colleen on those fab numbers!!! WHOO WHOOO!!!!

Way to go Chantelle! Sounds like you have your hands full and are still rocking that biz!
  • Thread starter
  • #35
OMG...I'm stressing!
  • #36
HUGSSSSSSSSSS Linda!!!! :candyheart:
  • #37
pamperedlinda said:
OMG...I'm stressing!

  • #39
pamperedlinda said:
OMG...I'm stressing!

Right there with you. Will hit sales no prob. but still waiting on 2 more to be active. It's driving me nuts!
  • #40
(((hugs))) 3's company! We are good on team sales & organization sales, just waiting on 2 more personal recruits. I have 3 who claim they'll be active, but not counting them until I see it happen.
  • #41
Is 4 company too? I have the right # of people active... fingers crossed on making the team sales. Luckily the couple that I know have left to submit are keeping me posted on sales... it's going to be close!
  • #42
  • #43
Thinking about all of you right now. I was green as a Director last week, but my downline thought she was short by $63 this month. After looking at her math she was over by $3.07 :roflmao:

This summer has been one of the worse that I remember in 7 years. I am really looking forward to fall. I personally signed 3 this month and I have 1 indirect. All of them seem motivated at this point. I love new blood :happyforyou:

Good luck to all of you!
  • Thread starter
  • #44
I'm just ready for today to be over with.

Tomorow is a new month and things are going to be very different in my world! I'm tired of consultants who barely do the minimum. I'm tired of stalking them to find out if they are doing anything. I'm tired of them whining that no-one will have a show (well, duh, have you actually asked anyone!...NO ONE??....really??? not ONE of your 684 fb friends?) I'm tired of the excuse that no-one you know will buy our products because they are too expensive. I'm tired of the lame excuses that I can see right through. I'm just tired of it. If you don't want to be a consultant then fine, let me know so I can move on, don't lead me on. These past 2 months of stressing over this crap has taken the joy out of why I love my job. I'm not going to allow it to continue.

I'm working up an email to them that will go out tomorrow as soon as I confirm that we did not make it (I don't want to sound so negative when there are still a few hours to go, but if we do make it, I will still be pissed that they didn't have the courtesy to let me know what's up).

I'm trying to find a questionairre that I had in my files about what you want to do with your PC biz (how much $$ do you want to make, how often you want to work, how/if you want to grow your biz, did you just want the kit and want me to leave you alone :yuck:...lol, I'm real tempted to put that one in there)...anyone have something like that? Whoever responds, that's where I'll spend my efforts.

My personal September is gonna rock, and I'm so excited!
  • #45
I'm glad you have a plan, Linda. I hope you are surprised and hit your structure tonight.
  • #46
Linda I wish I could come over and give you a big hug!

When I demoted to TL after a similar very frustrating time, I did a survey with my team. And I wish I hadn't. If found for me, that those who weren't taking their businesses seriously didn't take the survey seriously. I basically got answers like, "I want to earn $1k a month from my PC biz." Right along with "I only want to do 2 shows a month." When I explained that that wasn't really feasible, they responded with, "Well, YOU asked..." always my fault.

So I pulled back and worked my biz. I didn't have meetings or anything. I figured if I wasn't going to be paid as a D, I wouldn't act like one. I know that's not a great attitude to have but that's what I did. I dove head first into my biz and for the first time in my PC career, my personal sales doubled. I was on a great streak and if they wanted to come with me, they were welcome to.

I finally repromoted and haven't demoted since. What I found was that those I needed to rely on, I couldn't. Even when they told me they submitted, they hadn't. (I'm not quite sure how they thought I wouldn't find out...).

All I could do was grow my team. I have 27 now, about 8-12 active each month and with my sales we hover anywhere between $6k-$10/mo in team sales. What it took was growing the team and that's my focus now.

Tomorrow is a new day and if you haven't listened to the Lydia Martin info, DO IT ASAP. I've been using her words and I just did my first intro show last Friday and I have 3 more scheduled for September. Her numbers prove that what she's doing works. And we don't have to be doing 85 personal shows in a month to make it work.

