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Did DH Finally Remember Your Birthday?

In summary, Janet's husband forgot her birthday despite her dropping hints and even getting a tetanus shot on her birthday. He only remembered after her mother-in-law called and she had to ask him about it. Janet ended up making tacos for dinner and her kids even thought she was going to make her own birthday cake. She is not too upset though and knows her husband will have to make it up to her now.
Gold Member
Well, not really...

My MIL called to wish me Happy Birthday, I saw the caller ID to catch it before DH because I KNEW he still hadn't remembered, but he beat me to the phone.

I heard him say, "Give me 10 minutes and then call back."

He sheepishly came into the kitchen and I said, "What was that about?"

He said, "What?"

I said, "What did your mom want?" (Knowing OF COURSE).

He gave me a hug and said Happy Birthday.

So, that was 7:30 p.m....he wouldn't have remembered all day and I dropped TONS of hints!!!!

He also never logged into the excite account that had his calendar reminder...

Some peoples' children... :p

Oh well, he owes me now!

So what's for dinner? Well, I'm making tacos since he forgot and I had to finally get dinner ready for my family.
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P.S. Glad all my cyber-buddies remembered! Thanks guys!

and thanks for your help too! I'm still deciding...
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  • #4
smspamperedchef said:

and thanks for your help too! I'm still deciding...

Never a problem!
That is so sad that he forgot. Of course, I remind everyone of the plans for the day starting days before my birthday.
janetupnorth said:
Well, not really...

My MIL called to wish me Happy Birthday, I saw the caller ID to catch it before DH because I KNEW he still hadn't remembered, but he beat me to the phone.

I heard him say, "Give me 10 minutes and then call back."

He sheepishly came into the kitchen and I said, "What was that about?"

He said, "What?"

I said, "What did your mom want?" (Knowing OF COURSE).

He gave me a hug and said Happy Birthday.

So, that was 7:30 p.m....he wouldn't have remembered all day and I dropped TONS of hints!!!!

He also never logged into the excite account that had his calendar reminder...

Some peoples' children... :p

Oh well, he owes me now!

So what's for dinner? Well, I'm making tacos since he forgot and I had to finally get dinner ready for my family.

Aww Janet - I'm sorry!

If it's any consolation - that sounds eerily similar to to my birthday last year, other than DH finally got a clue when he realized most of the mail was B-day cards for me.:rolleyes:
Oh Russell would not survive if he forgot my birthday and especially if he did not come bearing huge gifts afterwards. He knows the GIFTS are my love language and what would happen without them HAHA!!! I brag about how he has never gotten me a bad gift and my mom tells everyone it's because he fears for his life!:D:eek:
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  • #8
JAE said:
That is so sad that he forgot. Of course, I remind everyone of the plans for the day starting days before my birthday.

I figured the story about getting my Driver's License yesterday, the complaining that the ONLY day there was a shot clinic to get my tetnus shot was on my birthday, and then CALLING him right after I got my shot this a.m., oh, and asking him about 8 p.m. last night what time he'd be home from camp and when he said maybe after dinner, saying, well then maybe I'll take the kids and go to Country Kitchen for a FREE BIRTHDAY meal would have connected the dots...

The funniest part is that after he remembered and told the kids (they are still a little young to remember without help), DS (age 4 1/2) asks if I am going to go make myself a birthday cake so HE (DS) can eat it after dinner tonight.

So they not only forgot, but I am supposed to make my own cake for someone else to eat. I really thought that was cute though.
My DH was going to forget my birthday one year until my twin's husband called and reminded him....and I wanted to be mad but it wasn't worth it in the end.

Sorry he forgot but, like you said, now he owes you :D. You'll probably be extra spoiled for a while! :thumbup:
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  • #10
ChefBeckyD said:
Aww Janet - I'm sorry!

If it's any consolation - that sounds eerily similar to to my birthday last year, other than DH finally got a clue when he realized most of the mail was B-day cards for me.:rolleyes:

See, once again we live oddly parallel lives at times... :rolleyes:
  • #11
The cake sounds like Luke. He does not understand how anyone can have a birthday without a cake!
  • #12
janetupnorth said:
I figured the story about getting my Driver's License yesterday, the complaining that the ONLY day there was a shot clinic to get my tetnus shot was on my birthday, and then CALLING him right after I got my shot this a.m., oh, and asking him about 8 p.m. last night what time he'd be home from camp and when he said maybe after dinner, saying, well then maybe I'll take the kids and go to Country Kitchen for a FREE BIRTHDAY meal would have connected the dots...

The funniest part is that after he remembered and told the kids (they are still a little young to remember without help), DS (age 4 1/2) asks if I am going to go make myself a birthday cake so HE (DS) can eat it after dinner tonight.

