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Is It True That Direct Sales Success is Only Temporary?

In summary, Sara has been very successful with her first few parties. She is advised not to listen to those who are negative about her new business. She has met many people and is looking forward to growing her business.
kitchen queen
So, I just signed up and it seems like my party list for my super starter months is growing. BUT, there are many people around me saying,"these first months are good...and then it's all down hill from there." :eek: :eek: :eek:

I have been so excited! I just wonder now...is it true! So far I have 5 parties booked for April (my first month), 3 parties booked for May and 3 parties booked for June. Only one of those parties is with someone who is a family member, so I think I should be okay...don't you.

Oh, my

Stay Excited!Hi Sara,
First of all, my advice is don't listen to anyone who is being negative about your new business! It's what YOU make it to be! It sounds like you are off to a great start with quite a few shows booked already. I am just finishing my super starter month 2 and my business is doing great! Not only have my super starter months been a fabulous success (I earned both monthly bonuses and 2 plus bonuses...I need a new kitchen!), but I have met soooo many people at shows. This is where you have an awesome opportunity to grow your business with bookings. I will meet my 3rd month bonus without difficulty and my calendar is already full for May and into June. This is just from doing shows. Remember to :) have fun and follow up with ALL leads. If you're having a great time, people can't wait for you to do a show at their house. Also, remember business opportunities are everywhere...the hair salon, the post office, etc. Have your business card ready to give out. Talk about it wherever you go!
Best of luck to you. It really is a fantastic way to earn $$ and great kitchen products!
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Ditto!!Stay Excited! And ASK everyone when want to do their party or if they want more information about what you do and your business will grow! I have had months that looked like things were slowing down but then I'll get on the phone! People love our products and there's always someone who wants some free ;)
You will be greatI have been a consultant for four years. I have never had anyone say anything negative about our products. However how long and how much you stay busy depends on how much you put into it. This is a business, ask everyone with a pulse to either allow you to have a show for them or to join your team, call them mail call them again. Your hours are flexible not optional. You remeber that you'll be great! I will not lie. There will be parties that flop or cancel, months when there are no shows but there is that in all businesses. You are doing the right thing to help you with those days by being part of this list, go to your meeting, listen to tapes, do teleclasses, GO TO CONFERENCE, Do what sucessful leaders do and you will be sucessful yourself.
Question for all of you...When you receive your survey slips back from your guests, do you call ALL of them, do you only call those that stated they may be intereseted? I was just wondering if you call all of them (those that stated they were not interested in anything--shows or the business), what do you say to them. Thank you in advance!!

Call them all!! This way, you can let them know you will be calling when they receive their products. Also, some may not want to really say yes to a party at the show but may be able to tell you " Sure, I'd like to do one. Just not right now." instead of a no or maybe. Customer CARE! Guess I should get back to my laundry. LOL. Hope that helps!

don't look firstI don't usually look at the door prize drawing slips until I get home but I do ask everyone at my shows and interestingly people who say maybe don't usually book that night but often some who say no do book. Often the only place they put phone # or email is on those slips so it's a great resourse for later and of course I do the follow up calls on everyone ;)
bookingsI have only done a few shows so far but one thing that has helped me get people to book a party is to let them know the next couple of months host specials. Some people are looking for certain specials they can get and one month might work better for them than another month. Also I tell them that if they book a show at this show the hostess for this show can go to their show and get the monthly hostess special. Usually the hostess will convince someone right then and there to book a show. :)
I say No!I have to disagree! If someone marked "no" I take that as a "no" I personally don't like receiveing sales calls and I don't like to make them. I tell people in the begining of my show that I am not "going to chase them down the driveway so they book a show!" I usually get 2-3 bookings per show. I do send out an email to those who give my their address, thanking them for sttending ____'s show and inviting them to recieve my email newsletter. I get a few takers each time. I have never been comfertable with making sales calls later on either. I will will put a little note in their bag w/ their order letting them know I here to help if they have any questions or future needs.

This is just my opinion, I think we all have different comfort levels and we need to work w/i them.

