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How Many Shows Booked July/August?

In summary, Ginny has 7 cooking shows booked in July and 2 cooking for August. Sarah has 3 cooking shows booked for July and 3 for August. Kristi has booked another cooking show for July.
Silver Member
Just wanted to post and see how everyone's Summer is looking so far? How many Shows do you have for July and how many for August?
I have 9 cooking shows for July and 3 for August. This is my best summer EVER!
smspamperedchef said:
Just wanted to post and see how everyone's Summer is looking so far? How many Shows do you have for July and how many for August?
I have 9 cooking shows for July and 3 for August. This is my best summer EVER!

7 Cooking / 2 Catalog Shows for July
3 Cooking Shows for August!

It's been my best summer ever too! I am sitting at $4700 in sales for June - with one catalog show to close - that is my BEST EVER month fo sales (not counting my big fundraiser) and the most shows I've ever had in June!

Even if not all of my Shows stick for July - I've never gone into July with this many shows on the books before!
(Hanging my head low) I only have 2 for July and 2 for August right now.
I have 2 for July I did have 4, and I have 4 for August. I did have 4 for July but 2 moved to August.
I only have one for July and one for August. I'm doing my customer care calls from my first two shows at the end of the week. I hope to get more from those *fingers crossed*
Right now I only have 3 for July and none for August. I have a show tonight that might get me a July booking or two. But I really don't care if I have anymore July shows. Last year I had 0, so I'm already better than that! I was going to make some calls for July bookings, but I think I'll just wait until the Monday after I get back from conference & do the calls then to book August & September. I'm having a baby in October & am planning on taking that month off, so I want to do all I can right before so I can book up November & December from those August & September shows.
I have 4 for July. None in August yet, but working on that. One gal wants the knives bad so we will see what happens!!
I have 1 cooking and 1 catalog for July and 2 cooking shows for August - hoping to get 2 more in there for each month.
StacieB said:
I have 4 for July. None in August yet, but working on that. One gal wants the knives bad so we will see what happens!!

Yeah, I have a few leads for the knives, but no definite dates yet so those don't count! The past hosts from those shows really want the knives, so they are going to hound the potential hosts for me!!!:D
  • #10
1 catalog for July. 1 cooking for August. I have GOT to get on the phone!
  • #11
7 cooking & 4 catalog is July

4 cooking & 3 catalog ~ so far!

  • #12
7 Cooking Shows
3 Catalog Shows
2 Online Fundraisers

4 Cooking Shows

(I need to get crackin' on August, but I want a few more to buffer myself for cancellations and reschedules that are bound to happen in July!)
  • #13
So far I have 1 in July and 3 in August, but I will be doing customer care calls tomorrow so I'm hoping to get a few more for July.
  • #14
Pampered Laura said:
I need to get crackin' on August, but I want a few more to buffer myself for cancellations and reschedules that are bound to happen in July!

My thought EXACTLY Laura!

I have a fundraiser in July too...forgot about that until Laura posted hers!

  • #15
I have 4 cooking in July and 4 in August.

  • #16
I have 3 in July after Chicago plus I am doing a 1000$ mystery host catalog show while I am away. I could potentially have another one before I leave for conference but she hasn't committed officially yet. Then I have NOTHING! for August! I am out of ideas... I guess I am waiting on my next few shows to generate some bookings... I have 3 for September though!!!!
  • #17
I have 3 Cooking/1 Catty Show for July. July is sort of hard since conference and then we are having a family vacation at the end of July.

4 cooking shows in August.
  • #18
For July I have about 3 catty and one cooking (one just cancelled the other day)

I have 2 cooking for August so far
  • #19
July- 2 cattys, 3 cooking
August- 2 cooking

  • #20
So far 7 cooking shows for July--not bad considering after conference I will be gone 1 week on vacation with DH. 2 cooking for August.
  • #21
Just booked another cooking show for July - up to 2 cooking/1 catalog for July and 2 cooking for August - plus I talked to another friend who's looking at her calendar as well. Hopefully it will keep going!
  • #22
4 for July and 2 for August so far!
  • #23
2 for July - have time for 2 more
4 for August - want 2-3 more + a maybe bridal shower
  • #24
We have 8 shows booked for July and 2 for August so far! Keep up the great work everyone!!!! :)
  • #25
I have 1 definate and 1 maybe in July and 1 in August... I need to get on the phone!!! I'll be doing that Friday!!
  • #26
3 Kitchen Shows, 1 Catalog Show for July

4 Kitchen Shows, 2 Catalog Shows for August

and 1 that hasn't decided on July or August
  • #27
Keep calling everybody - keep up the good work - I was able to talk to two more people tonight - one wants me to call her back early next week (she was headed out of town) and another said to keep her in mind in a couple of months (too many family obligations right now) and these two ladies I met at a booth a couple of weeks ago. So you never know who might be interested.
  • #28
I have 4 cooking shows for July amd 4 caddy shows
for August I have 5 cooking shows

7100.00 for June Whoo whoo , still need to get on the phone for Aug and Start on Sept . So far 2 in Sept , 2 in Oct
  • #29
Wohoo I have 3 cooking shows for August now - 2 actually booked today. I do a lot of catalog fundraisers so getting this many on my books already pleases me I also have at least one catalog show for Sept and cooking show for the fall (need to pin down a date still).
  • #30
Just 1 at the very end of July. My career with PC is starting so slowly. I am really kind of discouraged.:confused:

Oh well. I will keep on going.

