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aBig Thank You to Our Military Families!

In summary, many people are thankful for the military and their families. This thread reminds people of the challenges the families face.
Gold Member
This is just a HUGE THANK YOU
to any and all of you who either serve or have family members
who serve in any branch of our fabulous military here in
our beloved United States of America!!!!!!!!! I've been
thinking about and praying for all of you as a group during
this holiday season and know that many of you are separated
by many miles from your loved ones. I pray that Jesus
bridges that gap for you and covers you with His love and
care. Whether you are together or apart, you are serving our
country and putting your lives on the line so that I can walk
the streets and drive the roads of my homeland in freedom
and I just want each and EVERY ONE OF YOU to know that
you are thought about, prayed for and APPRECIATED!!!!!!!!
Yeah! What Diane said!Thank you.
:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :sing:
Thanks for starting this thread Diane. You have stated the sentiments of many of us! God bless our military! We truly appreciate all the sacrifices given by our service men and women and their families.

Merry Christmas and stay safe!
  • Thread starter
  • #6
I think that living in NC makes me more aware because of all the bases that surround us. Many days we have bus loads of soldiers stopping in our town for a quick meal at a fast food joint. My kids LOVE to speak to them, thank them and find out where they are headed. I don't think we are in any way more thankful than anyone else.. we are just blessed to see their presense more often. I love it and I'm always in awe of how their families carry on. It has to be very difficult being apart so much...we know that from those in the military who post on CS.
Thanks Diane for the reminder. I changed my avatar for a few days to remember to pray!

I am blessed to have a quiet (hopefully) Christmas at home with DH and the kids and can't imagine being separated by thousands of miles this year. I hope many can still have joy during Christmas despite the distance.

Thank you for serving for us!!!!
Love this thread! Some of my customers, host and downline are military with the 10th Mountain Army. In addition, with my full time job, I serve breakfast and lunch to about 2,000 military children.

The strength of these families is truely remarkable. To see these mothers raise small children while worrying about their spouse living 15 months in non-stop danger. What many don't realize is that if they (the parent) have to receive medical care on post, they can not bring their child(ren) to the dr. office. To put them in daycare is extremely expensive. Luckily, they rely on friends to help each other out. Many do not share their challenges at home, simply because they do not want to distract their soldier while he or she is in harms way.

One mother I know also had a gallbladder operation before her husband returned. Luckily, her family lives about 300 miles away and could come and help with the 3 pre-school aged boys! Just a very small example of the challenges these families face on a day to day basis.

My hats off to all of you and thank you for protecting our freedoms!
  • #10
Thank you so much! Thoughts and prayers are always appreciated.

Tony is home (arrived on the 20th). We are so thankful that he was able to be home for the holidays! It is a huge blessing to have him here.
  • #11
Thank you and Happy Holidays to all of our Service Men and Women!
  • #12
nikked said:
Thank you so much! Thoughts and prayers are always appreciated.

Tony is home (arrived on the 20th). We are so thankful that he was able to be home for the holidays! It is a huge blessing to have him here.

Nikke - sooo glad for you and your family that you have him home for Christmas! Enjoy your time together.
  • #13
THANK YOU ALL!! It's been quite a few years, since I've truly been "home" or even in the states for Christmas. I always get so choked up when I call home on Christmas Day.

I truly thank you all for your unwavering support. :)

Merry Christmas to all of you, too.
  • #14
I don't live far from Diane and we are indeed surrounded by military bases. I have three children in my preschool class alone with daddies who are away and there are about 8 or 9 in the whole preschool. Last week a daddy of one of the 3 yr olds came home and she said "I can't wait for my daddy to hold me and hold me forever and ever". None of us had a dry eye, believe me!

