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Any Other Hospitality Consultants??

In summary, being a Hospitality Consultant can be challenging, but it is also rewarding. The Director is very generous and caring, and the group of consultants is supportive and friendly.
I was wondering how many of you are hospitality consultants? What do you find challenging? Do you feel part of the group, or do you feel like an outsider? Do you hear from your Director? Does the Hosp. Director give you pins, etc? I have a hard time accepting pins, etc from my Hospitality Director, since she tells me that my director doesn't pay her for them (I asked and she told me). My hosp. cluster, treats me wonderful! But you know I take the pins!! I like the Bling Bling on my apron! :D Do you know what goes on with your actual group that is far away?

Just wondering what your experiences are with being Hospitality.
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  • #2
Wow, I'm the only Hospitality Consultant!!
How does the whole hospitality director thing work? I am going to try and call HO tomorrow to get one, but want to know what it's like. Also cause my husband's first question after I told him what I was going to do was "How much do they get?" (from me). Do I need a hospitality director? What does one provide?
i really should get me a hospitality director since my directo is 3 hrs away but i have made it to the meetings everytime cause when my director has the meetings we have a family thing going on so i have been able to write those trips off but i do know for the next few months i wont be able to go to my meetings in ut
i dont get to go to any of my cluster meetings either. my director lives over an away and with the meetings on monday there is no way. my hubby doesnt get off work until 4:30 and her meetings start at 6 and he wont let me drive that far alone. ( i dont know the areas around here very well). i am the only consultant around in my area from here all the way to her area and all the surrounding areas so i cant even get a hosp. director unless i travel 3 hours to jackson, ms!! its hopeless....i just told her to please keep me as informed as possible.
Cluster MeetingsI'm kind of lucky - my director lives less than 5 minutes away from me but she gets together with 2 other directors in my area to do cluster meetings which they have on Monday evenings - the same night I have a class for Grad School. I went to one of the meetings over the summer but I wish they would alternate the night so that I could go (I'm sure there are others in my group thinking the same thing too though!).

That's one of the reasons I love this forum - tons of info and advice are just a few keystrokes away! The chat is really great too - I had some questions late one night and was able to get answers right away! :)
i have to totally agree there!! since coming to this forum my bookings have increased and so have my sales. i have found games and recipes to help make my shows funner. i was in my super starter months when i first started visited so that really helped. i come and check this site alot thru the day...i love it and the people on here :D
Hey guys, I have a Hosp. Consultant, and I love her! My director (4 hours away) set me up with her (through HO, I'm sure). I'm part of her group for everything except the group's monthly totals. I'm included in all incentives, gifts, etc... and she does it out of the kindness of her own heart!
Thanks ChefBecca!! ;)
I'm a Hospitality ConsultantMy cluster is back in Austin, TX. My director hooked me up a new director in Phoenix, AZ. She is the BOMB!! She treats me just like one of her own consultants. At times I do feel guilty for accepting the recognition stuff she gives out (free movie tickets and special pins and things), but she said she doesn't mind. So I don't mind. Most of her cluster doesn't attend the meetings.

