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Is the Pampered Chef website worth the investment for my hosts?

In summary,Pampered Chef's website is a great way to collect orders from people who might not have been able to come to your show in person. The website allows you to enter information for each show, and then sends out an email inviting guests to order on-line.
Staff member
I probably only have about 20% of my Pampered Chef hosts using it but for those people, they LOVE it. They have used it to get orders from people they normally wouldn't have invited due to distance. It has always been a great way AFTER the show to collect those last minute orders and get CC payments so that the host isn't running around collecting orders. Those that have used it have talked it up with people that booked off of them and they are using it.

I feel it is more than worth my $6 per month. Not every host will use it but those that do love it and I really think it sets us apart from other companies.

Also, I've encouraged my host to try it on herself first to get an idea of what it will look like when she sends an e-mail to her guests. I tell her to click on no for attendance so that she can see how the ordering process will work so that when her guests ask her, she can tell them. I do this in my first coaching call.

Laurie Kenyon

I have paid for my web site for the next 2 years by the orders received through the site alone. Some people look at the Pampered chef catalog, but still call their host or me to order.

I use my web site in this manner. I tell my hosts they can input all the information into the guest list OR they can send out this in an email to invite their friends. I will only tell you here, what I have them send out to their friends regarding the web site:

If you cannot make my Kitchen show, you can look at the catalog online at my consultant's web site www._________ . Click on "Our Products", then "*How to p[urchase (in the upper right hand corner). Input my name ______________, spelled exactly like this, and start ordering! It is a secure web site and credit card info is VERY safe.

Holly Stephens

Once you have it all set up, you will be able to enter individual
shows for each host. Go to Work With shows to do this. Enter the info. they want
and once you have it all entered you will get to a spot that gives an option
to send an e-mail to the host (if you have an e-mail address entered, that
is). The e-mail is pre-made but you can edit it if you want and save how you edit it. Once the e-mail is sent to the host, she gets her password that will allow her to enter the "For My HOsts" section of your website. There she can send e-vites, put together her wish list and such. I primarily have used the site for guests to order on the hosts show. Have gotten lots of orders that way lately.

Lois Spaay
I've had my website since October 2004 and I only received one order for a show on it and that's all!!! I offer my website to all my hosts and guests and print it on everything. I feel I am at a loss with it and I am afraid to go without it just incase. o you have any suggestions how to get people to use it??? :confused:
Another useDo your self a huge favor. I noticed this on another consultant's site. She set up a show with her as the host. This way ANY ONE can go into "Include Your Order With A Show" use your name as the host and then ANY ONE can then order on-line at any time. The order comes to you and then you can drop it into any show you currently have open. I opened a show in my name as well that runs from day one of the month to the last day of the month. You can of course, put diffferent start and stop dates in so as to comply with your ordering schedule for any given month. Now, when I hand out a card or a catalog, I give them directions to the on-line ordering system and tell them to use my name as the host. So if I have a catlog floating somewhere I did not know it was, I can still get orders from it.
One other thing to note, just becasue people are not ordering through it, does not mean they are not looking at it. That too helps your business. I almost wish they had created counters for each of us so we would know what kind of results we are getting. But I do people are looking as I just recently updated mine to include a News Blurb about Help Whip Cancer Month coming. I got feed back from someone I don't know who wants to be contacted in late April about ordering. So... I do also know my hosts and family and friends are passing the web address along as well. Pretty Cool if you ask me, for only $6.00 a month!!!
How in the world did you get your website for $6 a month? I would love to get that rate, but all I can find is $42 for six months, or $72 for a year.. which honestly is absurdly ridiculous pricing. And the other downfall is I have a family website and a gaming forum I help run and I can't post it to link my members to make orders according to the rules I saw. SO, what is the real benefit? :confused:

PS. Now I feel completely silly. :eek: 72 divided by 12 would be 6 :D silly me :eek:
does anyone know if there is a way to transfer your orders from the website directly to pampered partner?
No way to do that other than to manually put the orders in Pampered Partner.
Web site?Hi, everyone. I just signed up today to be a consultant so I am BRAND NEW! How do you sign up for your personal web site?

CONGRATULATIONS on starting your Pampered Chef business! VERY EXCITING!

If you want to get the website, you can go to consultant corner and sign up. If money is tight right now, I'd wait a bit and use your money toward getting new products to add to your kit.
credit card numbers
rachelpc said:
does anyone know if there is a way to transfer your orders from the website directly to pampered partner?

But you can Cut and Paste in the credit card numbers! Way easy!!! That way you could never mess it up!
  • #10
Here's what I have seenTechnology is a great thing! What I found is that most of my hosts that are over 35 won't use it. It makes major sense though because if you think about when most schools started using calculators and computers, was when our twenty something and early 30 something hosts were in school. Boy does that date me because I can still do long division on paper! I look at my web site this way, even if they do not "use it", I do find they are looking at it. That's what really counts. Because that is where you still can get alot of info across to all the people who do look at it. And at $6.00 a month, well, it beats the daylights out of postage and cell phone charges! Something else to remember also is that the longer you have a website and promote it, the more your hosts and guests will start using it. Time and numbers are on your side in this case.
So for the cost of the website verses other communications mediums, you can not beat it.
  • #11
Question on Web SiteI just setup my website and I added a host. To test it out I tried to enter her name in to order products and it comes back saying the name isn't found. How long does it take before her guests should be able to login and order on her show?

  • #12
Personal WebsiteI was wondering if there is a way to sign up to have a personal website without using the PP credit card. I would rather use my own and not have thei cc. I have tried to do it and was not successful.
Cathy Pfingsten :)
  • #13
I don't have the PC credit card, either, but if you have the debit card, you can use that. That's the one that just takes it out of your own bank account.

  • #14
Re: Host name not found!I had the same problem and contacted tech support- all is fixed, so maybe it will help you. Go back to show info and make sure you didn't put a space after you typed the name (I just kept hitting delete all the way to the last letter of the name). I was told by tech support that this inadvertent space causes the problem. See if that works.

Related to Is the Pampered Chef website worth the investment for my hosts?

What is a Personal Pampered Chef Website?

A Personal Pampered Chef Website is a personalized online platform that allows you to sell Pampered Chef products, host virtual parties, and manage your business all in one place.

How do I set up my Personal Pampered Chef Website?

Setting up your Personal Pampered Chef Website is easy! Simply go to the Pampered Chef website and click on the "Join" button. From there, you can follow the steps to create your own website and start selling.

Do I have to pay for a Personal Pampered Chef Website?

Yes, there is a small monthly fee for having a Personal Pampered Chef Website. However, this fee includes all the features and tools you need to manage your business effectively.

Can I customize my Personal Pampered Chef Website?

Absolutely! You have the ability to customize your website with your own branding, photos, and product descriptions. You can also add your own social media links and contact information.

Can I track my sales and orders through my Personal Pampered Chef Website?

Yes, your Personal Pampered Chef Website comes with a built-in tracking system that allows you to monitor your sales, orders, and customer information. This makes it easier for you to keep track of your business and make informed decisions.

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