We do it it up big everytime one comes home - red white and blue streamers and balloons flying. I just just love it.
  • #15
Cindy - New Bern - isn't that where Moen is located? If so, I was there about 10 years ago for a visit. :) Nice area...SMALL airport!
  • #16
Cindy - New Bern - isn't that where Moen is located? If so, I was there about 10 years ago for a visit. Nice area...SMALL airport!
YES - we are about 30 miles from the coast and Moen is here. I love our town - its just the right size and very beautiful...and yes our airport is pretty small but we have a new terminal since you were here and its expanding and we have Delta now! Big Time we say!
Nicholas Sparks lives here and we are town most of his books are based on!
  • #17
Cindycooks said:
YES - we are about 30 miles from the coast and Moen is here. I love our town - its just the right size and very beautiful...and yes our airport is pretty small but we have a new terminal since you were here and its expanding and we have Delta now! Big Time we say!
Nicholas Sparks lives here and we are town most of his books are based on!

It was a fascinating little town when I was there, unfortunately we just stayed one night.

Wasn't New Bern where Pepsi was started too? (I'm starting to remember all the stuff in the airport...)
  • #18
Good memory Janet! Yes - we are the "birthplace of Pepsi" (the signs saying this are all......over......town......, and we have a Pepsi Museum downtown in the original drugstore where it all started. It's fun and you always have to take company there!
  • #19
Ok, back to the regularly scheduled "thank yous".

So, how do those overseas Celebrate?

Do you guys in Germany do St. Nick or just Christmas?
  • #20
janetupnorth said:
Ok, back to the regularly scheduled "thank yous".

So, how do those overseas Celebrate?

Do you guys in Germany do St. Nick or just Christmas?

We just do the Christmas but since the German custom is St Nick, some do both.
  • #21
My husband had duty today, but luckily they let me come up and eat dinner with him since it's our son's first Christmas. I am so lucky that he doesn't have to go overseas. Thanks to all of the families who do have to go through that. My husband is gone minimum 6 months of the year, but at least I know he's in the States.
  • #22
Thank you so much for the kind words. My husband was home this year for Christmas. I truely hope that he will be home with us for many more. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas.
  • #23
janetupnorth said:
Ok, back to the regularly scheduled "thank yous".

So, how do those overseas Celebrate?

Do you guys in Germany do St. Nick or just Christmas?

We didn't do either one. It's my son's first Christmas too, but with my husband deployed there really was no point. I figured, he wouldn't remember it anyway. I didn't take him to see Santa, put up a tree, decorate the house, or cook a big meal. It was just another day to us. All of my German neighbors did their usual St. Nick stuff.

Next year we will just do a regular Christmas once DH is home from the sandy beaches!!
  • #24
nikked said:
Thank you so much! Thoughts and prayers are always appreciated.

Tony is home (arrived on the 20th). We are so thankful that he was able to be home for the holidays! It is a huge blessing to have him here.

Glad he's home. Mine will finally be home next month!! right around the corner I can't wait.
  • #25
Mine is home this year, but he thinks next year he may not be...............
  • #26
I feel so blessed that in the 15 years that DH and I have been together, we have only been apart for 1 Christmas. He spent Christmas 98 in the desert. That was a hard one too since it was our first one away from family...we had moved to Okinawa that year. Next year we will be together again but the whole year after that is not looking good......

Related to aBig Thank You to Our Military Families!

1. How can I participate in the "Big Thank You to Our Military Families!" campaign?

To participate in the campaign, simply visit our website and fill out the form with your name, email, and a brief message of gratitude to our military families. You can also choose to make a monetary donation to support our efforts.

2. What is the purpose of the "Big Thank You to Our Military Families!" campaign?

The purpose of the campaign is to show appreciation and support for the sacrifices made by military families. We want to honor their bravery and selflessness by sending them personalized thank you cards and care packages.

3. Who will receive the thank you cards and care packages?

The thank you cards and care packages will be distributed to military families across all branches of the armed forces, including active duty, reserve, and veteran families.

4. Can I personalize my thank you message to a specific military family?

Yes, you can personalize your thank you message by including the name of the military family or a specific branch of the military in your message. We will do our best to match your message with a family or individual who fits your request.

5. How can I donate to support the "Big Thank You to Our Military Families!" campaign?

You can make a donation directly on our website or by purchasing select Pampered Chef products, where a portion of the proceeds will go towards supporting the campaign. You can also choose to donate a care package to a specific military family in need.

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