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Has Anyone Had Any Success With Recruiting by Placing an Ad in the

In summary, the conversation revolved around the topic of advertising in newspapers and job-specific papers for recruiting purposes. Some participants had success with this method, while others did not. The overall consensus was that repetition and a clear and passionate job description were key factors in making an effective ad. Some also suggested using personal connections and wearing Pampered Chef clothing as alternative methods for recruitment.
Silver Member
Has anyone had any success with recruiting by placing an ad in the newspaper or a job specific paper? I did this once when I first started and only had one call (it never panned out). Based on the type of paper it was, I think that I wasn't hitting the right demographic. Anyone have any ideas or input?

Thanks! :D

Mindy Fox
Independent Kitchen Consultant
[email protected]
I did one a couple months ago and it never really got anything. I got a couple calls, but nothing came through with it. Mine was more a focus on recruiting, but I had some booking lines in there too. The thing is, just because this time didn't work doesn't mean a future time won't work. it's really hard to know. I ran an ad (a print ad, not just in the classifieds) three times, alternating weeks in a local paper that just comes out on Wednesdays.

I think the one thing I've taken away from that is if you want to put your money into this kind of advertising, you need to probably spend quite a few bucks. If you're going with classified ads in the "business opportnities" section or something similiar, I would suggest running it weekly for at least 4-5 consecutive weeks. It's the repetition that people will pay attention to, I believe. I've seen a consultant for another company who has her ad in there every week. I think week after week, people see it in there and that may get the wheels turning more than just a one time ad that they saw. This sticks with people. So, if I do another ad in the future, I would probably do something like this.

It's so hard because it's not to say if I did the same exact thing as before that it wouldn't result in anything. You just never know! Good luck to you! :)
Advertising in NewspaperHow do you know what section to advertise if all you want to do is list your information so that people know your a consultant and that they can order from your website? I thought about doing this since it's so close to Christmas.
Thanks for your help.
Julie Hummel
[email protected]
Guidelines for Newspaper AdsMake sure you are careful about where you advertize. If you read the recipe for suceess and also online there is a list of 100 top newspapers you are not allowed to advertize in. Make sure you're careful and also be prepared for calls. If you post an ad and someone calls, make sure you sound professional and have thought out what you will say. If you sound lost and confused that they called, this will concern people. Email field services if you need more information about the advertizment guidelines.
I agree. It is a good idea to decide what your "job description" is ahead of time. Write it out and practice it until it comes out automatically and sounds natural and genuine. I have sometimes been surprised by someone asking about what I do and mumble something about being a kitchen consultant. They probably had no better idea of what I do after asking.

I was challenged at conference to say something like this as my job description, "I help families have more fun at mealtime." Or, "I teach people how to make quick, nutritious meals for their families." Decide what you are most passionate about your job and write it out. The passion will come through and make it genuine. Also, think about what the "Pampered Chef" really is. People will ask.

You are probably more likely to recruit people you know or have some connection with than total strangers. (Although being ready with a conversation can start an aquaintance with a stranger.) Most of the people I have recruited have been hosts or friends or family members who have seen the results of my business. Don't be afraid to offer the opportunity to every one of your hosts and use them as "talent scouts" for you. They may know someone who would be a great Pampered Chef.
I had no luck and was out $130.00I advertised in our local news paper for one month daily and got one phone call. It was a man looking for a chef position ! So i will not be doing that again ! I know somepeople who have and had great responce ! So who knows !
Rather than spending money on an ad, why not spend money on making yourself a walking ad with PC clothing? I have gotten orders from people seeing my shirt. I hope if someone is looking for some extra income this holiday season, they will ask if they see me. I wear PC stuff any time I am going to be out of the house at the store. It does get noticed. Be ready with an answer when people ask.
Another question....I've got an opportunity to print up a bunch of fliers to be distributed with the newspaper (local but huge delivery area). The person who offered jokingly mentioned getting a host gift but I'm thinking that I could give something that I already have (extras earned) in exchange. Any suggestions about what to put in a flyer? I'm already thinking that I'll put it on some very bright colored paper (maybe tie dyed??) so people see it. I'm thinking of doing it at the end of this month and tying in the holidays. Not sure what I want to do and, as always, turn to the wonderful people on this site for suggestions. Thanks!!
I would jump on that boat!Hey, I would definitely jump on that boat! If you can get your flyers distributed with the newspaper and all that person is jokingly wanting is a small gift, then I say go for it! Definitely use bright paper and make it jump out at them and exciting. Maybe tell them they can purchase stocking stuffers up til Dec. 12 and get them back in time for Christmas. Tell them they can do online ordering through your website til Dec. 23. Put in there something like....Looking for everyone who likes to cook, hates to cook, or wants to cooking pay off a Christmas bill.

Maybe put in there also to call and mention this ad or flyer and they can qualify to get their kitchen show for FREE. Which means you would purchase the ingredients for one recipe. I really think that you would benefit from this.

Angela Roark 431269
Ind. Future Director
Corning, AR
  • #10
Excellent ExampleBeing a walking billboard in excellent way to share the business. Also being friendly and talking to everyone works wonders. I had a recruiting appt. at Baker's Square last week and while I was waiting for the potential to show up, I smiled and told the hostess what I was up to, she happened to be looking for a new job. I have since then recruited them both.

Smiles go really far in this business!

Related to Has Anyone Had Any Success With Recruiting by Placing an Ad in the

What is the success rate of recruiting through placing an ad?

The success rate of recruiting through placing an ad can vary depending on the job market and the effectiveness of the ad. However, many companies have reported successful hires through this method.

What are the benefits of recruiting through placing an ad?

Placing an ad can attract a wide pool of candidates, including passive job seekers who may not actively be looking for a new job. It also allows for targeted advertising to reach specific demographics.

What should be included in an effective recruitment ad?

An effective recruitment ad should include a clear job title, a brief description of the job responsibilities, required qualifications, and any unique selling points or benefits of the job. It should also include information on how to apply for the position.

What are some tips for making a successful recruitment ad?

Some tips for making a successful recruitment ad include using attention-grabbing headlines, highlighting key qualifications and benefits of the job, using visuals to make the ad more appealing, and including a call to action for interested candidates to apply.

Are there any potential drawbacks to recruiting through placing an ad?

One potential drawback of recruiting through placing an ad is that it can be time-consuming and may attract a large number of unqualified candidates. Additionally, it may require a significant financial investment, especially for larger or more targeted ad campaigns.

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