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Are There Any Consultants in Canada?

:($450 for:3 meals on Saturday, breakfast and lunch on Sunday, snacks and drinks during the show... :(So if you are attending just Saturday, it would be cheaper!
Just curious to see how many of you are consultants (or want to be consultants) in Canada, and where?


I'm in albertaHi Michelle
I'm in Alberta Where are You?
Helloooooooo from Canada:) I'm from Ontario, Canada. Where are you from Michelle?

  • Thread starter
  • #4
I'm From Edmonton, Alberta.

Where in Alberta Deb?

Seems like there aren't too many of us Canadians on this forum!!!

Regardless, they have some GREAT TIPS!

How long have you ladies been consultants?
HelloI'm in Guelph, Ontario. I've been doing PC for 2 years as a hobby this July, but have recently starting doing PC to earn a full time income & to reach the incentive trips, awards etc... I'll be at conference this summer & hope to see you there!

Esther Dietrich
I'm from Trenton, Ontario and have only been doing PC for 6 months. I started with about 5 -6 shows a month and finally had 9 for April. I just had my first $5,000 month and earned the mid-season products free and half off conference...woo hoo!

Are you going to conference Michelle? Obviously this will be my first. How long have you been with PC. How long have you been in Edmonton? I lived there (at CFB Griesbach - shoot can't remember how to spell it it's been so long...LOL, back in '73 - '84).


P.S. See you at conference Esther. Have either of you ever been before? IF so, what's it like? Any advance advice for me? :confused:
Way to go Jodi!! That's awesome!My name is Marg and I am from Newmarket, Ontario (just north of Toronto). I have been with PC for 6 months now and am LOVING it!!I will be at conference too - I am so excited about that.
Marg, 6 months too, just like me? COOL!! Hope to see you at conference!


For sure! I've already booked my room! :)
  • #10
Me too, me too!Me too! I've booked my room - all to myself, but haven't booked conference yet. Have you booked conference already? I just can't make up my mind and haven't picked my workshops yet and of course I wanted to see if I'd earn at least 1/2 off.

  • Thread starter
  • #11
ConferenceI would LOVE to go to conference, but I work full time, and can't get the time off to go... :*(

But this is my first year selling, so hopefully next year!

Congrats on your first $5000 month, that's great!!

I just hit my $10,000 in career sales this month, so I'm happy. But I want some $5000 months too! I'll keep workin at it!


  • #12
Hello fellow Canadians!Hello!!

I live in Oshawa, Ontario

I have not yet fully decided to join PC and I was surfing looking for information and came across this site! Yay!!

So what do you guys think of PC so far? I would be doing it part-time as I work full-time so mostly weekends for me. Have you found it difficult to book shows? Any feedback would be appreciated!

I love PC products which is why I think this might be good for me...

Hope to hear from you soon! Take Care!
  • #13
HelloHi Everyone.

I am Natasha and I am new to this board and new to PC. Just signed up last week. It is all very exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time. I live in Toronto. I am hoping to attend the conference but am not 100% confirmed yet.

I am in the process of planning my first show which will be an open house I am holding in the Building I live in, so wish me luck and if anyone has any good ideas that they think might entice people to come and buy and book shows, please share.

Thanks :)
  • #14
Hi Natasha,

I am also new to this board and not yet a PC consultant but seriously considering it!!

When and where in Toronto are you having your open house?
Let me know and maybe I can attend!!

Take Care,
  • #15
HiI'm from Brampton, Ontario. I have been with PC for 7 months and love it. I would really like to go to Conference but I can't. Hopefully, I'll be able to go next year. If there is anyone who is in the area and would like to meet, maybe for more info on the PC, just email me at [email protected]. It is always good to talk in person, so just email me and we'll set a date.
  • #16
Hello Everyone!It's so good to find other consultants in Canada from outside of my own cluster! I am looking forward to meeting all of you in Toronto at National Conference!

For those of you still undecided, consider this:

$150 for:

3 meals on Sat & breakfast on Sunday, some snacks etc...

You can come for just Saturday, not stay the night & still attend 4
workshops & the gala dinner

preview the new fall additions (and win some for free!!!)

meet consultants from all over Canada, newbies & lifers, find a "buddy"

the chance to learn from experienced consultants and share your ideas & dreams

When you guys decide to join me for the fun, I know you'll discover that it is a very worthwhile investment.

Email me if you have any questions - [email protected]

Have a terrific day!!!

Esther Dietrich
519 822 9326
  • #17
Hi guys!HeatherT - I am having an Open House on the 14th ( I think - have a host with some confusion over her date) in Newmarket - you are more than welcome to come.
I am also doing a show this month in Courtice - you can come and shadow me if you want. :)
  • #18
Thanks!Hello Everyone!

