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What Do You Think of These Labels

In summary, Dena is preparing to have her debut party and is using clip art to create the postcards. She is also using address labels and a raffle ticket to attract potential customers. Dena is considering a co-hosting arrangement with a friend to split the free product.
honestly? I want to put them on the chocolate bliss postcard invites for my debut party....

Thanks, Dena


  • mystery host labels.doc
    57 KB · Views: 745
Very cute! Where did you get the lady with the tickets?!? Very nice looking clip art!
Very cute!
Those are great! :thumbup:

I hope you don't mind me saving this file?!?
I LOVE those - wish you had posted earlier so I could've "borrowed" it! Good luck on your show!
They are too cute! Love the idea! Wishing you lots of success!
Those are too cute! Great job!
  • Thread starter
  • #8
KellyTheChef said:
Very cute! Where did you get the lady with the tickets?!? Very nice looking clip art!

I typed in Raffle Ticket into the clip art page and there were only one or two suggestions! This will be for my first show so I didn't want to overwhelm them with info. The party is for all co workers so I put this label in the address section of the postcard since I dont have to mail them. I had to lay the labels the other way but I did it all pink and brown so it kind of matches the chocolate bliss theme. I did address labels with the date and time, etc. I wanted to tempt them with the mystery hostess but not give too much info to read that they would become disinterested...

  • Thread starter
  • #9
KellyTheChef said:
Very cute! Where did you get the lady with the tickets?!? Very nice looking clip art!

I typed in Raffle Ticket into the clip art page and there were only one or two suggestions! This will be for my first show so I didn't want to overwhelm them with info. The party is for all co workers so I put this label in the address section of the postcard since I dont have to mail them. I had to lay the labels the other way but I did it all pink and brown so it kind of matches the chocolate bliss theme. I did address labels with the date and time, etc. I wanted to tempt them with the mystery hostess but not give too much info to read that they would become disinterested...

  • #10
very cute lablels.. quick question though, since its your first show wouldn't you rather get the free products so you can build your kit?
  • Thread starter
  • #11
I thought of that but for my first show I want to get all of the sales I can. I can always do another after the New Year. I think I'm going to keep the 1/2 priced item for myself which is why I didnt put it on the label. Just left it at discounted items...:angel:
  • #12
What about doing a co-host thing and splitting the free stuff. I loved having my first show and getting all the free stuf. lol. I got $679 worth of stuff for $84! I gave away 3 big door prizes, a microplane grater, a chillzane bowl and a cookie press... i got all 3 at a garage sale brand new for less than $5 each and gave them away. good luck with your show! I see you're in NJ too.. how far are you from Hackensack?
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  • #13
I havent really discussed this with my recruiter yet. She knows this is the way I want to go. I've already attached these labels to all of the invites. I do have a microplaner in a box at home! LOL...but at this point Im not sure how I would do this?

I've signed the agreement already but my recruiter is not submitting it until I go on vacation, which is the end of next week. This show that Im doing the Mystery Host for, is scheduled for September 14th and my sister is doing a catalog show for me at her elementary school (her house is up for sale and doesnt want to commit to a home show in case she's packing up!).

I have no idea what I'm doing but I figured this would bring in the most people because everybody wants the benefits!

Whatcha think?
  • #14
it's definitely a great idea, i just figured you probably need some more of your own stuff.. if you already attached the labels then go for it... i'm sure your going to get a lot of sales like that. i also had incentives at my open house like spend $100 get any product of $15 value free.. i attached a flyer i had out. it worked good because if someone was close to $100 they went for it, and close to $200 they went for that too. my sales for the day were $2800


  • open house free stuff second one.pub
    63 KB · Views: 605
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  • #15
ginamkiely said:
it's definitely a great idea, i just figured you probably need some more of your own stuff.. if you already attached the labels then go for it... i'm sure your going to get a lot of sales like that. i also had incentives at my open house like spend $100 get any product of $15 value free.. i attached a flyer i had out. it worked good because if someone was close to $100 they went for it, and close to $200 they went for that too. my sales for the day were $2800

