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Create a Delicious Thanksgiving Meal with D.C.!

In summary, the fall mid-season products which include a professional roasting pan ($195.00 CN) and meat lifters and a set of turkey recipe cards comes out on Oct. 1st. (great for American Thanksgiving sales and lousy for Canada--grrrrr!!). BUT the incentive for Aug/Sept is that if you submit 5 kitchen shows between Aug. 16 and Sept. 16 you can recieve the mid-season products (including the roasting pan) FREE!!! WOOHOO!!!
Deborah Czarnecki
I'm planning to have a Thanksgiving theme for my Sept. shows (remember, I'm in Canada and our Thanksgiving is on Oct. 10) and obviously I can't make a turkey :D , I was hoping someone might have a suggestion for homemade stuffing or cranberry sauce that I could demo--anything that is appealing for Thanksgiving, but not overly complicated.
Have you tried the Turkey Cranberry Wreath?? It is by far one of my all time favorites. Let me know if you need the recipe.
laura Anglea
I agree...LOVE the Turkey Cranberry Wreath. It is one of my favorites. Here are recipes you can do for "what to do with the leftovers?" shows.


  • Turkey Tortilla Casserole.doc
    20.5 KB · Views: 442
  • Grilled Turkey and Corn Salad.doc
    20.5 KB · Views: 450
  • Lemon-Pepper Turkey Pasta.doc
    25 KB · Views: 382
  • Mashed Potato Delight.doc
    19 KB · Views: 455
  • Post-Thanksgiving Joes.doc
    19.5 KB · Views: 528
Here are some more....


  • Rosemary Turkey Salad.doc
    19.5 KB · Views: 408
  • Tom Turkey Nuggets.doc
    20 KB · Views: 402
  • Turkey Enchiladas.doc
    21 KB · Views: 428
  • Turkey Tortilla Soup.doc
    19.5 KB · Views: 439
  • White Bean Turkey Meatball Chili.doc
    20.5 KB · Views: 391
Here is an invitation I use for Thanksgiving shows.


  • s talk turkey invitation.doc
    32 KB · Views: 645
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Hungry already!Wow, thanks for the great recipes!! Now I'm hungry...!! :)
I would love to have the Turkey Wreath recipe if you have it (or if you know where I should look it up--is it a Pampered Chef recipe?). Maybe in October, I could do a "leftovers" show--that's really smart (or in January, after all the Christmas dinners!!)
I will definately use the invitations, if you don't mind (with a few minor adjustments :D --my name for instance!!). I really want to get a bunch of shows for the beginning of Sept--I want to get that brand new roasting pan FREE (for having 5 shows between Aug 16 and Sept 16!!)
Thanks for the recipes Ginger. I LOVE the turkey cranberry wreath also- so good. That is a neat idea to have a "how to use your turkey after Thanksgiving show". Do you normally have good attendence doing a show right after Thanksgiving or do you wait a week or so?