Thanks to all who have emailed me, you all have been very encouraging!

Marg - I would really like to take you up on the opportunity to shadow you at your show in Courtice. Maybe you could email me the information?

[email protected]

Hopefully soon I will be telling you all I am a Kitchen Consultant!! :)

Take Care,
  • Thread starter
  • #19
Good LuckNo problem Heather! We are all in this together, and would love to see you do well in starting your own FUN Pampered Chef career!

Looking forward to hearing your decision!

  • #20
Hi Michelle my name is Melissa and I am from ONT...Where are you from???

I haven't even started selling the PC yet but I am starting in June...

I am so excited I am all ready for it!!!

Just getting my business cards all done and all that fun stuff!

I am attending a sales meeting tomorrow night...YEAH

Bye for now Melissa
  • #21
Open houseHi Again.

Heather. I am planning for May 15th, I still have to confirm the party room etc... but that's just a formality. I would love you to come. I am in the Yonge and Sheppard area.

I really hope I get to go to the Conference so I can meet all of you that will be there, it would be nice to put faces to names.

Good luck
Natasha :)
  • Thread starter
  • #22
Starting in JuneHi Mellissa,

Glad to hear you are starting in June! Do you have your kit yet? I assume that you are already working with a consultant? If not, I would be happy to have you as part of my team!

Even though I am in Edmonton, Alberta, I am part of a GREAT cluster headed by Melissa Toennies. If you have a look in your Kitchen Consultant news, her name is all over it in the back where they recognize people for their sales and success. So it's great to be a part of her cluster as we get GREAT Tips, suggestions and support! Even if you can't go to the meetings (obviously, you are not even in the same province) I can email you any new tips we learn along the way. We always play games when the new products come out, and have brainstorming sessions to decide other alternative ideas for the products, and how to sell them even better, and what to cross sell them with, etc.

If you have any questions, or if you learn something new, please let ME know as well! I love getting new tips! my email is [email protected]

I look forward to seeing how your business turns out, and wish you all the best!!!!

Talk to you soon!

Michelle Roth
Independent Consultant #021705
  • #23
Hi Melissa! Good luck!! How'd your meeting go?
Heather - I emailed you. :)
  • #24
Open House May 15thHi Natasha,

I will do my best to stop by on May 15th and meet you in person and support your open house!! :)

Send me an email with the address and directions from the 401 when you get a chance.

[email protected]

Take Care!

  • #25
Hi from ManitobaHi Michelle and the rest of you great Canucks,

I'm from a small town 15 min. outside of Winnipeg. Most of my business is done in the city but I have done some country shows. I started in Jan/05 and I am very happy with how it is going. I don't do $5000 months but I do O.k.. I did earn the mid-season product and the business just keeps on growing. :p

Your fellow Canuck
  • #26
Hello Shara, Welcome!

And yay for Manitoba! I'm on Ontario, but was born in Manitoba. Congratulations on earning mid-season products. I've been with PC only a couple months more than yourself.

Wishing the best for all of us!!

  • Thread starter
  • #27
Hi!Great to hear from you Shara!

What small town are you from? I have family down there!

It's great to see that there are at least a few Canadians on this site! :)


  • #28
I'm out in BC and I know of at least one other person in BC who is on this loop. Lots of good info!!! Enjoy and welcome! :D
  • #29
I'm In Ontario As WellI just started with PC at the end of March. I had 2 shows in April, earned my 1st Super Started with them. And I've now had 2 showes in May. I earned my 2nd level super started bonus with just that show. It was $1500 in sales!!

I'm getting a bit frustrated with getting more bookings. I do this part time as I have a full-time day job. I love to cook, love the products, and love some extra $$ on the side.

Any advice for getting more bookings, taking into consideration that I work full-time as well?

I haven't yet booked for the conference but I'll be there. My boyfriend has a condo 5 steps away so I'll stay there and walk over. I'd love to meet up with some fellow newbies seeing as it will be our first conference. Let me know!
  • #30
Hi Michelle
MichelleRoth said:
Great to hear from you Shara!

What small town are you from? I have family down there!

It's great to see that there are at least a few Canadians on this site! :)



I'm from Ile Des Chenes, which is about 15 minutes south of Winnipeg. I would be shocked if you heard of it. I moved here 7 years ago from Winnipeg just after my 1st child was born. I still do all my errands and business in the city because the population is very small here.

talk to you soon
p.s. I'm planning to go to conference too!!! :)
  • #31

Me tooooo!!

I'm from Canada, that is!!

I recognise a few of you!!! Esther...from TP Land!!! Jodi....from the other PC board! I'm still searching for Kelly though!! :p

I've been doing PC since February....it's been pretty slow for me the past couple of months...I've gone through friends and family, and now I'm kind of getting cold feet???

