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Unlock Your Dream Trip: Join Our 2007 Incentive Program Now!

mediocre. The TPC event for D.C. is the National Zoo? Have you ever been to the National Zoo? I have been to zoos all over the world and have never been to a crappier zoo than the National Zoo in DC. The regular Level 3 trip is only 3 nights- that should be a Level 2 trip.London: Level 3 is four nights. Do you realize how long it takes to get from the East Coast to London? Don't forget that you usually sleep away at least the first day...adjusting to the time change. And they are throwing in $250 spending money which won't get you very far in London... The last time I visited
Apirl 14th is our wedding anniversary. It would be awesome to leave on that day for a FREE cruise to celebrate!!!
I am going for the cruise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow - DC is awesome!!!!! That is my goal!
LisaAnn said:

I am new... haven't even received my kit yet... It should be here any day... I have a "rookie question." Level 2 is 56,000 points... How do you earn points? Through sales?? Thanks... I love this site.... It has answered so many questions I didn't even realize I had!!:)
London is my goal! 76,000!:eek:
dannyzmom said:
Wow - DC is awesome!!!!! That is my goal!
I live close to DC, so not intrested in that...and I did Europe last year...I need warmth!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pamperedchef_OK_LA_MS said:
I am new... haven't even received my kit yet... It should be here any day... I have a "rookie question." Level 2 is 56,000 points... How do you earn points? Through sales?? Thanks... I love this site.... It has answered so many questions I didn't even realize I had!!:)
Go to CC and look at the rules. You earn points for sales, recruits, and promoting.
You earn points through sales (1 point for every $1 in sales (DOUBLE in February this year) and recruiting. Last year we got 2000 for each new qualified consultant (new consultants also got the 2000 points when they qualified). We also got additional points when we promoted to the next director level. They haven't announced anything about points changing yet but we will know for sure soon.
  • #10
2000 points for qualified recruits - found it on CC under the RULES section of the trip page
  • #11
I will have to more than double my sales for a trip. The GC would be great too for Level One. I was so close this year! Only if my recruit had qualified - she has become a KITNAPPER!!!
  • #12
BethCooks4U said:
You earn points through sales (1 point for every $1 in sales (DOUBLE in February this year) and recruiting. Last year we got 2000 for each new qualified consultant (new consultants also got the 2000 points when they qualified). We also got additional points when we promoted to the next director level. They haven't announced anything about points changing yet but we will know for sure soon.

The point increase is under Rules on Consultant's Corner when you click on the trip incentive link
  • #13
DC for me. I have said for several years since I came back from DC that I wanted to take my kids when they are older. Well they will be 15 and 17 when this trip happens. God answers prayers. Now I just have to work and promote and get myself to DC.
  • #14
My Husband is more excited about the cruise than I am at this point....he made sure to get a pack of my business cards so that he can start passing them out to everyone he meets! He told me "We are going on that trip!!!!!"
  • #15
Is anyone else a bit disappointed with the trip announcements?

I've been on all of these vacations, and I've got to tell ya, they are all mediocre. The TPC event for D.C. is the National Zoo? Have you ever been to the National Zoo? I have been to zoos all over the world and have never been to a crappier zoo than the National Zoo in DC. The regular Level 3 trip is only 3 nights- that should be a Level 2 trip.

London: Level 3 is four nights. Do you realize how long it takes to get from the East Coast to London? Don't forget that you usually sleep away at least the first day adjusting to the time change. And they are throwing in $250 spending money which won't get you very far in London... The last time I visited London I took a 5 star trip and still vowed to never return.

Level 2: I've got to say, this is the best choice, but the cruise really only goes to Nassau, the other port is the Royal Carribean's private island. And what about those of us who earn TPC? Why don't they offer special treats on Level 2 for TPC earners?

I have no incentive to shoot for anything above the 52,000 points for Level 2. And absolutely no incentive for earning TPC, which is too bad because I'm nearly there already. Wouldn't it be cool to earn the trip by the end of February and then just coast along the rest of the year hanging out with the kids?
  • #16
Paige Dixon said:
Is anyone else a bit disappointed with the trip announcements?

I've been on all of these vacations, and I've got to tell ya, they are all mediocre. The TPC event for D.C. is the National Zoo? Have you ever been to the National Zoo? I have been to zoos all over the world and have never been to a crappier zoo than the National Zoo in DC. The regular Level 3 trip is only 3 nights- that should be a Level 2 trip.

