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Can a Taste of Home Cooking Show Help Boost Your Business?

Hi all! I just booked a table for me and a fellow Consultant at the traveling Taste of Home Cooking School. The problem? It's tomorrow! :eek:
Does anyone have any quick hints or tips that I can use to make this worth our while?
We're planning on setting up some of our products and we will raffle off a gift certificate and something of product. We plan on having info cards for everyone to fill out as they come by the booth. We both have business cards that we will have available. Should we take catalogs? I worry that they will all get gone. There should be close to 1000 people there. We'll get together some host packets if someone wants to book a show then. We'll also offer a gift if someone does book right then and there.
So much to do!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Thank you all!
I've done the TOH shows here locally and it's a MASS of confusion. Don't have too much little stuff on your tables, you'd be surprised how many things will walk off.

We generally have set up the 3 tiered stand with pretzels/candy and in the entertaining set (of someone's) the Farmer's Market Dip Set that you can get on supply. Very Yummy and while people are snacking they are filling out door prize slips.

email is there's anything you think I might be able to help with.

Wow, I can't imagine taking this on with only a few. We generally have between 8-10 consultants and it's still a mad rush.

Make sure you have PLENTY of door prize slips, you won't be handing out to many hostess packets, it's more of a lead gathering, but then you've GOT to COMMIT to making those follow up calls, they are the key to bookings/recruits, etc.

All I can say is, Good Luck and God Bless!!

I wouldn't take catalogs but maybe put something on the door prize slip so if they are interested in a catalog you can mail it. THen you also have their information to follow up with them. Less catalogs get wasted that way. You could also take your prize drawing leads and tell all of them that they won a free cooking show if it's scheduled in these months.......then you pick the months you want to fill. Good luck, and have fun with it!
I was just in a Taste of Home Cooking Show last week. I displayed, SS kit with the exec small saute pan (it's in the bonus sets), simple additions rectangle stand (current recruiting special), a few new products (chill sect server, quick stir, colors), microplane (good thing - they came running to see ours after she used one on stage), square woven selections basket for door prizes (way too small), bridal cake I made from the white PC towels and the BBQ tools since they are on special now.

I brought old catalogs and mini catalogs and gave one or the other. Went through a ton of drawing slips. There were 2 of us and we were quite busy but the booth is only allowed open for about 2 hours so we felt like more than 2 might be hard to do. In fact several times there were lines forming in front of her because we were on a corner and they thought they needed to see her first... It would be hard to stay within the booth borders (and not infringe on other booths) if there were more than 2 or 3 consultants -JMO.

TAKE RECIPES!! I forgot them and some people were asking...
I agree with Lisa. It is chaos and people will be looking for food. I would definitely limit products on table-and to the pretzels and maybe carrot, cuke and celery stickes with dip. My favorite is 1c mayo, 1c sourcream and 2T (i think) of the dill seasoning. This is also good with the southwest seasoning.

Good luck and have fun.

PS - It's good to see that this is still an option for us. I am on the list to be contacted for my local TOH show in October, but had heard through the grapevine that any company the competed with the new TOH direct selling line, would not be allowed. I was even solicited by a local area "director" to join her TOH team, but did not even read the entire email before deleting it! I love PC too much to leave!
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I am also doing a TOH show tomorrowI live in Arkansas and was told about one that is coming 30 minutes away from me. When I called I had the sense and respect to ask if there was a PC rep there yet. The guy said yes, but there is plenty of room for 2 if you would like. I ask if I could get the girls name and call her first. I did just that. I meet up with her Thur. at McD's for a little chat time while our kids were playing, she said she would be happy to share their booth with me since that are getting 2 booth spaces. I told her I didn't want to be ugly and intrude even though the guy said I could. She actually even invited me to her cluster meeting coming up and made me feel so welcomed to what ever was going on. I am getting nervous about this Taste of Home cooking show though, because there is supposed to be room for 1600+ people to sit while to show is going on. What to do...what to do?????
Sk8Mom209 said:
I agree with Lisa. It is chaos and people will be looking for food. I would definitely limit products on table-and to the pretzels and maybe carrot, cuke and celery stickes with dip. My favorite is 1c mayo, 1c sourcream and 2T (i think) of the dill seasoning. This is also good with the southwest seasoning.

Good luck and have fun.

PS - It's good to see that this is still an option for us. I am on the list to be contacted for my local TOH show in October, but had heard through the grapevine that any company the competed with the new TOH direct selling line, would not be allowed. I was even solicited by a local area "director" to join her TOH team, but did not even read the entire email before deleting it! I love PC too much to leave!
The organizers of the show I was in said that TOH said they could not have a Southern Living at Home Rep there but that PC was fine. They don't consider us a direct competitor and now that I've seen their catalog I see they are no more a competitor than SLAH or Tupperware - some over lap but mostly different.
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Our local paper is the sponsor, so technically, they can say who can host a booth or not. I think, anyway. I wanted to post the flyers and stuff we came up with to have around the booth. We're going to have dip and pretzels, so hopefully, that will at least have people stop by.
I'll let you all know Wednesday how it went!


