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Confessions of a Busy Wife: Juggling Marriage and Responsibilities

In summary, DH just asked me where his menu and prepared meals are for when I'm at conference. This is AFTER I had already told him that I'm going to be really busy tomorrow trying to pack and get things set to leave. Who does he think I am, Jenny Craig? :rolleyes:
Gold Member
Well, not really. But it feels like it.

DH just asked me where his menu and prepared meals are for when I'm at conference. This is AFTER I had already told him that I'm going to be really busy tomorrow trying to pack and get things set to leave. Who does he think I am, Jenny Craig? :rolleyes:

I guess I can throw together a batch of the power cooking stroganoff for him, and I already have chicken defrosting to make something (probably General Tso's Chicken).

When he asked me, I told him, "I didn't put one together. You're an adult." His response: "Since when?"
Wow, your response was a lot nicer than mine would have been to my DH!! ;) The power cooking meals sound like a good plan, and so does the General Tso's Chicken. I guess he'll have to survive on leftovers and take-out the rest of the time? I wouldn't put too much more thought into it - you're going to conference to support your business and he can be supportive of your business by figuring out his own meals!!
Oh Ann! This completely sounds like a conversation my DH and I have had and probably will have again many times. Don't you love how suddenly when you have something going on, they can't survive without you? My DH travels quit often. Usually every week all week long. He comes home Thursday from Chicago for work, and I leave Wed. He is worried about what he is going to do Thursday night to Sat. afternoon while I am gone.....I don't know..how about what I do every week...SURVIVE!
I had to make sure when I went to the store last week that I stocked up on the essentials for DH. More than likely though he'll go out to eat a few times!
Ann - hand DH take-out menus and tell him those are his food choices.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
cathyskitchen said:
Wow, your response was a lot nicer than mine would have been to my DH!! ;) The power cooking meals sound like a good plan, and so does the General Tso's Chicken. I guess he'll have to survive on leftovers and take-out the rest of the time? I wouldn't put too much more thought into it - you're going to conference to support your business and he can be supportive of your business by figuring out his own meals!!

The problem with that plan is that there are no leftovers in the house, and we've been trying to eat out/carry out only once per week since I lost my job. And he thinks he IS being supportive because he's letting me go to conference (although he'll gripe and moan about the hotel bill and and food I have to pay for while I'm there once I'm home).
chefann said:
Well, not really. But it feels like it.

DH just asked me where his menu and prepared meals are for when I'm at conference. This is AFTER I had already told him that I'm going to be really busy tomorrow trying to pack and get things set to leave. Who does he think I am, Jenny Craig? :rolleyes:

I guess I can throw together a batch of the power cooking stroganoff for him, and I already have chicken defrosting to make something (probably General Tso's Chicken).

When he asked me, I told him, "I didn't put one together. You're an adult." His response: "Since when?"

Ask him if he's ever heard of take-out!

I knew that DH wouldn't cook a thing while I was gone, and I was right. Thursday - dinner at his parents house......Friday - He cannot even remember what they ate for dinner - my guess is that it was so bad, he is hiding the truth from me!....Saturday - McDonalds for Lunch, and Leftovers from his mom for dinner! At least that way, I didn't come home to a sink overflowing with dirty dishes!
katie0128 said:
Ann - hand DH take-out menus and tell him those are his food choices.

LOL! That's what I was going to suggest! ;)

MEN! :rolleyes: ....of course, no offence to our fellow men cheffers!! :p
Well, he must have some redeeming qualities for you to have put up with him for all this time. BTW, am I the only one for whom the thread title brought to mind dozens of jokes about punishment and spankings?
  • #10
Yep - you're so twisted!
  • Thread starter
  • #11
I guess I should be happy that he's still trying to stay to our once a week eat out plan. But geez! Live a little! There are BK coupons on the coffee table! (You can turn in an old receipt for a free Whopper or Chicken Sandwich with purchase of any fry and drink. So you can get the small of each, and have a meal for $2.12 after tax.) Get a $5 Little Caesars! Make a tuna sandwich! Well, that last one is out because I'm going to use the last can of tuna to make his lunch tomorrow, but you know what I mean.
  • Thread starter
  • #12
raebates said:
BTW, am I the only one for whom the thread title brought to mind dozens of jokes about punishment and spankings?