London: Level 3 is four nights. Do you realize how long it takes to get from the East Coast to London? Don't forget that you usually sleep away at least the first day adjusting to the time change. And they are throwing in $250 spending money which won't get you very far in London... The last time I visited London I took a 5 star trip and still vowed to never return.

Level 2: I've got to say, this is the best choice, but the cruise really only goes to Nassau, the other port is the Royal Carribean's private island. And what about those of us who earn TPC? Why don't they offer special treats on Level 2 for TPC earners?

I have no incentive to shoot for anything above the 52,000 points for Level 2. And absolutely no incentive for earning TPC, which is too bad because I'm nearly there already. Wouldn't it be cool to earn the trip by the end of February and then just coast along the rest of the year hanging out with the kids?

I am VERY excited about the trips.
I have been to DC and have always wanted to take my kids there as it is SUCH an educational vacation and we are a ver ypatriotic family so I think this will just reinforce for my kids why we are SO lucky to live in America. I am THRILLED that the special dinner event is at the Air & Space Museum - what a treat!!! And having traveled with PC - I know this will be TOP NOTCH.

The cruise -- on cruises they always have a special events JUST for the TPC earners - and again, TOP NOTCH everything for achievers. We got a huge balcony room last year on the cruise with Pampered Chef. I have cruised both WITH pampered chef and without PC and I'll tell ya - cruising with PC is the way to go!!

London I think is another amazing opportunity. I know from my sister-consultants that Vienna last year was incredible and it was only, I believe, 5 or 6 days...much like London. The tours they are offering and the events they have planned sound spectacular.

The bottom line for me is this -- I could NEVER afford to take these trips on our own...and Doris is offfering to send us on these trips and to pay our way. I won't look a gift horse in the mouth - I am so excited!!!
  • #17
what is the time frame to earn points?I'm new and was wondering when does the points program start and stop. In other words, is it from Jan to Dec or when?
  • #18
Jan 1st to Dec 31st of 2007
  • #19
Don't get me wrong- I do appreciate the freebie trips, but I've become accustomed to the fabulous trips PC usually offers.

I also don't see any indication that there is any special event for TPCers at Level 2. The cruise will be fabulous, not quite as great as last year's Level 3 I'm sure, but I'll probably add some Florida beach time and maybe a trip to the Keys to round it out.

Also, don't get me wrong, I also love DC, but doesn't this seem like a Level 2 trip? I love the Smithsonian and could spend weeks there alone, but the TPC event at the stinky, CROWDED, back in the 1970's era (can't see anything very well) National Zoo? Who in the world was the idiot that thought that up as a special event?
  • #20
Maybe we could get them to offer shipboard credit to TPC earners at Level 2 the way they did at Level 3 last year. That would absolutely be an incentive to earn TPC! If I remember correctly, TPC earners received $500 in shipboard credit (which would get some AWESOME land excursions although I can't really see spending $500 in one day in Nassau unless you took a helicopter tour) and an ice cream event. Anyone else want Level 2? Help me let them know we want shipboard credit for earning TPC!!!
Last edited:
  • #21
Paige Dixon said:
but the TPC event at the stinky, CROWDED, back in the 1970's era (can't see anything very well) National Zoo? Who in the world was the idiot that thought that up as a special event?


I laughed out loud when I read this line. Probably ten years ago, my husband and I were lucky enough to attend a special event at the National Zoo. It was a high ticket fundraiser (we got to go for FREE). It was at night and was wonderful. Fantastic food and the zoo is a different place after dark. It's an evening I'll always remember.:)
  • #22
Paige Dixon said:
Maybe we could get them to offer shipboard credit to TPC earners at Level 2 the way they did at Level 3 last year. That would absolutely be an incentive to earn TPC! If I remember correctly, TPC earners received $500 in shipboard credit (which would get some AWESOME land excursions although I can't really see spending $500 in one day in Nassau unless you took a helicopter tour) and an ice cream event. Anyone else want Level 2? Help me let them know we want shipboard credit for earning TPC!!!