Let me know if you want to talk on the phone... I'd be happy to!!! HUGS!!! :candyheart:
  • #47
I hope your team pulls through Linda and I'm glad you have a plan. I do get your frustration. I haven't lost my title but have been paid as TL too many times and I too am tired of all their whining and saying they can't find business. They just want it to drop in their laps. Urggg.We aren't green yet for August but one of them just let me know that last nights party was $850 and it's going in at 9pm (it will because she WANTS those bags) and another (fourth personal recruit) is submitting tonight soon so we'll be fine this month. Whew!
  • Thread starter
  • #48
finley1991 said:
Tomorrow is a new day and if you haven't listened to the Lydia Martin info, DO IT ASAP. I've been using her words and I just did my first intro show last Friday and I have 3 more scheduled for September. Her numbers prove that what she's doing works. And we don't have to be doing 85 personal shows in a month to make it work.

Where can I find Lydia's training?

I figure if I ask what they want/expect/dream of, then at least I've done my due-dilligence. I can tell if they are lying to me and I'll act accordingly. I feel I owe it to them and to me to put it out there. But, I'm tired of the B.S. I'm tired of sugar-coating. I'm over it, come with me, or watch me as I surge ahead....I have plans to cruise and I need to get back on track!
  • #49
Just e-mailed the info to you! :)
<h2>1. Will my team's show submissions be counted if they are submitted less than 8 days before the end of the month?</h2><p>Yes, your team's show submissions will still be counted as long as they are submitted before the end of the month. Pampered Chef's monthly deadlines are based on calendar months, so as long as the submissions are received before the month ends, they will count towards your team's total.</p><h2>2. I am the only person on my team who has submitted shows so far. Will my team still have a chance at reaching our goal?</h2><p>Absolutely. While it may seem discouraging to be the only one submitting shows, it is important to remember that every show counts towards your team's goal. Keep encouraging your team members to submit shows and don't give up hope. Every contribution makes a difference.</p><h2>3. I have been with Pampered Chef for 3 months now and have not been able to meet my team's show submission goal. Is there still hope for me?</h2><p>Yes, there is still hope for you. With each month comes a new opportunity to reach your team's goal. Don't be discouraged by past months, instead, focus on what you can do in the remaining days of this month to help your team reach its goal. Stay positive and keep striving towards success.</p><h2>4. Can I still submit shows on the last day of the month?</h2><p>Yes, you can still submit shows on the last day of the month. However, it is important to keep in mind that there may be a delay in processing and counting those shows towards your team's goal. It is always best to submit shows as early as possible to ensure they are counted in a timely manner.</p><h2>5. I am feeling discouraged and having trouble staying positive. Is there anything I can do to boost my motivation?</h2><p>It is completely normal to feel discouraged at times, especially when working towards a goal. One way to boost your motivation is to focus on the positive aspects of your journey with Pampered Chef, such as the relationships you have built with your team members and the joy you bring to your customers. You can also reach out to your upline or fellow consultants for support and advice. Remember, you are not alone and together, you and your team can achieve great success.</p>

Related to Is There Still Hope for My Team's Show Submissions This Month?

1. Will my team's show submissions be counted if they are submitted less than 8 days before the end of the month?

Yes, your team's show submissions will still be counted as long as they are submitted before the end of the month. Pampered Chef's monthly deadlines are based on calendar months, so as long as the submissions are received before the month ends, they will count towards your team's total.

2. I am the only person on my team who has submitted shows so far. Will my team still have a chance at reaching our goal?

Absolutely. While it may seem discouraging to be the only one submitting shows, it is important to remember that every show counts towards your team's goal. Keep encouraging your team members to submit shows and don't give up hope. Every contribution makes a difference.

3. I have been with Pampered Chef for 3 months now and have not been able to meet my team's show submission goal. Is there still hope for me?

Yes, there is still hope for you. With each month comes a new opportunity to reach your team's goal. Don't be discouraged by past months, instead, focus on what you can do in the remaining days of this month to help your team reach its goal. Stay positive and keep striving towards success.

4. Can I still submit shows on the last day of the month?

Yes, you can still submit shows on the last day of the month. However, it is important to keep in mind that there may be a delay in processing and counting those shows towards your team's goal. It is always best to submit shows as early as possible to ensure they are counted in a timely manner.

5. I am feeling discouraged and having trouble staying positive. Is there anything I can do to boost my motivation?

It is completely normal to feel discouraged at times, especially when working towards a goal. One way to boost your motivation is to focus on the positive aspects of your journey with Pampered Chef, such as the relationships you have built with your team members and the joy you bring to your customers. You can also reach out to your upline or fellow consultants for support and advice. Remember, you are not alone and together, you and your team can achieve great success.

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