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Did My Husband Get Fired for No Reason After Less Than 60 Days of Employment?

In summary, the author is upset because her husband was fired from his job and he is looking into suing his former employer. The author is also a disabled vet and is worried about how she will make ends meet.
Kitchen Diva
Gold Member
Well Cheffers, I'm going to have to start drinking...there's no way around it. It has not only been raining and pouring in our lives, it's been TYPHOONING!

DH just got fired today after less than 60 days on his new job with "AT Will" as their reason...My heart breaks for him because I know this isn't his fault. He may be a lot of things, but at work- he's AWESOME! Soooo please send yoru checks or money orders to C/O Kitchen Diva PO Box- OMG-what are we gonna do, St. Paul, MN....

I'm too upset to type anything else, so I'm going to go apply for a few jobs.

:cry: :cry: :confused:

UPDATE (5/2/2008)
DH said that he was going to call an employment attorney and sue his former employer. I wanted to edit this in for two reason, one- to keep DH in your prayers, because he's never stuck up for himself before- this company did some REAL damage to his reputation by firing him for no reason after just under 60 days of employment. It's all about reputation and networking in my DH line of work, and he is right when he said that they really caused him some damage- finding someone to hire him at his age after being fired during the first 3 months will be hard.

Secondly, my DH is a disabled Vet...he falls under a protected class of citizen and regardless of whether we live in an "At-Will" employment state or not...you have to think LONG and HARD before you fire a disabled vet without any reason at all... so I'm gald my husband is calling a lawyer and I truly hope that this works out for him. He's not suing for a huge settlement- so don't start salivating over $$$ signs...it's more to send a message to a company that has kept 2 employees that are supposed to work 40 hours a week (and only work 20) and haven't hired one person in the 10+ years they've been there, and they keep them but fire my husband because he costs more. They agreed to his salary to begin with!
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Kacey!! When are you ever going to catch a freakin' break! I am so sorry hun!

Sending employment prayers your way! You are such an angel to so many people! I am praying for you and your situations!

xoxo Vanessa
  • Thread starter
  • #3
I feel the same way- it's like "Hello, God- um are you mad at us?" LOL
I know God isn't mad at us, but we certainly are under attack- I feel so bad for him. He came home (I've been sick, so I was sleeping) and he came into the bedroom and touched my hip, and I just knew...he started to tear up and I said, aw, this isn't your fault babe...

The sad thing is that unemployment is only 40% of his regular take home pay so I need to get hopping on finding a job!
Feel better, and when you do, you will find a job! I just know! Keep the optimistic spirit alive and going! Hope your sister realizes how good she has it! Now if she would get a move on too...

I am praying!!
Oh, Kacey, I cannot BELIEVE this is happening to you guys. I am so sorry. Big hugs, lots of prayers headed your way!
I'm so sorry to hear your news!!!! Hang in there, because God doesn't do things half way!!! He's got something better in mind... just trust HIM!!!!
Oh, darling! That ... uh... I'm speechless. How terrible! I hope and pray that you and DH can find something, anything, to get you through.
Kacey I am so sorry to hear all what is happenenig to you. Good luck with everything.
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  • #10
The sad thing is that his newly former employerr is keeping two people that haven't produced in the 10 years they've been there- but because they are friends of the family.... DH thinks that this new person they hired to be his new boss (another friend of the family) was brought in at a lower salary to do DH job. I could just spit nails- what is wrong with people?

We NEVER dealt with so much lack of integrity while DH was in the Air Force...it just amazes me!
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  • #11
pamperedlinda said:

Can I come and live with you? I'll clean yer pretty kitchen for you! :) LOL
  • #12
Well c#*$p! God is allowing SO MUCH pain in your life... it's so hard to understand. The enemy is really ticked that you have continued to praise God all through so much tragedy and pain. KNOW that Jesus loves you and will honor the way you are displaying courage and strength! I am so sad for you and yet rejoice at how you glorify God! I hope that makes sense! YOU have been sticky noted to my wall so that your name passes my sight often and I can lift you up before our Father each time!
  • #13
hmmm... I could use a housekeeper. And someone to help when we do start our kitchen project. Are you and DH handy with tools? ;)
  • #14
I so feel your pain. I used to just panic if my Dh came home durning the day. We went through several years of him starting new jobs. He is in computers and we lives close enough to the Silicon Valley to feel every ebb and flow in the industry.