Shipboard credit can be used in all of the on-board ships though....there are a lot of nice jewelry stores, I think that would be nice!!
  • #23
chefjeanine said:

I laughed out loud when I read this line. Probably ten years ago, my husband and I were lucky enough to attend a special event at the National Zoo. It was a high ticket fundraiser (we got to go for FREE). It was at night and was wonderful. Fantastic food and the zoo is a different place after dark. It's an evening I'll always remember.:)

Actually, the National Zoo is always free to everyone. That's one of the "perks" of our taxes. Once you visit, you'll wish they charged admission so they'd have some money to actually fix up the place.
  • #24
I would LOVE the cruise, but we're trying to get pregnant & I don't think I would want to leave a baby (did it when my daughter was 11 months & I worried the whole time about being out of the country!). Same for London--I've always wanted to go, but kids are too small. I'm shooting for DC--I'd LOVE to take my parents with us. Maybe leave daughter with my sister--she'll only be 3. But I need to start recruiting! That & promoting will help with the points!
Last edited:
  • #25
Paige Dixon said:
Don't get me wrong- I do appreciate the freebie trips, but I've become accustomed to the fabulous trips PC usually offers.

I also don't see any indication that there is any special event for TPCers at Level 2. The cruise will be fabulous, not quite as great as last year's Level 3 I'm sure, but I'll probably add some Florida beach time and maybe a trip to the Keys to round it out.

Also, don't get me wrong, I also love DC, but doesn't this seem like a Level 2 trip? I love the Smithsonian and could spend weeks there alone, but the TPC event at the stinky, CROWDED, back in the 1970's era (can't see anything very well) National Zoo? Who in the world was the idiot that thought that up as a special event?

Are you forgetting that the DC trip is for FOUR people, not two"? Definitely a level 3 incentive IMO
  • #26
jenniferknapp said:
Shipboard credit can be used in all of the on-board ships though....there are a lot of nice jewelry stores, I think that would be nice!!

You could play a whole lot of BINGO for $500!
  • #27
Paige Dixon said:
Maybe we could get them to offer shipboard credit to TPC earners at Level 2 the way they did at Level 3 last year. That would absolutely be an incentive to earn TPC! If I remember correctly, TPC earners received $500 in shipboard credit (which would get some AWESOME land excursions although I can't really see spending $500 in one day in Nassau unless you took a helicopter tour) and an ice cream event. Anyone else want Level 2? Help me let them know we want shipboard credit for earning TPC!!!

Isn't getting jewelry and luggage an incetive for earning TPC? Look at all the positives - stop digging to find negatives. You also get FREE business cards cards, $360 supply credit - there are LOTS of reasons to still strive for TPC...even if you're not happy with the trips.
  • #28
Paige Dixon said:
You could play a whole lot of BINGO for $500!

Ohh yeah, we spent quite a bit of time in the casino!! haha
  • #29
dannyzmom said:
Are you forgetting that the DC trip is for FOUR people, not two"? Definitely a level 3 incentive IMO

That's the first I heard that DC is for 4! Wow, that does make a difference! I love it when they include the family in the incentive. And as nice as Disney was, I always thought it was quite cheap for them to send us in the middle of summer when it's a heatwave! These dates should be perfect weather in DC.
  • #30
Thanks Carolyn!
  • #31
Paige Dixon said:
That's the first I heard that DC is for 4! Wow, that does make a difference! I love it when they include the family in the incentive. And as nice as Disney was, I always thought it was quite cheap for them to send us in the middle of summer when it's a heatwave! These dates should be perfect weather in DC.

Do you have something NEGATIVE to say about EVERYTHING!!!!!
  • #32
dannyzmom said:
Isn't getting jewelry and luggage an incetive for earning TPC? Look at all the positives - stop digging to find negatives. You also get FREE business cards cards, $360 supply credit - there are LOTS of reasons to still strive for TPC...even if you're not happy with the trips.

Yeah, I do like the business supplies, but my incentive for shooting for TPC has always been the perks at the trips. I have to admit that I'm a jewerly snob, so the PC jewerly just isn't my bag.
  • #33
Paige Dixon said:
That's the first I heard that DC is for 4! Wow, that does make a difference! I love it when they include the family in the incentive. And as nice as Disney was, I always thought it was quite cheap for them to send us in the middle of summer when it's a heatwave! These dates should be perfect weather in DC.

They did Disney in the summer because it was a family-of-four trip and summer is the only time they know kids are out of school.
  • #34
dannyzmom said:
They did Disney in the summer because it was a family-of-four trip and summer is the only time they know kids are out of school.

Not to mention that it is more expensive in the summer months than April!
  • #35
dannyzmom said:
They did Disney in the summer because it was a family-of-four trip and summer is the only time they know kids are out of school.

Oh, I had forgotten that the DC trip is in the summer, and I hadn't noticed or heard until you pointed it out that it was a trip for 4.