Yes, you are. You dirty, dirty girl.
  • #13
Ann, maybe that's just his way of letting you know that you'll be missed while he's gone. Men are very strange creatures with odd communication skills.
  • #14
katie0128 said:
Yep - you're so twisted!

chefann said:
Yes, you are. You dirty, dirty girl.

Hey, I don't hear The Furry Guy complaining. LOL!
  • #15
chefann said:
Well, not really. But it feels like it.

DH just asked me where his menu and prepared meals are for when I'm at conference. This is AFTER I had already told him that I'm going to be really busy tomorrow trying to pack and get things set to leave. Who does he think I am, Jenny Craig? :rolleyes:

I guess I can throw together a batch of the power cooking stroganoff for him, and I already have chicken defrosting to make something (probably General Tso's Chicken).

When he asked me, I told him, "I didn't put one together. You're an adult." His response: "Since when?"

Haha...I'm cracking up at that! My DP (parter, since we couldnt' get married) never once cooked a meal for himself the entire time we are together. Now that we're apart, we're still friends and I've got him hooked on the DCB though. :)
  • #16
raebates said:
Ann, maybe that's just his way of letting you know that you'll be missed while he's gone. Men are very strange creatures with odd communication skills.

Heck - I'd take odd communications skills vs. NO communication skills.
  • #17
chefann said:
The problem with that plan is that there are no leftovers in the house, and we've been trying to eat out/carry out only once per week since I lost my job. And he thinks he IS being supportive because he's letting me go to conference (although he'll gripe and moan about the hotel bill and and food I have to pay for while I'm there once I'm home).

I totally hear you on that one. We're trying to save money and not eat take out anymore, either. Can he grill? Maybe you can make up some hamburger patties and prep some chicken for him to grill up? My DH always makes those when I'm not around. And chili stays good for a while in the fridge. Good luck!
  • Thread starter
  • #18
He'll be fine- luckily, he'll eat the same 2 meals for 3 days if that's what I leave him. And since I'll make one beef and one chicken, he won't be stuck on the same thing. Although getting him to control his portions is another story. And I won't pre-package things because that's too much like being his baby-sitter than his wife.
  • #19
I got all the essentials when I went shopping. Pizza rolls, ramen noodles, cans of chili, frozen pizza and premade frozen burgers. We talked about me taking out some Power cooking meals and he said he didn't want to heat up the house by cooking. The kids are at their cousins for the rest of the summer, so it will be just him. I'm sure he will send me a text about nothing to eat at least 2 of the nights.:yuck:
  • #20
Chefann, I love his response, I laughed so hard at that!! Too funny!!
  • #21
chefann said:
Well, not really. But it feels like it.

DH just asked me where his menu and prepared meals are for when I'm at conference. This is AFTER I had already told him that I'm going to be really busy tomorrow trying to pack and get things set to leave. Who does he think I am, Jenny Craig? :rolleyes:

I guess I can throw together a batch of the power cooking stroganoff for him, and I already have chicken defrosting to make something (probably General Tso's Chicken).

When he asked me, I told him, "I didn't put one together. You're an adult." His response: "Since when?"

I've been sick since Saturday with food sickness of some sort, and I stayed home from work today... DH came up into the kitchen at about 5:30 complaining of hunger and mentioning that he hadn't eaten anything all day, and I told him what he could have for supper. I listed quite a few things that were sitting in the fridge, one of which were Brats...all he had to do was heat them on the grill.

His reply was "Well then I'll have to cook!" Oh, I'm sorry your highness, I've been running to the toilet all day with fire poops and you're upset because you have to grill a BRAT for SIX lousy minutes....???:cry::confused:

Ahhh, that was freeing, thanks, I feel better... Sorry for you all who had to hear about my intestinal issues, but I feel good. :) Thanks- you guys are really great! :)

Ann, I'd go to the local military surplus store and buy him a few days worth of MRE's! :)
  • #22
I guess I should add that my BF and I live in seperate houses, and work different schedules, but he will call me and ask me what is for dinner...um...what the heck? He is at work when i am at home, do what I do when I am at work and you are at home and I either bring food in or ORDER IT!!!
So I do get your pain...but his response of "since when" to being an adult just made me laugh.
  • #23
I feel blessed for my hubby to want me to cook for him. Like he knows I'll take care of him even when I'm gone. I'm making spaghetti (enough for at least 2 dinners and a lunch - but his choice as to when he eats it) and I'm also making chicken in the DCB w/ a potato salad. He loves it and he can make so many things from it. BBQ chicken one night, chicken tacos another, and regular roast chicken. I'm also making 2 gallons of sweet tea (hopefully it will last) and I just made a cake!

