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Voluntary Evacuaton of Military Dependents Here in Japan

In summary, the President of the United States authorized a voluntary departure of dependents from Japan today. Air Force cargo passenger planes will land on Atsugi, Narita, and Yokota over the next 24 hours, and civilian airliners will be brought in to move the people out. There are plans to take the people to a shelter in Korea, but people who are more stressed are allowed to leave first.
  • #101
Oh my,what an emotional roller coaster, for you, your husband and the poor kids. I was hoping to sign on this a.m. and see where you were landing in the states.
  • #102
Hang in there Sheila! It sounds as if waiting to know what is going to happen is going to be worse than the event itself! I don't know how you are doing it but keep it up! I too think it might be better to box up some of those heirlooms and ship them to someone. Even if you end up not going for some reason, it would be better to know they are safe and retrievable rather than lost in Japan. clothes can be bought anywhere, memories can not be. So...
  • #103
Sheila, just a thought with respect to the heirlooms. Can you at least take a photo of each item, one with the full view, and close ups for detail? Then keep the photo chip,
as well as downloading it to your laptop, and maybe SNAPFISH or some other service. Have SNAPFISH send the copies to your Stateside family for safekeeping. You would then have pictures of the heirloom, if you needed it for Insurance purposes, and as a memory, if they did not get back home safely. You are in prayers and DH's, throughout the day. You were my first thought when I woke during the night. Lord, give Sheila the strength and patience she needs. Bless her and the kiddies with safe travels.
  • #104
What a wonderful suggestion regarding taking pictures of your heirlooms if you cannot send them. Sheila, you are extremely brave and resilient. You set a great example for everyone to follow should we ever encounter adversity in our lives, we can aspire to be like Sheila. I want to be like you when I grow up! We too are thankful that you will be with your family. I am certain that you will have many Cheffer's that will be willing to lend a hand in anything you should need business wise when you are here also.
Bless you and your family Sheila. Hope you can breathe a bit til Monday and look forward to Wendy's and get that Frosty!
  • #105
Sending Prayers your way Sheila. I haven't been on too much lately and am just getting caught up on your posts. God Bless you and yours.
  • #106
This is where having DIGITAL photos would be handy...you can burn them to CD, or take your computer hard drive with you (if not a laptop). DH said they probably wouldn't be able to ship anything out now anyway because of limited shipping and such in/out of country right now. Sheila's babies are small enough they are probably all digital pictures anyway (like mine are for my 7 yr old).Good luck hun! I'm sure you are in transit somehow now, hopefully. I was reading on the news about how radioactive iodine has been detected in SMALL amounts now in the Tokyo water, and in milk/spinach in farms 20-60 miles from the plants. Not good to hear. As if the quakes/tsunami wasn't bad enough.
  • Thread starter
  • #108
Yes, the most recent stuff is digital & I did pack the small external hard drive with all those photos. I still have about 24 hours. I think I'll just start scanning a few photos from the really old photo albums. If I do end up loosing them, I'll at least have captured a few. No time to do them all. That would take MONTHS!
  • Thread starter
  • #109
Oh, and I have to say that this is getting a bit frustrating. I had to take the dog kennel off it's wheels & carry it back upstairs last night. Today I'll have to take the car seats off their wheels & re-install them in the car so we can go somewhere. I've had to unpack contact stuff, toothbrushes, hair brushes, deodorant, etc. from the suitcase. I'm pulling new outfits out of the suitcase, washing the dirty outfits each day & putting them back in the suitcase. All the kids movies are transferred on a hard drive so we can thumb through them faster on the PS3 ... so we broke down & pulled that back out last night.I really need to make a list of everything that I'll have to re-pack!!! This is getting crazy. The guys can disregard this next statement ... but for the girls ... PMS isn't helping! I'm just ready to have the transition behind us. Oh, and we got word today that a plane of kids & women landed at SEATAC. Haven't yet figured out which base is sending people, but it's definitely not our base!
  • #110
I continue to be in awe of your strength, organization, and good spirits. You truly are WOMAN!! Go Sheila! Your husband is lucky to have such an independent, resourceful wife. Hopefully you'll be getting back home soon.
  • #111
Sheila said:
The guys can disregard this next statement ... but for the girls ... PMS isn't helping!

