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What tips do you have for a successful first show tonight?

In summary, Sandy had her first show and it went well. She forgot to bring her demo food and had to use what was in the recipe. There were only six guests and three orders were placed.
Not sure where to post this, so it's going in here ...

Tonight is my first show. It is with a really good friend. She tells me we have 9 guests coming. I'm making the Chocolate Strawberry Skillet Cake, which I've now made twice at home. Since there is really nothing to demo with that (the chopper for the chocolate and the knife for the strawberries), I'll slice a potato on the Utimate Mandoline, press a clove of garlic in the press, zest a lemon - all of a sudden I can't remember what else I told her to have -- but I'll have the tools for whatever it is. Oh, I'll do the ice cube in the cookware thing. I have a general show outline given to me by my director. I think I remember the name of all the toys, but I'll do another run-through to be sure. I have catalogs, order forms, my little notebook with my host/guest specials.

What do you wish you had remembered to do at YOUR first show? I do plan on having fun - this, after all, isn't rocket science! Nobody dies if I screw it up :D

ETA: Oh, and I'm baking her a pan of choc chip cookies during the show as a thank you for being my friend and having my first show - she has a day care and she can feed it to the kiddos tomorrow. Plus, I figure the smell of baking cookies during the show can't hurt!
Sounds like you have it covered. Having fun is the biggest thing - that's what makes people want to host their own show.

Don't forget your calendar, so you can book all 9 guests!
Don't forget to relax and have fun.
You, Rae and Ann said it right - HAVE FUN!! Sounds like you have everything you need, and if you forget anything, use the famous line, "I'm a Pampered Chef, Not a Perfect Chef".

Good luck tonight!
Don't forget host packets as well, for those who book a show. Also, you'll want prize draw slips and a prize. And pens for people to fill out their forms!

And, as the others said, HAVE FUN!!!

Good luck and make sure to let us know how it goes!!! :)

Don't forget the calculator!You don't want to have to add it up on your home. It is easy to make a mistake.
Relax!!!that was my main thing to remind myselt to relax and breathe normal. there will always be something you will wish you said, no show is perfect. After the first it seems to get better more relaxed and better flowing, for me anyhow. you will do great.
My advice is don't forget to eat sometime today... I still to this day have the problem of getting so caught up in getting ready, that I never eat on the day of a show and that has me shaky during a show and a complete wreck afterwards when all the adrenaline goes away.

So take a time out today to sit down and eat something that will sustain you throught this evening. You sound so prepared that I know you will do wonderful. and the recipe is so good, that all the guests will love it and you!

(btw my host on Sunday took a picture of the finished choc-straw skillet cake because all the guests were so impressed and they wanted to remember how I made it look, so they can try it at home... it's a great recipe!)

Whatever happens, Good luck and Congratulations on getting your first show out of the way!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #9
Thanks for the replies, you guys. I've got my list and I'm checking it twice ...
  • #10

SO?!?!?!?! How did it go?!?!!?
  • #11
She's probably crashed by now. I bet she's exhausted! Hope it went well, Sandy!
  • #12
yeah - not everyone is a night owl...like us....hey??
  • Thread starter
  • #13
Well, there were 6 guests plus the host there. 5 ordered and #6 asked when the show is closing - they are having money issues according to the host, so she most likely will not order. She had one outside order and has two catalogs and OOFs out yet. We will close the show on Thursday. Tonight's orders came to just under $207. Not great, but enough that the host gets some free product and I got some experience. Worst part is - no bookings. I was very comfortable doing the actual show.

Lessons learned: Get better at host coaching; get booking and recruiting dialog down - not anywhere near enough of that; I forgot to tell my story :eek: ; bring my own demo foods other than those in the recipe - the potato she had was soft, the apple was way too soft and thankfully I stuck a lemon in my bag just before walking out of the house. Chocolate/butter does not melt well for drizzling when the humidity is high. I'll have to figure this one out as I need to do the same thing at my next two shows. This particular host keeps doesn't run her air much - I think the other 2 are better about it, so it may not be an issue. I had to add more butter to thin it out and it gave it a bit of an off taste I think. The cake looked beautiful, though!

Generally speaking, I am very pleased with how I did. I enjoyed it - though I would have enjoyed it more had the show been bigger. I got there at 6:30 and could easily have been out by 8:30, but the host and I are good friends and we talked for quite a bit afterwards.

And it still pays far better than the local convenience store!