I'm actually leaving on Wednesday and won't be back until Sunday night. I will also be missing our 11th Anniversary. We don't have any kids, just a dog. And I know when he drops me off at the airport, even though I'll be with my director and another consultant, I know I will still cry. I'm going to miss him but I know I'm going to have SOOO much fun. I can't help it! The thought of not being with him makes me so sad. I'm even tearing up typing this. I know . . . I'm such a sap! But, I can't help it! I'm still so in love! :love::love::love::p:p:p:eek::eek::eek:
  • #24
Kitchen Diva said:
I've been sick since Saturday with food sickness of some sort, and I stayed home from work today... DH came up into the kitchen at about 5:30 complaining of hunger and mentioning that he hadn't eaten anything all day
You poor thing! :( I bet he didn't even make sure if you were in need of any nourishment the past 3 days! I know when I'm sick I have to drag myself to the kitchen to get something to eat.... If I know I'm going to be gone I check the grocery flyers and buy 'delicious frozen dinners'. He knows how to use the microwave!:chef:
  • #25
Funny thread! Especially because I just made some power cooking meals tonight that will last through while I'm gone. I felt pretty proud of myself for doing that!:) This is my 6th conference I'm going to and that's the first time I"ve prepared ahead enough to think of making my DH and kids some meals ahead of time! It took me long enough to figure that out. (Thanks to Power Cooking, really!). So, I've finally had the thought to make something ahead of time. NOw, I haven't packed a thing and I'm still working on doing laundry, but at least I have meals done for them. Well, some at least. I'm sure they'll be getting pizza one of the nights I'm gone.

  • #26
byrd1956 said:
You poor thing! :( I bet he didn't even make sure if you were in need of any nourishment the past 3 days! I know when I'm sick I have to drag myself to the kitchen to get something to eat.... If I know I'm going to be gone I check the grocery flyers and buy 'delicious frozen dinners'. He knows how to use the microwave!:chef:

He kept teasing me and asking if I wanted a Brat until I ran to the bathroom and threw up because the thought of a brat made my stomach really angry!!! :yuck::yuck:

No, when I'm sick I'm mostly on my own and he's unable to feed himself. :) It's my fault...if I wasn't such a good cook he would have never forgotten how to cook for himself! :)
  • #27
cookingwith_tara said:
I feel blessed for my hubby to want me to cook for him. Like he knows I'll take care of him even when I'm gone. I'm making spaghetti (enough for at least 2 dinners and a lunch - but his choice as to when he eats it) and I'm also making chicken in the DCB w/ a potato salad. He loves it and he can make so many things from it. BBQ chicken one night, chicken tacos another, and regular roast chicken. I'm also making 2 gallons of sweet tea (hopefully it will last) and I just made a cake!

I'm actually leaving on Wednesday and won't be back until Sunday night. I will also be missing our 11th Anniversary. We don't have any kids, just a dog. And I know when he drops me off at the airport, even though I'll be with my director and another consultant, I know I will still cry. I'm going to miss him but I know I'm going to have SOOO much fun. I can't help it! The thought of not being with him makes me so sad. I'm even tearing up typing this. I know . . . I'm such a sap! But, I can't help it! I'm still so in love! :

I enjoy cooking for my DH and serving him his meal...but when I'm sick and have been for 2.5 days- show a little compassion and don't pout and whine and complain because you have to grill a fat hotdog. :) That was my only point. I LOVE cooking- it's my passion and my therapy...I don't like to do it when I am really sick however.

