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Dollar Day$ at the Pampered Chef (Flyer)

O.K. this is an attempt to boost my June Sales. What do you think?



  • Dollar Day$ at the PC.doc
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sorry couldnt read it! wouldnt convert or somthing
Hey Jenn,

I think it looks good. The only part that jumped out at me as being questionalbe, was the part about the show having to be submitted on the same day?? I'm curious to know what your reason behind putting that was? I'm wondering if maybe you know something that I should know :)

Otherwise I think it looks great! How are you going to distribute your Dollar A Day promotion?

jennmarques said:
O.K. this is an attempt to boost my June Sales. What do you think?

  • Thread starter
  • #4
I am actually going to send it out via email and also regular mail to customers who have not given me their emails. I am also going to leave a couple of copies at my kid's school and send one to Dentist office, Dr's office, etc.

The only reason that I put that line in was so that they would close their show out ASAP, rather than having to wait. Otherwise there was no other reason.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Sannemomof4 said:
sorry couldnt read it! wouldnt convert or somthing

I just sent you a private email to see if you can open it that way.

thanks Jenn but i dont know whats up; some things i can open and other ones just dont want to apparently; some open w/out the pics and others show a blank page;;;shrugging :rolleyes:
jennmarques said:
I am actually going to send it out via email and also regular mail to customers who have not given me their emails. I am also going to leave a couple of copies at my kid's school and send one to Dentist office, Dr's office, etc.

The only reason that I put that line in was so that they would close their show out ASAP, rather than having to wait. Otherwise there was no other reason.

How do you send it in email? Does it have to go as an attachment? Or can I cut & paste it into an email?
  • Thread starter
  • #8
You can change it into an hml or html document, but you need to link the pictures back to PC. You're better sending it as an attachment. That way it will save you time.

Love that!I love that idea!!! I hope you dont mind...but I am going to use it! Instead of closing the day of the party, I am going to have them close within one week of the show (i think).

Anyway, thank you!

Amber :)
  • #11
jennmarques said:
You can change it into an hml or html document, but you need to link the pictures back to PC. You're better sending it as an attachment. That way it will save you time.


How do I do all that? I am so clueless. I am afraid sending it as an attachment people won'y open it - you know people are about downloading stuff.
  • #12
Unable to openWould you also e-mail it to me. I only got a blank page. Thanks
[email protected]
  • Thread starter
  • #13
dannyzmom said:
How do I do all that? I am so clueless. I am afraid sending it as an attachment people won'y open it - you know people are about downloading stuff.

An easier way to do this is to open it up in Microsoft Word. Make your changes to the file. Save. Under VIEW (on the top of the page) Scroll down to toolbars. Another box will pull up with the different types of tollbars that you can have. Choose the email toolbar. On that toolbar highlight and click on the email key (5th on in;looks like and envelope and letter). Now you can email to whomever you'd like. Email it to yourseld first. It will come up as a regular message in the email body.

  • #14
dannyzmom said:
How do I do all that? I am so clueless. I am afraid sending it as an attachment people won'y open it - you know people are about downloading stuff.

I would just copy the content and not worry about the pictures. What you want to get out to people is the information. It's a bonus if it is pretty, but the information is what is key.
  • #15
How do you enter it into PP?I am closing a show tomorrow and wondered how you put the price of the day item discount onto PP? My host is picking the food chopper and she had her show on the 18th. I know that I will be placing the order using her 30% discount and when I do the math it comes to a $8.55 discount and she's going to be paying $18 so that leaves me only paying $1.95. Do I just enter into the payment box $1.95 consultant gift? Thanks in advance!
  • #16
KristiKristi, that is how you should do it.
  • #17
Thank you Chef kearns for confirming that for me!

Related to Dollar Day$ at the Pampered Chef (Flyer)

1. What is "Dollar Day$ at the Pampered Chef"?

"Dollar Day$ at the Pampered Chef" is a promotional event that offers special discounts and deals on select products from the Pampered Chef brand. It is a great opportunity to save money and stock up on essential kitchen tools and cookware.

2. When is "Dollar Day$ at the Pampered Chef" happening?

The exact dates for "Dollar Day$ at the Pampered Chef" may vary, but it typically takes place in June as part of a sales boost event. Keep an eye out for flyers or promotions from the Pampered Chef brand to stay updated on the specific dates.

3. How can I participate in "Dollar Day$ at the Pampered Chef"?

To participate in "Dollar Day$ at the Pampered Chef", you can either attend a Pampered Chef party or place an order through a Pampered Chef consultant. You can also order directly from the Pampered Chef website during the promotional event.

4. What kind of products are included in "Dollar Day$ at the Pampered Chef"?

The products included in "Dollar Day$ at the Pampered Chef" may vary, but they typically include popular and essential kitchen tools, cookware, and other Pampered Chef products. Keep an eye out for the specific products on sale in the promotional flyers or on the Pampered Chef website.

5. Is "Dollar Day$ at the Pampered Chef" worth it?

Yes, "Dollar Day$ at the Pampered Chef" is definitely worth it. It offers great discounts and deals on high-quality kitchen products from a trusted brand. It is a great opportunity to save money and invest in essential kitchen tools and cookware.

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