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Career Sales Recognition: $15,000+?

In summary, there is a special recognition at $15,000 in Career sales, where you receive a 2% increase on commissions. In Canada, this recognition is at $20,000 in personal sales and at $50,000 you become a member of "Career Club" and are recognized at your cluster event at leadership. In the US, you also receive a silver whisk and a 2% raise in commission at $15,000, and are recognized at National Conference with a Career Club lunch at $50,000 in sales. Your name is also listed in the awards book on awards night. You can find your career sales listed on your monthly commission statement and on the Individual Performance Tracker in PP.
Gold Member
I was wondering if anybody could tell me if there is any special recognition at $15,000 in Career sales.

I believe at $20,000 2% increase on commissions right?

Am I missing anything else?

Your 2% commission raise takes effect at 15,000 in career sales.At least that's what it is in the States. I just noticed you're in BC. May be different for our neighbors to the north.

I believe the 2% is when you reach $15.000 and you also recieve a silver whisk
just out of curiosity can you get the siler whisk replaced?? I think my DH accidently threw it away. It was in my window seal in the box and he threw the box away
Jennie4PC said:
just out of curiosity can you get the siler whisk replaced?? I think my DH accidently threw it away. It was in my window seal in the box and he threw the box away

Check with your director. She/he may be able to help you.
Jennie4PC said:
just out of curiosity can you get the siler whisk replaced?? I think my DH accidently threw it away. It was in my window seal in the box and he threw the box away

My director's dog ate hers. She had the option to purchase a new one for $25 or (ewwww) follow the dog around the back yard for a few days. She opted to pay the $25 for a new one. :eek: This has been several years ago, so maybe the price has increased since then.
Here in Canada, you get your silver whisk and your increased commission with $20,000 in personal sales.
When you hit $50,000 you become a member in "Career Club" and you usually get recognized at your cluster event at leadership.
I just reached $15,000 today Whoa! And to think that I was gonna buy the kit and run!
See, you learn something new every day.
  • #10
Marg said:
Here in Canada, you get your silver whisk and your increased commission with $20,000 in personal sales.
When you hit $50,000 you become a member in "Career Club" and you usually get recognized at your cluster event at leadership.
In the US we get the silver whisk and a 2% raise in commission at $15,000 and once our sales hit $50,000 we are recoginzed at National Conference at a Career Club lunch. We also get a Career Club pin at $50,000, $100,000 and every $100,000 after that. We are seated at tables at the lunch according to our sales level. You are invited to the lunch every year once you hit $50,000 even if you don't make it to the next level. Your name is also listed in the awards book on awards night when you hit a new level.
  • #11
I'm excited because I FINALLY made Career Club with my January sales! Whoot! So I'll have 2 ribbons on my name badge at Conference: career club sales, and FD.
  • #12
chefann said:
I'm excited because I FINALLY made Career Club with my January sales! Whoot! So I'll have 2 ribbons on my name badge at Conference: career club sales, and FD.
Oh, yeah! I forgot about the ribbon!
  • #13
Great Job Ann!!:)I forget, do we need to make it by June 1st or July 1st for it to count for this years conference. I am making a plan to make it by conference!! TIA
  • #14
Where do you find your career sales? I've been looking around CC but can't find it. Is it in PP? BTW, you all should shout out to HO that you want P3 to print mailing lables!!! It doesn't yet. That's a bummer.
  • #15
Your career sales is listed on your monthly commission statement...and I think if you go to CC you can look at the screen that shows your sales from the beginning of the year...can't think of what it is called, but its not the commission statement tab...and it should also show it.
  • #16
pamperedalf said:
Great Job Ann!!:)

I forget, do we need to make it by June 1st or July 1st for it to count for this years conference. I am making a plan to make it by conference!! TIA
It's July 1!
  • #17
Thanks Beth!! I appreciate it!:)
  • #18
I didn't forget about you, Amanda, I just wasn't on here yesterday. (But my team lead at work is out today, so it's my day to catch up on all the good stuff that was posted yesterday. ;) )
  • #19
I think you were all talking about the ...Individual Performance Tracker and no, I don't see the Career Sales listed there. The only place I know it shows up is on the commission statements.

Related to Career Sales Recognition: $15,000+?

1. How can I achieve Career Sales Recognition of $15,000 or more?

To achieve Career Sales Recognition of $15,000 or more, you must consistently sell Pampered Chef products and reach a total of $15,000 in sales within your career as a consultant. This can be achieved through hosting parties, selling products online, and building a loyal customer base.

2. Is there a time limit to reach $15,000 in career sales?

No, there is no time limit to reach $15,000 in career sales. You can take as much time as you need to reach this goal.

3. Will I receive any rewards or recognition for reaching $15,000 in career sales?

Yes, you will receive a special recognition pin to wear on your apron, as well as a certificate and a congratulatory letter from the company's president. You will also be recognized at our annual conference and may have the opportunity to attend a special dinner with other top sellers.

4. Can I still receive Career Sales Recognition if I am part-time?

Yes, you can still receive Career Sales Recognition if you are a part-time consultant. As long as you reach $15,000 in career sales, you will be eligible for this recognition.

5. What other benefits come with achieving Career Sales Recognition of $15,000 or more?

In addition to the recognition and rewards mentioned, achieving Career Sales Recognition of $15,000 or more can also lead to increased commission rates and opportunities for advancement within the company. It can also serve as a great achievement to add to your resume and can attract more customers to your business.

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