Tomorrow I'll be able to think it through a bit more. I found out at 5pm that my favorite uncle died today (it has been coming), and I did really well not letting that derail me, thankfully. Managed to wait until AFTER the show to have my good cry!

Thanks for asking!
  • Thread starter
  • #14
pcchris said:
yeah - not everyone is a night owl...like us....hey??

You are apts to find me up at really odd hours. I only need about 6 hours a night - well, let's just say that's all I usually get! :p
  • #15
You ARE still awake, and posting. Well, a couple of things. First, I am very sorry about your uncle; even if you didn't let it derail you, I'm sure that it was in the back of your mind. I'm glad you got your good cry - have a few more if you need to! Second, you can breathe - you will never have to do another "First Show" again. Tomorrow, call the guests that came and thank them for coming and ask if they have any questions, etc, even number 6 who didn't place an order (you could maybe talk to her about hosting a show to get product for free, or heck, recruit her to have her EARN some money!) Third, maybe consider offering the host a small incentive to get another $200 (or whatever) in outside orders. Fourth, there are many opinions on this, but I think bringing the ingredients to my shows has decreased a HUGE portion of my pre-show stress, because it always seemed like something was missing, wrong, etc. Fifth, the more you practice and do this in front of crowds, the easier and more natural it becomes to share your story.

Be proud of yourself - you did it!
  • #16
Oh, Sandy...so sorry for your loss!

As far as your show goes, not too bad for your first show.....my suggestion for you is to call the guests tomorrow and thank them for coming, nice to meet them, yada yada yada, then ask them again if they might be interested in hosting a how of their own to earn free and discounted product for themselves...sometimes it works!

Again, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.
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  • #17
Thanks ladies! I will follow your advice and call them all tomorrow. Does what my host order count in the show total, towards my $5000 in my first 30 days?

The other thing I am going to do is get on the phone and book 2 more shows to replace this show. I have promised myself that that is what I will do - 2 for 1, no matter what it takes. Time to make good, eh?
  • #18
That sounds like a good plan!

Part of the host order could count - not the free, half-price or host special items, but anything with the 20-30% discount does (look at "commissionable sales" - that's what counts).

Go make good on that plan! Well, maybe in the morning!
  • Thread starter
  • #19
Thanks! And now I really AM going to bed. Well, after I take a bath and read for a bit. ;)

  • #20
Have a good night. Bet your dreams will be about PC:eek: :D .
  • #21
Great job! You got your first show under your belt. You took the time to review what went well and what could have gone better. (I still do that. I think it helps me to keep moving forward with my business.)

I'm sorry about your uncle. Even an expected loss is a loss.

Related to What tips do you have for a successful first show tonight?

1. What are some tips for hosting my first Pampered Chef show tonight?

Congratulations on hosting your first show! Here are some tips to make it a success:

  • Prepare your kitchen and make sure you have all the necessary tools and ingredients.
  • Invite guests and remind them to bring their appetite!
  • Introduce yourself and the products you will be showcasing.
  • Engage your guests by asking for their input and encouraging them to try products.
  • Have fun and be confident - your enthusiasm for the products will be contagious!

2. How can I ensure that my first show goes smoothly?

To ensure a smooth first show, make sure to:

  • Practice using the products beforehand.
  • Plan out the order of the demonstration and make sure to leave time for questions.
  • Have all the necessary ingredients and tools readily available.
  • Relax and have fun - your guests will pick up on your energy!

3. What are some common mistakes to avoid during my first show?

Here are some common mistakes to avoid during your first show:

  • Not having all the necessary products and tools on hand.
  • Not practicing beforehand and being unfamiliar with the products.
  • Not engaging with your guests and making it a one-sided demonstration.
  • Talking too much and not leaving enough time for questions and product discussion.

4. How can I make my first show memorable for my guests?

To make your first show memorable for your guests, you can:

  • Provide a fun and welcoming atmosphere.
  • Offer samples and encourage guests to try products.
  • Share personal stories and experiences with the products to make a personal connection with your guests.
  • Offer special deals or promotions for first-time guests.
  • Thank your guests for attending and offer a small token of appreciation.

5. What are some tips for following up with guests after my first show?

After your first show, it's important to follow up with guests to keep them engaged and interested in Pampered Chef products. Here are some tips for following up:

  • Send a thank you note or email to your guests, expressing your appreciation for their attendance.
  • Follow up with any leads or potential bookings from the show.
  • Share any upcoming promotions or events with your guests.
  • Offer a special deal or discount for their next purchase.
  • Invite them to join your mailing list or social media pages for updates and product information.

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