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Breaking News: Possible Levy Break in Scarsdale, LA

In summary, the Levy break at Scarsdale, LA is estimated to be 50 ft wide. This is going to be a big one and I am praying for everyone's safety. I've been glued to the weather channel all day and there is already a lot of flooding in New Orleans due to the winds hitting Lake Ponchatrain (sp?). There is already flooding on Galveston Island and the storm is still hours away from making landfall. I am praying for all of you chefs in South Texas and hope you got out. Most of my family is up here in North Texas, but I still have one cousin in Houston (works in a hospital and can't leave) and one set of aunt/uncle Southwest of
Gold Member
...just heard a report of a possible levy break at Scarsdale, LA - estimated 50 ft. wide.
This is going to be a big one..I am praying for everyone's safety.
I've been glued to the weather channel all day. There is already a lot of flooding in New Orleans due to the winds hitting Lake Ponchatrain (sp?).
Also, there is already flooding on Galveston Island and the storm is still hours away from making landfall.
I am praying for all of you cheffers in S. TX and hope you got out.
Most of my family is up here in N. TX, but I still have one cousin in Houston (works in a hospital and can't leave) and one set of aunt/uncle SW of Houston who are still there.
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  • #4
I'll probably be off CS later tonight and on some other sites...Ham radio operators tend to gather around and help in times like this... ;)I'll post if there is anything urgent or interesting though on the topic.

Here in SA they let school out at noon and most of the businesses will shut down by 3pm. We have alot of evacuees. I think most of our precautions are to free up the highways for the people trying to get to higher/dryer ground.
Chef Kearns said:

Here in SA they let school out at noon and most of the businesses will shut down by 3pm. We have alot of evacuees. I think most of our precautions are to free up the highways for the people trying to get to higher/dryer ground.

How close are you to the coast? I'm not sure where San Antonio is. I'm pretty unfamiliar with that part of Texas. Are people evacuating SA or others are coming to your town in order to evacuate theirs? I know someone in SA. It sounds like you're close enough to be pretty affected.

I'll be thinking about everyone affected by this hurricane. Stay safe!!!
Chef Kearns said:

Here in SA they let school out at noon and most of the businesses will shut down by 3pm. We have alot of evacuees. I think most of our precautions are to free up the highways for the people trying to get to higher/dryer ground.

I lived in SC (Columbia) during Hurricane Hugo, and I remember when they did that there. Everything in town shut down, because of the influx of evacuees from Charleston, Myrtle Beach, and other Coastal areas. It was one of the most unsettling times - I'll continue to pray for all of you.
We are inland about 3 hours or so from Corpus Christi. Because of the way Ike is predicted to turn we won't get it too bad here. At worst it will storm and flood here and maybe a tornado or 2. But no one is expecting it to present that way to us.
Chef Kearns said:
We are inland about 3 hours or so from Corpus Christi. Because of the way Ike is predicted to turn we won't get it too bad here. At worst it will storm and flood here and maybe a tornado or 2. But no one is expecting it to present that way to us.

That sounds pretty bad! Stay safe.
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  • #10
Chef Kearns said:
We are inland about 3 hours or so from Corpus Christi. Because of the way Ike is predicted to turn we won't get it too bad here. At worst it will storm and flood here and maybe a tornado or 2. But no one is expecting it to present that way to us.

I heard plenty of rain for SA...

Also, don't underestimate the storm...it is still building.
  • #11
I saw where it is bigger than Katrina
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  • #12
  • #14
The flooding in South Texas and even parts of Louisiana is bad, bad, bad right now and the storm is still at sea. This could be horrific for the coast. I am so glad that my almost 92 year old grandmother got out yesterday.
  • #15
A couple of days ago my niece and her husband left there home in San Leon, which is in Galveston County and drove up to San Antonio were my MIL and other niece (who is moving to TX) are. My niece told us her house is two blocks from the water and she is very doubtful that they will come back to anything. :(

She just got married two months ago. She packed up all of their momento's and such. She told me Aunt Laurie I may have to leave behind my PC stuff and I don't want to. I told her not to worry about it I would replace it for her if need be.

I pray everyone is going to be safe.
  • #16
Oh wow. Please stay safe everyone. This is so scary and I'm not even there in the middle of it.
  • #17
We are in north alabama at the tennessee line and are slowly watching the gas stations run out of gas. I have a show tomorrow an hour away and not certain if I should attempt it. I tried three stations today and nothing
  • #18
I just heard a news story saying people are afraid gas will go up $2 a gallon. It just went up 15 cents 15 minutes ago.
  • #19
My friend Just called her BIL works for maverik and he said gas is going to raise .30
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  • #20
JAE said:
I just heard a news story saying people are afraid gas will go up $2 a gallon. It just went up 15 cents 15 minutes ago.