No problem, you can't fool me but I don't know why your television is on that NBC cable network that nobody watches.
  • Thread starter
  • #112
Well, we have the word! It's 8:30 PM here & I'm to report at 8AM! :D They called Catagory 1, last names starting with letters A-D ... that's ME! Looks like the flight is good to go. They told us where to report, the time & what we are to do when we arrive. Sounds promising. :D
  • #113
Good luck, honey! I can't wait to hear from you again!
  • #114
Sheila, you are so strong. I hope you have a safe flight and get to your final destination quickly. <<hugs>>
  • #115
Praying for you and your family! Safe travels!Karen
  • #116
Cannot wait to hear from you! Safe Travels!
  • #117
all the best to you and your family, Sheila. Thinking of you, and looking forward to hearing where you land! Prayers for fast and safe travel.
  • Thread starter
  • #118
I'm stateside! I've been up for 28 hours, but I'm finally in Seattle, in a hotel & headed to bed. The kids went down about 30 min's ago and haven't MOVED! They had been up for 27.5 hours. They took about a 1.5 hour nap on the plane & then Connor slept for about 45 min's at the airport in a children's play area that the military had established for those of us coming from Japan. I'm soooooo tired. But luckily my flight to Texas is not until 3:45 PM tomorrow. It's currently 6PM here in Seattle, so I'm going to head to bed & see just how long the 3 of us sleep! ;)
  • #119
Welcome Back! Enjoy your sleep, you definitely earned it traveling with kids and pets for hours and hours. Thanks for letting us know your status. Take Care
  • #120
Glad you made it safe, sleep well!
  • #121
Sheila said:
Yes, the most recent stuff is digital & I did pack the small external hard drive with all those photos. I still have about 24 hours. I think I'll just start scanning a few photos from the really old photo albums. If I do end up loosing them, I'll at least have captured a few. No time to do them all. That would take MONTHS!

So glad you made it safely - praying for a restful and refreshing sleep for all three of you!
  • #122
Welcome back! Enjoy your rest & dream of Texas!
  • #123
Sheila - Glad to here you are state side. I have been thinking about your trip off and on all day. How many consultants did you sign - I'm figuring if anyone can turn the 28 hours into a business opportunity, it would be you:)
  • #124
Welcome back! Glad you made it safely and hope you all sleep well. You are such an inspiration!
  • #125
Oh! What great news!! Thanks for letting us know!

