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Boost Your Sales with Catalog Options: Recap of Today's Show

In summary, the host had a school bizaar and only two small orders and no bookings. However, she handed out catalogs and got her name out there.
She had 2 outside orders and a 3rd one but she wanted a catalog to see if there was something else she wanted. She had 5-6 girls show up. I left with 2 orders besides the outside orders. Everyone else had to decide what they wanted. I hope everyone orders something so she will have a show at least!
It sux when we have those bad shows! I always remind myself that they are there to keep me grounded. Who knows she may go out and get a lot of outside orders and have an awesome show! i'm sending positive vibes your way.
  • Thread starter
  • #3
oh!! I forgot to add this!! i got my folder back, that i gave to her in AUGUST and she didn't even use any of her invites!!! i'm surprised that she had that many people come!
Chin up, it happens to all of us! I've left a few parties with only 2 guests and it only qualified barely. Or I had another party with 10 guests, only 6 ordered but it was only a $125 show total so she got a few more orders to qualify it! Ya win some, ya lose some :(.
Today I had a school bizaar and only two small orders and no bookings. But at least I handed out catalogs and got my name out there.
It happens to everyone at one point! Keep at it, good luck!
I agree that it stinks. Everyone has these kind of shows, though. Besides, you never know what may come of it. :)
I just came from a show, the same thing! 7 definites didn't show $60 in orders,
a show last weekend 8 people 3 ordered one was the august host and got the cookware that's how if became a show.
September catalog show got 2 orders.
another sept show cancelled because of bronchitisis turned to catalog 2 orders.
what the heck is going on? I should have miniumally $1250 in sales these last four shows and ended up with less than $400. all different groups of people.
how do people come and order nothing?
I just came from a show, the same thing! 7 definites didn't show $60 in orders,
a show last weekend 8 people 3 ordered one was the august host and got the cookware that's how if became a show.
September catalog show got 2 orders.
another sept show cancelled because of bronchitis turned to catalog 2 orders.
what the heck is going on? I should have minimally $1250 in sales these last four shows and ended up with less than $400. all different groups of people.
how do people come and order nothing?
pclinskie said:
I just came from a show, the same thing! 7 definites didn't show $60 in orders,
a show last weekend 8 people 3 ordered one was the august host and got the cookware that's how if became a show.
September catalog show got 2 orders.
another sept show cancelled because of bronchitis turned to catalog 2 orders.
what the heck is going on? I should have minimally $1250 in sales these last four shows and ended up with less than $400. all different groups of people.
how do people come and order nothing?

I wondered the same thing. Why do they even bother showing up if they are not going to order??? I know I wouldn't want to sit through something for nothing!!
My show was bad tonight also. :( She kept telling me all week she had 24 guests confirmed. So I take the time to make up more guest folders and approx. 8 showed up but 4 of them were in the living room consoling someone who just lost a loved one or outside smoking. Of the 4 in the kitchen, I think one was either drunk or high, one gave me her order before the show started and the other was obviously just as overwhelmed as I was., and then there was the host.
I need to get out of my town and into other areas because noone here cares what i say or demo, they come to the show with a scraper in mind and nothing I do will get them to spend more than $13.00.

  • #10
Host Coach, folks! And remember those who dont "buy" are looking at you thinking HMM...maybe I could do that. Look for the silver lining and you'll find it. Look instead for cheap grumpy people that aren't helping your commission, and that's all you'll see!

If you don't ask them, they think you dont' want them!