Oh no! Blame Bush...sorry...couldn't resist...(insert evil smiley here)...
  • #21
Stay safe everyone! Please let us all know you are ok when the worse is over! And know you are all in our thoughts and prayers.
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  • #22
Tonight and tomorrow should be the worst of it...last I looked, I'll be checking more later...

I have a feeling anyone close won't be checking it until after...at least I hope not.

But we can think of them and pray for their safety!
  • #23
I talked to my sister a little while ago~she lives in the Austin area and works for TXDOT...they have been pulling double shifts since Wednesday trying to get evacuees off the roads safely and into shelters. When Katrina then Rita came through, people were stranded on the hiways because there was no fuel, so they have since come up with how to get fuel to people in that situation. She said they have 17 foot levee walls in Galveston and water is already coming over them...that is scary as the storm has not even hit yet.
  • #24
I am in Austin...been busy getting stuff to take to the Capital Area Food Bank, Red Cross, etc....then staying home...they don't want us out on the road much since they are expecting flooding, lots of wind, etc that may knock down power lines.
Our schools have been shut down as we are hosting many evacuees.
Please pray for them...and for those still in Houston and the ones that chose to stay in Galveston.
The Hurricane itself is MASSIVE...it encompasses a large area...have ya'll seen the pictures?? It's like-WOW!!!
Gas was $3.49 yesterday and was at $3.65 this afternoon...haven't been out since 2 pm so don't know if it's gone up any more.
I did read reports that the refineries are shut down in anticipation of Ike....
  • #25
Please pray for Chef Kimmo. She's stubborn as a mule and still in Houston with her 15 year old son.
  • #26
It just kills me when people do not evacuate! I mean, so what if you leave and it was a 'false alarm'? By staying, you put rescue workers lives at risk trying to come get your stubborn butt!
  • #27
Southeast of DFW area here and it's looking like we're going to be getting tropical storm conditions with 60mph winds and LOTS of rainfall. Tornados could be an issue, too. We've already picked up all the stuff outside that could fly away. Scary stuff! I'm praying for everyone who is on the coast and getting hit with this stuff.
  • Thread starter
  • #28
chefmeg said:
It just kills me when people do not evacuate! I mean, so what if you leave and it was a 'false alarm'? By staying, you put rescue workers lives at risk trying to come get your stubborn butt!

Not to mention I believe she has a special needs son...that has to be hard on him - stay or go. :(

We'll be praying for her, thanks for telling us!!!!
  • #29
chefmeg said:
It just kills me when people do not evacuate! I mean, so what if you leave and it was a 'false alarm'? By staying, you put rescue workers lives at risk trying to come get your stubborn butt!

Please don't judge her, just pray for her. I've offered her room in my home. I hope she takes me up on it. There is still time to get on the road before it hits.
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  • #30
Chef Kearns said:
Please don't judge her, just pray for her. I've offered her room in my home. I hope she takes me up on it. There is still time to get on the road before it hits.

I hope she does too! We'll pray that she has a change of heart. I know she probably doesn't want to leave her home and comfort of what is familiar.
  • #31
Chef Kearns said:
Please don't judge her, just pray for her. I've offered her room in my home. I hope she takes me up on it. There is still time to get on the road before it hits.

Wow - you are such a wonderful person! I hope she takes you up on it - Please everyone stay safe - know that you are all in our thoughts -
  • #32
I'm talking with Kimmo now. She has her windows boarded up. Brandon is actually in good spirits and thinks it is fun. The city officials have told her that she is not in an evacuation zone and she feels safe. Her home is 3 stories tall so if the flooding does hit her she can seek higher elevation. She is not the only person in her neighborhood that stayed at home several of her neighbors are sticking it out also.

The news people and city officials are saying to hunker down. She's having a good time drinking a Rum & Coke before the bad stuff hits. She's got 1 generator and plenty of gas. So it sounds like she's got a plan. A cop lives next door to her and didn't leave. They have a support system for each other.

Sounds like things are good right now. Keep her in your prayers though.
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  • #33
That's a slightly better outlook!
  • #34
Houston did put a stop to the people leaving yesterday so it might not have been her decision
  • #35
I'm praying for safety during the storms through out TX. I also pray for Brandon to continue to enjoy himself and not realize the danger.