Don't get me wrong, I love DC- it has so much educational richness for adults and children. And jewerly snob as I am, I love the gems section of the Smithsonian- I could spend an entire day there alone!
  • #36
cajunchelle said:
Not to mention that it is more expensive in the summer months than April!

Really? I had no idea it is more expensive. I went to college in FL and can distinctly remember how hot the summers are. I assumed that was the "off-season" when nobody in their right minds ventures outdoors!
  • #37
cajunchelle said:
Do you have something NEGATIVE to say about EVERYTHING!!!!!

No! I'm always the one on this site helping to bring people up and offering suggestions for getting past booking slumps or helping with rude guests at shows.

The trip incentives are the carrot for me in Pampered Chef. Can't I offer myself to be picked up by the other members of this site when they offer disappointing trip incentives?
  • #38
Paige Dixon said:
Really? I had no idea it is more expensive. I went to college in FL and can distinctly remember how hot the summers are. I assumed that was the "off-season" when nobody in their right minds ventures outdoors!

Nope - it's pricier in the summer because that's when everyone is out of school. They only run the Florida Resident specials in the summer.
  • #39
Paige Dixon said:
No! I'm always the one on this site helping to bring people up and offering suggestions for getting past booking slumps or helping with rude guests at shows.

The trip incentives are the carrot for me in Pampered Chef. Can't I offer myself to be picked up by the other members of this site when they offer disappointing trip incentives?

We're trying to pick you up Paige - but if you'll read back up through the thread you'll see that every positive point someone mentions, you have a negative comeback.
I understand you feel the trips are a bit disappointing and I can respect that -- I remember the year they did Disney and I poo-poo'ed it because I live right here and can go to Disney whenever...but if you want us to help you see the positives, then ALLOW us to do so.
  • #40
dannyzmom said:
We're trying to pick you up Paige - but if you'll read back up through the thread you'll see that every positive point someone mentions, you have a negative comeback.
I understand you feel the trips are a bit disappointing and I can respect that -- I remember the year they did Disney and I poo-poo'ed it because I live right here and can go to Disney whenever...but if you want us to help you see the positives, then ALLOW us to do so.

:) good response!
  • #41
jrstephens said:
I will have to more than double my sales for a trip. The GC would be great too for Level One. I was so close this year! Only if my recruit had qualified - she has become a KITNAPPER!!![/QUO]

Figure out how many points you want to earn.

Then make a recruiting/qualifying goal (smart to shoot for more recruits than qualifiers just to cushion for life).

Lets say you recruit 25 this year (that's only 2 per month plus one that just happens to come to you!) and you think you can help half (lets say 12) of them qualify. That would be 24,000 points right there!

So subtract 24,000 from your point goal, and divide the difference by 13 (12 months plus double points in Feb.) That's how much you need to submit in commissionable sales per month. Decide how many registries you want this year, figure an average for registry sales, and the difference is what you need in shows and online sales. Divide the sales goal by your show average to figure how many shows each month you need to submit. Then add a couple for a cushion each month in case a show is low or cancels, and overbook them in your calendar.
  • #42
pixel-_ said:
My Husband is more excited about the cruise than I am at this point....he made sure to get a pack of my business cards so that he can start passing them out to everyone he meets! He told me "We are going on that trip!!!!!"

Be sure he finds you a few recruits!
  • #43
Paige Dixon said:
jrstephens said:
I will have to more than double my sales for a trip. The GC would be great too for Level One. I was so close this year! Only if my recruit had qualified - she has become a KITNAPPER!!![/QUO]

Figure out how many points you want to earn.

Then make a recruiting/qualifying goal (smart to shoot for more recruits than qualifiers just to cushion for life).

Lets say you recruit 25 this year (that's only 2 per month plus one that just happens to come to you!) and you think you can help half (lets say 12) of them qualify. That would be 24,000 points right there!

So subtract 24,000 from your point goal, and divide the difference by 13 (12 months plus double points in Feb.) That's how much you need to submit in commissionable sales per month. Decide how many registries you want this year, figure an average for registry sales, and the difference is what you need in shows and online sales. Divide the sales goal by your show average to figure how many shows each month you need to submit. Then add a couple for a cushion each month in case a show is low or cancels, and overbook them in your calendar.

What a GREAT formula for setting TANGIBLE goals -- thanks for sharing Paige!!
  • #44
Paige Dixon said:
Actually, the National Zoo is always free to everyone. That's one of the "perks" of our taxes. Once you visit, you'll wish they charged admission so they'd have some money to actually fix up the place.