I know you will have fun at NC- I still tear up when I go away w/o DH like on business or something...but he retired from the Air Force and was gone sooo much our first 6 years of marriage that I am used to being alone now, and it isn't as bad as it used to be- nor is it as hard as it used to be. :)
  • #28
you guys are much nicer than I am...of course my DH would not ask me what he was suppose to eat while I was gone. My answer would be..."Whatever you want. Here's the number for the local drive in and your favorite Mexican restaurant". When we first got married...22 years ago...he was a very spoiled Momma's and Grandma's boy. I put up with it for several years...catering to him, spoiling him, etc...but I have always worked full time too and I finally began to say "get it yourself". That is not to say that I don't like to cook for my family and spoil them a little, but they have to get a grip on reality...lol

However, my guess from his "since when" comment is that he was just letting you know that he was going to miss you. AAAAHHHH, its really sweet. Don't forget to let him know you will miss him too.
  • #29
raebates said:
Well, he must have some redeeming qualities for you to have put up with him for all this time.

BTW, am I the only one for whom the thread title brought to mind dozens of jokes about punishment and spankings?

hmmm I imagine there's a line for these services...
  • #30
Men.... I came home from work last Wed asked hubby what he fed our 8 year old son he said cupcakes and applesauce. Then got mad at the kid for being hungry at 10 o'clock. I said what he should have finished all his cupcake.
They just don't think sometimes... ok a lot of the time! LOL
  • #31
Men are just goofs!

Jenni...that's my DH! God forbid he be the "mean" one and expect the kids to eat normal food, bathe, and brush their teeth anytime I am out of the house!

Tara...that is great to hear! Not that you will be sad...but that you love your DH so much! Now...I love mine, but I have never gone to that extent when I leave for conference!!

Ann...the title of your thread, AND your DH's comment is just TOO FUNNY!! I think that probably 95% of us could say the same!!
  • #32
Another guy's side of the story. Every day is like my wife going out of town on business. A year ago in May we had a falling out and my wife advised me of how she always does the cooking and cleaning. I told her that I didn't marry her to have a cook and a maid. She might have cooked 5 times since then. If I cook, she walks past it and heats up a can of soup.
I'm very envious of all of you happily married couples. As long as you are argueing, you are at least communicating.
  • #33
Aww, Bobby! That makes me sad to hear! I'm very blessed to have a wonderful loving DH that does anything & everything for me & the kids.

  • Thread starter
  • #34
Yeah, that stinks, Bobby!My issue is not that he asked to have me make him dinners, it's that he waited until the last minute after I had already told him that I didn't have time to drive to the bank before I left. (Although I've put off a few things until after conference so I can now make him some food. Made brown rice and some General Tso's chicken this morning. Will be making a batch of the power cooking stroganoff this afternoon.)
  • #35
you leave him something to eat or not.. I bet he won't starve! He will have a pizza place on speed dial!
  • #36
I purposely didn't leave anything for DH while I was gone. Not because I don't love him, or don't enjoy feeding him....but because I want him to model self-sufficiency for our son. DH grew up in a family where his mom did EVERYTHING for the family. DH left home not knowing how to cook (he had NEVER had to make anything for himself!), how to grocery shop, how to clean a toilet, how to do laundry......that to me is just craziness! (He agrees with me btw!) So - if he can't fend for himself and DS for a couple days, then it's just perpetuating that craziness for our son that only Mommy can do these things, and we are helpless males without her.....I don't care how he feeds him, or too much what he feeds him - it's only 3 days out of the year. I just want my son to know that it's not just "womans work" to do these things.