We need to take time to pray for all the rescue workers, DOT workers, Hospital workers, Policemen, and all the others who will be out in the storm helping others when they should be home taking shelter. They give without care for themselves, and we tend to forget their sacrifice.
  • #36
Gosh, I completely understand what they're going through. I pray for the safety and hopefully IKE isn't as bad as he looks although I'm starting to not believe it.:cry:
  • #37
Major prayers being lifted for everyone in Ike's path...I am so sick of hurricane season. Seems like we're really making up for the last two years, which have been pretty quiet!
  • #38
Blame the gougers for now! I know it may be affected somewhat but come on! Our gas went up nearly 50 cents in less than an hour yesterday! That makes no sense!

Praying for ya'll in TX. I just read Ike could be 600 miles wide...I can't even imagine that!
  • #39
Chef Kearns said:
Please don't judge her, just pray for her. I've offered her room in my home. I hope she takes me up on it. There is still time to get on the road before it hits.

I am not judging anyone~I lived on the Gulf Coast for many years and have never understood the mentality of "we'll just ride it out". It would not matter what was going on in my world, if "experts" say get out, then get out! It cannot be good for anyone to be in the path of a storm like Ike. There are just too many goofballs hanging around the Galveston area that think they can beat Mother Nature. What irks me is that the "news" wants to talk to them and give them exposure on national TV for NOT doing what they are told.

I am glad to hear that ChefKimmo was doing well when you spoke with her! I do understand that not all areas are evacuation areas~like I mentioned above, my sister works for TXDOT and was telling me that the worst of the storm was going to be the Galveston area...not that Houston is that far from Galveston, but when an evacuation occurs, it is more important to get people out of the immediate danger area than those further inland. If everyone were to go, it would cause bigger problems!
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  • #40
Well, the storm is STILL going strong - wind-wise. One death reported for sure of a 10-year old boy. Storm is 200 miles in diameter still - very wide. We'll know more as the sun continues to come up.I'm off for the day so stay safe guys!!!!
  • #41
a 19 year old in Corpus drowned
  • #42
Continuing to pray for all in the path of "IKE"!!
  • #43
Kim is safe. She was thinking of others as well. The traffic leading out of the danger zone was terrible. Her thoughts were for those that MUST leave to spare their lives. That was a big reason why she stayed. Thank you all for your prayers for our friend. She truly is a wonderful person! We are so grateful that she is safe and the damage is very limited to her area!
  • #44
Heard from my DD and her DH yesterday. They're among the millions without power and water, but they're fine. They live in Willis, a couple of towns north of Houston on I-45. Her in-laws from Dayton (east of Houston) are without power, too, but all are grateful that's "all" that's wrong.

She texted (is that a word??) me this a.m. asking me to check to see if Conroe ISD is closed so she can know if she needs to go to work. They're closed Mon and Tues and will post more info Monday after 4:00.

Prayers going up for the citizens dramatically affected by this huge storm...
  • #45
Chef Kearns said:
Please pray for Chef Kimmo. She's stubborn as a mule and still in Houston with her 15 year old son.
Sandra thank you for thinking of me and asking for prayers, Love you!
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  • #46
chef_kimmo said:
Sandra thank you for thinking of me and asking for prayers, Love you!

...and for calling you as stubborn as a mule?!?!:p

Glad you guys are safe!
  • #47
chefmeg said:
It just kills me when people do not evacuate! I mean, so what if you leave and it was a 'false alarm'? By staying, you put rescue workers lives at risk trying to come get your stubborn butt!

I am not sure if you are responding to Sandra's post or saying in general I feel the need to respond in case you are saying I did not evacuate.

Unfortunately with a storm like this, I had friends from San Antonio, Austin, Africa (who somewhat know the areas), Wyoming, Maine, Florida, Canada, Kansas and California all asking me if I was leaving and why not.

I did not leave because of a previous false alarm but based my leaving on what the official said.

First, I have never had a problem with water coming in my house... which was a request from officials - if you haven't had these type problems please shelter in place. If you get on the roads, you are now endangering others lives,,, and your own,,, if you get out and be one more vehicle on the road and cause more traffic problems.

Next, I also live far enough inland - I do live in Houston but you have to understand that if the millions of people all over Houston had evacuate it would have been incredible feat but would have been mass disaster - such as what happened 3 years ago with Hurricane Rita.

I had my house boarded up to help reduce possibility of problems of flying debree breaking the windows. I had a generator and had/have plenty of food as recommended by the local postings of officials in case we lost power for long periods of time.

