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Does Anyone Just Do Catalog Orders?

In summary, a consultant does only catalog/website shows. They have had success with high catalog show sales. They recommend doing kitchen shows occasionally, but it's ultimately up to the consultant whether or not they do them.
I was wondering if anyone just does catalog orders and not kitchen shows. It's been really hard for me to get kitchen shows because it seems so much easy for the host to have a catalog show.
I don't know if there are any on this board who just do catalog shows. If so, I haven't heard them mention it. To answer your question, I suppose it really depends on YOUR goals for your business. As a side business, it is probably be possible. If you're trying to make this a good, consisent business or possibly replace a FT job, I think it would be hard. That's my opinion. I look at my catalog shows as a nice little buffer. If a Kitchen Show postpones a particular month and I can't replace it with another, it's nice when I have a catalog show or two to take up the slack. In my experience, catalog shows I don't feel are as big as Kitchen Shows. It just makes a difference when people can SEE products in person and test them themselves. I think it's also more difficult to get future bookings from catalog shows. YOu really need to contact each "guest" yourself as part of customer care calls or out of the box calls. Definitely mention booking their own show because a lot don't really even think about that option. Get email addresses and contact info from eVERYBODY. Give your hosts some little incentive to make sure they do this for catalog shows because many of them don't. This is just my input based on my experiencees!

I don't mean to sound like it's impossible. I'm sure it's worth a try if that's how you want to focus your efforts. I have had some GREAT catalog shows ($600, even $800 ones) but that's because the host was REALLY motivated. I did have a consultant way back when who signed on with the plan to just do catalog shows. She went inactive within about 4 months, but now I look back and wonder if she was just a "kitnapper."

Maybe you'll get some good feedback to your post! I hope so. But it's worth it to hang in there and keep doing what you can for your business! Good luck!
I do ONLY Catalog/website showsHi everyone, I'm a new consultant who does ONLY catalog/website shows... I just started and I have 4 going on now, another will be loaded tomorrow morning, and have 2 planned for September. I have been keeping catalogs with me in the car... I have belonged to a mommy message board or two so I've sent out emails.... I discussed "what's new" with my dentist, kid's dentists, and finally got lucky with child's hair dresson... I got the golden words "I love Pampered Chef" - I left her with a catalog and the promise that she'll think about making it a party.... So far so good. Wish me luck. ;)

I think my enthusiasm for all things Pampered Chef and the fact that I didn't plan to sell PC - I hosted a catalog party for someone else that reached $400 in sales and I was blown away by the rewards, etc... and LOVE the products.... it's easy to find people who LOVE PC - you just have to talk about it. I just signed an online friend... I tell them they have nothing to lose if they can't get 6 orders (I will order something) and at the least they've earned some free product. I'm going to start an emailed newsletter, will try to give that to regular friends and past hostesses.

Susan :)
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It's good to hear from you! I'm glad you posted. It sounds like the catalog shows are working well for you. Way to go! I know, I love hearing those words "I love Pampered Chef!" too! That makes it so easy to start up a conversation about it. It sounds like you're creative in getting your name out there, so that's great! Good luck to you! :)
Thanks!Thanks Becky!!!
Lately I have been doing alot more catalog shows. Thats not to say that I dont also do kitchen but I have been in the process of moving and it has been easier for me. I can honestly say, mine arent duds. My highest catalog show has been $1100, she loves the product! Yes, I have had some at $300 but that is the lowest they have gone. Do what you think fits your schedule...this is your business. Try to have some kitchen shows cause people do love seeing our awesome products in action!

Related to Does Anyone Just Do Catalog Orders?

1. What are the benefits of ordering through a catalog instead of a consultant?

Ordering through a catalog allows for more flexibility in terms of time and location. You can browse and order at your convenience without having to schedule a meeting with a consultant.

2. How do I place a catalog order?

There are a few ways to place a catalog order. You can order online through our website, call our customer service line, or fill out an order form and mail it in.

3. Can I still earn host rewards if I do a catalog order?

Yes, you can still earn host rewards by hosting a virtual catalog party. Simply gather orders from friends and family and submit them as one order to qualify for host rewards.

4. Are all products available for catalog orders?

Most of our products are available for catalog orders, but there may be a few items that are only available through a consultant. If you have a specific product in mind, it's best to check with customer service for availability.

5. How long does it take to receive a catalog order?

Typically, catalog orders are processed and shipped within 2-3 business days. Shipping times may vary depending on your location, but you can expect to receive your order within 7-10 business days.

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