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Calling Those Who Work F/T Besides Pampered Chef

In summary, many people are "trapped" in the corporate world by day, but find great satisfaction in their work as a consultant by night. Motivation is not necessary, but customer calls are the worst. The goal is to continue to build the business and eventually replace the day job.
Let's get a discussion going for those of us "trapped" in the corporate world by day.

Here's a few questions to get the ball rolling:

1. How do you motivate yourself after a long day at work to do your PC job - make those calls, send those host packets, etc.?

2. How many shows do you do per month?

3. Is your goal to do PC along with the day job or to replace the day job?

I would love to hear how other people are doing it!!!
1. I love TPC and can't wait to make calls most nights.
2. I would like to do 4 - 6 shows per month, but some months I do less due to bookings. August and September look really good right now and I even have 2 November bookings. Hope this continues for me!
3. My goal is to continue my FT job (family biz), but build TPC and keep having fun! The products are so great I still get excited when a package arrives.

I think the new catalog will help tremendously. I've been a consultant for only 5 months, but already have 1 recruit (will be qualified this mo I hope) and hoping to get a couple more soon. It's so much fun! Just make sure fun is your priority with TPC and the rest will come.

I will have to admit since my children are grown (17 and 21) I don't have the challenges those with small children do. I know it is difficult to balance if you have younger children and a FT job. This is an interesting thread and I'm looking forward to reading other responses. I'd love to know what percentage of consultants have another FT job. I believe it's the majority, especially those who have only been in for a year or less.

Jeanie Gay
I want out.......of the Corporate World. I hate it. PC is actually my sanity! I love it and it is something I would like to be full time but not right now. I would in a prefect world like to do 2 or 3 shows a week. The bookings are coming easier.
No motivation necessary. I do need help with the customer cold calls though.
I do anywhere from 2-4 shows a month right now. I would definitely love for PC to replace the day job! I never thought I would love it this much!:D
1. I am still trying to find out how to motivate myself...I am so drained right now that honestly PC is on the low end of the totem pole. I need major help in this area!! (allthough I have recruited two new people since going back to work)

2. I do anywhere from 0-4 shows a month, making sure I don't go inactive. I would like to have a consistent 2 cooking and 4 catty shows a month and that should ensure about $2000 in sales per month for me.

3. PC was my day job before I decided to go back to work. DH and I had our kids early and want to be able to send our kids to college and enjoy our retirement so we both felt that it was in our future's best interest that I go back to work. If there is ever a time I feel my kids need me at home then PC will be my full time job again...
What a great thread.. thanks for starting it Loree.

I work full time in a law office so I get home around 6:30. I do PC only on weekends and I find its hard to juggle time with my 9 yr old but I love the income and I look forward to shows. I usually do 3 shows a month and I've had good sales each month. July isnt that great.. 1 show .. yuck! but its something! I have 2 shows in Aug. and about 4 in Sept. I am hoping to some day promote to director and make enough at PC where I can work p/t in the law office and put more time into PC.

Customer calls are the worst! and I feel I'm not good at that. I also dont do very well in sending out the host packets and following up on them. I must do that. My goal is to recruit and I have people interested, just cant seem to get them to sign :( But I've only been in the business for 5 months! :)
I had emailed HO to ask if there were stats on F/T employees who were directors (like me). They didn't know. I had wondered if a great percentage were struggling to keep their acts together, too!

Some days I come home from work and hit the couch, but others I come home excited and hit the phone.

If I have a show that evening, I'm excited at work all day.

My mother worries about me; she says "Ann works all day and partys all night!" LOL!
I love Pampered Chef and wish I had found it years ago. I would have loved to have stayed home when my kids were really little (now 10, 9, and 5). Unfortunately, I have to continue with my full time job because the health insurance at my husband's job (school teacher) is through the roof and mine is very reasonable.

When do I make calls? I should be doing them right now but instead I am typing this post. Normally, Sunday evenings are good for me and I will sqeeze a couple more in during the week. I also managed to book a couple parties during the summer because I was "working" during my kids ball practices this summer. You just never know where you will find those bookings.

I would like to do four shows a month. Sometimes I do one or two, and sometimes like last February I do six or eight.

Eventually, I would like to be a full time cheffer and mom but I will have to do 10 shows every month consistently to make what I do now and cover the added expense of health insurance through the school. For now though, I will continue to work my business and have fun.
I was reading something that said that anyone that holds 1 show a week does this as a hobby. I have to say that I disagree with that statement. Maybe its a hobby to those that do more than 1 show a week, but to me this is another job.. one that I love more than my normal 9-5. If it were a hobby, I wouldnt care that much about it. But thats just my opinion. Wondered how you all felt.
TinasKitchen said:
I was reading something that said that anyone that holds 1 show a week does this as a hobby. I have to say that I disagree with that statement. Maybe its a hobby to those that do more than 1 show a week, but to me this is another job.. one that I love more than my normal 9-5. If it were a hobby, I wouldnt care that much about it. But thats just my opinion. Wondered how you all felt.