I wasn't aware about a roasting pan promotion. Is that something I'm not suppossed to know just yet?
The recipe for the Turkey Cranberry filling is in the All the Best cookbook page 82.
Laura Anglea
  • Thread starter
  • #9
Mid-season product incentiveJanel--
This is in the July edition of the Kitchen Consultant News, which was given to those who attended the National Conference (I actually didn't go, but my recruiter went and showed me all the goodies!!). The fall mid-season products which include a professional roasting pan ($195.00 CN) and meat lifters and a set of turkey recipe cards comes out on Oct. 1st. (great for American Thanksgiving sales and lousy for Canada--grrrrr!!). BUT the incentive for Aug/Sept is that if you submit 5 kitchen shows between Aug. 16 and Sept. 16 you can recieve the mid-season products (including the roasting pan) FREE!!! WOOHOO!!! :D :D
I'm ready to tackle people on the streets and force them into hosting a show for me! :eek:
I don't know if the conditions are a bit different in the U.S., but on the Canadian Pamp. Chef web site, you can access the July Kitchen Consultant news and it's in that. (under Let's Talk Turkey).
Good luck--that roasting pan looks AWESOME!!!
  • #10
I thought the August incentive was if you submit 2 shows between August 1st-15th you get all the midseason products free. Or was that something else? I'm so confused with little things I hear here and there about what the products are and the specials. That special sounds great though. I didn't think we were allowed to talk about those things yet with conferences still going on. So is it ok now?
  • #11
I think she is talking about a promotion for canada consultants.
  • Thread starter
  • #12
All sorts of incentivesThe National Conference in Toronto was this past weekend, and it's over now. We talked about all these things in our cluster meeting on Monday. However, is there a conferece going on in the U.S.? If there is I wasn't aware of it, and I don't know how long it lasts, so maybe I'm jumping the gun :rolleyes: The way I figure it, none of this is a secret in Canada, and you could go on the Canadian Pamp Chef web site and see for yourself, so it can't be THAT hush-hush, right?
There IS an Aug incentive for 2 shows between the 1st-15th. That's still on, but it is for fall products, not the mid-season products. The mid season is the five kitchen shows from Aug 16-Sept 16. There is also one that carries from Aug. to end of Oct. where, based on show sales, you can earn really nice carrying cases for your pamp chef stuff (called "Show to Go")
Keep in mind, however, that these are the Canadian promotions. I have no idea whether they are having the same ones in the U.S. or, if they are, whether the requirements are different (ours ususally tend to be higher because our dollar is less valuable).
But do try going on the Canadian PC site and check it out! The only thing I don't know is the Host Special for Sept., which I would really like to find out in order to get people excited about hosting a show!!
  • #13
What is the canadian website address? We already had the chance to earn fall products last month. Thats why I thought the midseason products were for us to earn in August 1-15. I would tell you what I heard that the September special is going to be but I don't want to post it in case I'm not suppossed to yet. I don't know if we will have the same Sept. specials but if you want me to e-mail you what I heard it was just let me know what your e-mail address is.
  • #14
Go to www.pamperedchef.com and in the upper right you should see "worldwide"Click on that and you'll get a menu that has Canada, Germany, United Kingdom and United States on it. Click on the country of your choice.
  • #15
There must be a difference between the Canadian incentives and the US incentives. The US one for mid-season products IS the one where if you hold and submit shows Aug 1-15th, you get the mid-season products for free. I just got back from Conference and I don't want to ruin any surprises, but there are different products in this promotion than what the earlier post said. THAT one must have been for Canada only. The ones for the US promotion total a little more than $60. The rest of you will find out soon enough! I don't want to ruin any surprises!
  • #16
Thanks for clearing that up becky. thats what i thought it was.
  • #17
Great recipes Ginger - thanks fo sharing...
  • #18
PCGINA said:
Great recipes Ginger - thanks for sharing...

These recipes are GREAT! Can any of you computer-smart creative people make us a flyer with these recipes, pretty please? *batting eyes*

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  • #19
its_me_susan said:
These recipes are GREAT! Can any of you computer-smart creative people make us a flyer with these recipes, pretty please? *batting eyes*


All the recipes or specific ones? What kind of info do you want on the flyer? What are you thinking of doing with the flyer?
  • #20
tlennhoff said:
All the recipes or specific ones? What kind of info do you want on the flyer? What are you thinking of doing with the flyer?

Something like this wonderful one someone here made :)


  • Pumpkin booklet.doc
    68 KB · Views: 1,832
  • #21
Oh my word... this pumkin booklet is awesome!!!!!!! Bring on the turkey!
  • #22
Ok, I'll see what I can do today.
  • #23
Ok, here it is. Hope you all like it. Let me know if you have any suggestions for changes.

Unfortunately the PDF has less pretty graphics because it was just too big with the pretty pictures.

I added the Rosemary-herbed turkey recipe.

And I just noticed I'd missed a few recipes so more updates done today (11/2/2006).


  • TurkeyBookletB.pdf
    468.6 KB · Views: 347
  • TurkeyBooklet.doc
    242.5 KB · Views: 497
Last edited:
  • #25
tlennhoff said:
Ok, here it is. Hope you all like it. Let me know if you have any suggestions for changes.

AWESOME!!!! Thank you sooooo much! It's just the kind of booklet I was hoping for. :)
  • #26
its_me_susan said:
AWESOME!!!! Thank you sooooo much! It's just the kind of booklet I was hoping for. :)

Excellent. Its good using my writing skills again.
  • #27
Here are some more turkey recipes I found while researching for my upcoming themes


  • Southwestern Turkey Wraps.doc
    19.5 KB · Views: 335
  • Apricot Dijon Glazed Turkey with Herbed Pilaf.doc
    20 KB · Views: 310
  • Autumn Roast Turkey Breast.doc
    21 KB · Views: 345
  • Santa Fe Turkey Saute.doc
    19.5 KB · Views: 315
  • Turkey and Wild Rice Soup.doc
    19.5 KB · Views: 288
  • #30
LOL. That was mean Brooke. I was just uploading the updated booklet when I saw you posted again.
  • #33
Bumping the thread. I'll try to update the booklet whenever new recipes are posted. Today I added the Rosemary-herb Turkey recipe. Check out Post #23 for the files.
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  • #34
And i noticed I'd missed a couple of the recipes that had been posted so I've now added those also.

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