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Experience the Benefits of Master Cleanse: Lemon, Maple, and Cayenne Detox

The Fat Flush cleanse is a high colonic that is supposed to help with weight loss. It is very dangerous and should not be done without consulting a doctor.
Has anyone out there ever tried the master cleanse?? (lemon, maple, cayenne). I am trying it, and so far so good...

If you have tried it... How did it work for you??? How long did you stay on the cleanse?? Side effects???
I heave never heard of this "master cleanse." What is it about? What is it supposed to do for you?
It sounds like a high colonic.
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  • #5
What do you all think?
I haven't used that one, but it looks very similar to "The Fat Flush" plan by Ann Gittleman. I try to do a "flush" or "cleanse" every year, and think that it is always well worth it to flush as many toxins etc...as you can from your body.....but I'm sorta a health food nut, and much prefer natural remedies instead of chemicals for my health. Good Luck with your Cleanse!
This sounds very dangerous and I seriously suggest you consult a doctor before doing something like that.
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  • #8
I asked a friend who is a doctor, and she said that a cleanse is always a good thing, but it is always necessary to listen to your body when it is telling you something. Doing a cleanse to lose weight, is not necessarily the right reason. A cleanse should be done to detox your body and rid it of all the nasties inside.
This was very popular with celebrities lat year..I never tried it, but seriously thought about it...Not that I am a celebrity...hehehe
  • #10
I think you might be uncomfortable the first few days but after that you should be o.k. - When you get back to food take it very slow. There is actually a Master Cleanse book (the one on the right of the page on your link)that usually goes into more detail than the things you find on the internet.
I personally haven't done this kind of cleanse because I do to much caffeine - I would be miserable in hours
  • #11
For those that do this sort of thing, I would just say, eat right! It's all about what you put in your body. Stop the junk, figure out a way not to have caffeine become a huge part of your life, read labels, avoid the processed crap that is out there, eat a wide variety of fruts, vegetables,etc, drink some water instead of pop, and move!

Sorry for sounding like a nag, but it's that simple. I would not do the water, cayenne, etc thing. Does that sound like it makes sense????

Spend a few bucks and see a nutrionist. If you can't afford that (and I totally understand about being low on funds) there is great information available on-line.
  • #12
A freind of mine did it last year and it was called the "lemonaid cleanse or diet" and she did it for 2 weeks and lost 14lbs! I've done the 48hour Hollywood diet and just about starved for 2 days and didn't lose a lb. so I couldn't imagine doing it for longer than that! Good luck!
  • #13
I can tell you that lemon is good for detoxing, cayenne helps you rmetabolism, water is good for detoxing and the Grade B maple syrup helps with your blood sugar. Yes, It is extreme

I can also tell you that there are a lot of dietitians and nutritionist that will just hand you a copy of the food pyramid for the $250 your insurance pays them and there is a lot of misinformation out there on the internet. You know how many diet books out there explain their version of 'EAT RIGHT'

Sifting through al the garbage and misinformation on the internet is hard because everyone's diet is THE diet. I work in a Health Food store and you want to know how many people walk in every day and want the magic pill for weight loss.