We worry all of the time about what will happen to DH's dad if something should happen to his mom, and she couldn't take care of him. The man is 73 yrs old, and I don't think has EVER bought groceries, done laundry, or made a meal for himself.
  • #37
Some of you remind me of when I listen to one of the guys that I work with that makes his wife leave home to bring him lunch. We have about a dozen places to eat within a mile of work and we are allowed to leave to get something. I always feel sorry for his wife.
Last edited:
  • #38
The name of this thread had me laughing! Since my last name is Child my DH likes to use all sorts of "child" excuses....His favorite one is when he can't get something to work "it must be childproof".....yeah, he gets a real belly laugh out of that one! :rolleyes:
  • #39
OMG - this is way too funny! Last night I asked my S.O. what he wanted for dinners from the grocery store for the next few days, he looked at me and started to rattle off a bunch of stuff that had to be cooked. Now, he is currently house bound with some mobility. Yep, he finally can get off his butt and walk to the kitchen. (His doctor yelled at him by the way for not walking on a daily basis after I even told him that is what doc told him to do.) He is another one with MOMMY issues. He can do grilled cheese, peanut butter and jelly and use a microwave. That's it. He could not get a dish into the sink if the sink came up and swallowed him with the plate in his hand! I looked him straight in the eye and said simply, "You know I am going to conference." He looked at me, go tthat stupid pout and said, "That's this week? You're leaving me alone!" I wanted to hit him! Needless to say, he has frozen Chicken Keiv, Frozen Chicken with Broccolli and Cheese, Frozen MAc & Cheese, Fish sticks and Peanut butter and soda, milk and bread. And I am totally sure I will get the "I couldn't get to the kitchen." thing when I get back. I talked to his doctor privately and he agreed, "TOUGH S*&#! If he can't get up and walk then he SHOULD starve. He needs to walk anyway and my leaving will hopefully force that issue. Besides, who does he think he is kidding! His brother is coming in from Arizona on Thursday night, I have a friend of ours checking on him Thursday and our neighbor will check on him on Wednesday. He will get a shock though. I called them ALL last night to tell them what his doctor told him. It will be funny to see who gives in first and gets stuff for him! I am betting on the friend on Thursday. Bill's a puchover! So, yeah I have one with Child syndrom too! (I would say that gleefully if that meant being like Linda but, well!) What you do? "He loves me, he loves me not. It don't matter, cause I am what he's got!"
  • Thread starter
  • #40
ChefBeckyD said:
We worry all of the time about what will happen to DH's dad if something should happen to his mom, and she couldn't take care of him. The man is 73 yrs old, and I don't think has EVER bought groceries, done laundry, or made a meal for himself.
My family worried about my grandfather that way, too. The man didn't even know how to make peanut butter on crackers for himself if Gramma was incapacitated. And he wouldn't eat cold lunch - he had to have 3 hot meals a day. Unfortunately, for the last year of his life Gramma started losing it, and really shouldn't have been cooking. She'd leave burners turned on, then set a load of bread on it and other such hazards.
  • Thread starter
  • #41
*groan!*DH just admitted that he was trying to get away with something and I fell for it. *grumblegrumblegrumble* stupid stroganoff and general tso's chicken *grumble*
  • #42
chefann said:

DH just admitted that he was trying to get away with something and I fell for it. *grumblegrumblegrumble* stupid stroganoff and general tso's chicken *grumble*

Grrrrrr-I'll grumble along with you! :grumpy::cry::eek:
  • #43
Hey! He's pickin' on the wrong woman! I have your address. I could easily make a quick ankle-kicking trip. Just let me know if I have your go-ahead.
  • Thread starter
  • #44
No, it's OK. I spit in the stroganoff.
  • #45

that'll teach him, now won't it!!!!
  • #46
Just remember that I'm here if you need me.
  • #47
chefmeg said:
that'll teach him, now won't it!!!!

But only if Ann tells him... after she is back from conference!
  • #48
yep....I think she should let it slip while she is on the phonw with DH FROM Chicago!
  • #49
Hey - does your child kill spiders??? I just had to stop my office time to go upstairs to kill a spider for DH. DS and DD were in the bathtub and DH was just about ready to climb in there himself if the pinhead sized spider came any closer.:rolleyes:
  • #50
ChefBeckyD said:
I purposely didn't leave anything for DH while I was gone. Not because I don't love him, or don't enjoy feeding him....but because I want him to model self-sufficiency for our son. DH grew up in a family where his mom did EVERYTHING for the family. DH left home not knowing how to cook (he had NEVER had to make anything for himself!), how to grocery shop, how to clean a toilet, how to do laundry......that to me is just craziness! (He agrees with me btw!) So - if he can't fend for himself and DS for a couple days, then it's just perpetuating that craziness for our son that only Mommy can do these things, and we are helpless males without her.....I don't care how he feeds him, or too much what he feeds him - it's only 3 days out of the year. I just want my son to know that it's not just "womans work" to do these things.