Tina, Well put. I believe when they talk about 1 show is a hobby, 2-3 is part time, 4+ is fulltime...they are referring to what your paycheck will be. I never realized how to someone that is working a full time job outside of the home that could be offensive.
  • #10
1) I am motivated because this is my escape from the day job. I hope when we have a baby, I won't go back to work.
2) I usually to 2 to 4, but really want 8-10. Summer was awful for me.
3) Yes... see #1
  • #11
GeorgiaPeach said:
Tina, Well put. I believe when they talk about 1 show is a hobby, 2-3 is part time, 4+ is fulltime...they are referring to what your paycheck will be. I never realized how to someone that is working a full time job outside of the home that could be offensive.

I believe it's 2 shows/MONTH = hobby; 1 show/WEEK = part-time; 2 shows/WEEK = fulltime.
  • #12
I'm an executive assistant at on oil and gas company by day - working for 4 geologists and 2 engineers. I'm a consultant because it's something I've wanted to do for a really long time. How many shows per month? I prefer 4-6 9 (weekends only), but the summer has not been nice to me in that area. Quite a few cancellations. I have gotten some bookings for Aug. and Sept. though.At this point quitting my day job isn't an option - insurance, etc. I would love for my business to flourish and pay enough for me to do it full time. I don't find it hard to be motivated to take care of my PC business, I'm finding it hard to be motivated at my day job. Especially since conference!
  • #13
I work as a receptionist 4 days a week at an opthomologits office. I try to get myself motivated at the end of the day but there are some days where I am not. I also have two boys ages 5 & 3 who are very energetic.

I would like to do at least one show a week, but July and August have been tough months for me to find hosts.

My husband is going back to school the end of August so right now I have to continue to work at my FT job. I would like to quit someday when my husband makes enough money to support all of us and our hobies.
  • #14
Great thread!1. Right now, I've only been in 2 weeks and yet to do my first show (next weekend)...so ask me again later! :D I find I love to check and see the activity for the day at this pt with outside orders, and spending time getting organized so that when I'm in Show mode, everything falls into place. It's hard to keep me out of the office right now!

2. I plan to do 4-12 shows a month, depending on my schedule at work. My busiest time there is November-January, so probably on the lower end those months or maybe just more catty shows.

3. My original goal was for this to be a fun hobby on the side and earn a little extra $$ and products. The more I've gotten into this, I am definitely treating it like at least a p/t job. I would LOVE for it to be enough to be f/t and quit, but that is a ways off. Right now I am the breadwinner, and DH started a new career last year himself. So until my income level with this rises to be close to replacing my job (or enough that I could have an easier f/t or p/t job to equal income), plus another outlet for health insurance, I am stuck in my job. And yes, I say stuck b/c I do not enjoy it like I used to, and my co-workers are just plain malicious and not team players. Not at all like PC, which is why I've loved it so far!
  • #15
lisacb77 said:
...I am stuck in my job. And yes, I say stuck b/c I do not enjoy it like I used to, and my co-workers are just plain malicious and not team players. Not at all like PC, which is why I've loved it so far!

We must work at the same place! While I was away at conference two people were telling my boss about mistakes I made. After I input an order, they get a confirmation. IF they checked it, my mistakes would translate into lost revenue. I think: In two days, I put in $70K worth of business. I wouldn't usually do that in a MONTH! What are the chances its ALL correct?!
  • #16
I get motivated to do PC because it is so much fun and I LOVE the products. I got layed off from a large corporation 5 years ago and I missed visting w/women (I now work w/all men except one women). Of course doing PC full time would be great, but if I did that I wonder if I would love it as much. Right now I'm not pressured to sell. I think if my entire income depended on it I would be a little more nervous. I like having a guaranteed income and using my PC income for extra's. I do want to start making enough to save more for retirement.:)
  • #17
1. I try to motivate myself by thinking about the money I will be making, or at least I try. I work 4 days a week at a coctors office. I also have two boys ages 5 & 3 who are very active and always on the go, go, go.

2. I am trying to build up my shows to at least one a week. I wouldn't mind doing more but we will have to see as time goes on.

3. I would love for PC to replace my day job, but I don't see that happening in the near future. My husband is going back to school besides working FT so that means night classes. My oldest son is starting Kindergarten and my youngest is starting pre-school. I am always telling people that all three of my boys can do their homework together.
  • #18
Cindy Landon said:
I love Pampered Chef and wish I had found it years ago. I would have loved to have stayed home when my kids were really little (now 10, 9, and 5). Unfortunately, I have to continue with my full time job because the health insurance at my husband's job (school teacher) is through the roof and mine is very reasonable.

