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Getting Started With Pampered Chef

In summary, the individual is planning to sign up for a Pampered Chef consultant and has some questions. They are wondering what items they need to purchase, such as a table, pens, and folders, and what to give to hosts for parties. They are also curious about who pays for the invitations and if it is possible to work towards multiple goals at once. Additionally, they are seeking advice and ideas for a successful launch. Another question is about the timing of new catalogs and products, as they plan to order their kit soon. Finally, they are reminded to bring a tote for carrying dirty dishes and to consider ordering giveaway items for hosts.
So I am going to sign, need to call my recruiter/ director this weekend to get things going. I have some questions:

What things not PC do I need to buy like table, pens, folders etc?

What do people give their hosts for having parties?

Do u pay to mail their invites or do you incur that cost?

Can you work towards more then one thing at a time, ie, SSK, the roaster and the new travel to go system?

Any other thoughts, ideas you guys can give me to lauch this successfully?

thinkingpc said:
So I am going to sign, need to call my recruiter/ director this weekend to get things going. I have some questions:

What things not PC do I need to buy like table, pens, folders etc?

What do people give their hosts for having parties?

Do u pay to mail their invites or do you incur that cost?

Can you work towards more then one thing at a time, ie, SSK, the roaster and the new travel to go system?

Any other thoughts, ideas you guys can give me to lauch this successfully?


Well first off Congrats! and welcome.
There is no real need for a table you usually just use the hosts dinner table or something. Pens, and something to put your host packets in (folders, manilla envelopes...) and if you want you can get something to put your catalog and order forms in at the shows, but it's not necessary, some just put a catalog with the order form and maybe a copy of the monthly special. You can print your own business cards which is what I have done for now, maybe later I will actually purchase some from Nancy's Artwork, or Town and Country Printing, they are the only 2 companies that are legal to use the Pampered Chef logo.
When you get your kit it will come with I think it's 6 of the Seasons Best $1 cookbook you can give to your host or as a door prize if you want, and also with your first ? shows PC gives them a time for tea set or something like that. You can also purchase through your supplies orders some gifts for a good price, like the small spatula, cake tester, i-slice...
As far as the invites, there are some consultants that mail them for the hosts, and some of them pay for them themselves and others ask for the host to pay for them, and some just give the invites to the host and just have them mail them, it's really up to you.
There is almost always more than one thing you can be working for every month. Yes you can earn them all at the same time, so set them goals to get them all.
A suggestion maybe that when you get your SS kit you try out the SS recipes in it at home and get to know the recipe so it will be easier when you are in front of all the people. And start trying to book shows right away, put your name out there, and Good Luck!
Very good advice Jennifer! I couldn't have said it any better! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #4
thanks how do I make the best of what to buy at the begining for hosts etc.. is there only one opportunity to do this? I forgot you are giving things for the first 6 hosts, the cofee and seasoning packets..

When do the new catalogs come out and when are they effective and the new products and mini catalogs? Im going to order my kit by Monday the latest.

O, I forgot something, you will probably want a rubbermaid tote or something to carry your dirty dishes back home in, you can use your crate to carry the stuff in to begin with until you earn the new show to go, and they have a tote on the supply order form that has a clear front pocket that you can put a recent catalog in and your business card and carry everywhere with you, and use it for show time to carry your customer folders or catalogs and host packe :eek: ts with you in. Maybe I got it all this time, but probably not, lol. Maybe someone else will think of something I forgot, I'm sure they will. ;)
You might recieve the new catalogs in your SS kit, if not you can order them right away and they are effective September 1st.
As far as the give away stuff, I ordered like 1 set of about 4 or 5 different things, 1 set of 10 bamboo tongs (these are really popular), 1 set of 10 cake testers, 1 set of 10 citrus peelers, 1 set of 5 mini-serving spatulas...and you can make 1 paperwor/supply order per month with a $3.50 s&h charge and after that is a full shipping charge by the amount of money you spend.
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  • Thread starter
  • #6
so if I have sales of $1250 in month 1, 2 and 3, I would qualify for all the SSK packages, the roaster and the 3 pieces of travel?
You can place one supply order a month and if you need to place more than one, the shipping is higher. You try and do inventory and place a small order once a month so you're not bombarded with placing a large order. You'll want to do that (save your money for kit enhancement month! :D )
About the seasonings, I thought too that I had to purchase those for my hosts but PC automatically does it for your first month's host only. I thought that they gave it to everyone of my kitchen show hosts for the first three months but it is only for your first month. So if you have your first month in September, only those kitchen hosts will receive the seasonings.
If you haven't signed yet, your new kit will come with all the Fall/Winter stuff. It will have the catalogs and basically everything you'll need to get started for the first 6 shows. Definitely try and get organized and find a spot in your house where you are going to file stuff, place all your invites, extra product......The list can go on. I don't have a designated office so I have kind of converted my bedroom/walk-in closet as PC Zone. My hubby knows not to touch any of it!
Also, when you sign, in your paperwork box, there will be a bright yellow flyer that is a supply booster and you can only take advantage of it for 60 days from the date your super starter kit was shipped. You can buy a ton of stuff retailed at $75 for $30. It's all paperwork stuff but it definitely helps get you started. It comes with 50 catalogs along with receipts, SB, invites, recipe cards and a whole lot more. I HIGHLY suggest getting it. :D
The new products are effective starting September 1st, when is your first month going to be? Do you already have shows lined up? I wouldn't suggest getting the mini-catalogs b/c it only has the new products in there which is all in the full size catalog. They are mainly used for consultants who want to send them to past hosts who might possibly want to rebook once they see the new products. It's kind of like a teaser!!
If I can help anymore, you can post a question on here or send me a private message.