-praying for Paige and her family-
  • #11
Sorry to hear about your "crappy" show! We all have them sometimes, no matter how hard we host coach! Tonight's turnout for me wasn't the best, but I got 3 definate bookings out of 4 girls that came! Supposedly there will be lots more outside orders, but who ever know about those! Put you chin up & go to your next show & do an awesome job, cause maybe the one you think will be a fluke will be your highest show yet!!
  • #12
Chef_2_Four said:
oh!! I forgot to add this!! i got my folder back, that i gave to her in AUGUST and she didn't even use any of her invites!!! i'm surprised that she had that many people come!
Ya really so you can't help but wonder what kin of show she is going to have! But unfortunately we all get shows like that sometime... Hopefully this is not the one for you! Good Luck I hope it works out in your favor!
  • #13
I really hate it when guests at a show say. I need more time to decide, I'll order on your site and they never do.
  • #14
I had a good show tonight. I did host-coach and she had $200 in outside sales before the show started. Of six people, we only had $250 in sales, but I got two bookings. My demo was Jerk Chicken Nachos, mini-pesto pizzas and the fizz drink, so I had a lot of tools to show. I don't know why our sales are lower lately. I just started something new, that I'll see what results I have this week. I am giving host only the guests lists (the 3-ply we can order), give them a week to complete, even if show is far out, and collect it. I'm mailing the invites. I'm hoping I have higher attendance. When I get the names, I send the packet.
  • #15
Yes, we all have those types of shows. This is a great place to vent, and we all understand. I'd just like to give you a couple of things to think about.

Shortly after I became a consultant, I readjusted my expectations for shows. Instead of a $ amount, I consider it a successful show if everyone has fun and at least one person learns something. (That might have been iffy at mom23boys' show. :eek: ) Of course, it needs to be a legitimate show to qualify, but that's easy to address with the host.

As for people who come and don't order, they don't bother me. As Scott said, they may be considering the business. I always tell people that they don't have to order. I know that when I was hosting, before I became a consultant, I told everyone they didn't have to order. They could just come and have fun. At the time I had several friends whose finances were really tight. Even $20 was out of the question. My PC party gave them an opportunity to be with friends and have fun without spending anything. (BTW, I always had good shows with good sales, in spite of a few people not ordering. Then again, I always overbooked. :D )

I recently had a host who told me she appreciated that her guests didn't feel pressured to order. She'd had some issues with other DS consultants and hadn't had a party for years.
  • #16
Let's smile and go on to next host.I have a September show that am fighting to get to $200 sales. I hope to close next Saturday.

We never know how each show is going to CLOSE.

A show I held on 9/29, at show had 5 guest-4 ordered-1 booked. At closing yesterday-12 orders, 3 bookings and $374 commission sales and host purchased 7 piece set. I never give up until closing because you never know what people are going to do.
  • #17
My biggest frustration are the ones who say, "oh yeah, i'm going to order", but they never have any intention. I'll send an e-mail saying, "Marcia's show is closing Thursday at noon, don't miss out". or something like that. Not only do they not order, but they ignore the e-mail. Come on-just be honest and say, "thank you, but this time I'm going to pass". They have no idea by saying they will order, but don't raises the host's expectation and that i keep the show open b/c i'm waiting on their order. ugh.:)
  • #18
don't get down. some of my biggest shows were ones where I left with $100 in orders. when i talk to the host a few days later they end up being $800+.

also some of my lowest shows have ended up being the best where peopel don't order and then call me the next day to book a catalog show. so maybe follow up with those that attended. The leads alone will be worth you time of doing the show

  • #19
My sales have been way down for the past 2 months. I had 2 shows barely make it. One had invited at least 35 people. This time last year, I had almost $5000 in sales in Oct. I don't even have $1000 yet. I am hoping for a better November. Not sure why the drop in sales though. Maybe the spend $60 get free guest special. That helped my sales.
  • #20
pclinskie said:
I just came from a show, the same thing! 7 definites didn't show $60 in orders,
a show last weekend 8 people 3 ordered one was the august host and got the cookware that's how if became a show.
September catalog show got 2 orders.
another sept show cancelled because of bronchitis turned to catalog 2 orders.
what the heck is going on? I should have minimally $1250 in sales these last four shows and ended up with less than $400. all different groups of people.
how do people come and order nothing?

I encourage guest to come even if they do not plan on making a purchase...Usually they end up purchasing something but I don't pressure them. I have had a few guest order nothing but book a show. They see how easy it is to have a show and earn FREE Products!!! We all know everyone likes Free and discounted products.
  • #21
Chef_2_Four said:
oh!! I forgot to add this!! i got my folder back, that i gave to her in AUGUST and she didn't even use any of her invites!!! i'm surprised that she had that many people come!