Hang on, things will change!
  • Thread starter
  • #15
chefann said:
hmmm... I could use a housekeeper. And someone to help when we do start our kitchen project. Are you and DH handy with tools? ;)

Why, as a matter of fact...we are quite handy with tools! :) DH used to build kitchens with his former father-in-law, and I work magic with a chain saw!
  • Thread starter
  • #16
ShanaSmith said:
I so feel your pain. I used to just panic if my Dh came home durning the day. We went through several years of him starting new jobs. He is in computers and we lives close enough to the Silicon Valley to feel every ebb and flow in the industry.

Hang on, things will change!

I know what you mean...this will be the third job he's lost since retiring from the Air Force. The first one he was down-sized, the second one (we could actually sue them for wrongful termination/being forced to resign) and the third one is his most recent. I know God is trying to teach him something but this is really kicking his butt- a man can only take so many beatings to their self esteem before it starts to affect/effect them, ya know?


Diane, thanks for putting me on a sticky note- that is sooo sweet! It makes me wish we were moving to NC sooner than we would like to!
  • #17
  • #18
Prayers for you during this time!! HUGS too!! I hope that you are able to find something fast!!
  • #19
Kacey - when it rains it does pour - hugs to you.Who knows what God has planned, but keep praising Him and 10 years from now we can celebrate what a wonderful thing He did in your lives (don't you wish he'd let us look ahead?) Maybe this will also help give that "reality check" to your sister...show her how to put on the "big girl pants" and go with it.I wish I could find it but back in college I wrote a two page story about how we tend to want to do our own thing and run on with life and sometimes God just picks us up off the ground and holds us where we are. Our feet keep running but we aren't going anywhere because He is holding us. When we stop moving our feet to run off and slow down and pay attention to where He has us today He gently sets us back down to walk alongside Him and enjoy the many blessings right around us. We were too busy focusing on the "next thing" to focus on today.Not that any of this relates fully to that or that I even wrote it half as eloquently as I did back then, but it made me think of that for some reason. I pray that you and DH can pray TOGETHER and focus on God's plans together through this and find His path.My verse thing here at work has this up today:
"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
- John 14:27 - NIV
  • #20
Oh Kacey - you really haven't gotten a break! Prayers and good thoughts are being sent your way - Please try to keep your faith and positive attitude, SOMETHING has to make a change for the better - and soon!!! I wish you all the luck in the world!!
  • #21
Oh Geez Kacey. My heart breaks for you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.
  • #22
Oh my gosh, I just can't believe that!! AFter all you're dealing with. I hope things turn around SOON for you!!!!
  • #23
Janet just reminded me of this peom that I love my Mom had it hanging on her wall forever

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed
he was walking along the beach with the LORD.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.
For each scene he noticed two sets of
footprints in the sand: one belonging
to him, and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him,
he looked back at the footprints in the sand.

He noticed that many times along the path of
his life there was only one set of footprints.

He also noticed that it happened at the very
lowest and saddest times in his life.

This really bothered him and he
questioned the LORD about it:

"LORD, you said that once I decided to follow
you, you'd walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that during the most
troublesome times in my life,
there is only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why when
I needed you most you would leave me."

The LORD replied:

"My son, my precious child,
I love you and I would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you."
  • #24
The poem is called "Footprints" and I love that poem! Thanks for reminding me of it!
  • #25
Kitchen Diva said:
Well Cheffers, I'm going to have to start drinking...there's no way around it. It has not only been raining and pouring in our lives, it's been TYPHOONING!

DH just got fired today after less than 60 days on his new job with "AT Will" as their reason...My heart breaks for him because I know this isn't his fault. He may be a lot of things, but at work- he's AWESOME! Soooo please send yoru checks or money orders to C/O Kitchen Diva PO Box- OMG-what are we gonna do, St. Paul, MN....