My DH, and 2 DKs and I live near Ottawa!

Nice to "meet" you all!!

PS....Not sure I'm going to conference :( not really sure I can afford to go..?

  • #32
Toronto - Open HouseHi there,

I just started in April. I've had 4 shows so far. I'm feeling a bit challenged with getting more bookings. I need to get over my fear of picking up the phone, calling and asking people. If they say no (which I have experienced) then they say no. Someone is bound to say yes, right?

I'll be having an Open House in Toronto. Queens Quay area on the 4th of June, which is a Saturday. It's in my boyfriends condo and I'm praying that I'll get some bookings out of that. You're welcome to come if you want. Just let me know and I'll give you directions!

Good Luck

HeatherT said:
Hi Natasha,

I am also new to this board and not yet a PC consultant but seriously considering it!!

When and where in Toronto are you having your open house?
Let me know and maybe I can attend!!

Take Care,
  • #33
Just curious to know how your Open House went. Sounds as though it was in a condo. How did you advertise it? Any tips you have would be more than helpful.


Tash said:
Hi Again.

Heather. I am planning for May 15th, I still have to confirm the party room etc... but that's just a formality. I would love you to come. I am in the Yonge and Sheppard area.

I really hope I get to go to the Conference so I can meet all of you that will be there, it would be nice to put faces to names.

Good luck
Natasha :)
  • #34
Halifax to Montreal:cool: Hi I'm living in Halifax but I am moving to montreal at the end of June and I'm wondering if there is any consultant in quebec?
  • #35
Open HouseHi Stephanie and all you newbies.

Yes, my open house was in my condo building.

I put up a flier in the mail room, and advertised it as a fundraiser.

I really did not know what to expect. I was not even sure if anyone would show up. So to cover my bases I enlisted the help of some family and friends. I asked them to come buy and just be there to fill the room so it would look like there were a lot of people interested in the event. Somehow people always seem more curious if there is a crowd. This worked too because they were there to eat all the food I prepared and I also used them to practice my presentation.

If I had to do it over again I think I would do more to advertise and maybe even do a count down a few days before to remind people to come. Also, my flier said that there would be good food, but I think I would specify that the food was free.

I had a few people come by and ask questions, and I had two people actually place oders. One lady came by because she saw the fliers my husband put up in the elevators. Aparently she did not see the flier in the mail room.

I really was not sure what to expect so I prepared for the worst. It did not go very well , but it did not go too badly either and I have a lead for a possible show, so if that pans out it will be worth it.

Please feeel free to e-mail me if you have any other questions.

  • #36
I'm from lil' ole' Prince Edward Island, Canada and have been a consultant since the end of February. I've had about 30 bookings since my first show, hit 3 kilo shows and am very pleased with my shows to date. I've earned half price conference & all the mid season products as well as ss1, ss2 & ss3. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend conference as I too am working full time and have 4 children and a husband who works out of province 5 out of 7 days a week. Hope you all have fun at conference and I can't wait to hear about it all!
  • #37
Hi I'm from Winnipeg and I just started in April and have done only two kitchen shows and a grand opening at my home.
  • #38
hi everyone!
Maddy from saskatchewan here.
I am new this month - June 09
  • #39
winnipeg here!!! 4 years +... LOVE the business!!!!!!!! Hope to see you all at conference next year! My sister is getting married this year so couldn't go. Hopefully you can get some surprise boxes with some great stuff.. i am jealous!!!
  • #40
Wow - lots of Winnipegers on this forum! I lived in Winnipeg for 5 years, Steinbach for 1 year, and worked in Steinbach all of those years, so am quite familiar with the area. And yes, Shara, I am familiar with Ile des Chenes, and know people that live there!

I'm in Edmonton now, signed up in May, managed to get my first 4 shows done in my first 30 days (200 PC $ - yay!!), and since then have been finding it somewhat more difficult than I anticipated to get bookings...
I did a PC table at a community carnival last Saturday, and got a September booking from it (because the lady had planned a previous party that somehow didn't work out), but other people seemed extremely hesitant to commit to a date. Even in my follow-up phone calls with people that were interested in booking for July or August, I clearly heard the message "don't call me - I'll call you when I'm ready"... what am I doing wrong here???
On the other hand, I just talked to a lady yesterday that definitely didn't want to have a party, but really wanted the Mandolin on sale, so I told her that all she needed was a $200 catalog party, and she decided to try that! Who knows... she might find that it's easier than she thought!

Overall though, it is starting to get easier, and I managed to hit the $2000 level for the June SAT, which was my goal for now!

Great to hear from all of you fellow Canadians!
  • #41
Hello everyone

I am in Newfoundland and Labrador. I have been with the Pampered chef for 2 years and I love it.

  • #42
hi everyone
I am from saskatchewan.
great to meet you all!

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