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Venting My Frustration: Failed Bookings & Booking Scams

In summary, the speaker shares their frustration with a series of unsuccessful parties that have resulted in not qualifying for a specific product. They also mention a host who took a free gift and did not follow through with booking a show. Others suggest sending a certified letter and giving a "death call" to try and get the product or payment back.
This may get long, but I HAVE to vent!

I started out September with five shows booked (one was my own open house). The first two shows were fairly average (about 350 in sales, although each one only had about five guests, so that's not too bad, and I did get some Nov. bookings). Anyway, after my show, I only needed $400 to qualify for SS month 1 products. The show I had on the 17th cancelled because although she invited 30 people (I know, because I sent the invitations for her) NOBODY could come. I suggested a catalog show and she agreed (I think because she felt bad). Anyway, she came back to me with TWO orders (each for about $15) and one of them wasn't even hers! Ok, so I shrug it off and look forward to the next one - a girl who called and asked me to do a show, claiming that she loves to do PC shows and often has $1000 show averages. She invited a TON of people, so I went really out of my way to make it great. Planned 2 recipes, gave a great hostess gift (a small basket with full size Cinnamon and Italian Seasonings, a Seasons Best, a Quick Cut Paring knife and a sample coffee packet), did a drawing for a free round stone (I had an extra one) to anyone who booked a show and a couple of door prizes. Well the night of the show, I get there, and there are about 15 guests. What I wasn't prepared for was that there were TWO other consultants there - one selling Jewelry and the other selling Partylite. She never told me I'd be sharing the floor with these people. For some reason, everyone was totally into the jewelry and kept walking into THAT room while I was doing the demo. I ended up with only $135 in sales! Needless to say, I didn't qualify for SS month 1 products. That's not even the worst part. I got ONE booking so only one person entered into the drawing for the stone - a girl who excitedly told me before I even started the demo that she wanted a show. I was so grateful for one booking, that I let her take the free stone that night (I usually don't give it to the winner until the night of THEIR show) especially since she seemed so excited to have a show. Well, I have been calling her and emailing her since that night about her show and I haven't gotten a response from her! Her show is the 14th! I've left messages asking about invitations, tried to host coach, nothing. So I mention it to the host she booked from and do you know what she said??? "Oh, don't you know, she just wanted that free stone?? That girl isn't going to do a show." I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO mad!!!!!
Do you have her address? I would send her a certified letter that the _____stone she received on (date) at (previous host)'s show was part of an agreement to host a show and that she has until X date to contact you to either return the stone, pay you the retail price of $X for the stone or finalize the details of her show. If the stone has been used, however, her only options are to pay for the stone or host the show as she agreed to do.

And honestly, if I were in your shoes, I would prefer that she just pay for the stone and everybody go their own way. She is NOT going to be a good host for you.

In my opinion, it boils down to theft. She took that stone from you with no intention of paying you back with a show. I wouldn't pursue legal remedies over an amount this small--but I wouldn't hesitate to assert myself to try to get my money back.

Good luck!!
I second that.
i agree too....also...try to give her the "death call" call her and if she doesn't answer, leave a msg saying something along the lines of the following:
Hey, this is ______ from TPC, I have been trying to get a hold of you for quite some time now, and truthfully, I am starting to woory. You seemed really excited about having a show and now I can't get a hold of you. I hope everything is ok and that you're not in the hospital or anything, Please call me back so I know your are ok and nothing severe happened.
I have been told that this type of technique will get them to call you back right away, maybe she doesn't want to have the show anymore, that's fine...at least she will call you back so you can get payment for the stone.
Wrong Number?I have found that when host won't call you back, leaving a message that just states "Hi this is _ from PC, I have called several times over the last month, could you please call me back? Also, if I have called the wrong number, would you please call me and let me know so that I stop calling you? MY home number is __________ Thanks Have a GREAT DAY!
I can't believe the host had two other shows! Does that happen often?
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  • #7
UpdateOk, the girl that received the booking incentive FINALLY called me back. She was sorry, blah blah blah, she had been really busy. Ok fine. She still wanted to do the show so I did it this past Saturday. Four people showed up. The girls house was FILTHY (and I'm not one to let a little dirt bother me, but this house was downright unsanitary!). I did my demonstration (it was probably my best one ever). The four people there asked lots of questions and seemed really interested. One girl made a list of all the things she wanted so I thought I'd at least get a good order out of her. At the end of the demonstration, I got ONE order for $57.00. I asked the girl who had made the list "You look like you've made quite a list for yourself there. Let's go ahead and get your order together." Do you know what she said to me????

