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Home Office Just Sent Me an E-Mail

In summary, someone put the name of a consultant on a website advertising their PC business without the consultant's permission. The consultant contacted Home Office and their Director to fix the situation.
:mad: Somehow my name has appeared on a website advertising my PC business. Mind you, my name is there, but there is NO personal website, or personal profile listed. The e-mail from PC was sort of nasty (to me anyway) threatening me with loss of my website if I did not provide them with proof that I was taking care of the problem immediately. Listen, I don't even have a "my space" or "face book" account. I NEVER advertise my business on anything but my business card. Somehow my information got out, and now I am in trouble. Has this happened to anybody else? Personally, I don't see what the big deal is???:confused:
What website was it?
I am curious too. Where did they find this information?
I too have gotten the e-mail from the home office regarding my information on the web. It was on facebook. Mind you, I wasn't advertising my business in any way. It was a group for PC consultants. I happened to mention "Pampered Chef" and someone reported me. I had to remove my posting on the message board. I think with today's technology that some policies need to be looked at and maybe revamped......
cakepampered said:
:mad: Somehow my name has appeared on a website advertising my PC business. Mind you, my name is there, but there is NO personal website, or personal profile listed. The e-mail from PC was sort of nasty (to me anyway) threatening me with loss of my website if I did not provide them with proof that I was taking care of the problem immediately. Listen, I don't even have a "my space" or "face book" account. I NEVER advertise my business on anything but my business card. Somehow my information got out, and now I am in trouble. Has this happened to anybody else? Personally, I don't see what the big deal is???:confused:
Call them. They will give you more information so you can fix the problem. They are not out to get you. They want the playing field to be equal for all consultants and to keep the cooking show the way to promote the business.

I got one of those letters a while back - I had not put the info up there - someone had found my site and linked me and a lot of other consultants to it - they felt that HO's rule was illegal or something. Anyway, HO worked with me, I got my link taken down and had no further problem.

Hopefully some of this will change soon. Someone I know who is in the know said that there is a lot of support to change things but for now we need to follow the guidelines we agreed to when we signed our agreements.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
O.K., now that a couple of hours have passed, I am feeling better. Turns out that a friend of mine thought that she was doing me a favor by putting my name on "Linkedin". She figured that she always buys from my website, so why not tell others about it? She immediately contacted them, and asked to have my site taken down. As I mentioned, it wasn't much of a site at all, only my name and the words Pampered Chef. No website, no phone number, nothing. But, as someone said here, just the mention of PC was enough to send up the RED flag.

I did contact Home Office and my Director to let them know that I was working on the situation. Hopefully, this will be over with today.

I certainly hope that the rules change soon about advertising in other venues beyond the personal website. I have a feeling that this is going to happen more often. Thanks for all of your comments and support.:love:
cakepampered said:
O.K., now that a couple of hours have passed, I am feeling better. Turns out that a friend of mine thought that she was doing me a favor by putting my name on "Linkedin". She figured that she always buys from my website, so why not tell others about it? She immediately contacted them, and asked to have my site taken down. As I mentioned, it wasn't much of a site at all, only my name and the words Pampered Chef. No website, no phone number, nothing. But, as someone said here, just the mention of PC was enough to send up the RED flag.

That's part of the policy: we cannot indicate anywhere online that we are consultants and use the name of the company, even without a link to PWS.
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Lesson learned!:angel:
What if we mention online that we are a consultant for a company that provides high quality cooking equipment for home use and don't mention the company by name?
  • #10
That is fine - as long as you don't mention Pampered Chef, you're safe.
  • #11
That's OK. But we can't mention PC. (This site is different, because of the membership requirement to get any info on the users here, although we cannot link to PWS.) On my blog, I mention that I represent a company whose name means "Spoiled Cook" and rhymes with "Hampered Jeff." :D
  • #12
chefann said:
That's OK. But we can't mention PC. (This site is different, because of the membership requirement to get any info on the users here, although we cannot link to PWS.) On my blog, I mention that I represent a company whose name means "Spoiled Cook" and rhymes with "Hampered Jeff." :D

I get that - but think it is ridiculous that we have to go to those lengths. As mentioned before, this is not a matter of national security! Times have changed and we need an updated policy. Is there any way that we could all put in a suggestion for this policy to be updated?
  • #13
I think someone mentioned, there was talk of revising this policy.
  • #14
lestat_de_leon said:
What if we mention online that we are a consultant for a company that provides high quality cooking equipment for home use and don't mention the company by name?