Detoxing isn't just about food - There are toxins all around us, In our water, our air we breathe, food, skin care products etc. So it is not as easy as you think to avoid. These cleanse programs are not for weight loss. They are for a quick way to get the junk out of your system and hopefully afterwards you will be more careful about how you are taking care of your body.
  • #14
I'd do a detox cleanse if it were for like 3 days max~ just to cleanse my system of abuse all 33 years! :) That might help me clear this dang ligering sinus infection and fatigue!
  • #15
I personally would rather do a more less extreme cleanse. I have a tendancy to get hypoglycemia . I get a lot of feedback from people that feel great afterwards
  • #16
I did a complete detox a few years ago. After about a week I felt like I had the flu, I slept it off and felt great the next morning. I kept a good diet after that for about 2 years. Felt the best in my entire life. Why I ever fell off the wagon again I just don't know. Maybe it has something to do with stress or something. I did not do the detox you are talking about, I did the Hallelujah diet.
  • #17
Just be careful about not eating. That sends a signal in your brain that you are going to go into starvation mode and your body reacts in the opposite way. You will gain weight.
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  • #18
Completely understand the lingering questions... believe me, I have them too! :) I am doing this more so for the detox, getting the yucks out, and not so much for the weight loss. I am at the gym for about 2 hours a day, eat pretty well (although since joining the PC team, and having to practice recipes, I tend to cheat!!) I have just been reading up on all of the toxins in our bodies and the natural remedies to get them out.... Just thought this would be an interesting way to discuss pros/cons of one such cleanse/detox :)
  • #19
When I was on my cruise the fitness director on the shop and the spa staff are big on detoxing and cleansing - It's big in Europe and outside of the U.S. but not as much in the U.S. Many health care pros here say that the liver naturally cleanses the body but I think most of us have overtaxed our bodies with all the junk we eat and the other things we expose our body too. I am gradually working on a caffeine taper but I know I can't go cold turkey - I can drink caffein all the up to bed time
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  • #20
Day 2Well, it is day 2 of me trying the master cleanse... All is well so far!! Except for me having to pee CONSTANTLY!!! We shall see how long this will last!! The true test will be my show on Sunday! I am fixing Carmel Apple Bread Pudding!!! YUMMO!!! That is my favorite PC dessert recipe so far!!:)
  • #21
All the added fluids is good though - It flushes out the liver and kidneys I have been learning a lot at the store that I work at. I am starting a new diet tomorrow. It's call the Fiber 35 Diet I just started adding fiber to my diet gradually pre-diet and I have already lost 4 lbs this week.
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  • #22
AWESOME!! You will have to keep me updated!!! As will I!! I have been completely surprised at my energy level!! Also, I haven't really been hungry!! I just keep drinking the drink....:D
  • #23
Kathytnt said:
All the added fluids is good though - It flushes out the liver and kidneys I have been learning a lot at the store that I work at. I am starting a new diet tomorrow. It's call the Fiber 35 Diet I just started adding fiber to my diet gradually pre-diet and I have already lost 4 lbs this week.

4 lbs... just be adding a lot of fiber?

pamperedchef_OK_LA_MS said:
AWESOME!! You will have to keep me updated!!! As will I!! I have been completely surprised at my energy level!! Also, I haven't really been hungry!! I just keep drinking the drink....:D

How many days do you plan on doing this cleanse?
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  • #24
Not sure... Just going to keep at it until I can't anymore!! From what I have been reading, 10 days is a logical amount of time for your body to detox... We shall see!!
  • #25
Good for you! I'm sure you will feel great after you are done.
  • #26
Well I feel full almost all the time - I am even forgetting to eat. I have not been able to exercise since Saturday when I sprained my foot. I was training at the lake and 3.3 mile into my walk (race-walking) Tole hubby I was hurting. We slowed down and have to walk 3.3 miles back to the car on a bum foot. It is 9.1 mile around the lake - Our original goal.

Diet - I am not even getting in the minimum of 35 grams of fiber yet as far as I can tell and already feel better. Wish I could find more higher fiber PC recipes. One of the things the book (Firber 35 Diet) talks about is the Fiber Flush. Getting more fiber in your diet moves food through your system better. For ever gram of fiber your eat there are 7 calories that do not get absorbed. Not 4 lbs in a week type of calories but 35+ x 7 adds up over time. I am not craving carbs or chocolate as much and I am eating less food. Did you know that even Dark chocolate has fiber in it?
  • #27
I wish that I had the discipline!! I work out M-F, so that is half of my battle at least..
  • #28
Kathytnt said:
Well I feel full almost all the time - I am even forgetting to eat. I have not been able to exercise since Saturday when I sprained my foot. I was training at the lake and 3.3 mile into my walk (race-walking) Tole hubby I was hurting. We slowed down and have to walk 3.3 miles back to the car on a bum foot. It is 9.1 mile around the lake - Our original goal. Diet - I am not even getting in the minimum of 35 grams of fiber yet as far as I can tell and already feel better. Wish I could find more higher fiber PC recipes. One of the things the book (Firber 35 Diet) talks about is the Fiber Flush. Getting more fiber in your diet moves food through your system better. For ever gram of fiber your eat there are 7 calories that do not get absorbed. Not 4 lbs in a week type of calories but 35+ x 7 adds up over time. I am not craving carbs or chocolate as much and I am eating less food. Did you know that even Dark chocolate has fiber in it?
Some easy ways to get more fiber - switch to brown rice, whole grain pasta, whole grain bread.....high fiber cereal (I eat alot of Kashi), eat yogurt w/ fiber added - Stonyfield Farms is the brand I buy. Add flax seeds/meal to cereals, yogurt, on salads (and get your Omega-3 oils too!). I used to think it was impossible to get enough fiber, but I am doing so much better at it now....and it helps to keep your system clean after you finish the flush/cleanse!
About 6 yrs ago I was diagnosed w/ Fibromyalgia, and the rheumatologist wanted to keep me on a regimin of Nsaid's and Anti-depressants.....I felt like a zombie all the time, so did a ton of research and have been treating it naturally and mostly thru the foods that I eat for the past 5 1/2 yrs. Doing a once a yr. cleanse, and getting plenty of foods high in fiber and antioxidents, and not eating alot of foods that are highly processed, chemically produced/genetically altered, contain HFCS, or hydrogenated oils are key to my good health!
  • #29
There is abook called Fatigued to Fantastic that is is supposed to be really good for Fiibromyalgia

