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Director Help Celebrate (Bride & Groom's) Special Day with The Pampered Chef!

In summary, the conversation is about a friend's bridal shower and how she is registered at multiple places, including The Pampered Chef. The group is discussing the wording for invitations and promoting the option to order gifts at the shower, which will save on shipping and wrapping. Suggestions are given for how to display the gifts and incentivize guests to choose items from The Pampered Chef registry.
Hi, everyone,
I had a friend set up her Pampered Chef registry online. She's also registered at a couple other places. She does like the idea of guests being able to order right at the shower (save on shipping compared to ordering online, gift wrapping, and the gifts can go directly to the host)
As we were chatting about wording that on the invites, her shower organizer already sent the invites out!
They mentioned she's registered with TPC and the other places, but nothing about the option to order at the shower. She asked if I can send a follow up postcard and we can also post a note in the Facebook "save the date" event that was created.

So - I'm here for help with the wording (posted this on CS too). Would you mention anything about how by ordering at the shower they'll save on shipping/wrapping etc? I'd normally leave that out, but since we're competing with other registries I thought about including it.
Comments or suggestions on what I wrote below?
A special wedding deserves a special shower! If you choose to shower (bride and groom) with gifts from The Pampered Chef, you will have the opportunity to select those gifts right at the shower (and you can shop for yourself too if you choose)! No need to shop ahead or gift wrap! We'll present (bride) with gift envelopes to open at the shower, showing what you chose for her, and gifts will ship right to their house. You can preview their registery at (website/their name). If you are unable to attend or would like to pre-order, you can contact our consultant, Jenny, directly at (contact info).
(The "gift envelopes" I'll put together - people choose a gift from the display board I'll create and have a postcard to put in an envelope with the gift and their name). At the shower itself I can explain their purchases also help give the bride more host rewards, etc. Thanks in advance!
I love the wording, but I think I'd go ahead & put the host benefits in what you send out. Having that info up front may put some people over the fence & encourage them to go the PC route vs. another route. ;)I'd also just lay out cards for every item on the bride's wish list & let the guests shop for what they want to buy vs. having pre-done "packages". That way, they can choose how many items they want her to have and the price range too. Instead of envelopes, I'd do small little gift bags with maybe one sheet of tissue paper so they can drop the card down into the gift sack & let her open the "gift". It will be cuter in all her photos. ;)
Jennyl, I think your plan is good and you should roll with it! Good luck!
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Thanks for the feedback!

Sheila, little gift bags sounds great! I had the envelope idea from a teammate.. they put them all in a pretty basket that they gave to the bride. But I agree little gift bags would be cute and great visual for everyone to see all the PC gifts!

Hi there! Congratulations to the bride and groom on their upcoming special day. As a Pampered Chef consultant, I am thrilled to be able to offer you and your guests the opportunity to shower them with gifts from The Pampered Chef. Not only is this a great way to show your love and support for the happy couple, but it also allows you to shop conveniently and save on shipping and gift wrapping by ordering right at the shower. Plus, by ordering through The Pampered Chef, you are also helping the bride earn more host rewards. You can preview their registry at (website/their name) and for those unable to attend or who would like to pre-order, please contact our consultant, Jenny, directly at (contact info). Thank you for choosing The Pampered Chef to celebrate this special occasion.

Related to Help Celebrate (Bride & Groom's) Special Day with The Pampered Chef!

What is "Help Celebrate (Bride & Groom's) Special Day with The Pampered Chef!"?

"Help Celebrate (Bride & Groom's) Special Day with The Pampered Chef!" is a special event hosted by The Pampered Chef to celebrate the wedding of (Bride & Groom). It is an opportunity for friends and family to come together and celebrate while also enjoying delicious food made with high-quality kitchen tools from The Pampered Chef.

When and where will "Help Celebrate (Bride & Groom's) Special Day with The Pampered Chef!" take place?

The event will take place on (date) at (location). This could be at the couple's home, a venue, or any other desired location. The exact time and location will be determined by the couple and their Pampered Chef consultant.

Do I need to bring anything to "Help Celebrate (Bride & Groom's) Special Day with The Pampered Chef!"?

No, you do not need to bring anything. The Pampered Chef consultant will provide all the necessary ingredients and cooking tools for the event. However, if you would like to bring a dish or beverage to share, you are more than welcome to do so.

Will there be any special deals or promotions during "Help Celebrate (Bride & Groom's) Special Day with The Pampered Chef!"?

Yes, there will be special deals and promotions offered during the event. This is a great opportunity to purchase high-quality kitchen tools at a discounted price or earn free products through our host rewards program.

How do I RSVP for "Help Celebrate (Bride & Groom's) Special Day with The Pampered Chef!"?

Please contact the couple's Pampered Chef consultant to RSVP for the event. They will provide you with all the necessary details and confirm your attendance. You can also RSVP through the event invitation or by contacting the couple directly.

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