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Help! Show to Night or No Show???

In summary, the guest did not reply to the host's requests for confirmation. The host decided to go anyway and showed up to the party.
Okay, I have a dilemma! I met tonights hosts a few times at a scrapbooking event. She was super busy and that was why she hesitated to book. She has a newborn, just went back to work and is involved with the junior league. Anyway, she asked me to contact her via work (e-mail & phone) and my last comminication from her was last week. She had a few people coming, one outside order and was hopeful for a good show. I confirmed our menu and that I would bring the ingredients (as promised).

Flashfoward yesterday...I e-mailed her to confirm headcount and the time I would arrive, etc. No response. My understanding is she reads her work e-mail from home, too. I expected to see something today but since I didn't I called her work this afternoon. They said she was out of the office! I found her home e-mail address and sent her an e-mail there about an hour ago asking her to please confirm.

If you were me, would you go anyway? I kind of feel like I have to but I never even told her what time I would show and its a pretty far haul for me. I expect to see her and her friends again tomorrow scrapbooking so God forbid I don't go and they are there...

I'm just confused!:confused:
Leave a message on her phone that you are excited about her party and will arrive at _____. If the party's off she'll call. My guess is that she might have taken the day off to get ready.
personally I would show, you can at least write the trip off on you taxes. The worst that happens is you turn around and go back home. She get's the bad rap then, not you, you kept you end of the bargain.
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  • #4
I only have her work phone number so that won't help. I agree that I have to go I'm just bummed about the prospect of it not working out because boy would I rather go home and curl up in bed - we're having pretty yucky weather!

Thanks for the quick replies!
strange that she didn't give you her HOME or cell number...but I'd think she may have taken the day off to get ready too....so I'd leave the vmail as suggested by Beth and send an email just in case she checks one or the other, and go if you don't hear from her.
Maybe you could send her an email saying like, "Hi this is your PC consultant. I just wanted to confirm a set time you want me to be at your house. If you could please contact me asap, I would appreciate it. I need to know by X:XX o' clock so that I can be sure to have everything done & get there before the guests show up. Otherwise, if today doesn't work for you, I'd love to pencil you in for another date." Then set the email so that you know if she looks at it.
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  • #7
Yes, she did originally give me her home number but in the two months we haven't used it and I left it home. Not enough time to go from work to home to her house so I can't go dig it out! And its not listed.

I'll let you know how it turns out. I'm suprised and worried that maybe there is an emergency since she didn't reply via e-mail and she has always been so good!
Can you her phone number up online? I have used dexknows.com. I would try that just to be sure. But I agree with some of the others, I usually take at least the afternoon off if I am having any kind of show at my own house.
I would definitely consider the show still on and maybe work on my host coaching a little more so things like this don't happen again. Good luck!
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  • #10
Yes my host coaching on this one was a little lame but she was so adamant about being busy and contacting her at work. Everytime I called her at work she wasn't in but she was very receptive to the e-mails. I check and last time we "chatted" via e-mail was Monday so unless something bad happened I would guess we are still on. I'm just a little uncomfortable because we never discussed a time.
  • #12
I have had a similar thing happen to me. I'm new to the PC business. I had a friend of my sister-in-law's send me an email asking me if I'd be interested (of course!) so I provided her the information she requested. A week later she responded to my email with an apology for the delay (4 young children, one of which is a newborn). She set the date of Dec 5th and asked me to provide her a time (I gave her option of 11am or 1pm). I have spent the last week emailing her, and finally looked up her phone number and telephoned a couple times, leaving a message both times. The last message I left asked her to call me or email me to confirm the time that worked best for her, and I also let her know I wanted to drop off her host packet. I have not heard a word back, nor an email. I don't feel one week is adequate at this point for my host to prepare for a show next weekend. My husband said to let this one go; I would have to say I agree with him. A little disappointed as I'm a newbie, but it's okay. :)
  • #13
Yep, I've had the "case of the missing host" too. What I did was call and leave a voicemail at all known numbers saying something like this, "Hi so-and-so, this is Kelly and we have show booked next week and I'm calling to double check the details about the show. If I don't hear back from you by (usually the day before the show) at 5pm, I'll assume your schedule got too hectic and we'll have to reschedule another day/time."
This leaves an "out" for your host and if she really wants to reschedule, you can still follow up later and maybe get a show (which has happened to me too). In any event, it leaves some wiggle room for the host to get out of it, some pressure for her to start returning your calls and also an open window to call later and follow up (who knows, you may get at least an order out of it:p
Good luck, let us know what happens...

Related to Help! Show to Night or No Show???

What should I do if I can't attend a Pampered Chef show tonight?

If you are unable to attend a show tonight, please contact your consultant as soon as possible to let them know. They may be able to reschedule the show or make other arrangements.

What if I have a last-minute emergency and can't make it to the show?

If you have a last-minute emergency and cannot attend the show, please contact your consultant immediately to let them know. They will work with you to reschedule the show or make other arrangements.

Can I send someone else to attend the show in my place?

Yes, if you are unable to attend the show, you can send someone else in your place. Just let your consultant know in advance so they can make arrangements.

Do I need to bring anything to the Pampered Chef show tonight?

No, you do not need to bring anything to the show. Your consultant will have all the necessary materials and ingredients for the demonstration. However, if you have a specific recipe or ingredient you would like to use, you are welcome to bring it.

What if I have dietary restrictions or allergies?

If you have dietary restrictions or allergies, please let your consultant know in advance so they can make accommodations for you. They may be able to modify recipes or suggest alternative options for you.

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