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Effective Letters for Fundraisers: Tips and Templates for Success

I asked my husband if he knew what the Family Readiness Group was. He didn't know what it was, but he is more than welcome to come to our Post Wide Garage Sale this October and purchase a booth. After talking to the other wives in my husband's unit, I think a PC show would be a really fun and easy way for us to fundraise.
Does anyone have a letter to an interested group about Pampered Chef fundraisers? There is so much I want to say and I can't seem to organize it all :rolleyes: ! I have one started, but could use some help! I have a meeting on Tuesday with the wives club for my husband's unit and we are all going to be talking about fundraisers to raise money for the unit. I appreciate any and all help! :D
That is an interesting idea to do a fundraiser for your husband's unit. Is your husband an officer? I ask because I wondered if the the wives club is for officer's wives? my husband is in the air force but I haven't heard anything about a wives club except for officers. It would be something I would be interested in doing if I could. My husband hasn't heard of anything like this either. How did you find out about it? Sorry for all the questions... :eek:
I found a fundraiser letter that someone posted on this website. I don't know if it is like what you're looking for or not.


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FRG fundraisersHi Janel - My husband is a non-commisioned officer. Our wives club or FRG group (Family Readiness Group) consists off all of the wives of husband's in the battery. There are usually 4 batteries to one unit in the Army, I don't know how the Air Force does it. The wives club is basically a support group and a way for the wives to socialize. We also plan special events for the guys and in order to have these events we need to have money which is where the fundraisers come in. When my husband was in Iraq, we did alot of activities together and tried to raise money all year long so we could throw a big bash for their homecoming. It gave us something else to concentrate on. Do you guys have a wives club or FRG group? Talk to your husband and see if maybe you can get a hold of his commander's wife somehow (If you don't know how to already) and talk to her about the fundraisers PC has to offer - or even if she just wanted to have a show for her and her friends ;) ! Let me know how the Air Force does it. Any other military wives out there who have done this or thinking about doing this please add!!

And thank you for the letter you found too Janel. I looked but obviously not good enough :rolleyes:
I asked my husband about it. He hasn't heard of anything like that but that doesn't mean there isn't something. I know I've heard of a wives club but it was for officer's wives. My husband's shop is non-deployable so I'm not close to any of the other wives in the shop as are those wives whose husbands are deployable. I am more of on an aquataince level with a couple of officer wives but if I see them again I'll ask them about it. I'm sure if my husband were deployable I would know more info about what all is offered for the wives and all. I know I've heard of family readiness I just don't know much about those programs since I've really not needed them. I'll have to look into it though. I know every spring there is a "spring spa for spouses" here on the base which is where I met my recruiter. There was a PC booth there. I'm going to look into getting in on that next year. Do they have anything like that on your base? Its a really neat idea and fun for the wives. I know my recruiter got alot of leads from it.
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They have a Post Wide Garage Sale here twice a year. In a parking lot near a bank here you can purchase a booth - I am going to look into it for this October. I would definitely ask the officer's wives you do know about doing a PC show. I'm doing a smaller show this July for an officer's wife who has other wives from her unit over for tea. If you know or meet anyone who is in a deployable unit - chances are they do know some of the other wives. One thing though is after the guys got back from Iraq - our FRG was almost non existent because we wanted to spend time with our husbands and I was burnt out on the wives club by that time! Since you don't talk to many of the other wives in the unit, ask your husband if he is willing to pass out some catalogs to the guys who do have wives. Include a flier in the catalog about the host rewards program too. You may be surprised! :) Let us know how it goes!!
Confused about fundraisers:confused: First of all I'm new at this & I'm trying to find out how fundraisers work. My daughters take dance & they always sell candybars to raise money for recital costumes, well my question is " Does everyone that wants to raise money to help with cost host a party and also is it a certain percentage that they would get?

Now with school fundraisers....does every child get a catalog & take orders just like a normal fundraiser? Is there a specific order form they're suppose to have? How much money does the school get?

Do we make regular commission just like any other party? Does anyone have any letters they present the schools or what do ya'll say when you approach them?

Any organization can have a fundraiser. Yes, it is just like a regular Kitchen Show where you do demos, then guests place orders. Another good way to make it even bigger is to have all the guests try to bring in outside orders themselves. People tend to be more willing to buy something if they know it goes to a good cause. Plus, they'll get some awesome kitchen tools out of the deal. Yes, the organization gets a percentage of the sales. 10% if it's under $600 in sales, 15% if it's over. Those numbers seem pretty slim to me, but that's what it currently is. Obviously for an organization to get a REALLY good check out of it (PC actually cuts the organization a check), it should be a nice big fundraiser. Our commission on fundraisers is a little different...it's 17%. Any booking that comes out of the fundraiser gives $3 back to the organization. OH and the host or the organizer does not get host benefits, with the exception of the monthly host special. That is one thing they can purchase at a discount.

I don't have a fundraiser letter, but I'm sure someone else does!
Here is a good fundraiser letter I found. I like the "top 10 reason" at the bottom of it.


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Related to Effective Letters for Fundraisers: Tips and Templates for Success

1. What is the purpose of "Letters for Fundraisers"?

The purpose of "Letters for Fundraisers" is to help raise funds for a specific cause or organization. These letters are typically sent to friends, family, and community members to ask for their support through donations.

2. Do I need to be a professional writer to create effective "Letters for Fundraisers"?

No, you do not need to be a professional writer to create effective "Letters for Fundraisers". The most important aspect of these letters is to convey a heartfelt and sincere message about the cause you are fundraising for. It is also helpful to include specific details about the cause and how donations will be used to make a difference.

3. How do I personalize "Letters for Fundraisers" for different recipients?

To personalize "Letters for Fundraisers", you can address each recipient by name and mention any personal connections or shared experiences you have with them. You can also tailor the message to appeal to their interests or values, and include a personal note or message at the end of the letter.

4. Is it better to send physical letters or use email for "Letters for Fundraisers"?

It is recommended to use a combination of both physical letters and email for "Letters for Fundraisers". Physical letters can have a more personal and tangible impact, while email can be a quick and efficient way to reach a larger audience. You can also consider using social media or online fundraising platforms to expand your reach.

5. How can I track the success of my "Letters for Fundraisers" campaign?

There are a few ways to track the success of your "Letters for Fundraisers" campaign. You can keep a record of the number of letters sent and donations received, as well as any feedback or responses you receive from recipients. You can also set a fundraising goal and track your progress towards reaching it. Additionally, using a unique tracking code or link in your letters can help you determine which recipients are responding to your letter and making a donation.

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