" This list is just the stuff you showed that I liked. I made the list so I can go to Wal mart and get the same stuff for half the price."

I didn't even know what to say.
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  • #8
Oh, and the same Partylite girl was also there to do a demonstration. She got NO orders so at least I didn't have AS bad a night as she did. She looked SO angry.
What!!Oh my gosh, I don't know what to say!!! :( That is horrible.
  • #10
Let her go to HellMart and buy a cheap knock off. She's not getting the quality tool, performance, or warranty. She can call you in 6 months when she has to replace the cheap one that broke, warped, or stained. From the condition of the friend's house (2 peas in a pod), quality and appearance is not a major concern for this group. Sounds as if this host "prepped" her guests that she's doing this just to fill her obligation to get the free stone from you. I doubt there was little, if any, plan for this to be a true kitchen show.
Sure, during the show bite your lip, smile, be nice to this potential future customer. Just because you didn't get through to them at this show even after explaining the difference in the product, stay nice. They may go to another show in the future and you represent the quality consultants that Pampered Chef has as well.
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  • #11
I have to say that I agree with Rita. Just keep smiling. It is unfortunate that there are people out there like this host, but remember everyone isn't like that. We have all had those few bad shows. You just never know what may come out of it down the line. Just remain professional. At least you got to practice your demo.

I hope that your next show goes alot better for you!

Independent Consultant
  • #12
rwesterpchef said:
Let her go to HellMart and buy a cheap knock off. She's not getting the quality tool, performance, or warranty. She can call you in 6 months when she has to replace the cheap one that broke, warped, or stained. From the condition of the friend's house (2 peas in a pod), quality and appearance is not a major concern for this group.

Good grief! I completely agree. When people ask about the price, aside from the quality and performance, I do mention the guarantee. At the very least its one year. I ususally mention that PC is one of the few companies (if not the only) that you can bring something back in a year or five years and not get treated like your nuts.
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  • #13
This show just keeps getting worseJust got a notice from my bank that two of the checks I deposited for this show were returned for insufficient funds. The host rec'd the order but hasn't handed the items out yet (that I know of) so I was thinking I would have her give me those two orders until I get the $ back. UGH!

Related to Venting My Frustration: Failed Bookings & Booking Scams

1. What are some common signs of a booking scam?

Some common signs of a booking scam include being asked to pay a large sum of money upfront, being promised unrealistic rewards or incentives, and being pressured to make a decision quickly without enough time to think it over.

2. How can I protect myself from falling for a booking scam?

To protect yourself from falling for a booking scam, it's important to research the company and the person you are dealing with. Ask for references or reviews from other consultants, and never give out personal or financial information without verifying the legitimacy of the opportunity.

3. What should I do if I suspect a booking is a scam?

If you suspect a booking is a scam, do not proceed with the transaction. Instead, report the incident to your direct supervisor or the company's security team. They will be able to investigate and take appropriate action.

4. What steps can I take to increase my chances of successful bookings?

To increase your chances of successful bookings, make sure to build strong relationships with your customers and provide excellent customer service. Additionally, be proactive in promoting your business and reaching out to potential hosts to offer your services.

5. How can I deal with the frustration of failed bookings?

Dealing with the frustration of failed bookings can be tough, but it's important to remember that it's a normal part of any business. Stay positive, continue to promote your business, and reach out to your team or supervisor for support and advice. Use each failed booking as a learning opportunity to improve your approach for future bookings.

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