Sorry, nope. I submitted this suggestion (almost verbatiem) to HO when I joined my first Chamber of Commerce over a year ago. They said no.
  • #15
I hate this rule. everyother direct sales company allows this. I personally think it is a great way to advertise and get more business. I hope they change this soon! Katie
  • #16
If they hear from enough of us maybe they will consider updating the policy.
  • #17
DessertDivaFL said:
If they hear from enough of us maybe they will consider updating the policy.

Who (or what email address) should we address our concerns to?
  • #18
legacypc46 said:
Sorry, nope. I submitted this suggestion (almost verbatiem) to HO when I joined my first Chamber of Commerce over a year ago. They said no.

Are you Kidding me! I know some (ACTUALLY ALOT OF ) people who have done just that, without mentioning PC!:grumpy::mad: What is the DEAL!??? They seriously need to REVISE this policy!
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  • #21
I'm really happy to see that many of you are in support of a change. I mentioned maybe if enough of us "complained" then maybe they would change the policies on another thread, and no one really agreed. Weird! I think it's kinda sad not to be able to say that we just work for PC. On Facebook and Myspace, they ask what your company is. Right now, I put "Can you believe I can't say? But I will come to your home and cook for you." But it's inevitable that the words Pampered Chef are going to come out. I have many friends who have posted on my facebook page saying that they want to have a Pampered Chef show in the summer, next month, etc. Should I really be punished for that? And should I really feel obligated to tell my friends, "Shhh. Don't say the P word on my facebook page?" Seriously...
  • #22
Kelly8 said:
I'm really happy to see that many of you are in support of a change. I mentioned maybe if enough of us "complained" then maybe they would change the policies on another thread, and no one really agreed. Weird! I think it's kinda sad not to be able to say that we just work for PC. On Facebook and Myspace, they ask what your company is. Right now, I put "Can you believe I can't say? But I will come to your home and cook for you." But it's inevitable that the words Pampered Chef are going to come out. I have many friends who have posted on my facebook page saying that they want to have a Pampered Chef show in the summer, next month, etc. Should I really be punished for that? And should I really feel obligated to tell my friends, "Shhh. Don't say the P word on my facebook page?" Seriously...

yeah, that is ridiculous! I'd be happy if they'd let us just mention what we do or who we are!;) We should be proud to represent them, why not let us!
  • #23
Kelly8 said:
I'm really happy to see that many of you are in support of a change. I mentioned maybe if enough of us "complained" then maybe they would change the policies on another thread, and no one really agreed. Weird! I think it's kinda sad not to be able to say that we just work for PC. On Facebook and Myspace, they ask what your company is. Right now, I put "Can you believe I can't say? But I will come to your home and cook for you." But it's inevitable that the words Pampered Chef are going to come out. I have many friends who have posted on my facebook page saying that they want to have a Pampered Chef show in the summer, next month, etc. Should I really be punished for that? And should I really feel obligated to tell my friends, "Shhh. Don't say the P word on my facebook page?" Seriously...