But that free product I would offer would come out of my pocket, yes? Most of the stuff coming in my kit I already have. Some people have suggested keep the stuff together and just use it in the show, others believe in the contrary. I really want to make the stuff in advance so I dont have to embarass myself in front of all of my co workers. Because I will be nervous enough. I'm the class clown at work so they expect mistakes and will be anxious to point them out, lovingly, of course. Im hoping to concentrate on demoing a few products and passing them around. I've put a binder together of flyers such as specials, cooking comparison chart, stoneware uses and commonly asked questions, 10 reasons to buy stoneware, fundraising info, becoming a consultant info and others. I'm trying to be as organized as possible, but just like a wedding, I know something ALWAYS goes wrong! I was so disappointed with the brownie recipe so now Im concentrating on finding other chocolate recipes to try.....sigghhhhh:yuck:
  • #16
i used the free product gift out of my host rewards free product. if you have the stuff in your kit i would give it away. i had all my kit stuff already and wound up giving some of that away with the free stuff. i was so nervous at my first show but everything went great... just relax and have fun... that's why we decided to do pampered chef in the first place right? i did the same thing with the binder, too funny. also get the dorm room survival guide off here, in case some people have kids going away to school. my first recipe i made the jerk chicken salad, i had most of the stuff put together when people got there, just demoed a little bit then spent the time explaining the products and making them want to buy everything. you'll be fine!!
  • #17
Nice labels.
  • Thread starter
  • #18
ginamkiely said:
i used the free product gift out of my host rewards free product. if you have the stuff in your kit i would give it away. i had all my kit stuff already and wound up giving some of that away with the free stuff. i was so nervous at my first show but everything went great... just relax and have fun... that's why we decided to do pampered chef in the first place right? i did the same thing with the binder, too funny. also get the dorm room survival guide off here, in case some people have kids going away to school. my first recipe i made the jerk chicken salad, i had most of the stuff put together when people got there, just demoed a little bit then spent the time explaining the products and making them want to buy everything. you'll be fine!!

Thank you for your kind words...Im nervous but excited, of course. I just went to a show two weeks ago and she did the chicken broccoli braid. She passed the salad choppers around with the broccoli and sure enough I bought one. It was very easy to use and very effective. Of course, when I tried to make the braid it came out alittle wider at one end than the other and it was a little gooey inside (the bread part) so I didnt cook it all of the way. Im ready to make mistakes and learn from them! Dorm guide, eh? Im on it! Thanks again!:balloon:
  • Thread starter
  • #19
JaimeQ said:
Nice labels.


I thought they were pretty funny...I'm all about humor;)
  • #20
Denarella said:

I thought they were pretty funny...I'm all about humor;)
You?!? NO!

That's why you fit in here at the PC Asylum.
  • Thread starter
  • #21
chefann said:
You?!? NO!

That's why you fit in here at the PC Asylum.

And I quite enjoy the company!;) Its like that Christmas Special with Rudolph and the Island of Misfits! LOL!:balloon:
  • #22
practice makes perfect. before my show i made the jerk chicken salad 4 times, my husband was so sick of it by the end of the week but i perfected it. when my friend became a consultant, after like 6 months she did a show at my house, burnt my stone, ruined the food and the 2 recipes she made were inedible. (she still can't cook) but people still bought over $1200 worth of stuff. they care more about your presentation and personality than the food itself i've noticed. i too am the class clown with my friends so just roll with it. i made jokes throughout my whole demo, like how nice it would be to stab my husband with the color coated santoku knife. lol. everyone laughed and i sold 12 of them lol
  • Thread starter
  • #23
ginamkiely said:
practice makes perfect. before my show i made the jerk chicken salad 4 times, my husband was so sick of it by the end of the week but i perfected it. when my friend became a consultant, after like 6 months she did a show at my house, burnt my stone, ruined the food and the 2 recipes she made were inedible. (she still can't cook) but people still bought over $1200 worth of stuff. they care more about your presentation and personality than the food itself i've noticed. i too am the class clown with my friends so just roll with it. i made jokes throughout my whole demo, like how nice it would be to stab my husband with the color coated santoku knife. lol. everyone laughed and i sold 12 of them lol

