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Gall Bladder Surgery Before Conference

In summary, a newer consultant is preparing to attend their first conference alone but is worried about their upcoming gall bladder surgery. Others share their experiences of having their gall bladders removed and assure the consultant that they should be fine and can receive help at the conference if needed. The consultant is determined to attend the conference regardless of their recovery time from surgery. One person shares their experience of having a difficult recovery from gall bladder surgery, emphasizing that everyone's experience is different.
I am a newer consultant and this is my first year going to conference. I am going alone, have a room alone and all that. My director is going but her husband is going along too.

My question is, I am having my gall bladder out next week, either Wed or Friday. I told my surgeon that I am flying, and he said I should be ok.
Is there a lot of heavy lifting? or if anyone had their gall bladder out before do you think I will be ok? I am a quick healer. I pack light and have a rolling suitcase...
Just nervous and hope someone can tell me I will be fine.
I think you should be fine unless the surgery turns out to be a little more than anticipated, which isn't likely. I had mine out and was feeling fine very quickly. You will need to follow the lifting restrictions but you should be OK.
There shouldn't be any lifting - get someone to help you with your bags at the airport and hotel, and you should be fine! And at conference itself, you'll be surrounded by caring people who will be happy to help you with anything you need! There is no heavy lifting, but lots of walking so I'd say just make sure you allow yourself plenty of time to get from place to place!
Call corporate (Career Solutions) & tell them that you now will have special needs for conference. They will transfer you to the appropriate person (or her voice mail) to get you added to the list and see what they can do to have someone assist you where they think you might need help & where they are able to help.I have one on my team who just had unexpected back surgery, but she's adamant that she's still going! We may end up renting a wheel chair for her ... but she says she's not missing out! LOL
Sheila said:
Call corporate (Career Solutions) & tell them that you now will have special needs for conference. They will transfer you to the appropriate person (or her voice mail) to get you added to the list and see what they can do to have someone assist you where they think you might need help & where they are able to help.

I have one on my team who just had unexpected back surgery, but she's adamant that she's still going! We may end up renting a wheel chair for her ... but she says she's not missing out! LOL

I called home office (that's what "corporate" is called at Pampered Chef) when I had knee and foot issues that meant a possible need for a scooter or other special need and they said that I should take care of those needs when I got there. They have scooters for rent right at the entrance of the halls where we register. There are also a few wheelchairs available if you have someone to push you.

As far as needs in this case. You will be fine. Your luggage will be the biggest thing so get help with that. Take it easy on the hurrying about so you don't get tired out. Even with my foot and knee issues the last couple of years I was able to make every session on time without a scooter but with a cane, so you shouldn't have a problem.
I had my gallbladder out on a Wed and by Friday I felt pretty good. By Sunday, I was normal. So I think you will be ok. Find the bathrooms at the conference. You might have to still be watching what you eat and making extra trips to the bathroom as your body adjusts to no gallbladder. I recovered pretty quickly and didn't have any real issues but I have heard stories of people having some close bathroom calls after losing their gall bladder.
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  • #7
a scooter could be cool... ha ha.Thanks ladies, from all I have read it seems like a pretty quick recovery... and this is my first trip away from dh and the kids in about 6 years so I am hell bent on going, if I have to crawl.
Every person is different in how you'll respond to the surgery. My surgeon says he never knows how someone will respond and that it has nothing to do with their body type. I'd had 2 c-sections prior to my gallbladder (over 6 yrs since the last c-section) so I thought it was going to be a breeze.

I had my gallbladder out in Jan. and had a tough time for a week+. Everyone says it's no big deal and you'll re-coup in a couple days, but that wasn't the case for me. I did my first cooking show 9 days after my surgery and I can tell you I was ready to get out of my dressy cloths and go home and rest after it (and my Mom was there helping me to boot). I slept in a recliner for a couple wks b/c it was too painful to get in and out of my bed.

There is lots of walking at conference and you'll be sitting in a chair most of the time. I'd for sure look into renting a wheel chair or scooter. You won't want to do that much walking and I can tell you from experience....You'll need to be close to a bathroom. There isn't much if any warning when you need to be there and there are ALWAYS long lines. Be prepared to tell the line that you've had surgery and you NEEEEEED to be moved ahead of the line.

Wait to see how you feel closer to time before you decide to go or cxl...I would advise not to push it if you aren't up to it as conference approaches. There is always next year and your health is most important.

It probably will also depend on how sick you've been prior to surgery. I had been sick for a couple of months.