Who would disagree about changing this ancient policy!?? I am not saying we should be able to sell stuff or advertise online like on ebay or craigslist! Just simply letting us put who we are in our Profiles would be nice!
  • #24
How ridiculous does it make us look to potential recruits? In a day and age with technology and the internet in EVERYTHING, they have to figure out a better way.I don't want to see people turn the internet into their only way- I like having to keep the cooking show the focus and understand that, BUT why can't I join my local Chamber of Commerce or advertise in a local newspaper without being afraid that their online presence and listings are going to mistakenly list my information or say the Pampered Chef words and I get in trouble? How bad does it make us look when I have to say "um, please don't put my name in your directory because i will get in trouble."Yes- I think we should all present our complaints and suggestions. Time for PC to get into THIS Century!
  • #25
UGH, I just had a catalog party host who was struggling to get orders post my website link on facebook for all her friends to see (I just set up my website today) and I had to ask her to take it down. What a horrible thing to have to tell her!!! Yes, true, the more sales she has the more commission I make, but I'm pissed for HER sake!

Question though - I have a host who's contacting me about plans mainly on facebook through comments (not private messages), however, she hasn't mentioned "the Pampered Chef" she's just said stuff like "when should I receive the host packet?". Could I get cited for that or is it ONLY if "the Pampered Chef" is written (rather than implied?)
  • #26
I think the problem is if they mention Pampered Chef AND your name/website. I had a did a show at the end of March and the host told me she was inviting people via her Myspace page. Of course I got very nervous and quickly explained the HO's view about "internet advertising". Turns out all she said on her page is "I'm having a Pampered Chef party please come, if you can't come and want to place an order contact me and I'll tell you how." (paraphrasing due to bad memory). BTW, I never heard from anyone at HO.
  • #27
I think it would really stink if we have to police our HOST's internet usage too! I am not going to be able to track or know if someone who's hosting a show posts it on Facebook or My Space or their blog. That's just messed up....and it makes us look really stupid. I know I was talking to other folks (Direct Sales) and they couldn't believe we had this policy.
  • #28
While I personally would appreciate a rules change I can also appreciate why then don't.

One of the founding principles of The Pampered Chef was to educate and assist the home cook by providing simple recipes, quality products, and show them how they work. It has always been about "hands on" and integrity.

I can only imagine that once the "door was opened" to allow online advertising and selling it wouldn't be long before "cooking shows" began to decline. And of course there would become "mini-wholesalers" setting up online stores and incorporating discounts into the prices to encourage business. All of these things would be detrimental to the average home-based consultant.

I am afraid that if and when the changes come the face of The Pampered Chef will change and never be the same again.

Soooo, while I personally would like to be able to post my business online and sell online, I understand and agree to abide by the rules that I signed up under.
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  • #29
I never thought about it that, way, but I totally understand what you are saying!
  • #30
KimoMakano said:
While I personally would appreciate a rules change I can also appreciate why then don't.

One of the founding principles of The Pampered Chef was to educate and assist the home cook by providing simple recipes, quality products, and show them how they work. It has always been about "hands on" and integrity.

I can only imagine that once the "door was opened" to allow online advertising and selling it wouldn't be long before "cooking shows" began to decline. And of course there would become "mini-wholesalers" setting up online stores and incorporating discounts into the prices to encourage business. All of these things would be detrimental to the average home-based consultant.

I am afraid that if and when the changes come the face of The Pampered Chef will change and never be the same again. Soooo, while I personally would like to be able to post my business online and sell online, I understand and agree to abide by the rules that I signed up under.

Well said.
  • #31
I have to agree with KimoMakano... the rules are still strict -and look at how many offenders we see regularly.. Other DS companies have gone more retail.. tupperware in the malls and it has hurt the normal tupperware sales person. Ask one if you don't believe me.. I have asked. I applaud HO for sticking to their guns and keeping the integrity of our company so that we can continue to make money demonstrating meals in the home.... we still have a measure of exclusiveness.... we are not a dime a dozen (neither are our products). This creates an element of rarety that keeps customers coming back.. (remember the beanie baby shortage scam?? - great marketing strategy) I still get "OMG!!! I have been looking for a PC person.." from people regularly.. thank you PC for that!! Instead of.. "Geeze.. why would I buy from you when I can just go on-line and order off of FB"....think long term ladies and gents...thank goodness PC is!!!!
  • #32
In case none of you have ever read the book about The Pampered Chef I would highly recommend it. It gave me a perspective that I didn't have before. I had always viewed the business primarily as selling products.

