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Is it Legal to Host Raffles or Sell Squares at Your Direct Sales Party?

or is this something that is regulated?You could try calling your state's attorney general's office to find out more about the legality of this type of fundraiser.
Silver Member
Since there hasn't been an increase in the percentage PC gives to fundraisers, anyone have some creative ideas for promoting a FR to a PDO, preschool or daycare center?

Trish in Texas
Independent Consultant
Point out the fact that we do not raise our prices for our fundraisers (all other companies do). They usually have higher sales with PC and so the money all works out about the same.

You could also do a specific type of products to feature in your fundraiser (like cookbooks) and then tell them that if anyone WANTS to order other things from the book those purchases would also count toward the sales.

It's all in how you present it.
Something that I did for HWC this year, as well as for the humane society here in my town - I donated an extra 5%. That took my commission down to 12%, but it got me more sales than I would have gotten, plus got me a basket full of loyal new customers.
Here is the problem I am having with offering only a certain product...I did that and now there seems to be some issues with it...cookbook only fundraiser because they are on sale next month. I was under the impression that we could do that...sure I was taught that in the 4 years I have been with PC...but others are saying the HO won't allow only 1 product to be sold. Especially not only the Guest Special. I am so confused now. I am going to call them myself to help me...I have already sent fundraiser packets to schools. It would possibly be a $7500 show...now what?:confused:
More than one of the cookbooks is on special, so maybe it would be okay.
For my fundraisers I add to the %. I do a scale... When your group sells 0-599 they rerceive 10%, 600- 1250 they receive 15%, 1250-2000 20%...

Or whatever works for you. You will make higher commission on your other shows that month so make sure your are working. I had so many leads from a Cub Scout Fundraiser... it kept me busy for a solid 6 months and has kept me with online and phone orders. I have gained other fundraisers from it and a huge group of loyal customers! You get the sales and points for your trip. Plus I wrote off the extra percentage I gave to the organization.

For me I look as a fundraiser like a day at the fair. I am there for the bookings and future leads.
After PC messing up again this year with the Relay for Life Fundraiser check, This is what I am going to start doing with future fundraisers (hoping that next year the RFL Teams will still do another fundraiser) I will make up tickets with $ amounts on them ($1, $3, or even $5, have the group/teams sell them for a FREE Shopping spree. The winner will receive 50% of the money collected. For example: If the team collects $1000 selling tickets, the winner gets $500 shopping spree with me (will count as a show and even more free stuff) and the group/team will get $500. The other way the Team has to collect orders, money, deliver products, etc for only $150. So this way they sell tickets and make 50% for their group/team. And then for us we also make more money. I am also offering something really nice for the team when they get some shows booked, this part depends on who/what the team is. Taylored make for the team.

One last note, if someone does want to order, they can and then I will give them 15% of the sales to the team - when I get paid that is.

Teresa, that sounds like a good way to do a fundraiser. Kind of a win/win.
Does the Shopping spree winner also get host benefits? How do you work out all the details?

It sounds like a better way of doing FRs. I have never one.
Yes just as long as the winner about is above $150 and they have to pay just like a real host for the things that the host - 60% off host special, 1/2 price products, etc.

I think this is the best way to do things, well until PC changes the % for fundraisers

In my own opinion

  • #10
Teresa, please be careful doing this. This type of drawing is usually regulated by the state as a raffle/game of chance. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble because someone sees it or mentions it to Law Enforcement.
  • #11
chefann said:
Teresa, please be careful doing this. This type of drawing is usually regulated by the state as a raffle/game of chance. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble because someone sees it or mentions it to Law Enforcement.

Ann, How do I go about finding this info out?

I have been involved in selling raffle tickets for many different organizations, selling tickets for coupons to restaurants, items donated, etc. never knew about this.

I started doing this over 7 years ago for the March of Dimes, my daughter Lucy had been one of the ambassador for M of D with my husband work since she was 3 months old. I started selling tickets for the ACS 4 years ago.

I don't want to get into trouble so who should I check with??

Thanks for giving me heads up on this

  • #12
Depending on your state, and here in MI, you need a gaming lisence to sell raffle tickets. You can apply for one and they cost $$ for a one-time event.

I had a guest invited to a show my mom had and she called me to see if I was going to be doing any kind of raffle at the show or selling of squares... I told her no, that I don't do that and then she responded that she could come. She is an FBI agent and she told me that doing things like that is illegal and ethically she would have to report me. You never know who will be attending shows so just be careful.

Related to Is it Legal to Host Raffles or Sell Squares at Your Direct Sales Party?

1. What does "No Increase in Fundraiser %" mean?

"No Increase in Fundraiser %" means that the percentage of profits earned from the fundraiser will not be raised or increased from the current amount. This could be due to various reasons such as the company's budget constraints or the terms of the fundraiser agreement.

2. Will the organization still receive the same amount of funds with "No Increase in Fundraiser %"?

Yes, the organization will still receive the same amount of funds as originally agreed upon in the fundraiser. The only difference is that the percentage of profits earned will not be increased.

3. Can we negotiate for a higher percentage of profits if there is "No Increase in Fundraiser %"?

Unfortunately, if the company has stated that there will be no increase in fundraiser percentage, it means that the terms of the fundraiser have already been finalized and cannot be negotiated further.

4. Is "No Increase in Fundraiser %" a common practice for Pampered Chef?

Yes, "No Increase in Fundraiser %" is a common practice for Pampered Chef and other similar companies. This is to ensure fairness and consistency for all organizations participating in fundraisers.

5. How can we make the most out of our fundraiser if there is "No Increase in Fundraiser %"?

Even with "No Increase in Fundraiser %", there are still ways to maximize your earnings. You can encourage more sales and participation from your supporters, promote the fundraiser on social media, and offer additional incentives for those who participate. Additionally, selecting popular and high-selling products from Pampered Chef can also help increase your profits.

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