Cindy - have you looked into Pampered Chef medical insurance? When I looked (for fun) it seemed quite similar to my husband's insurance through his work. Also, you can get a Health Savings Account which, I believe, is part of your income before taxes to pay for insurance and health care costs. Seriously look into that so you could start transfering yourself from your full time job to full time PC!
  • #19
Kate, where do you find info about this PC insurance? I'd love to look for fun.

Anne, I hear ya! I have been w/my company 4 yrs and have a proven track record of success (in fact, last week my asst & I were the ONLY fundraising team from our office to win an award for the year!). But I moved into a new role about 4 mos ago with a VERY clique-ish team. Sad thing is they don't realize by holding me back and keeping me from making my goals & progress, they are hurting themselves!
  • #20
Lisa - go to CC, Managing Your Business, Pampered Perks, Pro Insurance Managers. Once you get there you can input your info and get a quote.
  • #21
Speaking of Full Time Jobs....HAPPY MONDAY!!! NOT!!!!

Doesn't it always feel like its Monday??? :mad:

I can't wait until Pampered Chef is my full time job.
  • #22
I have no plans to quit my FT job. I work for a city (good retirement) and am 51 yoa. Selling PC clears my brain from my FT job. My hopes are to retire from the city and then sell PC full time as additional income. Hopefully will be a Director by then. My city job keeps the roof over my head and pays the bills but my PC business lets me have fun!!!!
  • #23
I work 40+, have a 4 year oldAnd will continue to sell PC. I love it. I don't ever see not selling PC, because it's so easy and fun to do. Besides, the money is excellent, and the tax refund at the end of the year is motivation alone!

To keep motivated, I try to keep in mind what my director told me. If you work your business at least 1 hour a day, you will have a fabolous business. And I think that is true. However, I don't work an hour every day.

I typically do 2-4 shows a month. However, I will not turn away business. I'll take as much as I can get. After all, one month feast, next month fammon. I typically do calls on Mondays and Thursdays, and one other day during the week I do paperwork. I close shows within a week of holding them (I'm firm on that because it simply doesn't pay to keep them open longer). I typically do my PC stuff as soon as I get home so I'm still in "work" mode. It seems to work the best that way.
  • #24
I agree Liz, I typically like to do my PC stuff right from work, if dinner is done, I eat and then go up to my "office" and make a few calls, come on here to check out new ideas, etc. I feel it keeps me motivated.

I have 2 shows for Aug. and 4 shows in Sept, 1 Oct. I am hoping to have more from my 2 shows in Aug. I want to have the type of business that every week I have at LEAST 1 show. I enjoy getting a nice paycheck.. but dont we all??
  • #25
I work full time for a software company and I wouldn't quit my day job for anything. I have great pay and great benefits. I see PC as a part time business/hobby. Working full time has helped my business because a lot of my hosts and clients came from work. I do my calls on Sunday evenings and sometimes on my break at work if I know people are home during the day. I see PC as a social event to meet new people so that motivates me to call. I make a list of who I have to call and just bite the bullet and sit down on Sundays and go through my list.

I started 9 months ago and average 3-4 shows a month. Althought July & August are busted for me (only 1 show per month). I'd like to do 4-6.

I have no children so I think that makes it a bit easier for me to fit in the cooking shows and calls.
  • #26
Thanks Kate! That's good info to have. I was pleasantly surprised to see the rates were about the same as what my employer is taking out of my checks so that resolves one concern. Now to get this business to take off and be enough income is the other!
  • #27
Great Thread!I work about 30 hours a week, as a nurse. My days I work are M-W- F.
Today I E-mailed my friend and said "I hate my job." I didn't used to, but the management just s*cks! They care about nothing but filling the spot with a body. Thats it. Deny vacations, and no recognition! My Profession has become very unrewarding.

But....on a brighter note....

I absolutely LOVE the Pampered Chef!!!! It gives me something to look foreward to. Unlike my current job I dread going to.

My goal.....

To finally say to my Nurse Manager one day..."Take this job and shove it, I'm sellin Pampered Chef!" I would love to do nothing but sell Pampered Chef, recruit and become a Senior or Executive Director!

What... a girl can dream can't she? No seriously, I really would love to make
TPC my full time job and Nursing my extra whatever!

Thanks for the thread and the chance to vent!
I feel soooo much better!

  • #28
I work 40+ hours a week for the Department of Defense (and will not quit until I retire...pay and benefits are too good), am the President of our local Golden Retriever Rescue (30 hours a week), am active in the Chamber of Commerce and sell Pampered Chef as a Hobby...2-3 shows a month. I would like to do more but I am just too busy. Eventually I probably will do more but right now I just do it for fun.