So they not only forgot, but I am supposed to make my own cake for someone else to eat. I really thought that was cute though.

Here would have been my DH's response: "Why do you women play these games? Just tell us!":eek:

I'd like to say my DH is great at remembering dates, but he plugged them all onto his calendar and gives himself a few days' notice...
  • #13
Guys just can't get it sometines. *sigh* But HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope you had a wonderful day inspite of that! :)
God bless,
  • #14
jesusluvsu2005 said:
Guys just can't get it sometines. *sigh* But HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope you had a wonderful day inspite of that! :)
God bless,
Yet, women continually expect guys to get it! My dh has never forgotten my birthday, but he never knows what to give me for my gift. I don't do any better when it comes to gifting him.
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  • #15
My DH's comment was, "You knew what you were getting when you married me."Yes, I did.Am I mad, no not one bit. It is almost kind of comical...pretty soon I'm going to start tracking how late in the day before he remembers each year.Last year, he remembered when we woke up, that was a RARE year!...bet he thinks if he forgets mine, I'll forget his 40th in June (NOT A CHANCE)! :)
  • #16
That may be how he is, and yes, you knew what you were getting when you married him, but he could still try to remember that one day...whether you are mad or not- it's walking in love and putting the other person first on something that isn't important to you, but has meaning to someone else...and no matter what a birthday has meaning.

I'm sorry her forgot. My mother forgets about me at least once every 3 birthdays, or she remembers a day late. 38 hours of labor and she forgets January 30th?!?!?

I get sad when those closest to me don't remember my birthday- like DH and my folks---don't mind if anyone else forgets. But cake, pie and cheesecake are a must!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend!!! :)
  • #17
My DH forgot Mother's Day once. It was my second one and the only way he knew was when I called my step mom to wish her a happy mother's day....The look on his face was priceless....and of course he felt horrible the rest of the day. That was seven years ago and he still hasn't lived that one down.
  • #18
Sorry he forgot, Janet!


Now to "return the favor", you need to take out an ad in the paper with the dorkiest picture you can find of him and wish him a Happy 40th... You can also put signs all the way to his work, wishing him a happy 40th.... Maybe even take that washable lettering stuff and write, "It's my 40th birthday. Give me a honk!" someplace on his car that he wouldn't notice until people keep honking!

He deserves it for being a jerk!
  • #19
pcchefjane said:
Sorry he forgot, Janet!


Now to "return the favor", you need to take out an ad in the paper with the dorkiest picture you can find of him and wish him a Happy 40th... You can also put signs all the way to his work, wishing him a happy 40th.... Maybe even take that washable lettering stuff and write, "It's my 40th birthday. Give me a honk!" someplace on his car that he wouldn't notice until people keep honking!
He deserves it for being a jerk!

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  • #20
pcchefjane said:
Sorry he forgot, Janet!


Now to "return the favor", you need to take out an ad in the paper with the dorkiest picture you can find of him and wish him a Happy 40th... You can also put signs all the way to his work, wishing him a happy 40th.... Maybe even take that washable lettering stuff and write, "It's my 40th birthday. Give me a honk!" someplace on his car that he wouldn't notice until people keep honking!

He deserves it for being a jerk!

Good ideas...he has a really good picture on his dive card...you know back when "body waves" were the thing for guys... He-he-he...

But I can't call him a jerk...forgetful yes, but I still love him and don't call my DH a jerk... :love: He's a good father...and I'm curious to see what he'll come up with to make up for this one! (Maybe I should give him an allowance...hmm...) Actually, he already told me to go get myself a massage since he forgot!
  • #21
:sing:Happy Birthday to You!!:sing:
Happy Birthday! So sorry your DH forgot..Men:grumpy:
  • #22
janetupnorth said:
So they not only forgot, but I am supposed to make my own cake for someone else to eat. I really thought that was cute though.

This has happened to me for 2 years now. :(
So now I don't bother trying to remind them, and just forget about it myself. No expectations, no disappointments.
  • #23
Well happy birthday, hope you still had a great day!
  • #24
Awwww Janet...next year start posting notes around the house..."my birthday is in ___ days!!!" LOL

One of my youth group kids turned 16 on June 23. Mom and sister had BH balloons all over the house, Happy Sweet 16, streamers, the works all over the house. Guess what...her Dad never said a word...not even HB!

She was with me the next day "he's such a jerk! But if we don't say HB to him before 9 AM...he reminds us!"