I'm too upset to type anything else, so I'm going to go apply for a few jobs.

:cry: :cry: :confused:

It must be something in the air...

my daughter called me up this morning and told me she got fired. Now get this, the reason being she was having a PC book show! OMG, I can't believe this. No one told her when she started, a boat load of people ordered, and she turned it in to me last night. She hadn't been there 90 days yet, so they didn't have to give her another reason. That is so much a load of c*&p. I have done numerous catalogs with nurses, etc at hospitals, including hers.

Question here: first of all, I feel guilty, even knowing that it's not really my fault. Second, what the heck do I do with this show????
  • #26
PamperChefCarol said:
It must be something in the air...

my daughter called me up this morning and told me she got fired. Now get this, the reason being she was having a PC book show! OMG, I can't believe this. No one told her when she started, a boat load of people ordered, and she turned it in to me last night. She hadn't been there 90 days yet, so they didn't have to give her another reason. That is so much a load of c*&p. I have done numerous catalogs with nurses, etc at hospitals, including hers.

Question here: first of all, I feel guilty, even knowing that it's not really my fault. Second, what the heck do I do with this show????


1. I'd turn it in anyway because the people wanted stuff and ordered and your daughter shouldn't lose her host benefits due to the workplace.

2. I'd deliver it to her work though for her and politely try to drop it off. No one told you as a consultant not to go there.

3. If she was never told and it isn't in her company policies she has a strong case for unemployment if there is NO other reason.
  • #27
Maybe this is your "sign" that you should move sooner than you thought. What does your DH do?? And you?? (other than PC).
  • Thread starter
  • #28
janetupnorth said:
Kacey - when it rains it does pour - hugs to you.

Who knows what God has planned, but keep praising Him and 10 years from now we can celebrate what a wonderful thing He did in your lives (don't you wish he'd let us look ahead?) Maybe this will also help give that "reality check" to your sister...show her how to put on the "big girl pants" and go with it.

I wish I could find it but back in college I wrote a two page story about how we tend to want to do our own thing and run on with life and sometimes God just picks us up off the ground and holds us where we are. Our feet keep running but we aren't going anywhere because He is holding us. When we stop moving our feet to run off and slow down and pay attention to where He has us today He gently sets us back down to walk alongside Him and enjoy the many blessings right around us. We were too busy focusing on the "next thing" to focus on today.

Not that any of this relates fully to that or that I even wrote it half as eloquently as I did back then, but it made me think of that for some reason.

I pray that you and DH can pray TOGETHER and focus on God's plans together through this and find His path.

My verse thing here at work has this up today:
"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
- John 14:27 - NIV

Awww Janet- ya made me sniffle and ya made my eyes leak!

LOVED the verse! Very appropriate!
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  • #29
daniellemorgan said:
Maybe this is your "sign" that you should move sooner than you thought. What does your DH do?? And you?? (other than PC).
DH does Leadership consulting, Recruiting, and Sales/Recruiting/ Management. What's sad is he is over 40 AND a disabled Vet! To be let go inside of 2 months without a solid reason and without even being given a chance to do what you were hired to do is insane!

If we sell our house now- we'd be lucky to break even... That's no way to move to another state 1200 miles away. Although I'm tempted! :)

I told my sister today she and her daughter were on their own. We needed cash for their portion of the phone, electric and water bill. And, they had to buy their own food...
  • #30
Oh, Kacey! I'm so sorry to hear this. Everyone else is right, though. You've got a great outlook & God knows what's in store for all of you. Keep him high & lifted up & you'll be fine.

  • Thread starter
  • #31
It's a good thing I didn't go through with that breast enhancement I've been wanting! Those would have been hard to sell on EBay to make ends meet! LOL
  • #32
Kitchen Diva said:
It's a good thing I didn't go through with that breast enhancement I've been wanting! Those would have been hard to sell on EBay to make ends meet! LOL

When Crystal said keep 'em "High and Lifted up" I didn't think she meant your breasts! :D ROFLOL!
  • #33
But you could have rented them to make some money, if you know what I mean. ;)I'm kidding!!
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  • #34
chefann said:
But you could have rented them to make some money, if you know what I mean. ;)

I'm kidding!!