Actually, there are very fancy, big-ticket events at the zoo all the time, and they're lovely.

With all due respect, Paige, I think it's a shame that you are compelled to speak so negatively about this year's trips on what would probably be a really exciting thread for so many of us to read today.
  • #45
pamperedgirl3 said:
I would LOVE the cruise, but we're trying to get pregnant & I don't think I would want to leave a baby (did it when my daughter was 11 months & I worried the whole time about being out of the country!). Same for London--I've always wanted to go, but kids are too small. I'm shooting for DC--I'd LOVE to take my parents with us. Maybe leave with my sister--she'll only be 3. But I need to start recruiting! That & promoting will help with the points!

Take the baby! Pampered Chef is about families!
  • #46
dannyzmom said:
We're trying to pick you up Paige - but if you'll read back up through the thread you'll see that every positive point someone mentions, you have a negative comeback.
I understand you feel the trips are a bit disappointing and I can respect that -- I remember the year they did Disney and I poo-poo'ed it because I live right here and can go to Disney whenever...but if you want us to help you see the positives, then ALLOW us to do so.

OK, I read back through the whole thread, and I see Jennifer trying to help me back up by bantering with me about how fun we can make the cruise, but the rest I see in the threads that I wrote myself such as adding on Florida to the cruise or asking HO to offer TPC incentives at Level 2.

I'm not trying to burst anyone's enthusiasm for earning any of the levels, but isn't this forum designed so I can ***** about the disappointments without letting it trickle to my downline? I'm always there to offer a boost to almost every thread I read, and as you can see in my previous posts on this thread, I've tried to boost myself back up about this, too.
  • #47
QUESTION: I thought I read last year that no more than 50% of your points could come from recruiting. Is that still the case because I didn't see it anywhere, unless I missed it in the midst of my excitement.

And, I have to say, that I don't think Paige is being all that negative. She's just expressing her disappointment in the incentives this year compared to the trips she has taken in the past. I personally was shocked to see thast level 3 was only a few nights in England. You'll need a vacation from the vacation LOL!

But don't worry, she's a professional, she'll come around to cheer us all on! While I am trying to formulate a plan to go to London to see my family, I have to wonder if I should aim lower for something that would better suit us.
  • #48
AJPratt said:
QUESTION: I thought I read last year that no more than 50% of your points could come from recruiting. Is that still the case because I didn't see it anywhere, unless I missed it in the midst of my excitement.

And, I have to say, that I don't think Paige is being all that negative. She's just expressing her disappointment in the incentives this year compared to the trips she has taken in the past. I personally was shocked to see thast level 3 was only a few nights in England. You'll need a vacation from the vacation LOL!

But don't worry, she's a professional, she'll come around to cheer us all on! While I am trying to formulate a plan to go to London to see my family, I have to wonder if I should aim lower for something that would better suit us.

Thanks so much Anne, I can't tell you how much better you saying that makes me feel. And yes, shooting for Level 2 will make this a great year to do fun things with the kiddos rather than stressing too much about Pampered Chef points. I guess I'm disappointed because I had such a great plan to get so many points early in the year this year that I thought I'd be able to skate throught he latter half of the year on holiday sales/holiday recruiting alone and forego the stress. Perhaps shooting for Level 2 is truly a blessing and maybe this will be a very memorable year for my kids as we'll have more time to do regular fun things.

However, I can still want a TPC incentive at Level 2, right? Like $500 shipboard credit?!
  • #49
Oh thanks... I went to CC and got all of the rules!!!:)
  • #50
AJPratt said:
QUESTION: I thought I read last year that no more than 50% of your points could come from recruiting. Is that still the case because I didn't see it anywhere, unless I missed it in the midst of my excitement.

And, I have to say, that I don't think Paige is being all that negative. She's just expressing her disappointment in the incentives this year compared to the trips she has taken in the past. I personally was shocked to see thast level 3 was only a few nights in England. You'll need a vacation from the vacation LOL!

But don't worry, she's a professional, she'll come around to cheer us all on! While I am trying to formulate a plan to go to London to see my family, I have to wonder if I should aim lower for something that would better suit us.

PC is very good about letting you add on to the beginning or end or maybe even both beginning and end of the trips we earn. You could earn the trip and then add on to see your family. Do you need help figuring a plan to earn Level 3 or 4?

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