After reading the book I realized that the primary focus of The Pampered Chef was to provide education, encouragement, and support (through products and recipes) to homemakers in the kitchen.

Should be a must reading for all consultants.

(sorry, but cannot recall the exact name right now but am thinking it is simpley "The Pampered Chef: the story of Doris Christopher", or something like that)
  • #33
KimoMakano said:
In case none of you have ever read the book about The Pampered Chef I would highly recommend it. It gave me a perspective that I didn't have before. I had always viewed the business primarily as selling products.

After reading the book I realized that the primary focus of The Pampered Chef was to provide education, encouragement, and support (through products and recipes) to homemakers in the kitchen.

Should be a must reading for all consultants.

(sorry, but cannot recall the exact name right now but am thinking it is simpley "The Pampered Chef: the story of Doris Christopher", or something like that)

It's The Pampered Chef - The Story Of One Of America's Most Beloved Companies.

And I agree. I loved my job, and I loved the company before reading the book - but reading it gave me an entirely new perspective on the work that I do, and the company I represent.
  • #34
I agree with both sides. I think it's crazy that I can't mention what I do online for fear of getting in "trouble". On the other hand it really disgusts me when people put random things online trying to get orders. It seems cheap somehow. I'm all for advertising and working with what you have, but think it should be done in a more controlled venue. If it's your facebook friends, fine. If it's everyone in the world or through ebay, whatever, no. I think you can have very good relationships with customers you only communicate with over email. I have an awesome host that I will never meet and have only spoken to a couple of times. We met through ebay when I purchased some baby clothes and in our emails, I mentioned PC and the rest is history. I do a lot of unconventional stuff (meaning not just the typical home show, but definitely allowed). However, my business is busier than ever and I have more and more people asking for home shows. Probably partially b/c I don't push that aspect of my business (meaning I don't act like it's the only option). I don't really need to. I wouldn't want to be an online only business. I can tell b/c while I enjoy getting random online orders from people I don't know, I want to be able to contact them and see if there is anything else they need from me. So...we should be able to mention stuff online, especially in our home towns and places that people we would actually SEE would see it, but WOW you can see where it can go so very wrong by looking at all of the blatant violations out there.
  • #35
I don't think we should be able to sell online other than our personal websites, or pst our PWS all over the internet, BUT.... I really do not think it is right that we cannot say what we do for a living on facebook! This is only people we invite to see our profiles, and I only invite people I know or who I am related to. I do admit that a couple of years ago, before I knew it was a no no, I used facebook to tell all of my distant family relatives and cousins who I hardly see (I have 37 first cousins) about my business, as of course they all want to know what I am up to. I still use facebook to get in touch with some of those cousins when i want them to book a show. What should I do... write "I am wondering if you would like me to come and do this thing for you that i am not allowed to mention online, but hopefully you will know what i mean"?? seems wierd that it is THAT touchy. I can't believe people get in trouble for saying that they are Pampered Chef consultants and using facebook to keep friends and family informed of what is going on in their business.

I hate telling other people especially people from other DS companies that we are not allowed to even mention that we are PC consultants online other than personal e-mails and specific sites. They always say something like "Oh wow, I can't believe it! Don't they want you to be able to grow your business?"
And then of course if it is another DS consultant they usually go on and on about how their company "Would never hold us back that way".
And I honestly cannot come up with a great excuse.

Speaking of that....what do you guys say in this situation that doesn't sound like a lame excuse? LOL
  • #36
I hear this sometimes. First, the point about not mentioning PC by name is to keep your FB profile (or whatever) from coming up in a search of "Pampered Chef." The way search engines work, if a specific word is used in a public place, it's liable to be targeted by a search.As for what I say, it's something like this:I know it may sound like they're "holding me back." What they're really doing is protect my business by protecting the brand. PC has a reputation to uphold. This is just one of the ways they're doing it."
  • #37
KimoMakano said:
While I personally would appreciate a rules change I can also appreciate why then don't.