Best wishes to a successful surgery & a quick recovery.
I still recommend for you to call. I called them before the 19th & they had the woman on my team go online & update her registration, saying they were going to print the list after the registration deadline & start calling people and working with each one individually. She did say that they were going to have a private company with scooters and wheel chairs. It sounded to me like they wanted a head count now though ... maybe they've had issues in the past with having too many or not enough aid devices for the people who needed them and are improving their system.
  • #10
I hope for you that you are in the majority that easily handles the surgery and heals and that you are able to enjoy conference. My experience with a laparoscopic gall bladder surgery was the exact opposite of what they told me to expect. I was sick afterwards for 3 weeks. I know that I scheduled my surgery for 6 weeks out from when I met with my surgeon .. is it possible to reschedule the surgery or are you at the point where it really needs to come out now?
  • #11

What airport, time and date are you flying into Chicago? More than likely there will be a busload of PC consultants in the airport so don't hesitate to walk up to one of them and ask for assistance - esp. at the baggage carousel. I'm short and I'm always having to ask for help at those darned thing! :)

If you're taking the Airport Express shuttle from the airport to your hotel, the driver will be the one hoisting your luggage into the van & out at the hotel & the bell boys at the hotels are very helpful so you should be fine.
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  • #12
I am at the point that they want to take it out now. He wanted to do it this Friday but we are going to Cleveland for my nieces wedding, so I had to go with next week. I tried to push it til after conference but he said he wouldn't recommend waiting that long. I will call and see what they say. I just hope I am ok. If you see a short woman with dark hair holding her side in the restroom line that would be me. I am the only consultant on my directors team that is going and I don't want her to feel like she has to take care of me the entire time. I have 4 kids, and I am not allowed to get sick. It is in the handbook. Thanks for the advice and good wishes!
  • #13
I think, to be on the safe side, even if you have minimal complications, you may still be sore/tender, I'd make arrangements for a wheel chair or scooter. At the least, check what the "cancellation" policy for it would be, if there is such a thing! Or talk to someone at HO to find out your options, so do you need to reserve or make arrangements now and then can cancel when you arrive if you are A-OK, or can you make the arrangements a few days before.Better to be prepared, than wish you were and miserable! Mainly the walking. There are escalators in nearly every area that I remember going up/down levels. I don't remember there ONLY be a stairs option. Of course there are elevators. :)
  • #14
I recommend a rolling back pack- instead of using conf bags.

The bags get SO heavy _ I never use them I always bring the back pack
  • #15
WELL... a voice of very recent experienceI had 2 gallbladder attacks first one I thought I had the flu
Then the day before Memorial day I get sick, decided I had food poisoning...finally was drug to ER by my daughter & best friend, they did sonogram and wanted to admit me and do surgery @ 6 am (UHHMMM no my daughter graduates tomorrow night) By this time meds in IV had kicked in and i had no pain (I had been in constant pain for 24+ hours at this point.)Saw a surgeon the morning after graduation he couldn't do it for a week.
By the following Sun morning i was back in ER having it removed thru emergency surgery It was badly infected and I had gangrene. They did do it laprascopically but the surgeon said later I should have had an incision because of the infection. I had over 100 stones and due to all the irrigation had to wear a JP drain home for another week.I can pretty much eat anything but still tire very easily and still have pain in my abdomen.
I still can't drive or lift for another week.
not to be a downer but a few things to consider.... bathing/shaving legs is hard
clothes with a waistband are uncomfortable after a while
tire more easily
sensitivity to food/restroom issues
if you are released with a drain it does need to be emptied and the tubing stripped when it clogs
BIG THING...People unintentionally bumping into your stomach (or in my case children running out of control at pharmacy)
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  • #16
YIKES Teresa. First and foremost, I am glad you are ok! Second, you have given me things to consider. Luckily, my flight is free (hubbys sky miles-he travels for work and has a million)... therefore, refundable if I have to cancel, and my hotel is the same (hilton Honors points) so I can cancel if I have to. I would cry like a little baby if I miss conference because of my stupid gall bladder, but I won't take a chance. If I have a drain or have to be opened up I will cancel conference.
Luckily I have recently lost 42 lbs (go weight watchers!) so my pants are all big so the waistband should be ok.
  • #17
DebinCincy said:
YIKES Teresa. First and foremost, I am glad you are ok! Second, you have given me things to consider. Luckily, my flight is free (hubbys sky miles-he travels for work and has a million)... therefore, refundable if I have to cancel, and my hotel is the same (hilton Honors points) so I can cancel if I have to. I would cry like a little baby if I miss conference because of my stupid gall bladder, but I won't take a chance. If I have a drain or have to be opened up I will cancel conference.
Luckily I have recently lost 42 lbs (go weight watchers!) so my pants are all big so the waistband should be ok.