No, I have no idea what you mean Miss Ann! :) LOL ;)
  • #35
OMGoodness!! LOL I must point out that I said keep HIM! high & lifted up!! :D

Kacey - I'm so glad that you're keeping your sense of humor through all of this.
  • Thread starter
  • #36
crystalscookingnow said:
OMGoodness!! LOL I must point out that I said keep HIM! high & lifted up!! :D

Kacey - I'm so glad that you're keeping your sense of humor through all of this.

Oh, right...sorry about that- in my grief and hysteria I misread what you said. Oops- well I won't let that happen again! :)

Praise the Lord for adventures!
  • #37
I do have to add to this that one time at church a good friend nudged me while we were singing the hymn, "He Touched Me". I cannot sing that with a straight face ever again! :sing: :blushing:
  • #38
The verses are fine, but the chorus:Refrain
He touched me,
Oh, He touched me,
And oh the joy that floods my soul.
Something happened and now I know,
He touched me and made me whole.
  • Thread starter
  • #39
Great mental image there, Janet! LOL DH and I used to go to a church where the pastor looked and sounded like Sonny Bono! It was too much to handle.

One day I burst into laughter and snickers that wouldn't stop, I had to leave the sanctuary... He was getting really excited during his sermon and his voice started to get higher, and I was just waiting for him to break into "I got you babe" too funny!
  • #41
Kitchen Diva said:
Great mental image there, Janet! LOL DH and I used to go to a church where the pastor looked and sounded like Sonny Bono! It was too much to handle.

One day I burst into laughter and snickers that wouldn't stop, I had to leave the sanctuary... He was getting really excited during his sermon and his voice started to get higher, and I was just waiting for him to break into "I got you babe" too funny!

Hey, you have to laugh during trials! :D
  • #42
Kacey, I am so sorry this is all happening to you. I would totally make room for you in my house if you ever wanted to move to NJ!
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  • #43
jbachen said:
Kacey, I am so sorry this is all happening to you. I would totally make room for you in my house if you ever wanted to move to NJ!

I'll be on the next plane...oh, wait- I don't have any money for a plane ticket! LOL... This really sucks!
  • Thread starter
  • #44
Looks like the Godiva Chocolatier at the Mall of America is in need of a Store Manager...I guess I'll brush up my resume and hope my feet and my back holds out. I got out of Retail Management because of my bad back- but desparate times call for desparate measures.... Wish me luck.
  • #45
Kitchen Diva said:
Looks like the Godiva Chocolatier at the Mall of America is in need of a Store Manager...I guess I'll brush up my resume and hope my feet and my back holds out. I got out of Retail Management because of my bad back- but desparate times call for desparate measures.... Wish me luck.

Oh my - that is a DANGEROUS job!

But Good Luck!!!!
  • #46
I'm so sorry, things will get better, they have too :)
  • Thread starter
  • #47
janetupnorth said:
Oh my - that is a DANGEROUS job!

But Good Luck!!!!

I don't know...death by chocolate sounds pretty good right about now! :) LOL

My very first management job was for Fanny Farmer. Remember those? I was hired as a sales associate, and the manager quit about 3 weeks after I started, so I interviewed for the job and got it! I was making $7.50 per hour, and I was 18 years old- I though I had hit a gold mine!

I liked that job. The nice thing is after a few months you no longer smell the candy, so you aren't tempted to eat it. Another good thing about Godiva is most of their fillings are hazelnut based and I'm not a huge hazelnut fan- so I figure I'm safe! :)

I'm just not sure if my body can handle the physical requirements of standing on my feet for 50+ hours a week...
  • #48
Kacey, are there any government jobs (Civil Service) available where you are? If you DH meets the job skills requirements, he would have some hiring preferences because of his veteran status and disability.
  • #49

Two penguins were in the shower.