I was amazed that WW even adds fiber to it's yogurt I am usually looking at calories and carbs on labels not fiber It's amazing what I am finding when I look at that part of the label.
  • #30
Do you buy this or make it at home?
  • #31
Are you referring to the Lemonade or Master Cleanse???
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  • #32
I am doing the lemonade, cayenne, grade b maple syrup cleanse... Yes, I just make it at home
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  • #33
Well, I am beginning DAY 3!! All is well so far!! Last night I was at the gym for almost 3 hours and felt as though I could have stayed for another 3!!! I was amazed because during cardio kickboxing I felt AWESOME!!! No weird feelings at all!!! I will keep updating!!
  • #34
I am amazed that you are spending 3 hours at the gym - What the heck are you doing for 3 hours

I am actually starting my Fiber 35 diet today
  • #35
Kathytnt said:
I am actually starting my Fiber 35 diet today

A few more questions for you on that. If I don't want to commit to 35+ ...is adding any extra fiber to your diet better than nothing?? Also, what about adding supplements? Or do you need 35+ of the real thing?
  • #36
pamperedchef_OK_LA_MS said:
Well, I am beginning DAY 3!! All is well so far!! Last night I was at the gym for almost 3 hours and felt as though I could have stayed for another 3!!! I was amazed because during cardio kickboxing I felt AWESOME!!! No weird feelings at all!!! I will keep updating!!

Congrats....man! I need to try this :)
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  • #37
Well... I start out on eliptical (30min), gauntlet (20-30min)--that is the moving stairs (I hate this!!) and then treadmill (60 minutes) Then cardio kickboxing for an hour!!

I swear I feel so much better on this cleanse... I feel like I am on top of the world, and working so hard!! I just hope I can keep it up!! Like I said before, my show on Sunday will be the kicker ... Caramel Apple Bread PUdding... YUMMO!!!
  • #38
Being on Weight Watchers and counting points, it is so easy to find high-fiber foods! Especially breads, cereals, other foods you buy for yourself. (Especially fruits, vegetables, etc.)Just today for lunch I am eating a Boca meatless chili bowl (150 calories, 1g fat, 12g fiber!) and several pieces of Natures Own Double Fiber bread ... each serving has 8g of fiber! So for lunch I am eating 28 grams of fiber alone .... not counting breakfast where I had at least 9.5 grams(apple, 3.5g, muffin, 3g, granola bar, 3g)!For the real benefits of fiber and how it affects your body, check this out:
  • #39
Thanks!! I will check it out :)
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  • #40
Well, I had a temptation!! I teach 1st grade and my kids are bringing in jelly beans for an easter activity. One child brought in a huge bag of Jelly Belly jelly beans!! She brought one for the project and gave one bag to me!!! Of course I thanked her profusly (sp?) and set them on my desk. They are staring at me!!! I would love a popcorn jelly belly right now!!!
  • #41
Bring the bag to the teacher's lounge and leave it there.Solution! Out of sight, out of mind.
  • #42
sailortena said:
Bring the bag to the teacher's lounge and leave it there.

Solution! Out of sight, out of mind.

Haha, I do this with practice recipes that I make at home.... because I will eat a whole batch of whatever if not!
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  • #43
I placed them on the table in there!! The funny part is that we are finishing up a "Biggest Loser" contest. The final day is next Wednesday!! I am right at the top!! So, I figured, no time like now to try this cleanse!! It can't do anything but help my chances!! The winner (largest percentage lost) wins $400!! I would love to have that!!!
  • #44
Wow, what an incentive!! What is the range of the weight that people have lost??
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  • #45
I have lost 8l bs... The only part that stinks is that someone who started out weighing less... Her precentage will fall faster!!