  • #10
the no's
quikcook said:
I have to disagree! If someone marked "no" I take that as a "no" I personally don't like receiveing sales calls and I don't like to make them. I tell people in the begining of my show that I am not "going to chase them down the driveway so they book a show!" I usually get 2-3 bookings per show. I do send out an email to those who give my their address, thanking them for sttending ____'s show and inviting them to recieve my email newsletter. I get a few takers each time. I have never been comfertable with making sales calls later on either. I will will put a little note in their bag w/ their order letting them know I here to help if they have any questions or future needs.

This is just my opinion, I think we all have different comfort levels and we need to work w/i them.


When I call people who said no, I tell them how glad I was to meet them and thank them for ordering. I tell them I am here to help them if they need me and ask permission to check back with them in 3-6 months. If they say "no" or "I'll call you" I do not try to contact them again. Some people really like that and do call back 6 months or a year later! I had one who called about 7 months after my call and asked how to get our cookware. She had a $550 show...
  • #11
One of the best ways to get around the "NO's" is to call for a BIG MAC call instead of calling about the prize drawing slip.

First start by telling them you had a great time at the show and ask if they enjoyed themselves. Then tell them why you are calling....to go over their order to make sure it is correct. Ask if there is anything else they had on their wish list that they did not get a chance to order. Do they want to add that to their list or would they like to get it for free? Talk about hosting a show to get for free. If they say no, ask if they need any recipes or other info for their products. Let them know that the show will be open until ****. Thank them again for their time and let them know again that you enjoyed meeting them.

If you call one person, you MUST call everyone. Friends and neighbors talk and they will all be expecting you to call and will be offended if you don't.

If no one is home, leave a message letting them know you were calling to make sure you got their order correct. If they need any recipe ideas, please call you at *******.
  • #12
Encougement!First of all, if I had based my business on my first year of business, I would have quit long ago!!! This is my 7th year and I have quit my full time job (after 22 years) and made $33,000 in "take-home" pay last year! I didn't take home that much when I made $45,000 at my job! Oh, and that doesn't include trips and products and such. So, my advice is DON'T QUIT!!! Those who are successful work through the "down times" and learn from them. Remember, nothing that comes easy is ever really worth it!

Related to Is It True That Direct Sales Success is Only Temporary?

1. How can I stay motivated while working on my Pampered Chef business?

Staying motivated while building your Pampered Chef business can be tough, but there are a few strategies that can help. First, set realistic and achievable goals for yourself. This will give you something concrete to work towards and can help keep you focused. Additionally, surround yourself with other motivated and positive consultants who can offer support and encouragement. Finally, take breaks and practice self-care to avoid burnout.

2. What should I do if I'm feeling discouraged or overwhelmed?

It's completely normal to feel discouraged or overwhelmed at times while building your Pampered Chef business. If you're feeling this way, take a step back and reassess your goals and priorities. Consider reaching out to a mentor or fellow consultant for advice and support. It's also important to practice self-care and take breaks when needed to avoid burnout.

3. How can I handle rejection or negative feedback?

Rejection and negative feedback are a natural part of any business, including Pampered Chef. The key is to not take it personally and instead use it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Take the feedback as constructive criticism and use it to improve your skills and approach. Remember that each no brings you one step closer to a yes, and stay positive and persistent in your efforts.

4. What can I do to stay motivated during slow periods?

Slow periods can be tough, but they are also a great opportunity to focus on other aspects of your Pampered Chef business. Use this time to work on your marketing strategy, reach out to potential customers or hosts, or attend training events to improve your skills. You can also use this time to take a break and recharge, so you're ready to hit the ground running when things pick up again.

5. How can I support and encourage my team members?

Being a leader in Pampered Chef means not only focusing on your own success, but also supporting and encouraging your team members. Be available to answer questions, provide guidance, and offer support when needed. Celebrate their successes and offer constructive feedback when necessary. Remember to lead by example and stay positive and motivated, as this will inspire your team to do the same.

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