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From No One to Future Director: My Journey in Just 3 Weeks!

In summary, Gillian started as a consultant two weeks ago and has just been promoted to a FD. She successfully signed one customer and the show had 42 people attend, making a total order of $1,200 and another host lined up for this Saturday. This motivated customer will be qualified by the time she gets her other orders. Her director wants her to attend Leadership in January, but plane tickets are expensive so she might not be able to afford it.
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  • #51
Thanks Jennifer! That really reassures me! I am worried because there is only 1200 people in this town, with no other towns around it. I feel better though because the closes Walmart is 500 miles away!
  • #52
Wow... that is very good. I am happy for you.

I do have a question? How long does it take to sign up and get you Con. number, and how long before you can get started.

That is real good
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  • #53
I signed her up on Friday the 22nd, and she got a consultant number Sunday or Monday. She already had her first show on Saturday with the PC products she already had, and her kit should have been shipped by now. She needs to wait until she gets the kit to submit with PP, but they ship really fast.

Getting a PC debit card takes a few days, but my director said that if there is two forms of payment (10 checks and 2 credit cards for example) you can put the total of all 10 checks on your personal credit/debit card as a payment for one order, then put the checks in your bank. That way everything looks paid for by CC and there is nothing for PC to need the PC debit card for!
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  • #55
Thanks Leah! I was doing more calls last night and got one more lady that wants to sign in a few weeks. Her son is in special ed and she has to find a school for him and get him settled before she can commit to anything.

I also have another lady that is really really thinking about it, but won't commit quite yet. That would be just my luck that I would have four awesome recruits and never get a fifth!!
  • #56
I am sure that you will get your fifth just be pacient.. watch you will end up with 6 or 7.... LOL :) I just need to get one...... and I would be happy as a clam.... LOL
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  • #57
I have had NONE for 2 years, then one fair and I am bombarded by leads!!
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  • #58
Basically I paid $100 for 2 fair shifts that ended up being 6 shows and two for sure recruits!!
  • #59
Have to share something sad but funny. Went into 7 Eleven today. I Know the lady the owns it pretty well... long story short, she is looking to get out of it, long hours, weekends etc. So I gave her info on the opp. Then this lady comes up to the counter as we are talking asking about work. Marie tells her that they aren't hiring. She says ,"I'd love to have something a few nights a week and weekends off. I already work fulltime." I take a big gulp and say, "You should do what I do." She asks, I tell her a little and then that I make about $100 a show. She says, "Yeah, I did PL and ran out of friends." I said, "Well, PL is a great product but not everyone is into candles, with PC its easy because everyone eats." THEN SHE SAYS: "Yeah, but I don't want to do that, I'd rather work a few nights a week for $7 and have $100 at the end." I said, "Really? That's a shame. I did retail... and won't ever again after doing this. Well, Good luck. I hope you find what you're lookin for." I truly wasn't being snotty (it may read like that) I was just totally stunned. I wanted to say I had three friends/family members get me started and the rest has been off of those and other places. I have quite a few friends/family who still haven't hosted a show for me. But, they are there if/when I need them.
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  • #60
Bummer Anne! Her loss though! Let her work for 5 nights to get $100 while you work one night and get $100!
  • #61
Anne: way to go! At least you gave it a shot; way to step out of your comfort zone:) I'm learning that the worst they can say is "no"! You never know until you ask!
  • #62
I was just surprised. No one ever says they want to work for $7/hr.
  • #63
Congrats - I became a future director on Sept 14. On my birthday! WOHOO!!!!:cool:
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  • #64
Congrats Kathy!
  • #65

Are we going to be seeing your signature change to Director soon here? Way to go on recruiting. Those are some incredible fair results!

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  • #66
I am hoping!! I have four on the fence, and one totally qualified and off to a great start!!
  • #67
I know I posted about this in another thread... I just can't remember. I'm on the verge of losing my FD status because my 2nd recruit went inactive, over a lousy $89. Anyway, talking to my very first recruit and she told me that she had $200 in orders. I asked her to submit that today and she said she would. So, I guess I'll still be Anne "FD" Pratt. That is, until I promote. Gillian, we can walk across the stage TOGETHER!!! Maybe we'll hold up cool signs like some of the girls did at the last conference.
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  • #68
OKAY!! Mine will say "Sorry for posting on every single thread- twice! Hello Cheffers!" Watch for it!!
  • #69
Future DirectorI have joined the ranks of FUTURE DIRECTOR:D I never thought I would do this. I am so excited. Thanks for all the great ideas I get from this group!!
  • #70
PaulaP said:
I have joined the ranks of FUTURE DIRECTOR:D I never thought I would do this. I am so excited. Thanks for all the great ideas I get from this group!!