I am at 8%

Like someone who weighed 150 to begin with--- 1%=1.5 lbs.
For someone who weighed 200 to begin with-- 1%=2 lbs.

I am busting my butt!! The best thing to come out of this competition is the healthy life style....
  • #46
Awww, yeah! But that is great for you :)
  • #47
pamperedchef_OK_LA_MS said:
Well, I am beginning DAY 3!! All is well so far!! Last night I was at the gym for almost 3 hours and felt as though I could have stayed for another 3!!! I was amazed because during cardio kickboxing I felt AWESOME!!! No weird feelings at all!!! I will keep updating!!
Wow, now I am inspired and motivated to do my own cleanse! I really need energy and feel weighted down. A good cleanse would be great for me I think! I went to a local GNC store and bought myself a supplemental detox pack to flush your system in 2 weeks. IT recommends eating only veggies, fruits, fish and chicken and staying away from wheats, dairy, sugars and additives. I will let ya know the results when I am finshed! Thanks for sharing and inspiring!:)
  • #48
Up date day 1. Huge headache (due to lack of coffee or tea) but other than that I am suprised I am not hungry only eating fruits, veggies and brown rice (probably because my headache is distracting me) LOL!

How's the MC going PC-Ok-la-ms?
  • #49
How is everyone doing - I haven't been good with my fiber but I am tryig to get started again
  • #50
Kathytnt said:
How is everyone doing - I haven't been good with my fiber but I am tryig to get started again
What's this fiber thing you're doing? Is it a supplement or just intake x-amount of fiber each day?

Mine is going ever so slowly... today is day 3 and I am totally drained, I feel exhausted but at least the headache is gone!:) Hopefully engergy starts to kick in soon, (since that is the whole reason I started it). But oh am I craving some java or chai tea!:(
<h2>1. What is the master cleanse made of?</h2><p>The master cleanse is made of three main ingredients: freshly squeezed lemon juice, pure maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. These ingredients are mixed together with water to create a detoxifying drink.</p><h2>2. How does the master cleanse work?</h2><p>The master cleanse is a detox diet that is designed to flush out toxins from the body and promote weight loss. The lemon juice acts as a natural diuretic and helps to cleanse the liver and kidneys. The maple syrup provides energy and essential nutrients, while the cayenne pepper boosts metabolism and aids in digestion.</p><h2>3. How long should I stay on the master cleanse?</h2><p>The recommended duration for the master cleanse is 10 days. However, some people choose to stay on the cleanse for longer periods of time, up to 21 days. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting the cleanse and to listen to your body's needs.</p><h2>4. What are the potential side effects of the master cleanse?</h2><p>Some people may experience side effects while on the master cleanse, such as headaches, fatigue, and dizziness. These symptoms are usually temporary and can be managed by staying hydrated and getting enough rest. It is important to monitor your body and stop the cleanse if any severe side effects occur.</p><h2>5. Has anyone tried the master cleanse and seen results?</h2><p>Many people have tried the master cleanse and have seen positive results, such as weight loss, improved digestion, and increased energy. However, results may vary for each individual and it is important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine after completing the cleanse to maintain these results.</p>

Related to Experience the Benefits of Master Cleanse: Lemon, Maple, and Cayenne Detox

1. What is the master cleanse made of?

The master cleanse is made of three main ingredients: freshly squeezed lemon juice, pure maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. These ingredients are mixed together with water to create a detoxifying drink.

2. How does the master cleanse work?

The master cleanse is a detox diet that is designed to flush out toxins from the body and promote weight loss. The lemon juice acts as a natural diuretic and helps to cleanse the liver and kidneys. The maple syrup provides energy and essential nutrients, while the cayenne pepper boosts metabolism and aids in digestion.

3. How long should I stay on the master cleanse?

The recommended duration for the master cleanse is 10 days. However, some people choose to stay on the cleanse for longer periods of time, up to 21 days. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting the cleanse and to listen to your body's needs.

4. What are the potential side effects of the master cleanse?

Some people may experience side effects while on the master cleanse, such as headaches, fatigue, and dizziness. These symptoms are usually temporary and can be managed by staying hydrated and getting enough rest. It is important to monitor your body and stop the cleanse if any severe side effects occur.

5. Has anyone tried the master cleanse and seen results?

Many people have tried the master cleanse and have seen positive results, such as weight loss, improved digestion, and increased energy. However, results may vary for each individual and it is important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine after completing the cleanse to maintain these results.

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