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How Did My Fall Bazaar Results Exceed Expectations?

In summary, the speaker attended a fall bazaar on Saturday and was pleased to report that they had 5 recruit prospects, 7 show bookings, and collected over $300 in sales. They also shared that they have two more bazaars coming up in December and are hoping for more sales. The speaker also mentioned setting up a table display with various products and promotional materials, as well as offering incentives for filling out survey slips. They also mentioned participating in a festival of the trees event and collecting $358 in total sales.
I attended a fall bazaar on Sat 11/12 and the results are amazing. I have 5 recruit prospects, 7 show bookings and 40 people that didn't mark any boxes that I need to follow up with. I NEVER expected to get such a great response. I also collected OVER $300 in sales!

I just had to tell people that understands what an AMAZING accomplishment this is. I am keeping the show open until the 15th and have to call all these people before then. I already have 2 people that want to order before I submit the show.
Hey! That's wonderful!
I had my "Holiday House" 3rd year at our neighborhood clubhouse yesterday along with 7 other ladies... PartyLite, MaryKay, Creative Mem, Tupperware, jewelry, books...anyway!
I left with ONE order for $27...and that was my neighbor...she could order anytime... and I got one call from another neighbor friend for 3 FamSize QSP... so right now it isn't a show. No bookings... very disappointing...
I didn't realize when I set the date that there was a BIG college football game in our city! I don't follow those things! Ooops! Definitely something I need to keep in mind next time!

What did you set up? New products? did you have food? what food? I have two more bazaars in December! And I REALLY want the sales in December! So your help is needed!!
Congrats! I know you were very happy! Keep those people interested in having their shows! If they are far away...like January or February...send them the Host Special flyer in the mail, and a note like ... nice meeting you, I'm excited about your show... keep them interested so you don't lose 'em...
I hope they are all in December for you to earn the new products!
That's great! I am just in my SS2 and am wanting to expand my business by getting involved with events like bazaars, craft fairs, etc... Please post the details of your setup. I'm sure others are interested as well, but like me, just don't know what to do.
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  • #4
Table-scapeI had a 8 ft X 3 ft table that I covered with a plain white table cloth the denim TPC table cloth and then I stacked up some boxes for a dramatic effect and draped a beige fabric with white stars over them.
I just sat products up in front of the boxes and on top of the boxes so that it really highlighted the products. Then I nestled a fall flower garland and a couple squash colored candles in between the folds of beige fabric and tucked a few recruiting flyers, recipe cards and holiday catalogs in between with the flowers and candles. I also had a prize box set up that was covered in a coordinating fabric. I stacked the batter bowls and Stainless Bowls up then tied them each with raffia and put them on opposite ends of the table. I stacked up the SA LG platter, striped med bowl, small striped plate and striped sm bowl and filled them with fall Reese's cups. I had 2 sets of the sm bowls and caddy's and I filled them with candy as well. the medium bowls were placed on the table as well.

In front of the table I set up some empty boxes. A couple of the #3 shipping boxes and some of the product boxes. I have 2 red crates and I set them up as well. I put my roasting pan, Grill Pan and Sm Saute Pan out on the boxes along with the woven round tray, round stone and pizza cutter.

I had the LayAway flyer and 10 reasons to have a Christmas PC Show and the 10 reasons to join PC set up as well.

I had everyone fill out a survey slip by telling them I was giving away $25 gift certificate, a cookbook(SB) and FREE kitchen show ingredients. Everyone that filled out a slip went home with a catalog and write-in orderform. I told them that with Christmas coming up that the wish list on the back would help all the family by things for them. Just fill it out and paste it on the fridge along with my card.
thanks. One question - What's the layaway flyer? Is there anyway you could post that?
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I got it off this site and revised it with my info.


  • Lay it Away Flyer.doc
    36.5 KB · Views: 553
thanks, i found it right after i asked you for it :D
Hey everyone! I just did a festival of the trees (all Christmas related) on Saturday and it turned out very nice for me! I collected $83 at the fair (and then collected $275 from my sisters fiancee that night) and 7 people checked off a kitchen show, 3 people checked off a catalog show and 2 people that are interested in the business! I would say that is VERY SUCCESSFULL! :D I also have 23 other people to call that checked off that they want to recieve the catalog. I told them that I would be calling them this week to see if there is anything in the catalog that they wanted. I am calling everyone today to follow up with them and I'll let you guys know what comes of it. I really can't wait to follow up with these guests tonight b/c I'm only $82 away from my $15K in 8 months! I am also only $3000 away from Level 1 incentive so I'm really striving to turn in $5K in sales next month. Wish me luck!!! :)
Thanks for listening!!