If you do have to cancel because of health call home office and they will refund your registration even if it's after the deadline. All you will have to do is have your doctor write a note as to why you can't be there. I was in the hospital when I was supposed to be at spring launch and they refunded my registration for that. This is the only thing they will refund for.
  • #18
I know many people had great experiences but I can tell you there is no way I'd travel alone that close to having surgery. I also know its day surgery for most mine was 2 1/2 days in the hospital
My daughter and I leave in the morning for a week in savannah to visit one of our friends it was her graduation gift from me and I pleaded with the surgeon we were only doing it if i could still make our trip, of course until they got in the had no idea how serious my condition was (they could tell it was infected by the sonogram)I can't even take a carry on bag you cant lift more than a gallon of milk to risk a herniaGood Luck i hope yours is successful with few side effects
  • #19
@ Teresa:

Hope you are feeling better soon. I had mine out Jan. 6th, it was a much longer road to recovery than I ever expected!

@ Deb: pm me if you'd like my cell # happy to help you @ conference if needed. Sometimes it's nice to know someone else has "been there".
  • #20
Everyone is differerent and every surgery is different depending on all the various circumstances. Some recover quickly and others take a lot more time.

Just don't worry, follow your doctor's advice, and do what feels right to you.

I had major abdominal surgery (involving the colon) the first of April. It ended up much more complicated then the doctor expected and he had to make a large incision after trying to do it with a scope. Recovery was longer than expected but I was able to make our trip from North Carolina to Tahiti earlier this month and do everything I wanted to do. Now, I did have a little longer to recover than you will have but the travel was much more grueling than going to Chicago. A month after my surgery I would have managed traveling to conference though so there is a good chance you will too.

I hope for the best for you.
  • #21
Wow Teresa! You had a rough time! Hopefully you are doing MUCH better now.Deb, I'll probably be helping the one on my team who just had back surgery or I'd volunteer to help you! Like Barb, I'm sure there will be plenty of people who would be willing to step up and help out ~ don't be too shy to ask! Tell them you are recovering from surgery & you need help. Very few I think would ignore you. ;)
  • #22
Deb - I recently had gall bladder surgery (day after Easter). Although mine was day surgery with little complications, I would highly recommend that if you do decide to come to conference to invest in an abdominal binder. You can get them at Kmart in the pharmacy section. It helped keep my abdomen protected from bumps from people, and it kept pressure on my abs so it helped alleviate some of the pain. Just my two cents.
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  • #23
flemings99 said:
@ Teresa:

Hope you are feeling better soon. I had mine out Jan. 6th, it was a much longer road to recovery than I ever expected!

@ Deb: pm me if you'd like my cell # happy to help you @ conference if needed. Sometimes it's nice to know someone else has "been there".

Thank you!!!
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  • #24
thanks Krista. My surgeon recommended something like this too. I will look into it.
  • #25
they actually had me wearing one in the hospital, they pinned my drain to it i agree it was helpful.

Related to Gall Bladder Surgery Before Conference

1. What restrictions should I follow after my gall bladder surgery before attending conference?

After gall bladder surgery, it is important to follow your doctor's instructions and restrictions in order to ensure a smooth recovery. This may include avoiding lifting heavy objects, sticking to a specific diet, and getting enough rest.

2. Can I still attend conference if I have recently had my gall bladder removed?

As long as you have been cleared by your doctor and are feeling well enough to travel, you are welcome to attend conference. Please let us know if you have any special accommodations or needs.

3. Can I still participate in cooking demonstrations at conference if I have had gall bladder surgery?

If you feel comfortable and able to participate in cooking demonstrations, you are more than welcome to do so. However, please listen to your body and take breaks as needed.

4. Can I bring my own food to conference if I have dietary restrictions after my gall bladder surgery?

Yes, you are welcome to bring your own food to conference if you have dietary restrictions due to your gall bladder surgery. Please inform us of any specific needs or allergies so we can make accommodations for you.

5. Will there be any resources or support available for those who have had gall bladder surgery before attending conference?

We will do our best to provide resources and support for those who have had gall bladder surgery before attending conference. Please reach out to us if you have any specific concerns or needs.

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