  • #126
So happy to hear you all have made it back! I hope the hotel has those awesome sheets, fluffy pillows and oh so soft comforters - you all deserve some great rest!
  • Thread starter
  • #127
Thanks everyone!I did book a show on the plane! LOL We can't set a date until we know when we'll return to Japan, but she's definitely wanting to host & said she's been looking for a consultant in the area. Didn't convert her into signing ... yet ...Wore my logo shirt, had on a HWC logo jacket, carried my sling bag AND carried my logo laptop bag. Everybody knew what I do. :D
  • #128
So glad you are stateside! Welcome home (almost!)
  • #129
Glad to hear you are here!
  • #130
ME TOO! I am glad to hear too that you had some time to catch some ZZZs! I can't imagine going that long without sleep and not being a total crab! Not that you had much time to really let it get to you. Safe journeys to TX! Not that you had it planned, but have a great vacation!
  • #131
So happy to know that you made it stateside safely. I hope you have safe travels the rest of the way.
  • #132
Glad you made it safely!!! Enjoy your time with your family, even though it wasn't planned and I hope you are able to return to your hubby soon!
  • #133
Wahoo and Yeehaw! :D So where in Texas are you going to be? Maybe some of us CS Texans can get together and celebrate your safe arrival. :)
  • #134
Happy to hear you made it statewide been thinking about you for the past couple of days.
  • #135
So glad to hear you arrived safely! Sleep, sweet sweet sleep!!
  • #136
So glad to hear that you made it safely back to the States! Praying that you and your children have a safe flight to Dallas and that you have a wonderful visit with friends and family.At this point, does it appear that you will be returning to Tokyo in the near future?
  • #137
Ditto, ditto-safely back in the US. Wishes for a speedy rest and recovery now.
  • #138
I am so thankful you are closer to home and safe.
  • #139
So happy to hear you have arrived safely in the states and we know you are anxious to get to your family in Texas. Thank you so much for keeping us all posted on your status we are so thankful. Bless you Sheila and your family!
  • #140
Glad you are here and safe. Where is your husband? Been thinking about you everytime I watch the news. Especially with the nuclear stuff. Very scary stuff.
  • #141
YIPEEEEE! Hope you caught lots and lots of zzzzs!
  • #142
I'm so glad you're safely stateside!
  • Thread starter
  • #143
I'll have to come back later to read all the responses, just wanted to say that we arrived in Dallas last night and got to my friends house around midnight. I got the kids down just before 1AM, tried to sign into internet but was having a hard time. My friend works nights & had already left for work & her hubby was sleeping, so I used her computer to e-mail Hubby & let him know that we were okay, then went to bed. I crawled in bed at 1AM ... exactly 55 hour from when I had crawled out of bed in Japan to start the journey. Man, that was a loooooooong one! So glad to be done.We had a really rough night of sleeping. My 2 year old woke me twice between 1AM & 3AM to pee, then they were both up at 4AM. I got the little one back down but my daughter did not want to go back down. She tossed & turned (in the same bed with me) until I swatted her bum at 7:30 and told her it was time to go to sleep. I then slept good from 7:30-11:30. So ready for a good night's sleep.The dog needs a bath. Lord, the dog needs a bath. She was in her kennel in our room last night and reeks of urine. Yick!!! Anybody wanna come to Red Oak, Texas & wash the dog & her kennel? LOL
  • #144
Welcome back to Texas!
  • #145
Oh the jet lag....I'm so glad you're back safely and I hope you all get adjusted quickly!
  • #146
So glad you got home safe and sound!! Blessings to you and your family!! I hope you have a wonderful visit with your family, and make special memories during this "unplanned" time there!!
  • #147
I'd say get the dog to a groomer and let THEM take care of that. Of course, if she's not a longhaired breed, baths aren't too awful anyhow. Glad that you're safe and hope your jetlag isn't too bad.
  • Thread starter
  • #148
Would love to have a Chef Success meet up! :D I'm in Red Oak (Ellis County) staying with some friends. But I have no car & no stateside insurance yet. So no means of getting around yet. I'm checking into Police Auctions to see if I can pick up a cheap car to get me through how ever long I'm here! Not knowing if I'm going to be here 30 days, 6 months or for a couple of years is hard! But I figure if I can get something cheap maybe I can get by until we see what's going on. If this turns out to be a long-term thing, I can go from there with looking for a newer car.
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  • #149
Forgot to mention ... today is my Anniversary. Missing hubby but happy that the kids are away from the worries in Japan. Hubby had roses delivered to me here and paid for his parents & my friends to all take me out to dinner at Saltgrass (one of our favorite restaurants). Would rather have spent the evening with him, but they were a good substitute. ;)
  • #150
As long as they didn't take you to a Japanese restaurant, anyway. ;)
<h2>1. What is the reason for the VOLUNTARY departure of dependents from Japan?</h2><p>The President of the US has authorized this measure as a precautionary measure due to the current situation in Japan.</p><h2>2. How will the evacuation process be carried out?</h2><p>Air Force cargo passenger planes will be used to transport women and children first to a temporary destination, possibly Korea, for 1-2 days before transferring them to a final destination that is yet to be determined. Pacific Air Force planes will also be utilized, with a goal of evacuating 10,000 people per day through the three designated sites of Narita, Yokota, and Atsugi. Civilian airliners, such as United and American, may also be used to transport additional individuals.</p><h2>3. What should individuals prepare for before the evacuation?</h2><p>It is advised to pack a suitcase with enough supplies for 3-5 days, including important documents like passports, and any necessary items such as diapers and baby food. Individuals should also plan to be away from Japan for a few days.</p><h2>4. Is this an emergency evacuation?</h2><p>No, this is a precautionary measure and not an emergency evacuation. The goal is to ensure the safety of dependents living in Japan.</p><h2>5. When will the evacuations begin?</h2><p>The evacuations are expected to start within the next 24 hours.</p>

Related to Voluntary Evacuaton of Military Dependents Here in Japan

1. What is the reason for the VOLUNTARY departure of dependents from Japan?

The President of the US has authorized this measure as a precautionary measure due to the current situation in Japan.

2. How will the evacuation process be carried out?

Air Force cargo passenger planes will be used to transport women and children first to a temporary destination, possibly Korea, for 1-2 days before transferring them to a final destination that is yet to be determined. Pacific Air Force planes will also be utilized, with a goal of evacuating 10,000 people per day through the three designated sites of Narita, Yokota, and Atsugi. Civilian airliners, such as United and American, may also be used to transport additional individuals.

3. What should individuals prepare for before the evacuation?

It is advised to pack a suitcase with enough supplies for 3-5 days, including important documents like passports, and any necessary items such as diapers and baby food. Individuals should also plan to be away from Japan for a few days.

4. Is this an emergency evacuation?

No, this is a precautionary measure and not an emergency evacuation. The goal is to ensure the safety of dependents living in Japan.

5. When will the evacuations begin?

The evacuations are expected to start within the next 24 hours.

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