Priceless! An even BETTER joke having an ex hubby like me!
  • #24
see! then people will definitely appreciate it, just don't invite your ex-mother-in-law. lol
  • Thread starter
  • #25
ginamkiely said:
see! then people will definitely appreciate it, just don't invite your ex-mother-in-law. lol

She likes me more than him....I see her and talk to his parents more than he does! :D :eek:
  • #26
oh then that's good, i seriously have mother in law from HELL!!! i'm jealous! the town crazy lady happens to be my MIL. it's amazing my husband is (relatively) normal!! lol
  • Thread starter
  • #27
ginamkiely said:
oh then that's good, i seriously have mother in law from HELL!!! i'm jealous! the town crazy lady happens to be my MIL. it's amazing my husband is (relatively) normal!! lol

That's what people say about MY mom! I love her dearly and she will give you the shirt off her back but jeez louise she's a pain in the butt! The girls in my wedding party (my ex's friends' wives) actually wrote her a letter and mailed it to her house saying what a bee with an itch she was! Dad and I had to intercept it! ;)
  • #28
wow, that's crazy! and a little funny too, what do you think would have happened if you didn't intercept?
  • Thread starter
  • #29
ginamkiely said:
wow, that's crazy! and a little funny too, what do you think would have happened if you didn't intercept?

It would've devasted her and therefore, devasted me....nothing worse than someone hurting your mom no matter how overbearing she can be....:p
  • #30
very true!! i would never want to hurt my mom either... my MIL on the other hand, i wouldn't mind just breaking a leg. LOL j/k!! This woman has put my husband and i through the ringer so bad we almost got divorced over it, several times. she's starting again and i'm just done with it! she's the most rude person ever, even to my 3 yr old son. ugh!!! :mad: :mad:
  • Thread starter
  • #31
ginamkiely said:
very true!! i would never want to hurt my mom either... my MIL on the other hand, i wouldn't mind just breaking a leg. LOL j/k!! This woman has put my husband and i through the ringer so bad we almost got divorced over it, several times. she's starting again and i'm just done with it! she's the most rude person ever, even to my 3 yr old son. ugh!!! :mad: :mad:

Reminds me of a quote I have hanging on my desk at wall. Its a picture of a woman from the 50s behind the wheel of the car and it says "I ran into my ex the other day and then I put it in reverse and hit him again!" Just add your own relative of choice in there! Is your hubby her baby?
  • #32
he is her baby... she has 2 daughters but they haven't spoken to her since they were 10 (they're now 35 & 40). She even has 4 granddaughters she's never met, only my son and thats cause my husband feels guilty that she alienates everyone. she's guilted him his whole life. it's aweful.
  • Thread starter
  • #33
ginamkiely said:
he is her baby... she has 2 daughters but they haven't spoken to her since they were 10 (they're now 35 & 40). She even has 4 granddaughters she's never met, only my son and thats cause my husband feels guilty that she alienates everyone. she's guilted him his whole life. it's aweful.

My mother was like that with me and still is alittle but after my divorce and being forced to move back in with her and my dad gave me a backbone. My relationship is sooo much better and there isnt a day that goes by that I dont talk to her. My sister, on the otherhand, falls off the earth constantly. I know its easier said then done but your hubby needs to stand up to her. Its a shame his sisters can't 'guilt' him into doing that!:blushing:
  • #34
he doesn't really have a relationship with his sisters, they're all screwed up from things she put them through in life, they're his half-sisters. he stands up to her, she lies, he forgives, everything is better for a month, same S#!t happens again. it's a sick little game she plays.
  • Thread starter
  • #35
ginamkiely said:
he doesn't really have a relationship with his sisters, they're all screwed up from things she put them through in life, they're his half-sisters. he stands up to her, she lies, he forgives, everything is better for a month, same S#!t happens again. it's a sick little game she plays.

