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Hi Everyone,As a New Consultant I'm Looking for Tips to Organize

In summary, this person provides a summary of the content. They advise new consultants to use a separate database for their clients, to have folders for information packets that they have already made, to keep recipes in a binder sorted by type or products, and to have a flip binder with updates and organized information.
Humble Beginnings
Hi everyone,

As a new consultant I'm looking for tips to organize my business. How do you organize your information, do you have binders, save on the computer etc. What information should I hold on too, hard copies of receipts, drawing slips etc. How do you store this information?

Database: Do you have a separate database for your clients or do you keep everything on CC? What sort of information to do you store? Birthday's, spouse's name etc?

Folders: What information packets should I have already made?

Recipes: Do you keep recipes in a binder sorted by type or products?

I'ld like to get inside information as I know with my current business, after I started I realized everything I should have done to help my business grow and didn't.

Any tips would be appreciated!

Humble Beginnings said:
Hi everyone,

As a new consultant I'm looking for tips to organize my business. How do you organize your information, do you have binders, save on the computer etc. What information should I hold on too, hard copies of receipts, drawing slips etc. How do you store this information?

Database: Do you have a separate database for your clients or do you keep everything on CC? What sort of information to do you store? Birthday's, spouse's name etc?

Folders: What information packets should I have already made?

Recipes: Do you keep recipes in a binder sorted by type or products?

I'ld like to get inside information as I know with my current business, after I started I realized everything I should have done to help my business grow and didn't.

Any tips would be appreciated!


I keep all my host/customer information in Pampered Partner+. I created tasks just for things I do for my hosts/cust.'s and reminders that pop up in my things to do list.

I keep host packets (minus the oof's) already made up in an 9x12 brown envelope with hosting stickers on it.

I keep recruiting information packets made up as well.

I don't do packets or folders for guests at shows...they get a catalog, an oof and a pc pen.

I keep all my recipes on my computer and print what I need as I need it.
I am still failry new, but I have all my contact info on PP3.
I have all my recipes on the computer in a recipe folder and print as needed.
I make a bunch of folders up with a folder, oof and catalog then I stamp my info on top of the folder.
I have my calendar and notes in my new consultant binder that I rec'd in my kit since I refer to that often.
In a file cabinet, I have folders with everything labeled and organized so anything I feel worth printing and having a hard copy of , I make a file for it.
I have a flip binder that I take to shows and I keep that updated and organized with all the monthly specials, recruiting etc..
I do keep my hosts b-day info in my files too.
I have a cabinet with all my catalogs, paper, envelopes business cards etc...
I have a cabinet with extras like citus peelers, giveaway prizes etc...
I am very much into having everything labeled so I can find it when I need it.
Good luck :)
Humble Beginnings said:
Hi everyone,

As a new consultant I'm looking for tips to organize my business. How do you organize your information, do you have binders, save on the computer etc. What information should I hold on too, hard copies of receipts, drawing slips etc. How do you store this information?

Database: Do you have a separate database for your clients or do you keep everything on CC? What sort of information to do you store? Birthday's, spouse's name etc?

Folders: What information packets should I have already made?

Recipes: Do you keep recipes in a binder sorted by type or products?

I'ld like to get inside information as I know with my current business, after I started I realized everything I should have done to help my business grow and didn't.

Any tips would be appreciated!


This is what I used, but some of it is truly overkill- take it a step at a time and use what you can and toss what you can't...


  • Get Your Business Organized in a Day.doc
    37 KB · Views: 399
Kitchen Diva said:
This is what I used, but some of it is truly overkill- take it a step at a time and use what you can and toss what you can't...

I knew my wise, long lost sister would have great advice :)
no poem to go along with this?? :D
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  • #6
Thank you everyone these are great tips.
merego said:
I knew my wise, long lost sister would have great advice :)
no poem to go along with this?? :D

Sure, here is one-

Take it or leave it my wisdom for you
For the words on this page are nothing but true....

Hi there! Congratulations on becoming a new consultant! Organizing your business is definitely an important step in ensuring its success. Here are some tips that have worked for me:1. Use a combination of physical and digital organization. I find it helpful to have a binder or folder for important documents like receipts, order forms, and drawings slips. However, for client information, I use an online database like Constant Contact to keep track of their contact information, orders, and any other important details.2. Keep track of important dates and events. In addition to birthdays and spouse's names, I also make note of any special occasions or events that my clients mention. This allows me to send them personalized messages or offers, which helps strengthen my relationship with them.3. Create information packets for different types of clients. For example, you could have a packet for new clients, one for hostesses, and another for potential recruits. These packets can include information about your business, products, and any current promotions. This will save you time when you need to send out information to different groups of people.4. Organize recipes by type or product. This will make it easier for you to find and share recipes with your clients. You could also consider creating a digital recipe book that you can easily share with them.Remember, organization is a personal process and what works for one consultant may not work for another. Don't be afraid to experiment and find a system that works best for you. Best of luck with your business!

Related to Hi Everyone,As a New Consultant I'm Looking for Tips to Organize

1. How can I effectively keep track of my sales and orders?

One helpful tip is to create a spreadsheet or use a customer relationship management (CRM) system to keep track of your sales and orders. You can also use the Pampered Chef app to easily access your sales and customer information on the go.

2. What are some ways I can organize my inventory?

Consider using storage bins or shelves to keep your inventory organized and easily accessible. You can also use labels or color-coded systems to quickly find and restock your products. Additionally, regularly taking inventory and restocking as needed can help you stay organized.

3. How can I make the most of my workspace?

Utilize storage solutions such as stackable containers or drawer organizers to maximize your workspace. You can also designate specific areas for different tasks, such as a space for packaging and shipping orders or an area for product demonstrations.

4. What are some tips for setting up a successful party or event?

First and foremost, make sure to plan ahead and communicate with your host/hostess to ensure a successful event. Consider creating a checklist or timeline to stay organized and on track. You can also use display stands and trays to showcase products and make it easy for guests to browse.

5. How can I stay organized while on the go?

The Pampered Chef app is a great tool for staying organized while on the go. You can access your calendar, customer information, and even place orders from your phone or tablet. You can also use a planner or set reminders on your phone to keep track of important tasks and events.

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