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How Can I Generate Bookings in a New Location for Pampered Chef?

In summary, Jenny's new town was hit by a tornado and she was not able to host a show. She is still trying to generate bookings.
I started with PC about 1 year ago. Three months ago I moved to Winona, MN. I had an open house, I've posted a flyer at the only grocery store w/a bulletin board, made "Out of the Box" calls to the guests from the open house, and posted my business cards at some local businesses. I had one booking at the open house and did the show on Wednesday. I really enjoyed the show and the people there and got the feeling that they had a good time as well. I offered some specific free gifts for upcoming dates and even offered to do an "express" show. I made it a point to ask everyone if they would be interested in doing a show, but got no takers.

I was supposed to have a show this last Thursday back in my hometown. I was excited about that show because she is a former PC consultant and knows what it takes to have a successful show. I was also excited because of the possibility for me to get my charm bracelet (this was the only month I was able to book two shows) and for the possibility to earn a piece of the show to go system.

However, as my luck would have it, on the way to my host's home I narrowly missed the path of a tornado! Thankfully it was early enough that none of the guests had arrived and very few would have been on the road to get to the host's home. I was able to talk to my host recently and she said the tornado missed her home/neighborhood, and all she ended up with were some downed trees and a dent on a car. She is not interested in rescheduling the show and was lukewarm to the idea of collecting orders (understandably).

....But that leaves me very discouraged and just about ready to concede defeat. I have no other prospects for hosting a show here where I currently live and only a few more shows back home - thankfully none of the future host's homes were effected. However, I'm afraid that even they will decide against hosting a show because of the circumstances.

I'm a stay at home mom so I know very few people in my new home and am unable to ask people at my husband's job to host a show with me. I really enjoy being a PC consultant but feel very much at the end of my rope. Anyone have any suggestions on ways to generate bookings in this type of situation? Anyone have any friends/family in the Winona, MN area they could refer me to?

Jenny Raby
[email protected]
Thank goodness you are okay. Sorry, I am from the Northeast.
Do a search for the bookings. There are a ton of documents on bookings.

Greg....is there any way to search files by keyword?

You can move your business, but it does take some work. If anyone took the class at conference, moving your business, please post your suggestions or notes here.

Keep on doing what you're doing and eventually, your business in your new town will start to grow. I definitely suggest finding fairs and flea markets through newspapers and your chamber of commerce and setting up a table with a prize drawing of some sort to generate new leads. Offer everyone who enters a free kitchen show! Be sure you have some PC apparel to wear around town. If you have school age children, when school starts, host a show for the mothers of your children's classmates. It will be good not only for your business, but your social life as well!

In the meantime, get on the phone to past customers in your old town to let them know about the September stoneware special. If you can't get shows, take orders and put together your own book show.

Keep your chin up; moving a business takes some time, but the best advice I have heard was at the workshop held at conference: think of it as starting your business over again, but with EXPERIENCE. You can get an audio of the workshop on moving your business from Paperwork Supply...it's definitely worth the time!

Best of luck to you...I have personal experience in this, so if you need any more info, please feel free to give me a shout.

I will be in your shoes soon. I am just getting a good customer base here and we are moving from Hawaii to Florida. Gotta love the military! So....I'm going to just do what I can until I build back up. Just keep a smile on your face and all will be fine!

Related to How Can I Generate Bookings in a New Location for Pampered Chef?

1. How can I update my new address for my Pampered Chef account?

To update your address, log into your account on the Pampered Chef website and go to the "My Account" section. From there, you can click on the "Edit" button next to your current address and update it with your new address. Don't forget to save your changes!

2. Will my Pampered Chef orders still be delivered to my new address?

Yes, your orders will be delivered to the address that is listed in your account. Be sure to update your address before placing any new orders to ensure they are delivered to the correct location.

3. Can I change my Pampered Chef consultant if I've moved to a new area?

Yes, you can change your consultant by contacting Pampered Chef customer service. They will be able to assist you in finding a new consultant in your new area.

4. How do I update my Pampered Chef party host location after moving?

To update your party host location, simply contact your consultant and let them know about your move. They will be able to update the location for your party and ensure that all orders are delivered to the correct address.

5. Will my Pampered Chef warranty still be valid if I've moved to a new state?

Yes, your Pampered Chef warranty is valid regardless of your location. However, if you need to make a warranty claim, you will need to contact your consultant in your new area for assistance.

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