  • #31
I just booked another one for July at tonight's show! That makes 4 for July (three for the week after conference--hoping my enthusiasm gets me more bookings & recruit leads!). But I don't have any August yet--although I do have a few people I need to call about for then. Plus I have last year's hosts to call.
  • #32
I have 5 (maybe 6) for July and a big fat 0 for August!
On the plus side, two of my July shows are the week before conference! (July 5th & 6th) And, 1, two days after I get back from conference!
Hopefully August will do okay. Everyone familiar with PC wants to wait for the new catalog.
  • #33
I'm not going to post this time. I posted for June and it all fell apart, so I'm keeping my numbers for July to myself!! :D
  • Thread starter
  • #34
MGG said:
So far 7 cooking shows for July--not bad considering after conference I will be gone 1 week on vacation with DH. 2 cooking for August.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I leave for SDD wedding on the 5th come back on the 9th and then gone for Conference from 11th-15th. Have one show end of June (dated for July) before I leave and then 8 more after I get back!
  • Thread starter
  • #35
cheferikab said:
Just 1 at the very end of July. My career with PC is starting so slowly. I am really kind of discouraged.:confused:

Oh well. I will keep on going.

Don't get discouraged! When is/was your FIRST show? Get on the phone and get everyone all excited about the Pampered Chef! Your enthusiasm will get everyone wanting to do shows with you!
  • #36
I have 3 in July, 2 in August, 2 in September, and 2 in November all ready.

We're going to the states for a month (Aug 10 - Sept 8), and I'm defintely going to round up a couple of friends to shows in the states for me, too!
  • #37
Yesterday was a banner day where my July numbers went up quite a bit. For July I have 6 cooking shows and 4 catalog shows. August I have 2 Cooking Shows for sure, another maybe in the wings. I'm sure I'll get a bunch more because of those knives!!!

If you're looking for people to call for bookings....here's an idea. Once your July is where you want it to be and you want to start booking lots for August, do a report from PP and pull up everyone who has purchased any piece of the forged cutlery collection. Call them and tell them about the FABULOUS host special in August. And let them know they have the chance to get two brand new pieces at 60% off that aren't even in the catalog until September!! Then you can call them back after conference and tell them what those two pieces are (as well as all the other new products). Take it a step further and even call everyone who has purchased the self-sharpening knives. Ask them if they'd like to upgrade to a couple pieces of our top-of-the-line cutlery and get them at 60% off!! You're sure to generate some bookings!:D Good luck!!
  • #38
Right now, 2 cooking shows, 3 catalog shows in July, 1 cooking show in August. Not anywhere near enough, but I have spent 0 time setting them up. If I can ever get an evening without some kiddo activity that I have to attend I could get something done! :D
  • #39
3 Cooking Shows
1 Fundraiser
2 Catalog Shows

NOTHING! Gotta work on that. :)

But I do have a few people interested in September!
  • #40
I have 1 catalog show and 5 cooking shows for July.... oh, and my open house this weekend will be submitted as July if it doesn't get me the $800 I need to go to the next level for June.....Then I think I need to take a few months of just 1-2 shows a month before I decide to quit or something!
  • #41
2 cooking for July ( I need to get on the phone today, I'd like to get 2-3 more) and 1 cooking, 1 catalog and one possible catalog for August.
  • #42
I just picked up another July show today when I took my son in for his physical. I asked the office manager about having a "corporate express" office show. She immediately said - you need to talk to our luncheon scheduler- tell her i said to put you on the schedule. She said the pharm reps do luncheons for them all the time. And they would love to have someone come cook for them.

Gee, thats all I had to do was ask! Now why didnt I do that a long time ago!

On my schedule for next week is to call all my docs offices and see if they would like to do the same thing!

  • #43
3 July Cooking Shows 2 August Cooking Shows and 2September Shows
Things are looking good for the months to come.

  • #44
I just picked up another July show today when I took my son in for his physical. I asked the office manager about having a "corporate express" office show. She immediately said - you need to talk to our luncheon scheduler- tell her i said to put you on the schedule. She said the pharm reps do luncheons for them all the time. And they would love to have someone come cook for them.

Thanks for that tip! I just moved a few months ago, and have been trying to figure an angle into offices like that...I guess I should just ask! LOL I've been making it more difficult than it should be! :D
  • #45
I have 4 Cooking shows in July - 2 in August

Everyone wnats to wait fo rthe "NEW" fall/AWinter products...