I actually met a lady on Chef Success and invited her to our meetings and just like I thought, my hospitality director adopted her into the group. Both ladies have become good friends. I really love that aspect of the business. I love that as consultants we cheer each other on and support each other.
  • #10
I relocated to Phoenix from Denver after 5 years with PC. My director really had her stuff together, was a Senior Director, held very organized meetings with huge attendance, etc. My hospitality director in AZ is a very nice lady, however, not what I need in a director. I even decided to quit PC after last fall. Well, PC is in my blood and I have decided to re-start my business this month. I miss feeling like I'm part of a group. To add to this, my terrific director in CO, has stepped out of PC and now I have a director that I've never gotten to know. I guess I should call the Home Office and seek out another hospitality director. I saw someone post that they have a great hospitality director in AZ, do you think she'd mind if you shared her name? This is my first post here. I've been at this for 7 years total now and am very excited to start over again!
Thanks for listening,
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  • #11
Wow, I initally posted this maybe a week or so ago, and no one replied... so I was thinking I was the only one who is Hospitality! Then I posted the second thing, and BOOM replies! Nice to know I'm not alone.
I have been with PC for 4 1/2 years+... And just met my director at Nat. Conf. THIS YEAR...sure was nice to finally meet her, but I must say, my Hospitality Director is "the BOMB" too! She always gives me pins, in addition to her group, and I am always invited along to meetings, or fairs, whatever! I had a wonderful time going to conference and staying with these girls! They make me feel right at home.
But there is always this lingering..."but I'm not REALLY part of this group", and knowing that my Hosp.Dir. isn't making a dime on me, only giving out of the goodness of her heart...warms my heart! I nominated her at Nat.Conf. but another lady won who had 3 Hosp. Cons. under her. Not fair! I wrote a good and very true letter!!!
You get a hospitality director when your director is too far to travel to for meetings. Usually your director will hook you up with someone, and your dir. will get a name from H.O. I've been lucky enough to have found a director only 2 miles from my house who treats me so wonderfully!
PC has so many wonderful people!
  • #12
vglowe said:
I relocated to Phoenix from Denver after 5 years with PC. My director really had her stuff together, was a Senior Director, held very organized meetings with huge attendance, etc. My hospitality director in AZ is a very nice lady, however, not what I need in a director. I even decided to quit PC after last fall. Well, PC is in my blood and I have decided to re-start my business this month. I miss feeling like I'm part of a group. To add to this, my terrific director in CO, has stepped out of PC and now I have a director that I've never gotten to know. I guess I should call the Home Office and seek out another hospitality director. I saw someone post that they have a great hospitality director in AZ, do you think she'd mind if you shared her name? This is my first post here. I've been at this for 7 years total now and am very excited to start over again!
Thanks for listening,
I'm PRETTY sure my upline director (Shan Eisler in MN, a Senior Executive Director) has people in AZ, but I don't know who. You're welcome to email her ([email protected]) to check it out or contact her through her website, www.shanskitchen.com. Maybe she can hook you up with someone. She's a strong believer in getting involved with hospitality directors who do regular meetings and are good at supporting hospitality consultants. Good luck! I hope you find someone!
  • #13
HEY Becky!Shan Eisler is my upline too!! She recruited the lady who recruited the lady who recruited me!! Too funny!

It goes Shan Eisler
Diane Hastings
Kim Brunssen

for me. How about you?
  • #14
Really weird, she's my upline director too I think! I got an email from her (team news). For me, it goes

Tai Cunningham
Bobbi Anderson
  • #15
Shan is my director's director. So it goes

Karri Novack

Related to Any Other Hospitality Consultants??

1) What services do hospitality consultants offer?

Hospitality consultants offer a range of services including strategic planning, operations management, marketing and branding, training and development, and financial analysis. They work with hotels, restaurants, and other businesses in the hospitality industry to improve their overall performance and profitability.

2) How can a hospitality consultant help my business?

A hospitality consultant can provide valuable expertise and insights into your business operations. They can help identify areas for improvement, develop strategies to increase revenue and reduce costs, and provide guidance on industry trends and best practices. They can also assist with training and development to improve employee performance and customer satisfaction.

3) How do I choose the right hospitality consultant for my business?

When selecting a hospitality consultant, it is important to consider their experience and expertise in your specific industry and the specific services you require. It is also helpful to read reviews and ask for references from previous clients. Additionally, make sure to clearly communicate your goals and expectations to ensure a good fit.

4) Can a hospitality consultant help with crisis management?

Yes, many hospitality consultants are experienced in crisis management and can assist businesses during times of crisis, such as natural disasters, accidents, or public relations crises. They can help develop a plan to mitigate the effects of the crisis and ensure the business is prepared to handle any future crises.

5) How much does it cost to hire a hospitality consultant?

The cost of hiring a hospitality consultant can vary depending on the services and level of expertise required. Some consultants may charge an hourly rate while others may offer package deals. It is important to discuss pricing and payment options with the consultant before hiring to ensure it fits within your budget.

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