Congratulations DZMom on your awesome fall bazaar too!
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  • #9
Just an UPDATESo far I have gotten in touch with about 3/4 of the people that entered my drawing. I have booked 9 shows. I have 10 people that are going to book after the New Year and 1 definite recruit!!

Yeah!!! Before this bazaar I only had 3 shows on the books TOTAL! 1 for Nov, 1 for Jan and 1 for Apr. Now I am booked almost completly through Jan. I only have 3 dates left from now until Christmas!!
  • #10
Good job!
PampMomof3 said:
Hey everyone! I just did a festival of the trees (all Christmas related) on Saturday and it turned out very nice for me! I collected $83 at the fair (and then collected $275 from my sisters fiancee that night) and 7 people checked off a kitchen show, 3 people checked off a catalog show and 2 people that are interested in the business! I would say that is VERY SUCCESSFULL! :D I also have 23 other people to call that checked off that they want to recieve the catalog. I told them that I would be calling them this week to see if there is anything in the catalog that they wanted. I am calling everyone today to follow up with them and I'll let you guys know what comes of it. I really can't wait to follow up with these guests tonight b/c I'm only $82 away from my $15K in 8 months! I am also only $3000 away from Level 1 incentive so I'm really striving to turn in $5K in sales next month. Wish me luck!!! :)
Thanks for listening!!

Congratulations DZMom on your awesome fall bazaar too!

I feel like we are in the same boat! I too was able to reach the $15K mark in just 8 months....wasn't that exciting! I am also about $3K away from my incentive for the end of the year, and love (and pushing for) $5K for the month of Dec. to earn all of the fall products. I have the ability to go to Atlanta in Jan., but I have a 6 & 2 yr. old and don't think I will be able to find a sitter for that long. My husband took vacation days for me to go to Nat. Con. in Chicago in July so I don't think he will be able to do that this time. Oh well, there well always be a next time I guess. Let's just strive our hardest to reach our goals for now, and have some HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!

Angela Roark 431269
Ind. Future Director
Corning, AR ;)
  • #11
batroark said:
I feel like we are in the same boat! I too was able to reach the $15K mark in just 8 months....wasn't that exciting! I am also about $3K away from my incentive for the end of the year, and love (and pushing for) $5K for the month of Dec. to earn all of the fall products. I have the ability to go to Atlanta in Jan., but I have a 6 & 2 yr. old and don't think I will be able to find a sitter for that long. My husband took vacation days for me to go to Nat. Con. in Chicago in July so I don't think he will be able to do that this time. Oh well, there well always be a next time I guess. Let's just strive our hardest to reach our goals for now, and have some HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!

Angela Roark 431269
Ind. Future Director
Corning, AR ;)

Hi Angela! Wow! That is fantastic to do in 8 months! :) I'm so happy to hear that we are both in the same boat. How is your December looking? I had 2 shows this week (Nov 28th and 30th) and have more shows on 3,12,13 and 2 catalog shows that will be turning in by the 14th. The 2 shows that I had already are at $1300 so far so I've already earned some of the new products and 500 points! Yeah!!! :) I really LOVE doing PC and hope to promote to director by National. I also went to Conference in July and it was exciting. It was also nice to get away for 4 days b/c I have 3 children under the age of 5. I am working on recruits so as of right now, I won't be attending Leadership. That's such a bummer too b/c I am a 6 hour drive from Atlanta. Oh well, I would probably mainly go to see all the new products. ;) Happy Holiday!

Related to How Did My Fall Bazaar Results Exceed Expectations?

1. How do I see my Fall Bazaar results?

To view your Fall Bazaar results, log in to your Pampered Chef account and click on the "My Business" tab. Then, select "My Events" and click on the Fall Bazaar event. Your results will be displayed on the event page.

2. Can I track my sales and orders from the Fall Bazaar?

Yes, you can track your sales and orders from the Fall Bazaar by accessing the "My Events" tab in your Pampered Chef account. From there, you can view your event details and track your sales and orders.

3. How can I boost my Fall Bazaar results?

To boost your Fall Bazaar results, make sure to promote the event to your friends, family, and network. You can also offer special deals or discounts to entice customers to make purchases. Additionally, having a well-stocked and visually appealing booth can attract more customers.

4. What are some popular products for the Fall Bazaar?

Some popular products for the Fall Bazaar include fall-themed kitchenware, such as pumpkin-shaped baking pans or apple cider mix. Other popular items may include holiday gift sets and kitchen gadgets.

5. Can I participate in multiple Fall Bazaars?

Yes, you can participate in multiple Fall Bazaars. However, make sure to plan and schedule accordingly to avoid double-booking or overextending yourself. It's also important to keep track of your sales and expenses for each event to determine if it is worth participating in the following year.

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