That's why I started (over two years ago) mailing out the invitations myself. I know this is not something that everyone can or wants to do for their business but if you are able, I strongly recommend that you try it for at least a few (3) months.
  • #22
I will NEVER go back to not sending the invitations. If for nothing else, my cancellation rate is almost ZERO! I've been doing this for 4 years and I have had 4 shows not happen. And I knew 3 weeks before because I didn't get a guest list. So much less stress. And they say the #1 reason hosts cancel is because the invitations didn't go out.
  • #23
finley1991 said:
I will NEVER go back to not sending the invitations. If for nothing else, my cancellation rate is almost ZERO! I've been doing this for 4 years and I have had 4 shows not happen. And I knew 3 weeks before because I didn't get a guest list. So much less stress. And they say the #1 reason hosts cancel is because the invitations didn't go out.

Yep, it makes it tough to cancel if the invitations have already been mailed. I won't change now either.

Another change that I've made is creating/using a tri-fold invitation (taped shut) instead of sending postcards. I've found that too many times, postcards get lost or delayed. Also, I have a lot more room to give the guests the detailed information I want them to have.
  • #24
I understand the frustration. I haven't been doing PC that long (ok, only 1 show lol), but I have done other at-home selling.

When I leave a show and have some interest from people in booking or perhaps even becoming a consultant I have won!! I've won even though the show was only $100.

If people come to shows and do not buy, maybe they just don't have the budget right now. I appreciate it when my friends show up to support me even if they don't purchase. They must be interested in it if they come, maybe down the road they'll hostess or join the team.

:) Chin up ladies!!! ;)
  • #25
chefjeanine said:
Yep, it makes it tough to cancel if the invitations have already been mailed. I won't change now either.

Another change that I've made is creating/using a tri-fold invitation (taped shut) instead of sending postcards. I've found that too many times, postcards get lost or delayed. Also, I have a lot more room to give the guests the detailed information I want them to have.

Thanks for these great tips!
  • #26
I try to never judge a show when I leave the house the night of the party anymore. I had two shows a coouple of weeks ago that down right stunk! One of them only 1 guest showed up so I left with one order for $49.50. The other show only two guests ordered and I left with $60 in orders. They both ended up closing at $300 each. You just never know.
  • #27
I agree. I had the show where nobody showed up 2 weeks ago. She closed it at $300!
  • #28
I rarely have people who don't order anything, at least they will add one item onto a friend's order, but that's okay with me. My last show was like that. There was one who added one item to a friend's order. A show was booked from it that she will be going to. She had fun, and as a mother of an infant (former teacher taking time off), it gave her the opportunity to get out with other adults. Maybe she will buy more at the next show. I offered the business. She said she had been thinking about a stamping company. I'm definitely going to follow up with her. I make my shows seem simple, and since she is a former teacher with me, she saw how easy my job can be. I work full-time still. They were amazed when they asked me how I was able to work PC with teaching full-time. They were also amazed at how I earned$1000 last month. I'm hoping this put the seed in her ear.

Related to Boost Your Sales with Catalog Options: Recap of Today's Show

1. How can I use catalog options to boost my sales?

Catalog options are a great way to provide your customers with more choices and increase their overall satisfaction. By offering a variety of products in your catalog, you can appeal to a wider audience and potentially attract new customers.

2. What are some examples of catalog options that I can offer?

Catalog options can include things like different sizes, colors, or variations of a product. You can also offer special bundles or packages that include multiple products for a discounted price. Additionally, you can feature seasonal or limited-time items in your catalog to create a sense of urgency and encourage customers to make a purchase.

3. How can I effectively market my catalog options?

One way to market your catalog options is by featuring them prominently on your website and social media pages. You can also send out targeted email campaigns to existing customers or advertise in local publications. Additionally, hosting in-home or virtual parties and showcasing your catalog options can be a great way to generate interest and sales.

4. How often should I update my catalog options?

It's important to regularly update your catalog options to keep things fresh and exciting for your customers. This can be done seasonally or whenever new products are released. You can also survey your customers to see what products they would like to see in your catalog, which can help guide your updates.

5. Are there any tips for effectively managing my catalog options?

One tip for managing your catalog options is to track the popularity of each item and adjust your inventory accordingly. This will help you avoid overstocking on items that aren't selling well and ensure that you have enough of the popular items in stock. Additionally, regularly reviewing and updating your catalog options can help keep your offerings relevant and appealing to customers.

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