We worry all of the time about what will happen to DH's dad if something should happen to his mom, and she couldn't take care of him. The man is 73 yrs old, and I don't think has EVER bought groceries, done laundry, or made a meal for himself.

Are you married to my boyfriend?! Uh-oh!!

This is the EXACT same as my BF's parents. I have told him on more than one occassion that I will not be his maid/cook/secretary or whatever. I don't mind helping and I do help...heck right now while he is gone I am keeping his dog (not a dog fan) and running two houses, keeping up on 3 vehicles (seems all his registrations and inspections are due RIGHT NOW), and all of his other stuff that he can't do online while there. But his dad can't even find his own roll of duct tape and will tell ANYONE else to go do something for him, and stand and WATCH and CRITIQUE you on how to do it. I am so NOT the kind of person that listens to that well. I go CRAZY when I am around them, and b/c my BF is the only boy out of 3 girls his mom and sisters' try to "keep" things from him almost like they are still babying him and he wants me to drive down once a month to get the REAL truth and see how they are.
Anyhow, I get so nervous that he will be his dad, he vows and declares that there is NO WAY in he!!, but I have called him on it a few times.
Frustrating sometimes.

Wow..oops...went a little nutsy there. Sorry!
<h2>1. How do you balance your marriage and responsibilities as a busy wife?</h2><p>Balancing marriage and responsibilities can be challenging, but communication and organization are key. Make sure to communicate your schedule and responsibilities with your partner and work together to find a balance. Prioritize tasks and delegate when possible to lighten your load.</p><h2>2. How do you handle meal planning and preparation as a busy wife?</h2><p>Meal planning and preparation can be time-consuming, but it's important to have a plan in place. Consider meal prepping on a designated day of the week, or utilize tools like crockpots or instant pots to save time. Don't be afraid to ask for help from your partner or consider meal delivery services to make things easier.</p><h2>3. How do you handle unexpected requests or tasks from your partner?</h2><p>When unexpected requests or tasks come up, don't be afraid to communicate your boundaries. It's okay to say no or ask for help. Prioritize your own responsibilities and make sure to take care of yourself first.</p><h2>4. How do you manage self-care as a busy wife?</h2><p>Self-care is crucial for maintaining balance and avoiding burnout. Make sure to schedule time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it's a bubble bath, reading a book, or going for a walk. Don't feel guilty about taking time for yourself.</p><h2>5. How do you handle feeling overwhelmed as a busy wife?</h2><p>Feeling overwhelmed is normal, but it's important to address it before it becomes too much. Take a step back and evaluate your priorities and responsibilities. Consider delegating tasks or talking to your partner about ways they can help. Don't be afraid to seek outside help, whether it's from a therapist or a trusted friend or family member.</p>

Related to Confessions of a Busy Wife: Juggling Marriage and Responsibilities

1. How do you balance your marriage and responsibilities as a busy wife?

Balancing marriage and responsibilities can be challenging, but communication and organization are key. Make sure to communicate your schedule and responsibilities with your partner and work together to find a balance. Prioritize tasks and delegate when possible to lighten your load.

2. How do you handle meal planning and preparation as a busy wife?

Meal planning and preparation can be time-consuming, but it's important to have a plan in place. Consider meal prepping on a designated day of the week, or utilize tools like crockpots or instant pots to save time. Don't be afraid to ask for help from your partner or consider meal delivery services to make things easier.

3. How do you handle unexpected requests or tasks from your partner?

When unexpected requests or tasks come up, don't be afraid to communicate your boundaries. It's okay to say no or ask for help. Prioritize your own responsibilities and make sure to take care of yourself first.

4. How do you manage self-care as a busy wife?

Self-care is crucial for maintaining balance and avoiding burnout. Make sure to schedule time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it's a bubble bath, reading a book, or going for a walk. Don't feel guilty about taking time for yourself.

5. How do you handle feeling overwhelmed as a busy wife?

Feeling overwhelmed is normal, but it's important to address it before it becomes too much. Take a step back and evaluate your priorities and responsibilities. Consider delegating tasks or talking to your partner about ways they can help. Don't be afraid to seek outside help, whether it's from a therapist or a trusted friend or family member.

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