He needs to tell her where to go, although I feel his pain....thats a shame that you have to go thru that so often
  • #36
seriously.. at least once every 2 months! it's so much worse after a holiday or birthday. at my son's 1st b-day party she did nothing but talked bad about me the whole day ("do you believe she's still breastfeeding?" "how stupid is she to have gotten 2 cakes?" "look at my son's wife, do you believe he married her?") she's just insane. how the heck did we get on this subject? lol. sorry it's just good to vent sometimes.
  • Thread starter
  • #37
ginamkiely said:
seriously.. at least once every 2 months! it's so much worse after a holiday or birthday. at my son's 1st b-day party she did nothing but talked bad about me the whole day ("do you believe she's still breastfeeding?" "how stupid is she to have gotten 2 cakes?" "look at my son's wife, do you believe he married her?") she's just insane. how the heck did we get on this subject? lol. sorry it's just good to vent sometimes.

Holy crap! And you havent gone over there by yourself and leveled her yet!?!? You're like my dad....you could murder a village and you're still have a spot in Heaven! (that was a compliment...) I, on the otherhand, will be driving the bus to you-know-where!;) Chin up, girlfriend....you're definitely the better person....I would've been up one side and down the other of her already...:eek: :eek:
  • #38
Denarella said:
Holy crap! And you havent gone over there by yourself and leveled her yet!?!? You're like my dad....you could murder a village and you're still have a spot in Heaven! (that was a compliment...) I, on the otherhand, will be driving the bus to you-know-where!;) Chin up, girlfriend....you're definitely the better person....I would've been up one side and down the other of her already...:eek: :eek:

it's only a matter of time, after this last episode i'm getting my fill of it. as aweful as it sounds if i ever got divorced it will be because of her. i think he's getting as sick of it as i am so hopefully it will never come to that.
  • #39
Denarella said:
honestly? I want to put them on the chocolate bliss postcard invites for my debut party....

Thanks, Dena

LOVE them! Can you make them stickers to announce that you offer Mystery CATALOG/WEB shows? :)
  • #40
ginamkiely said:
very true!! i would never want to hurt my mom either... my MIL on the other hand, i wouldn't mind just breaking a leg. LOL j/k!! This woman has put my husband and i through the ringer so bad we almost got divorced over it, several times. she's starting again and i'm just done with it! she's the most rude person ever, even to my 3 yr old son. ugh!!! :mad: :mad:

your mil sounds like mine only i call her my monster in law and grandma dearest
she is so rude she doesnt even talk to me in my own house
and trys to order my son around she didnt like it when last time she was here i told her to quit nagging him he gets enough from me and its not her job!

and if i broke any of her limbs she'd end up here making my life unbearable

Related to What Do You Think of These Labels

1. What type of labels are they?

The labels are customizable and can be used for various purposes such as labeling food containers, gift bags, and invitations. They are made of high-quality paper and can be easily stuck onto any surface.

2. Can I choose the design and font for my labels?

Yes, you can choose from a variety of designs and fonts to personalize your labels. You can also add your own text and images to make them unique to your event.

3. Are the labels waterproof?

No, these labels are not waterproof. They are meant for indoor use and may get damaged if exposed to water or other liquids.

4. How many labels come in a pack?

The number of labels per pack varies depending on the size and design of the labels. Typically, there are around 24 labels per pack.

5. Can I use these labels on any type of paper or surface?

Yes, these labels can be used on most paper and surfaces, including glossy and matte paper. However, we recommend testing a small area first to ensure the label adheres properly.

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