In addition to having my house in what I felt was the safest I could have it. I also have essentially 3 floors to get up away from water coming in, if it did happen. I had a very safe area to go if a tornado were to come. I also was surrounded in the neighborhood by other people who did not leave. Personally, I felt more comfortable staying here than getting on a road where I might get stuck surrounded by strangers who could care a less about me. I was surrounded by people who I knew would help me out in a heart beat if something should go wrong.

Please do NOT judge me for not leaving based on a friend asking for my prayers and saying I am a Mule --- I may be a Mule, I won't deny that but I am a person who thinks things thoroughly and I did what was safest for me and my son.

Thank you for your concern
  • #48
grainsmommy said:
Southeast of DFW area here and it's looking like we're going to be getting tropical storm conditions with 60mph winds and LOTS of rainfall. Tornados could be an issue, too. We've already picked up all the stuff outside that could fly away. Scary stuff! I'm praying for everyone who is on the coast and getting hit with this stuff.

Interesting, I had what I thought of as medium winds until well after 11:00 that night.. I almost was getting tired of all the hype - not getting rain until after midnight.

Don't get me wrong, I stayed up most of the night watching the news. I lost power permanently until at about 11:00 and fired up the generator and only plugged in the t.v., a light and a fan until morning - saving fuel because I wasn't sure how long I would be without power.
  • #49
janetupnorth said:
Not to mention I believe she has a special needs son...that has to be hard on him - stay or go. :(

We'll be praying for her, thanks for telling us!!!!

I do have a special needs son. He doesn't totally understand the potential problems that could come from it. Just so you know, if I thought for one second that he would be scared or would be hurt, I would have been one of those people on the road. I would have probably left much earlier and not done one thing to the house. He takes things in stride better than many people's "normal" children who were teary eyed of watching the stupid news of projecting that there could have been 1.5 million lives lost. Sometimes those children tend to blow things out of proportion based off of stupid predictions. That news was a good day before it even started to hit land. It is a shame that the news have to make those predictions which is just basic guess work just to fill air time since they went on 24/7 coverage starting Thursday morning.

On the note of my son, he is my life and I would never ever do anything that would put him in danger or put me in danger where I would not be there for him.

But I do thank you for adding us to your prayers
  • #50
janetupnorth said:
I hope she does too! We'll pray that she has a change of heart. I know she probably doesn't want to leave her home and comfort of what is familiar.

Sandra, you are so sweet. I did get your message but you have to know that receiving text messages were hit and miss and I didn't get your message till later --- we both spoke later in that evening. It wasn't about familiar but also following what the officials were asking of us. As we did speak you now know I do live far enough away from where the worst was expected.

Sandra you are one of my best buds... thank you so much for your concerns. :)
<h2>1. What is the current status of the possible levy break in Scarsdale, LA?</h2><p>The possible levy break in Scarsdale, LA is still being investigated and has not been confirmed at this time.</p><h2>2. How wide is the estimated levy break in Scarsdale, LA?</h2><p>The estimated width of the possible levy break in Scarsdale, LA is 50 ft.</p><h2>3. Has there been any damage reported due to the possible levy break in Scarsdale, LA?</h2><p>There have been no reports of damage at this time, as the situation is still being assessed.</p><h2>4. Are residents in the area being evacuated due to the possible levy break in Scarsdale, LA?</h2><p>As a precaution, residents in the surrounding area have been advised to evacuate until the situation is resolved.</p><h2>5. Is there a timeline for when more information will be available about the possible levy break in Scarsdale, LA?</h2><p>The investigation is ongoing and updates will be provided as soon as they become available. We urge all residents to stay tuned to local news for the latest updates.</p>

Related to Breaking News: Possible Levy Break in Scarsdale, LA

1. What is the current status of the possible levy break in Scarsdale, LA?

The possible levy break in Scarsdale, LA is still being investigated and has not been confirmed at this time.

2. How wide is the estimated levy break in Scarsdale, LA?

The estimated width of the possible levy break in Scarsdale, LA is 50 ft.

3. Has there been any damage reported due to the possible levy break in Scarsdale, LA?

There have been no reports of damage at this time, as the situation is still being assessed.

4. Are residents in the area being evacuated due to the possible levy break in Scarsdale, LA?

As a precaution, residents in the surrounding area have been advised to evacuate until the situation is resolved.

5. Is there a timeline for when more information will be available about the possible levy break in Scarsdale, LA?

The investigation is ongoing and updates will be provided as soon as they become available. We urge all residents to stay tuned to local news for the latest updates.

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