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Expert Tips for a Successful Holiday Bazaar: Get Inspired and Boost Your Sales!

and then hand them out.Hello! I just started doing fairs/tables myself and to help with bookings, I have the people that come to the table (that are interested of course) to roll a dice and each number on the dice corresponds to one of our Pampered Chef items. They will get that item for free but they have to book the show that day, keep the show on that date, and have at least $300 as show sales.I tried this a couple weekends ago and was able to book a show :) I am trying it tomorrow and Sunday at two different events that i am going to.Do you have any of the old recipe cards to hand out? Get
Gold Member
I will be doing my first Holiday bazaar on Nov. 6. Does anyone have any handouts or words of wisdom they have used at their own Bazaars? I really need all the help I can get. I have had a lot of trouble trying to get my business off the ground. Everytime I ask someone to book a show they say no. I am at a loss for what to do .
Joy just posted a tri-fold brochure you could hand out...

I'm not usually organized enough to be very consistent w/bazaars, as long as I have catalogs to pass out, door prize drawing slips and order forms, I usually figure I'm good. I try not to "push" PC too much, just say "hi" and ask if they are familiar w/PChef, chat with everybody, ask if they are enjoying the bazaar, etc... you generally find out pretty quick who is interested in PC or not.

Good Luck!
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  • #3
Thank you. I downloaded the tri- fold to use at this event. I am not looking for big sales, but I would like to get more bookings.
Make sure you have your name and info on EVERYTHING you hand out! That is how I found the consultant I signed up under... her name was on a flyer I found from a bazaar 3 years prior!

Can you afford to give away a gift certificate or some other product? People like to win stuff and that's a good way to get them to fill out a drawing slip. I have had people tell me they weren't interested in hosting but then check yes on the drawing slip and when I followed up with them they booked a party. Sometimes I think people assume we are always trying to recruit and will automatically say "no thank you" when asked a question, like it doesn't really sink in what you just asked them about. I hope the bazaar is successful for you! :)
I just start a normal conversation, then ask if they would like to be on my monthly e-mail newsletter. Once they are filling out that form and chatting I suggest (not ask) ... They usually start pointing at all the things they own, or all the things they want. That's your opening! "If you have a lot of things on your wish list you should consider hosting a show so that you can earn lost of items for free or at a discount!" The word consider implies a thought process. You are not putting them on the spot to make a decision right now. ;)
Sheila said:
"If you have a lot of things on your wish list you should consider hosting a show so that you can earn lost of items for free or at a discount!"

Oooh, Sheila I like this! I'll have to get that in my brain... consider, consider, consider... :)
There's a trifold brochure with gift ideas, too. I'm going to use that for my faire...probably in addition to the stocking stuffer flyer AND possibly Joy's flyer, too--depending on the conversation with the person.To find these, search the files for Stocking and Ideas. they'll be close to or at the top
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  • #8
Thank you all for your suggestions. When I typed in Stocking and Ideas nothing came up. Is there something else I could try?
I searched stocking stuffers and found some things. But I do not see the trifold flyer. Where is that one at?
  • #10
Nevermind I finally found it.
  • #11
Hello! I just started doing fairs/tables myself and to help with bookings, I have the people that come to the table (that are interested of course) to roll a dice and each number on the dice corresponds to one of our Pampered Chef items. They will get that item for free but they have to book the show that day, keep the show on that date, and have at least $300 as show sales. I tried this a couple weekends ago and was able to book a show :) I am trying it tomorrow and Sunday at two different events that i am going to.
  • #12
Do you have any of the old recipe cards to hand out? Get their attention with "would you like a FREE recipe card?"

Related to Expert Tips for a Successful Holiday Bazaar: Get Inspired and Boost Your Sales!

What is "Holiday Bazaar Help"?

"Holiday Bazaar Help" is a program offered by Pampered Chef to assist our consultants in preparing and maximizing their sales at holiday bazaars and markets.

How can I access "Holiday Bazaar Help"?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, you can access "Holiday Bazaar Help" through your consultant account on our website. Simply log in and click on the "Holiday Bazaar Help" tab.

What resources are available through "Holiday Bazaar Help"?

Through "Holiday Bazaar Help", you can access a variety of resources including marketing materials, display ideas, and tips for maximizing your sales at holiday bazaars and markets. You can also connect with other consultants to share ideas and advice.

Are there any fees associated with "Holiday Bazaar Help"?

No, there are no additional fees for accessing "Holiday Bazaar Help". It is a complimentary program offered to our consultants to support their business during the holiday season.

Can I participate in "Holiday Bazaar Help" if I am not a Pampered Chef consultant?

Unfortunately, "Holiday Bazaar Help" is only available to current Pampered Chef consultants. However, if you are interested in becoming a consultant, you can reach out to us for more information on joining our team.

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