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How to Attract Guests to Pampered Chef Parties Despite Party Fatigue?

In summary, a lot of people would like to have a Pampered Chef party, but all of their friends are sick of parties. Hosts can put a really fun spin on the party by doing a theme show.
I have not yet joined -- I have to get those four dates -- but I am finding that a lot of people like Pampered Chef, would like to have a party, but all of their friends are sick of parties -- they have been to the candle parties, etc. How do you get around this? Pampered Chef parties seem like they would be a lot more fun than a candle party (although I have never been to one, and don't generally like them (they make me sneeze)). I have been pushing catalog parties instead hoping this will work. Also, how do you approach Senior Citizens with the party idea -- I know my mother thinks she has everything she needs, but I see a lot of items in the catalog that she could use to help w/ her arthritis. Sorry this is so wordy. Any help will be appreciated -- You all have great ideas.
I had recently went and rented a booth (with another consultant) and ran into a very elderly couple. Well she was really impressed with the garlic press but didn't want to buy on the spot. So I got her name and number and contacted her a few days later. In between that time, I had gone to one of our cluster meetings and another girl in our cluster told me a little story.
She said that she recently ran into a lady who bought a garlic press at the store and tried to exchange it when it broke. Well of course it had been a couple months and the store wouldn't return it. So she had to buy another one. Well that one too broke and she bought yet another one. She eventually ran into a PC consultant and bought right with our garlic press with a 2 year warranty.
Well a few days went by and I called the lady. She said that her husband convinced her to buy one at the local store (I was only $30 short of my sales goal for the month~being my first month) so I told her the story I was recently told. She said you know what, you're right!! She bought the garlic press and she ended up buying the small batter bowl and the egg seperator! Her sales totaled $31.50 and I was extremely happy to have that story to share and to reach my goal!

If you keep reiterating the PC warranty and how great the products are, they will sell themselves! It also helps with having a few of the products on hand to show the off!

Good Luck!
SusanK said:
I have not yet joined -- I have to get those four dates -- but I am finding that a lot of people like Pampered Chef, would like to have a party, but all of their friends are sick of parties -- they have been to the candle parties, etc. How do you get around this? Pampered Chef parties seem like they would be a lot more fun than a candle party (although I have never been to one, and don't generally like them (they make me sneeze)). I have been pushing catalog parties instead hoping this will work. Also, how do you approach Senior Citizens with the party idea -- I know my mother thinks she has everything she needs, but I see a lot of items in the catalog that she could use to help w/ her arthritis. Sorry this is so wordy. Any help will be appreciated -- You all have great ideas.
I think a big "selling point" on booking shows with hosts who think their friends are sick of home parties is to put a really fun spin on it with theme shows. I've never seen a candle party that had a theme show. There are so many fun things to try: Death by Chocolate, any of the Celebrations shows, Mexican Fiesta, Just Desserts, Easy Entertaining Ideas, Appetizers, Fast Family Favorites, Grill/Deck Party, Pool Party, Tailgate Party, etc... This adds a lot of variety for guests. There are so many ways to put a fun spin on things, that this is what I'd really hype to hosts who are concerned that friends won't come. Of course, THEY will really have to hype it up as well. Their enthusiasm can be contagious. There are fun games to do at shows (some that aren't really the type of games that people shy away from at shows). I would just really highlight the fun themes you can do with recipes. Ask the potential hosts to brainstorm with you on what can make it different so her friends will WANT to come. I'm sure you'll get lots of other ideas on this website. Good luck!!
  • Thread starter
  • #4
Thanks to both of youThanks for your advice. I have gotten a lot of ideas from this website, I think I have been a little shy about expressing them, though. I will have to get over that. Do you think that a "It's 5:00 Somewhere" party would fly on a Saturday or Sunday around 3:00 in the afternoon -- I am looking at it for an open house/kitchen show at my house to get me started -- I just don't want to offend someone. It is kind of a saying that my mother-in-law and I have when we want to have a glass of wine at lunch when she is visiting. I thought it might catch their eye.
I love the "Its 5:00 Somewhere" theme. That one might be better for a friday night or saturday afternoon/night show instead of Sunday. Give us some ideas on what you might do for that one. I dont think people would be offended...have it right on the postcard...then if they dont want to come they might still give you an order...or they may be curious and call to find out more? I need to start trying more of these theme parties!!! :D

