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Discover the Best Times for Your Prime Day with Expert Consultation!

In summary, Terri recommends offering Friday evenings and Saturdays as prime days. She also says that Sunday afternoons are a good day to book a show.
Hi! New consultant here. What do you consider your "prime" days? I would think Thursday or Friday nights... Do people prefer weekend afternoons or evenings? Do you change anything about your show if it afternoon vs evening? Thanks for your help!
fridaysso far with my shows being booked people like friday evenings and sat. afternoons. But I have done sunday, and tues. too. I would consider friday a prime day.
i have had really good results with Tues nights believe it or not-not much else is going on!! I have had four in the past month and there were lots of people at each one!
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I seem to have good turnouts on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Lee Anne
Nearly all of my shows have been on Friday evening or Saturday afternoon.
My Prime dayIs Sunday afternoon. I rarely have had a Sunday afternoon, usually 2 p.m. start, that has not done well. It will basically depend on the area you live in. I live in Milwuakee but most of my shows are in the rural areas of Walworth and Kenosha counties. The Sunday afternoon seems to work best. Although I have to admit that Saturday morning brunches are great too. Saturday afternoon is not as good as the Sunday afternoons.
Thursday and Fridays are my best. I have only done one Saturday show and no Sunday shows. When I show the host my calendar I generally tell her to pick from a Mon, Tues, Thurs or Fri.
Tues & Wed seem to be the best for me. People seem to have too much going on during the weekends so I actually only offer Mon, Tues, and Wed nights. Of course if they prefer another day I will do it.

Sunday is my prime day. I offer the afternoon or evening. I wish I could do tuesdays, but family stuff gets in the way. So far I offer Sun,Mon,Wed and if the host is too busy and I have no plans I offer fri or sat. It's what works for you.
  • #10
Saturdays are definitely my most popular. Sometimes I book as far as two months out for Saturdays. Other than that, Thursdays and Fridays seem to be quite popular too.
  • #11
Sat Brunch and Thurs nightSat at 10:30 is REALLY working for my shows. and thursday nights. I havn;t done a friday night yet. So I really don;t know.

Has anyone done two shows in one day. I have that coming up in January.

I have one at 10:30 and one at 7 on a Saturday. Wow- can we say brave! :p
  • #12
Terri, I just had my first double show day. It went alot easier than I thought it would. They didn't even do the same recipe, but I had enough time to put all of my products in my dishwasher at home and redo my paperwork. My times were about the same as yours. My first started at 11:30am and the second at 7pm. I was EXHAUSTED the next day!! I am in my 1st trimester and am constantly tired anyway so that my have contributed to that.

In general, I only offer Thurs, Fri, Sat or Sun. Thurs and Fri at 6:30 or 7pm. Sat at 11am and Sun at 1pm. In January I will offer 2 times on Saturday to maximize that consultant special.

My husband travels for work and will leave Sunday night and not return until Wed night or Thursday afternoon. So that limits the days I can offer. If he didn't travel I don't think I would offer weekday shows because our kids are in EVERYTHING!! Every night of the week we have something going on.
  • #13
WowI have 5 kids - but Thank Our Heavenly Father none in the works. So I can't imagine being pregnant and doing PC. You PG moms are AWESOME. You go girls!!!.

  • #14
Never really thought of it...but I have only ever offered (in my first full year now) shows Mon thru Thurs night. I have had two shows on Friday because that's all that would work. No nights were better than others for me. It was all in the host coaching and host's response I thought. The only Saturday shows were 3 bridals I'd done HOWEVER I just did my first 2 Sunday shows - both in different towns, both at 2 pm and both with 20 - 22 in the room and outside orders! First was $1100 and the next Sunday it closed at just over $1400. Not my first 1K shows but still exciting just the same...and to have them back to back! So now I'm LOVIN' Sundays LOL :D
  • #15
Would Like Kitchen Show OutlinesHello everyone!

Honestly, I signed up with PC thinking that I could get by doing Catalog Shows only, but I think I'm interested in actually doing Kitchen Shows. The problem is that I have a bit of stage fright. I don't know how I would open the party and I'm just terrified of burning something, LOL. Has anyone actually written out their Show. I'll probably shadow someone in the near future, but in the meanwhile, will someone please share their experience?

  • #16
As you can tell... any night can be great!

If you want to work specific nights, those nights can be great.

I work everyday of the week, and I can honestly say I have had as many $700-800 shows during the week as on the weekend.

I actually steer clear of working weekends because the turn out isn't as great. I don't think people like to give up thier Saturdays... but evenings are another story.

  • Thread starter
  • #17
ThxThanks everyone for your thoughts.

I'm available almost any day to do a show but I think it's best to offer the host a limited number of dates. So I might start offering Saturday & Sunday afternoons and an evening, like Wednesday. If these don't fit, then I'll "bend" my schedule to accommodate them. But really, I'd do a show at midnight right now if that's what the host wanted ;-P
  • #18
I steer clear of Wednesday nights, since I'm in the "bible belt" in S.Carolina, many people go to church... I have had hosts specifically ask for Wednesday nights, and I'll do them...they know their friends, and if their friends don't go to church Wed. nite, then I'll go with it!
My best show ($1200+) was on a Friday night...she had at least 16 people there, and got several outside orders.
I like Monday, Tuesday and Thursday myself. I agree that people don't like giving up their Saturdays...but if this works best for the host, then I try to do a brunch show around 10 or 11AM... so they have the rest of their day... once they hit the malls on Saturday afternoon, they aren't coming home for a PC show at 3 or 4pm!

Related to Discover the Best Times for Your Prime Day with Expert Consultation!

1. What is "Discover the Best Times for Your Prime Day with Expert Consultation!"?

"Discover the Best Times for Your Prime Day with Expert Consultation!" is a service offered by Pampered Chef to help customers determine the best times to shop during Prime Day. Our team of experts will analyze data and trends to provide personalized recommendations for each customer.

2. How does the consultation process work?

Once you sign up for the service, our team will gather information about your shopping habits and preferences. Using this information, we will analyze data and trends to determine the best times for you to shop during Prime Day. This information will be shared with you during a one-on-one consultation with our experts.

3. Is the consultation free of charge?

Yes, the consultation is completely free of charge for all Pampered Chef customers. We want to ensure that our customers have the best shopping experience during Prime Day and our experts are here to help make that happen.

4. Can I request a specific time for my consultation?

Yes, you can request a specific time for your consultation. Our team will do their best to accommodate your preferred time, but please keep in mind that availability may be limited due to high demand for this service.

5. Will the consultation guarantee that I get the best deals during Prime Day?

While we cannot guarantee that you will get the best deals during Prime Day, our experts will provide personalized recommendations based on data and trends to help you make informed shopping decisions. We also offer a satisfaction guarantee on all Pampered Chef products, so if you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return it for a full refund.

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