Congratulations. Sounds like making FD really excites people, maybe I should take it more seriously.
  • #71
Maybe a whole bunch of us can walk across at Conference next year. Tell me about the signs. I was unable to go this year for two reasons. My former employer wouldn't allow me to take off work and my mom passed away in June. It was a tough time. Please note the employer is a former employer. I have already signed up for conference club. I didn't have a clue I might be able to qualify to go to Leadership so now I need to start saving for that. Fortunately I live near Dallas so I don't have to pay for airfare and such.
  • #72
Let's do it! Let's promote together! We'll have to wear some CS sash or something. LOL
  • #73
They do not need to be qualified for you to be a future director. If your director has not acknowledged it then let us acknowledge your accomplishment WOHOOOOOOOOO!!!
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  • #74
I finally called her and she said that I had promoted, but I don't think I should have to call her! She should call me!! I have one qualified and one that hasn't done anything. I am hoping to get my four off the fence and make director by Christmas!!
  • #75
Yes, it would be great if she called you. No one in my upline said anything to me. I thought it was strange and then at kickoff they did something really great for me. So, I think they were trying to surprise me. It was sooo sweet!
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  • #76
I don't go to my cluster meetings, so maybe there was something there for me that I didn't know about??
  • #77
My director read the letter from HO and gave me the whisk.
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  • #78
That is better than nothing! My director was like...oh, yeah...I heard that you promoted... Thanks a lot! You heard that I promoted?? From who?? HO?? Maybe you should congratulate me a little!! Geez!
  • #79
I was talking to my "director" or soon to be director as soon as her last consultant qualifies and we were talking about the need for recognizing both publicly and privately. Next week I'm going to help her set things up to get reminders for things like anniversaries. I should mention the "when promoted getting recognition is really important".
  • #80
Recognition IS important! Its the best part of PC. I'm sorry your director didn't allow you to get that, Gillian. But that's what we're here for!
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  • #81
She has over 100 consultants under her, so I can understand, but aren't the PP reports designed to highlight those doing well? Also, I am not sure if I am in her first line or second line, so I can't tell if she leaves me out of sales recognition because I'm not ifrst line, or because she forgot.

She recruited my sister. My sister recruited me. My sister went inactive and quit PC 18 months ago. So, am I her first line or second line??
  • #82
I am her sister and she recruited me again today! Yippee!
  • #83
You would then be in her first line. And, she would get a memo form HO about your achievement. Maybe she didn't get it yet...

Welcome Bridget!
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  • #84
She knew about it when I talked to her, she just didn't take the time to call me, which I think is kind of sad. I shouldn't have to call her just to get recognition!
  • #85
No, you shouldn't. Maybe when you promote to Director she'll make a bigger fuss. Who knows...
  • #86
AJPratt said:
No, you shouldn't. Maybe when you promote to Director she'll make a bigger fuss. Who knows...

And IF NOT - - - WE WILL!!!:D :D :D
  • #87
Future Director
gilliandanielle said:
I can't believe it!! Just 2 weeks ago I didn't have a soul that would even listen about the opportunity, and now I'm a FD! What could I do in three weeks??? Watch out world!!!

  • #88
Gillian, I'm sorry you haven't received praise from your director. I guess I'm pretty lucky to have a sweet & enthusiastic director. Does your's have meetings, or are they too far away for you to go? I love going to our monthly meetings, but we haven't had one since conference. My director was in a car accident the weekend after we got home & dislocated a vertabrae. So I'm looking forward to when our meetings start again. Meeting-less, that's why I've been on here so much! This is like a giant cluster meeting:D
And we're here to give ya praise!
  • #89
Gillian, I am so sorry that your Director doesn't seem to care about your achievements! :(

All of those who hang out here think you are AWESOME!!!

I have a great director who always acknowledges achievement, and I am so thankful for that! I have learned from her how to treat my own consultants, and that is a good thing!

I was wondering if your Director was a little ticked because you re-recruited one of HER recruits (although if she doesn't give recognition and make you feel good about your business, I don't know how she could expect to keep her!)....keep up the good work and treat your consultants the way YOU would want to be treated...It's all about THEM and what THEY need! Your business will start to grow quickly in the next few months, so be ready!

  • #90
WOW, you guys are awesome, and soooo encouraging. I too am about to lose (if I haven't already) my future director status. My last recruit only did two of her six shows since signing in April.) But right now I am working on two others. Prior to September I was ready to quit again. My life has been crazy since last Feb (long story) which made it really hard to schedule shows.
Am now trying to get things going again here and also move my business in early November. I hope to be able to pass some of my contacts on to new consultants to help get them started. One thing I'm trying to do is to begin thinking like a director and go for that goal. Now to take action and not just dream.
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  • #91
Thanks guys for the support! I was a future director before recruiting my sister back, who was originally recruited by my director. She can't be mad because 1) she didn't say anything when I had two recruits and 2) she never even offered or encouraged my sister to come back to PC!Sharron- I am sorry that you are going to lose your status! I look at it as the SS period is my time to stay at my level, while still recruiting to ensure that I will keep my level after their SS months are over.

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