One of the founding principles of The Pampered Chef was to educate and assist the home cook by providing simple recipes, quality products, and show them how they work. It has always been about "hands on" and integrity.

I can only imagine that once the "door was opened" to allow online advertising and selling it wouldn't be long before "cooking shows" began to decline. And of course there would become "mini-wholesalers" setting up online stores and incorporating discounts into the prices to encourage business. All of these things would be detrimental to the average home-based consultant.

I am afraid that if and when the changes come the face of The Pampered Chef will change and never be the same again.

Soooo, while I personally would like to be able to post my business online and sell online, I understand and agree to abide by the rules that I signed up under.

Well Put!!! I agree completely!
  • #38
DessertDivaFL said:
If they hear from enough of us maybe they will consider updating the policy.

fyi--they are working on it--Heard from my sales rep--
  • #39
I wish they could find that happy-middle ground....something that allowed me to say who I was for a local level- for example, a local Chamber of Commerce (Many have online listings of their members), or the local paper that might have it's print version, but also it's online version.
  • #40
raebates said:
I hear this sometimes.

First, the point about not mentioning PC by name is to keep your FB profile (or whatever) from coming up in a search of "Pampered Chef." The way search engines work, if a specific word is used in a public place, it's liable to be targeted by a search.

As for what I say, it's something like this:

I know it may sound like they're "holding me back." What they're really doing is protect my business by protecting the brand. PC has a reputation to uphold. This is just one of the ways they're doing it."

That is very nice, but i get so .... so... mad... so does that mean I shouldn't lunge across and strangle them?? LOL... I really need to stop doing that!
Just not that eloquent I guess...:blushing:
  • #41
It is all a very fine line. I too see both sides of it. For anyone that subscribes to Belinda Ellsworth's Success Express, her audio is about social networking. Has some good points and for those of you who are the last of the baby boomers...I feel like someone has not only moved my cheese...but my OLD cheese at that!!!:D

Julie Ann Jones with Outward Image is also doing something on social networking.

I think they have been able to work with the You Tube situation and possibly, they may think about having a PC facebook (and other networking sites) where it is more of a generic site.

Glad I am not the one deciding...heck, I have a hard enough time picking out something as insignificant as paint colors!!!

Related to Home Office Just Sent Me an E-Mail

1. How did my name end up on a website advertising my PC business without my knowledge?

This is a common concern for many consultants and unfortunately, it can happen without your knowledge or consent. It could be due to a variety of reasons such as a data breach, a third-party website pulling information from public sources, or even a mistake from our end. Regardless of the reason, we understand your frustration and we are here to help you resolve the issue.

2. Why did I receive a nasty email from PC about this issue?

We apologize if the tone of the email came across as harsh or unpleasant. Our intention was not to threaten you, but rather to inform you about the situation and urge you to take action to resolve it. We take the protection of our consultants' information very seriously and we need to ensure that our brand and our consultants' businesses are not being misrepresented without their consent.

3. What will happen if I do not provide proof that I am taking care of the problem?

If we do not hear back from you or if the issue is not resolved, we may have to suspend your website temporarily until the issue is resolved. This is to protect our brand and our consultants' businesses from any potential harm. However, we understand that sometimes these things can take time to resolve, so please keep us updated on the progress and we will work with you to find a solution.

4. Has this happened to anyone else before?

Yes, unfortunately, this is not an uncommon issue and it has happened to other consultants in the past. We have processes in place to address these situations and we are always working on improving our security measures to prevent it from happening in the future. Rest assured that we are here to support you and guide you through the resolution process.

5. Why is this a big deal? I don't see the harm in having my business information on a website.

While it may seem harmless, having your business information on a website without your consent or knowledge can potentially harm your reputation and your business. It can also be a violation of our consultant agreement. We want to protect our consultants and ensure that their business information is being accurately represented. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in resolving this issue.

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