BTW ~ he's the one I almost killed on our church camping trip "you should be doing everyone's laundry in your house...you don't work!" He said. I just walked away! Good thing, I might have been put in jail that morning!
  • #25
hope you had a great birthday Janet. Sorry he forgot. My husband usually remembers my birthday and other holidays but he is not a gift giver, so rarely gets me anything. He might take me out to dinner. But, I will wait several weeks and if he hasn't gotten me a gift I go buy myself something that I have been wanting but would not generally buy for myself...usually because it is to expensive. For Valentine's Day and our Anniversary(Feb. 15) he didn't give my anything, to around the first of march I bought myself that new canon digital camera that I had been hinting for. It always costs him more in the end...you think he would learn. lol
  • #26
I learned years ago that hints don't work with The Furry Guy. I tell him. (He knows the date of my birthday, but is never really sure what "today's" date is.) I start about a month before. I tell him what things would make good gifts a la, "Oh, isn't that cute? It would make a perfect birthday gift for me. After all, my birthday is in ____ days."Seriously, if it makes me mad that he forgets, and I know he's going to forget, why torture myself?
  • #27
I learned years ago that hints don't work with The Furry Guy. I tell him. (He knows the date of my birthday, but is never really sure what "today's" date is.) I start about a month before. I tell him what things would make good gifts a la, "Oh, isn't that cute? It would make a perfect birthday gift for me. After all, my birthday is in ____ days."

Seriously, if it makes me mad that he forgets, and I know he's going to forget, why torture myself?
  • #28
luckily my oldest is a stickler for birthdays. She usually brings it up and the last 2 years there has been no forgetting. Now our Anniversary that is another matter. We both usually forget.
  • #29
Birthdays are a big deal in my house - DH could never forget my birthday between #4 reminding him (we are the same day!) and sadly the news reports are a constant reminder. PLUS we were married 6 days before my birthday so I start picking out ideas of how to celebrate and remind him that they are 2 separate occasions! He also reminds me that his birthday and valentines are only 4 days apart!

Sorry he almost forgot Janet - Hope your day was splendid!!
  • #30
Birthdays are also a huge deal in our home. No way could any of us ever forget!

Sorry that he forgot, but Happy Belated Birthday! Hope it was great!!
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  • #31
PamperedDor said:
Birthdays are a big deal in my house - DH could never forget my birthday between #4 reminding him (we are the same day!) and sadly the news reports are a constant reminder. PLUS we were married 6 days before my birthday so I start picking out ideas of how to celebrate and remind him that they are 2 separate occasions! He also reminds me that his birthday and valentines are only 4 days apart!

Sorry he almost forgot Janet - Hope your day was splendid!!

Yeah, that is my anniversary - he doesn't forget that now!
  • #32
My bday is 8/4, our anniversary is 8/5 and hubby's bday is 8/6. So the only way he can forget about my bday and our anniversary is if he completely forgets about his own birthday. Good planning huh? ;) Also makes for a great way to spend our vacation each year.
  • #33
Kitchen Diva said:
That may be how he is, and yes, you knew what you were getting when you married him, but he could still try to remember that one day...whether you are mad or not- it's walking in love and putting the other person first on something that isn't important to you, but has meaning to someone else...and no matter what a birthday has meaning.

I'm sorry her forgot. My mother forgets about me at least once every 3 birthdays, or she remembers a day late. 38 hours of labor and she forgets January 30th?!?!?

I get sad when those closest to me don't remember my birthday- like DH and my folks---don't mind if anyone else forgets. But cake, pie and cheesecake are a must!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend!!! :)

I would have to agree with you there! Last year I was very excited about my bday cause it's on the 28th and I was turning 28, and they say it's very special cause it's the one wish that really comes true. Well I didn't even got to make a wish cause no one put a candle on my cake and sang to me :cry: I was really disappointed!

I just wish that people would give to me, what I give to them.... A bday supper Party!

Related to Did DH Finally Remember Your Birthday?

1. What are some common reactions to forgetting a loved one's birthday?

Some common reactions to forgetting a loved one's birthday include disappointment, hurt feelings, and frustration.

2. How did the speaker's husband finally remember her birthday?

The speaker's mother-in-law called to wish her a happy birthday, prompting the husband to remember and wish her a happy birthday as well.

3. Did the speaker's husband remember her birthday on his own?

No, the speaker's husband did not remember her birthday on his own. He had to be reminded by his mother's phone call.

4. What were some hints the speaker dropped about her birthday?

The speaker dropped "TONS" of hints about her birthday, but her husband still didn't remember. It is unclear what specific hints she dropped.

5. What did the speaker's husband do to make up for forgetting her birthday?

The speaker's husband gave her a hug and wished her a happy birthday after being reminded by his mother's phone call. The speaker also mentioned that he "owes" her now, implying that he will do something to make up for forgetting. Additionally, the speaker is making tacos for dinner, which could be seen as a way for her husband to make it up to her.

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