One said, "Pass me the soap."

OK, I have no idea what that joke actually means, but when I used to be a counselor at our local elementary school's sixth grade camp, the girls in my cabin used to tell that joke all the time then laugh hysterically. Of course, not wanting to seem completely uncool to a bunch of eleven year-olds, I laughed hysterically too. I think it freaked them out.

I also think that the joke was some sort of code for "Hey, when the counselor goes to sleep, let's freeze her bra" but they got scared when I laughed along, because it seemed like I knew what they were gonna do.

The moral of this story is, Always laugh when eleven year-olds tell stupid jokes. At the least, you'll seem really cool. At the most, you'll scare them into not putting your unmentionables in cold storage.

Is that better? :)
  • #50
I'm so sorry. :( We've been through this many times with my DH as well. Prayers have been said for you guys. *big hugs*
God bless,
<h2>1. Why did my husband get fired after less than 60 days of employment?</h2><p>Unfortunately, in most states, employment is considered "at-will" which means that an employee can be terminated for any reason or no reason at all. This can be a difficult situation, but it's important to stay positive and focus on finding a new job opportunity.</p><h2>2. Can my husband sue his former employer for firing him without a reason?</h2><p>If your husband believes that he was wrongfully terminated for reasons such as discrimination, retaliation, or violation of a contract, he may have a case to pursue legal action. It's best to consult with an employment attorney to discuss the specifics of his situation.</p><h2>3. How can my husband's reputation be affected by being fired after less than 60 days of employment?</h2><p>Unfortunately, being fired from a job can have a negative impact on an individual's professional reputation. However, it's important to remember that this is not a reflection of your husband's abilities or character. It may be helpful for him to address the situation honestly in future job interviews and explain the circumstances of his termination.</p><h2>4. What can we do to move forward after this unexpected job loss?</h2><p>It's completely understandable to feel upset and overwhelmed after a job loss. Take some time to regroup and then focus on finding new job opportunities. Utilize your network, update your resume, and be open to different job opportunities. It may also be helpful to seek support from friends, family, or a career counselor during this time.</p><h2>5. How can we handle the financial impact of my husband's job loss?</h2><p>Losing a job can have a significant financial impact on a household. It's important to assess your finances and make a plan for how to manage expenses during this time. This may include cutting back on non-essential expenses, seeking temporary employment, or looking into financial assistance programs. It's also a good idea to communicate with creditors and discuss potential payment arrangements or deferments.</p>

Related to Did My Husband Get Fired for No Reason After Less Than 60 Days of Employment?

1. Why did my husband get fired after less than 60 days of employment?

Unfortunately, in most states, employment is considered "at-will" which means that an employee can be terminated for any reason or no reason at all. This can be a difficult situation, but it's important to stay positive and focus on finding a new job opportunity.

2. Can my husband sue his former employer for firing him without a reason?

If your husband believes that he was wrongfully terminated for reasons such as discrimination, retaliation, or violation of a contract, he may have a case to pursue legal action. It's best to consult with an employment attorney to discuss the specifics of his situation.

3. How can my husband's reputation be affected by being fired after less than 60 days of employment?

Unfortunately, being fired from a job can have a negative impact on an individual's professional reputation. However, it's important to remember that this is not a reflection of your husband's abilities or character. It may be helpful for him to address the situation honestly in future job interviews and explain the circumstances of his termination.

4. What can we do to move forward after this unexpected job loss?

It's completely understandable to feel upset and overwhelmed after a job loss. Take some time to regroup and then focus on finding new job opportunities. Utilize your network, update your resume, and be open to different job opportunities. It may also be helpful to seek support from friends, family, or a career counselor during this time.

5. How can we handle the financial impact of my husband's job loss?

Losing a job can have a significant financial impact on a household. It's important to assess your finances and make a plan for how to manage expenses during this time. This may include cutting back on non-essential expenses, seeking temporary employment, or looking into financial assistance programs. It's also a good idea to communicate with creditors and discuss potential payment arrangements or deferments.

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