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If the Taste of Home Cooking Show comes to your town, buy a booth!!! I got 3 shows booked on site and a TON of interest and leads. One person came up and said, "There IS a Pampered Chef person here! I came just so I could find a consultant!" It was a lot of fun and I think it will totally be worth the money!
Here's what I will do differently next time:
Plan ahead of time so we can get a flyer in the grab bag that everyone gets.
Have more business cards, or some sort of flyer that people can pick up and take with them.
The pretzels and dip idea was great!!
Take order forms. I had 2 orders at the show!

I will add more later. Right now, I have to get some sleep. I jsut wanted to update and let you guys know it went really well!

oh, the Taste of Home Entertaining booth was right beside us. They left as soon as the demonstration started. Probably a dozen people came up to us throughout the demonstration and asked where they were. It was with great glee that I told them that they left. They all said, "But this is their show!" :p
  • #10
How much?How much was a booth? The one RIGHT BY my house was cancelled but there is one about an hour and a half away, I am trying to decide if it is worth it, if the leads will be worth it since they may be so far away.
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Ours was $175. It's come down a lot since the first one a few years ago, which was $400. Actually, the two shows I booked (my partner booked one) are 45 minutes and 3 hours away. The 3 hour one is near my hometown, so I was excited to do that. I didn't realize how far people will travel to come to one of these. We had someone from Myrtle Beach, which is 4.5 hours away! You may luck out and get someone in your area. I don't really mind traveling on the weekends, so that doesn't bother me. I would have loved to get some that are closer. My partner's show will only be 10 minutes from where we live.
We count the slips from our prize drawing tonight. I'll let you all know how many we had filled out and what the stats were.
  • #12
People Travel for theseIF you're interested, go to Taste of Home Website

This will let you look by state or city location.

I live in NE PA, but always go to show in NY, as it's closer to me. But when we set up, we had people from all over PA, NY, and I even got a few names from NJ, and another state.

It's a BIG matter of following up. It's also a matter of crowd control. Our's costs more, as we must choose a bigger option as we are mentioned in the ads and such they place. We donate a door prize through show and 1 at table. It's around $500.00-$700.00 to set up and we also are able to put something in each persons goodie bag they get, so that can also help.

Last year I made up for the goodie bag,coupon offers I was willing to do and then attached to a recipe card.

Again, many clusters go together to help off set the cost for the consultant.


  • #13
Our TOH show is also very expensive, but with the high price we get multimedia exposure. Every time there is a print or radio ad, the PC will be listed or announced as a participate. The local paper runs several full page ads the month prior to the show, we will be listed on all flyers, posters and brochures and we will have information in the 1600+ goodie bags.

If you share the opportunity with other consultants, and you have to with the volume of people in attendance, the fee is not that bad.
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Here's the lowdown:
187 filled out entry slips for our free prize giveaway (Easy Read Measuring Cups - pick something easy to say to give away!) Pretty good considering there were only about 400 people there.
40-ish interested in booking a show
10-ish interested in being a Consultant
3 shows booked AT the show (one wants to do a catalog and a cooking show at the same time - catalog at work and cooking for friends!)
Person who won the measuring cups VERY interested in hosting a show

We gave away 2 $50 gift certificates as door prizes and haven't heard from the people who won. We don't have their info to contact them, so we're not sure what will happen with that.

We're working on contacting the people who mentioned being interested in hosting a show. I'll let you know how they go!


Related to Can a Taste of Home Cooking Show Help Boost Your Business?

1. What is the Taste of Home Cooking Show and what can I expect from it?

The Taste of Home Cooking Show is a traveling event that showcases cooking tips, recipes, and demonstrations by professional chefs. It also features vendors selling kitchen products and offering cooking-related services. Attendees can expect to learn new recipes, cooking techniques, and have the opportunity to purchase kitchen products.

2. How can I make the most out of my experience at the Taste of Home Cooking Show?

One tip is to arrive early to secure a good seat and take advantage of any pre-show activities. Also, be sure to bring a pen and paper to take notes and a camera to capture any recipes or products that interest you. Don't be afraid to ask questions and interact with the chefs and vendors.

3. Will there be opportunities to purchase products or book services at the event?

Yes, there will be vendors selling kitchen products and offering cooking-related services at the event. Some vendors may also have special offers or discounts for attendees. Additionally, some vendors may offer the option to book services or purchase products on the spot.

4. What should I bring to the event?

It's recommended to bring a pen and paper for taking notes, a camera for capturing recipes or products, and any specific questions you may have for the chefs or vendors. You may also want to bring a reusable bag to carry any products or materials you may receive at the event.

5. Is there an opportunity to win prizes or participate in raffles at the Taste of Home Cooking Show?

Yes, there may be opportunities to win prizes or participate in raffles at the event. Some vendors may have their own giveaways or raffles, and the event itself may have a grand prize drawing. Be sure to check with the organizers or vendors for more information on any potential giveaways or raffles.

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