Wow, I think this is my longest post ever! :eek: I'm starting to get like Becky! LOL :p
Hey there thinker!
In answer to your questions on your first 6 shows, don't spend money...make money.
If your house is like my house, there are plenty of miscellaneous pens you can round up to take to the show. I'd bring about 20.
If you choose, you can place the guests orders in folders. It is not a consultant standard, just a way to give guests something to take home with your contact info on it, and they feel like they've walked away with something more than just a receipt. I do it, but I did not at my first 10-20 shows. I honestly cannot say that I've seen a increase or decrease in my business with/without folders. I just feel that it's an advertisement with my website on it, because I do not let everyone go home with a catalog.
In your starter kit, you will receive some Seasons Best cookbooks (I think 6, it may be 4 now that you only need 4 to qualify. Can a newer consultant confirm for me what came in your kit). You do not have to furnish any additional present to your host. When his/her show product arrive, there will be a special note thanking them for being one of your first hosts, and the coffee packets.
When you sign your agreement, they will send you the new catalogs. You do not need the mini.
I DO recommend spending money on some labels to print your contact information on. You want to put that on EVERYTHING you send out. Once your business is a little more established, then you can invest in a stamp. But go cheap at first.

One mistake I see that new consultants aren't doing, is taking the time to thoroughly read their "Recipe For Success" booklet that comes in the Super Starter kit. I recommend to you to read it twice :) . It's called the "Recipe for Success" for a reason. Let it guide you to a successful start. Once your business is off and running, then you can begin to become more creative if you'd like or offer additional freebies, etc.
thinkingpc said:
so if I have sales of $1250 in month 1, 2 and 3, I would qualify for all the SSK packages, the roaster and the 3 pieces of travel?
Yes you will qualify for the three months SS pkgs but not for the travel. If you stop at the $1250 level for the first three months, that will leave you at $3750. You have to turn in a total of $4,000 for the months of August -October to earn all 3 pieces.
I highly suggest to keep going and put some of your money in the reserve bank. If you don't know about that, just post on here that you don't what that is and I'll explain it! :)
  • #10
To earn the Show To Go, there are different pieces you can earn. From Aug-end of Oct for $1000 you earn the Tool Turn About Tote. For $2000 total, you earn a Carry-All Tote and for $4000 total you earn all that, plus the Roling Case. It looks awesome! I can't wait.

You will have the opportunity to purchase a booster kit of supplies if you want after you receive your Starter Kit. This is where you can get more supplies. As consultants we can always place supply order, so you can always order more door prize gifts, order forms, catalogs and stuff like that whenever you need it. It's all very reasonable!

Welcome to the Pampered Chef family!
  • #11
Oops, I don't know why I didn't see all of those other responses before I did mine. Sorry about that. It's a little redundant I guess. :eek:
  • #12
Seasons Best
rwesterpchef said:
In your starter kit, you will receive some Seasons Best cookbooks (I think 6, it may be 4 now that you only need 4 to qualify. Can a newer consultant confirm for me what came in your kit).

I just got my starter kit and it had 6 Seasons Best cookbooks.
  • #13
Thanks Kristen for clarifying. Glad to hear it's still 6!

Related to Getting Started With Pampered Chef

What is Pampered Chef?

Pampered Chef is a direct sales company that offers high-quality kitchen tools, cookware, and accessories to help make cooking and entertaining easier and more enjoyable.

How do I become a Pampered Chef consultant?

To become a consultant, you can sign up through the Pampered Chef website. You will need to purchase a starter kit, which includes everything you need to get started, such as product samples, business supplies, and training materials.

What are the benefits of being a Pampered Chef consultant?

As a consultant, you can earn an income by selling products and hosting cooking shows. You also have the opportunity to earn free products and discounts on products for personal use. Additionally, you will have access to training and support from the company.

How do I host a Pampered Chef cooking show?

You can host a cooking show by contacting a Pampered Chef consultant and scheduling a date. The consultant will bring all the necessary products and tools for the show. As a host, you can earn free products and discounts based on the sales from your show.

What kind of products does Pampered Chef offer?

Pampered Chef offers a wide range of kitchen tools, cookware, bakeware, and accessories. Some popular products include the Rockcrok Dutch Oven, the Quick Cooker, and the Deep Covered Baker. The company also offers a variety of food products, such as seasonings, sauces, and baking mixes.

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