But I am holding off scheduling Sept. until I have a solid August:cool:
  • #46
missyciccolella said:
Thanks for that tip! I just moved a few months ago, and have been trying to figure an angle into offices like that...I guess I should just ask! LOL I've been making it more difficult than it should be! :D
Isnt that always the way we talk ourselves out of business? LOL! Just ask... the worst can happen is they decline! good Luck to you,
  • #47
jenniferknapp said:
I have 1 catalog show and 5 cooking shows for July.... oh, and my open house this weekend will be submitted as July if it doesn't get me the $800 I need to go to the next level for June.

....Then I think I need to take a few months of just 1-2 shows a month before I decide to quit or something!

You getting a bit overwhelmed?
  • #48
In July, I have...
1 catalog fundraiser
5 cooking shows
1 cooking show fundraiser...

7 show at $450/show = JULY SELL-A-THON!!!! Considering I don't have ONE show for June, I'm extatic. August is getting there, but not where I want yet... of course with all the July shows, I'm hoping that will help with August!
  • #49
smspamperedchef said:
Don't get discouraged! When is/was your FIRST show? Get on the phone and get everyone all excited about the Pampered Chef! Your enthusiasm will get everyone wanting to do shows with you!

My first show was last Friday. I invited 50 people (I printed 50 invitations and distributed all of them, so it may have actually been more than that) and only 6 of my closest friends showed up. I had no RSVPs. I did get 1 booking. That was for July 28.

I have also scheduled an open house in my subdivision. I distributed 120 flyers to every home in the neighborhood for an open house yesterday and Saturday. No one RSVP'd. No one came yesterday. I am still trying to be optimistic for Saturday.

I have called everyone that I know and have even had friends ask me not to discuss PC with them because they would not be interested in hosting. The phone calls have been hard because I am really shy about it.

I have been extremely enthusiastic. At my show last week, my friends said that my enthusiasm and love for the products really shined through. I did not join PC because I NEED the money. I joined because I love the products and want them all! I try to make other people want them too.

Sorry this is so long. I just wanted to make sure that I thoroughly responded.

  • #50

Whenever I've done my own shows (I've done two mystery host shows) - I always make sure and call everyone I haven't heard from - often people really do forget - they put the invite down and come across it after the party. I've had people who say I knew I couldn't come but I still want to order something. Often times it's just a bad date for them and they usually express interest in future shows.

As far as open houses - I think when people don't personally know you - that they may be hesitant to go to a stranger's house. Do you know any of your neighbors who might be willing to host a show?

Good job on getting your one booking - host coach the heck out of her and have her invite a lot of people. Good luck! Hang in there - it does get easier:)
<h2>1. How many shows do you have booked for July and August?</h2><p>As of now, I have 9 cooking shows booked for July and 3 for August. This is my best summer ever!</p><h2>2. What is your best advice for booking shows during the summer months?</h2><p>My best advice for booking shows during the summer is to reach out to past customers and offer them a special summer deal or promotion. You can also host outdoor cooking shows or partner with local events to reach a larger audience.</p><h2>3. How do you handle cancellations or rescheduled shows during the summer?</h2><p>If a show needs to be cancelled or rescheduled during the summer, I always try to be understanding and accommodating. I offer alternative dates or allow the host to pass the show onto a friend or family member. It's important to maintain good relationships with your hosts, even during the busy summer months.</p><h2>4. How do you balance work and vacation during the summer as a Pampered Chef consultant?</h2><p>As a Pampered Chef consultant, I try to plan my vacations around my show schedule. I also make use of technology and social media to continue promoting my business while on vacation. It's important to set boundaries and make time for both work and relaxation.</p><h2>5. What are some tips for increasing sales during the slower summer months?</h2><p>One tip for increasing sales during the slower summer months is to offer exclusive summer products or bundles. You can also host virtual parties and offer online specials to reach a wider audience. Lastly, don't be afraid to get creative with your marketing and promotions to attract new customers.</p>

Related to How Many Shows Booked July/August?

1. How many shows do you have booked for July and August?

As of now, I have 9 cooking shows booked for July and 3 for August. This is my best summer ever!

2. What is your best advice for booking shows during the summer months?

My best advice for booking shows during the summer is to reach out to past customers and offer them a special summer deal or promotion. You can also host outdoor cooking shows or partner with local events to reach a larger audience.

3. How do you handle cancellations or rescheduled shows during the summer?

If a show needs to be cancelled or rescheduled during the summer, I always try to be understanding and accommodating. I offer alternative dates or allow the host to pass the show onto a friend or family member. It's important to maintain good relationships with your hosts, even during the busy summer months.

4. How do you balance work and vacation during the summer as a Pampered Chef consultant?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, I try to plan my vacations around my show schedule. I also make use of technology and social media to continue promoting my business while on vacation. It's important to set boundaries and make time for both work and relaxation.

5. What are some tips for increasing sales during the slower summer months?

One tip for increasing sales during the slower summer months is to offer exclusive summer products or bundles. You can also host virtual parties and offer online specials to reach a wider audience. Lastly, don't be afraid to get creative with your marketing and promotions to attract new customers.

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