I do want to add that busy people seem to do great in this business because they are out there making tons of contacts in their other activities.
  • #29
I work at home by day -- I'm a self-employed medical transcriptionist, and I love working at home and having my own business. I joined PC because it gives me the chance to get out and SEE people rather than stay at home typing and being all alone!!! But my goal in the next year is to achieve directorship and be able to cut back my transcription work to about half of what it is now, and then take PC full time in the next few years. I was in the corporate world for a good 10 years after college and hated that nobody would tell me WHAT I had to do to get ahead. I went back a few years ago and got my MBA, did some interviewing in the corporate world with that under my belt, and realized that I DON'T want to go back there!!! With PC, they tell you EXACTLY what you need to do to promote, and I have such great support from my director, who has her own goals that I can help contribute to, that I am able to just sit down and plan the smaller things I need to do to get to the bigger things!!!
  • #30
I just don't know how some of you guys do it all!! I bow to you guys...I am working FT and doing PC and my oldest starts football today, I feel so overwhelmed and you all seem to do it with sooooo much more on your plate. Wow, is all I can say!!
  • #31
I work full time and started PC because I was left home alone. My husband and son hunt EVERY weeekend from Sept 1 until Christmas. I go to OU football games and that left me with ALOT of downtime OR I could go hunting. (the cabin doesn't have indoor plumbing so PC was the better option) I started PC to fill in the blank spots and it took off. I would like to have at elast 4 shows a month - but there have been months when I have 12-15. One week I had 5 shows in 6 days (I wouldn't recommend this) This summer - I have had 1 show a month but am trying to kick it off again in Sept.

My FT job allows me the flexibility to do some PC work there. I can make flyers and send emails. There is also a post office where I work and I can drop off packages at lunch and don't have to drive any place.

I would love to do PC full time. My husband has a lead on a job that would allow me to do it full time. Let's just hope it happens.
  • #32
Hi all -

Well, I work F/T at a TV station as the production supervisor and I love my job. I also do some freelance work in that area of work. Pampered Chef is my job that's different...which is why I love it (along with all the free stuff). I've been a bit unmotivated lately to do PC and need to find a way to get back into it without being all stressed out. Now is the busiest time of year at my other job and I just got one more thing thrown on my plate which makes my time to do PC even less.

I usually do anywhere from 1-4 shows a month and have done as many as 8 (and I really liked that paycheck...lol). I'd like to do more so I can get all my bills paid off.

My dream goal is to start my own production school and have more time to do PC. I think my biggest problem is that I don't look at PC like it's a job and I should. Good luck to everyone who works F/T or P/T along with PC.

B =)
  • #33
I am self-employed full time as a medical transcriptionist and I already work out of my home, but it's hard work and lately has been taking up 7 days a week. While I'm not doing as shows now as I want to, that's all me -- I just need to be more assertive with booking and talk it up more at my shows. I want to become a director in PC and make enough money to cut back on my transcription work by at least half. But I love being self-employed -- in fact, every time I toy with the idea of going back into the corporate world, my husband gently reminds me that I hate being told what to do and have no tolerance for office gossip and sniping. So I stay home and type all day. PC is actually a good balance for it, because it gets me out to meet people. Otherwise all I have to talk to is the dogs !!!
  • #34
Hmmm.... maybe I AM overworked!!!
I am self-employed full time as a medical transcriptionist and I already work out of my home, but it's hard work and lately has been taking up 7 days a week. While I'm not doing as shows now as I want to, that's all me -- I just need to be more assertive with booking and talk it up more at my shows. I want to become a director in PC and make enough money to cut back on my transcription work by at least half. But I love being self-employed -- in fact, every time I toy with the idea of going back into the corporate world, my husband gently reminds me that I hate being told what to do and have no tolerance for office gossip and sniping. So I stay home and type all day. PC is actually a good balance for it, because it gets me out to meet people. Otherwise all I have to talk to is the dogs !!!

Great -- I already responded to this thread two weeks ago!!! duh. I need a vacation!!! :p
  • #35
ChefBrooke said:
Hi all -

Well, I work F/T at a TV station as the production supervisor and I love my job. I also do some freelance work in that area of work. Pampered Chef is my job that's different...which is why I love it (along with all the free stuff). I've been a bit unmotivated lately to do PC and need to find a way to get back into it without being all stressed out. Now is the busiest time of year at my other job and I just got one more thing thrown on my plate which makes my time to do PC even less.

I usually do anywhere from 1-4 shows a month and have done as many as 8 (and I really liked that paycheck...lol). I'd like to do more so I can get all my bills paid off.

My dream goal is to start my own production school and have more time to do PC. I think my biggest problem is that I don't look at PC like it's a job and I should. Good luck to everyone who works F/T or P/T along with PC.

B =)

We have a TV station here, too! Let me know when you start your production company! My husband is always doing VO work!

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