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Do I Have to Have a Debit Card ? ...

In summary, if you want to submit orders electronically (via the internet through Pampered Partner) the only way you don't need to have a debit card is if guests only use credit cards. If they did pay by cash or check, you would need to deposit these in an account and that's how PC takes the payment out.

I don't have a debt card and I really don't want to get one. Is there a way that I can just write one check and send it with the order? I have had a show but I haven't closed it yet but will this week (it was a catalog party and I am waiting on checks from the guest)

If you use pampered partner and send it electronically you have to use your debit card. But in all honesty it is really not a debit card. You can't use it other than at pc. It is basically a withdraw/payment system from your chosen account. I wrote the number down when I got the card in the mail and then I tore it up and threw it away. No need in my mind to keep it.
To submit orders electronically (via the internet through Pampered Partner) the only way you don't need to have a debit card is if guests only use credit cards. If they did pay by cash or check, you would need to deposit these in an account and that's how PC takes the payment out. So I would think you need to have a debit card. It's really easy and fast. Otherwise, I'm not sure how you would do this. There is a way to send orders to PC via first class mail or FedEx, but you really need to be on top of things if you're trying to submit shows for a particular month's commission or for any incentives that end at the end of the month.

I don't know anyone who submits show other than through PP. Maybe others on this board have or know someone who has.
Paypal Debit Card:) I plan to use a Paypal Debit Card. I have used paypal for over 2 years now through ebay. I setup my paypal account to accept credit cards when I sold some baby items and I used to just have paypal transfer the funds into my checking account, but now they have a debit card of their own. You just transfer funds into your paypal account and then use it where ever. I used it for weekend away recently and it worked well. We only had so much money to spend and so I just deposited that amount on my paypal card and then we didn't have to worry about carrying cash. You can also deposit money onto the card through the atm I believe.
DZmom - I might be mistaken, but you can't use any other debit card, excpet for the Pampered Chef debit card that they issue to you once you give them your account information for PC orders if you submit it electroncily.
I have sold PC for 7 yrs and just started using PP 3 months ago. I always sent shows through the mail. I didnt have a computer so that was the only way. I will admit that when I got my computer it was easier but I was so use to it that it didnt really bother me.
You could use your pay pal account and they will issue you a pc debit card off of that account. make sense :confused:
doesn't make sense to me?? :confused:
paypal accounts are set up and you can transfer money into and out of. kind of like another bank account. I think (only think) that if you give that account number pc will then give you a debit card off of that account. Of course it would only be that way with pc. And I think that it would work because you would only be using it for pc and no other purchases. Someone else out there might know more than me. I do have a paypal account that I use for ebay and I transfer money from it all the time to my regular checking account.
  • #10
I understand what luv2sellit is saying, but I took DZMom's post to read so was going to use her PayPal debit card to pay for the PC orders. As a consultant, you can only use your debit PC Card, or the PC Credit Card, or do it manualy and get a cashier's check in order to pay for the order through PC, now if you are a guest purchasing something through a consultant you can then use bascially anything you want.
  • #11
Sorry for the confusion.I meant that I would use the debit if I could I must have not included that. :confused: While I am just getting started and my director is out of town at the moment I am lurking on the boards for added information. I must have misunderstood her when she was explaining about PP and how she paid for it. I thought that she used either her PC debit card or another type of credit or debit card either way, I'm sorry for the confusion that I must have created.
  • #12
i know when i was new to PC i moved one month later and i knew that i would be getting a different checking account since we used a crdeit union in utah, so i didnt apply for the debit card till i moved and i submitted 5 shows with just my credit card i talked to my director and she said that if they called me to tell them she said it was ok but that is what i did since i was moving a month after i started

Related to Do I Have to Have a Debit Card ? ...

1. Do I have to have a debit card to make a purchase on Pampered Chef?

No, Pampered Chef also accepts major credit cards, PayPal, and eGift cards as forms of payment.

2. Can I use a prepaid debit card to make a purchase?

Yes, as long as the prepaid card has a Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover logo, it can be used to make a purchase on Pampered Chef.

3. Is it safe to use my debit card on Pampered Chef's website?

Yes, Pampered Chef takes security very seriously and uses industry-standard encryption to protect your personal and payment information.

4. Will my debit card be charged immediately when I place an order?

Yes, your debit card will be charged once you submit your order on Pampered Chef's website.

5. Can I save my debit card information for future purchases?

Yes, Pampered Chef offers the option to securely save your debit card information for easier and faster checkout in the future.

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