I think the "It's 5:00 somewhere" theme would be great! This would do great as an appeitizer show with wine to be servered too. Don't worry about offending anyone. There is different groups of people everywhere. If you offer different theme shows your hostess will pick what is best for her friends.
I hope you don't mind, but I would love to offer this as one of my theme shows. A lot of the people in my area are very big on wine and wine tasting. I think they would love this idea. GREAT Theme!! Go for it! You'll do great as an consultant. You already have the right ideas when it comes to offering different types of theme shows to keep your shows interesting. I have had one hostess that has hosted now 6 shows for me just because of different themes or new recipes offered with in anywhere from 3 months-
8 months apart. She always has a great turn outs. Good luck!

I hear the same thing about there being too many parties going on as well. I live in Minot, ND so in the winter theres not much to do but go to these kinds of parties. I usually try to tell a potential host all of our benefits of hosting a show. Usually those along with the host special will convince people to do a show. You can always ask potential hosts what they would like from our catalogue and sometimes the things they want are upcoming host specials. Then they'll sign up for those months.
I also try to get people to do theme parties but so far I haven't had any luck enticing anyone to do this. I think it would be alot of fun and would really boost sales if someone would just try one. Does anyone have anything you say or do to get people to do a theme show?

Have you tried a theme show binder with all the different theme shows you offer to pass around during your show? I have started doing this in the past 6 months and have increased the theme shows I do. I was in a slump with Classic Kitchen Shows so I originally did it for me but it has really done well for hosts and guests too. We are not the only ones who get into a slump!!
If it makes you feel any better Susan, I'm extremely shy as well! :eek:

I'm hosting an Open House at my boyfriends condo this weekend. I dropped off invitations at every suite in the two towers - around 500 units. I asked for R.S.V.P.'s by the end of the day today i.e. "Please help me plan enough food and R.S.V.P....." I've heard from one girl, who will be bringing 3 guests. I called her back and chatted with her a little bit. It helps to make a connection because then they feel worse about backing out (or so I think).

Anyways, for the point of my story. I was just riding up to our suite in the elevator, and there were 3 other ladies around my age in there. Do you think I could open my mouth and say "I'm having an Open House this weekend, I'd love for you to come!" No such luck. My mouth stayed closed until my floor, and I got off....

SusanK said:
Thanks for your advice. I have gotten a lot of ideas from this website, I think I have been a little shy about expressing them, though. I will have to get over that. Do you think that a "It's 5:00 Somewhere" party would fly on a Saturday or Sunday around 3:00 in the afternoon -- I am looking at it for an open house/kitchen show at my house to get me started -- I just don't want to offend someone. It is kind of a saying that my mother-in-law and I have when we want to have a glass of wine at lunch when she is visiting. I thought it might catch their eye.
  • Thread starter
  • #10
Thanks for all of your encoragementThe theme show binder is a great idea. I think I will use that. Anyone that wants to use the "It's 5:00 Somewhere" idea is welcome to it. I was planning on doing a Mexican theme -- Sangria, Margaritas and lots of dips and appetizers. I know what you mean about being shy. I have gotten over it for the most part, but I was voted second shyest out of 275 in my graduating class in high school -- my best friend was the shyest. Thanks again for the encouragement.
  • #11
I did make up a binder with the theme shows in them. The last show I had I took it with me. I tried to get people to look at it but no one did. I didn't get any bookings off the show either which is probably why no one looked at it. I think it was that particular group. I'm having another show for that group on Monday. Knowing them I'm kind of doubtful that I'll get a booking off that one either. I'm really excited about another show I'll be having a few days after that one. I'm really hoping to get bookings then.
  • #12
Try a theme show!HAHA! That's funny Susan- I was voted Most Spirited for my senior class of 648 and I STILL find myself a bit shy to come out and open my mouth about hosting shows. :rolleyes: Alot of times I keep saying to myself to "open your mouth" but I get too shy or don't want to come off as pushy. I guess we'll get used to it though right?!?!

About people being burned out on parties - a themed party is a GREAT way to spice it up! I am having a Desperate Housewives show (hosted my my mom :)). We ran into the same problem with our guests at first - "I've been to so many" or "I already have everything". My mom showed the catalog off to many of the guests and OFCOURSE then they realized that they didn't have everything - "Wow, more stuff came out". Then when we announced it is going to be a themed show after Deperate Housewives we had some great feedback! Especially when we told them what was going to be on the menu: Tempting Tapas and Lawnboy Lemonade...needless to say EVERYONE is coming to the show next Sunday :D !!! That idea was actually posted before under another thread I believe titled "Deperate Housewives". Anyway, there are a TON of ideas to spice up the ordinary PC party known to many.

Best of Luck to you!!! This site is GREAT for advice and ideas!!!!
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  • #13
Does anyone have some example flyers to put in a theme show binder,i saw someone mentioned they had smaple kinds of music & such to do as well as games,if someone has it coule they email me it!!!
[email protected]
  • #14
Does anyone have some example flyers to put in a theme show binder,i saw someone mentioned they had smaple kinds of music & such to do as well as games,if someone has it coule they email me it!!!
[email protected]
  • #15
Gee StephanieIs this all that RSVP'd? If so, I'm so sorry...I can't believe out of all that many people (that I know some of them LOVE PC) they didn't call :(

Stephanie S said:
If it makes you feel any better Susan, I'm extremely shy as well! :eek:

I'm hosting an Open House at my boyfriends condo this weekend. I dropped off invitations at every suite in the two towers - around 500 units. I asked for R.S.V.P.'s by the end of the day today i.e. "Please help me plan enough food and R.S.V.P....." I've heard from one girl, who will be bringing 3 guests. I called her back and chatted with her a little bit. It helps to make a connection because then they feel worse about backing out (or so I think).

Anyways, for the point of my story. I was just riding up to our suite in the elevator, and there were 3 other ladies around my age in there. Do you think I could open my mouth and say "I'm having an Open House this weekend, I'd love for you to come!" No such luck. My mouth stayed closed until my floor, and I got off....
  • #16
I have a lot of success with Theme shows this summer. I have people coming up to me before even ordering to book my "Margaritaville" show. Also, I tell people they will "learn" something from my Cooking Shows - your guests will learn some new cooking tips. It's not just a regular Home show.


Related to How to Attract Guests to Pampered Chef Parties Despite Party Fatigue?

1. How can I avoid party fatigue when hosting a Pampered Chef party?

To avoid party fatigue, it's important to plan ahead and pace yourself. Start by setting a realistic timeline for the party, including breaks for guests to socialize and refreshments. You can also break up the party with interactive activities, such as a cooking demonstration or a game. Lastly, make sure to delegate tasks and ask for help from friends or family to ease the burden of hosting.

2. What can I do to keep my guests engaged and interested throughout the party?

One way to keep guests engaged is to incorporate hands-on activities throughout the party. This can include cooking or baking demos, recipe tastings, or even a DIY project. Another tip is to keep the party moving and avoid long periods of sitting or standing in one place. You can also encourage participation by offering prizes or rewards for guests who actively participate in the party.

3. How can I make sure my guests don't feel pressured to buy products during the party?

It's important to remember that the main goal of a Pampered Chef party is to have fun and socialize with friends. To avoid any feelings of pressure, make it clear from the beginning that there is no obligation to purchase anything. You can also offer alternative ways for guests to support you, such as hosting their own party or referring friends to your business.

4. Is it okay to take breaks during the party if I start to feel overwhelmed?

Absolutely! It's important to take care of yourself as the host. If you start to feel overwhelmed or fatigued, it's perfectly acceptable to take a short break. You can use this time to freshen up, grab a snack, or delegate tasks to others. Your guests will understand and appreciate you taking care of yourself.

5. How can I make sure my Pampered Chef party is a success without causing burnout?

The key to a successful Pampered Chef party without causing burnout is to manage your time and energy effectively. This means setting realistic goals and expectations for the party, taking breaks when needed, and asking for help from others. It's also important to prioritize self-care and not push yourself beyond your limits. Finally, remember to have fun and enjoy the party yourself! Your positive energy will be contagious to your guests.

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