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theOfficial Hijacking Threads Hijack Thread

In summary, many people are complaining about the way threads get hijacked and morph into something completely unrelated to the original thread title. Some say it's just the way normal conversation flows and topics change as one topic reminds speakers of another. Others say thread hijacking is an awful thing and it is terribly annoying. Well, this thread is going to stay on topic: thread hijacking! Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example.
  • #1,051
You guys are too much!! Love it!! KG, I thought at first you meant to get a little jingle bell for his pink thong...just like a cat....always know where he's going (my cat loves to play with balls and that is all I am going to say):eek: .

Your jingle could be....Spin your thong, thongs!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #1,052
The bell might not work. The Kat Lady put a bell on her cat's collar, and we only hear it when he wants us to hear it. When he decides to go into stealth mode, you can't hear the bell. I don't know how he does it, but he figured it out. (He also likes to play with balls, especially fuzzy ones.)
  • #1,053
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
(He also likes to play with balls, especially fuzzy ones.)
I'm not touchin' that one!

But Kat Lady might. :)
  • #1,054
  • Thread starter
  • #1,055
Well, he does. :rolleyes:http://www.catclaws.com/products/images/twinkles.jpg
  • #1,056
Gee, Ann and Anne, what were you thinking?
  • #1,057
My little mind was firmly planted in the gutter on that one.

Fuzzy balls.... Schwette balls (SNL)..... salty chocolate balls (from Chef on South Park)....
  • #1,058
See, this is why we love you, Ann.
  • #1,059
I'm not even going to touch the "easy glide" feature on the fuzzy balls... (see pic)

  • #1,060
I'm proud of you, Ann. You're showing great restraint.
  • #1,061
only because I'm at work and don't want anyone to read something over my shoulder that they would find offensive.
  • Thread starter
  • #1,062
Offensive is in the eye of the beholder.
  • #1,063
If your eye offendeth thee, pluck it out.
  • #1,064
Oh-- pluck you!

  • Thread starter
  • #1,065
I'm too chicken to pluck.
  • #1,066
Gee, are you in a fowl mood, KG?
  • Thread starter
  • #1,067
Just feeling a little down.
  • #1,068
To quote my baby boy--Nice!

(How's that for getting around the gosh dern minimum?)
  • #1,069
<---- Look at me. I'm in the pink!

It's a little sad how excited I get when my little star gets a new color. I'm such a dork.
  • Thread starter
  • #1,070
Congrats on being in the pink!It's better than feathering a nest with chicken down.
  • #1,071
Thanks, and you make a very good point. I've been around chickens before. They're stinky.
  • Thread starter
  • #1,072
The last time I was around chickens, they were all brown and crispy. Some were extra crispy. And they all came with sides.
  • #1,073
Chickens smell really good at that point. Tasty, too.When they're walking around squawking, they're nasty and stinky.
  • #1,074
KG and Rae you 2 crack me up! KG I don't remember if you're going to conference or not, but if you are, I hope you are in Wave 2, so I can experience the 2 of you bantering back and forth in person!

has anybody else out there decided that KFC isn't as good without the transfat?
  • Thread starter
  • #1,075
Do you remember the sequence of events?

  1. 1970's: If you keep eating food cooked in animal fats, you'll die.
  2. 1980's: The way to be safe is use these new transfats. Then all will be well.
  3. 2000's If you keep eating foods cooked in transfats, you'll die
  4. 2007: Get rid of the transfats.

You can't take any of these idiots seriously.
Last edited:
  • #1,076

Everyone's going to die anyway. So you might as well eat what you want and die happy.
  • #1,077
I always laugh when I hear "[some big number] of preventable deaths." Death is not preventable. No one gets out alive. Unless the rapture happens first, I will die. Postponable death? Absolutely. Preventable? Not so much.
  • Thread starter
  • #1,078
Yes, we are all suffering from a terminal condition.The idea is to prolong it for as long as you can. As a friend of mine says, "It isn't that life is too short, it's just that death is so long!"
  • #1,079
My goal is to be as healthy, active, and aware as I can up to the point that Jesus calls me home.
  • Thread starter
  • #1,080
That's it! I'm getting an unlisted number!
  • #1,081
I think Jesus would be able to get it, even if it was double-secret super unlisted.
  • #1,082
Yeah, He's got all the connections.
  • #1,083
OK- now I just have an image in my head of Jesus on a phone, trying to get an unlisted number from directory assistance, and having a hard time. :)
  • #1,084
That's okay. Jesus had knee-mail.
  • #1,085
Ha! That's a good one.

When I was in second grade, we were supposed to go to a specific mass each weekend because the priest would tailor the homily to the kids in the parish who were preparing for First Communion. He'd usually call the group up to sit on the floor around him. My younger sister always tagged along. One week, the priest asked, "Where does God live?" My sister shouted out, "On Fourteen Mile Road!" That's the street our church was on. Everyone in the church cracked up laughing. So if you ever want to talk to God at His house, you need to come to Fourteen Mile Road in Clawson, Michigan.
  • #1,086
That's a really old one--just like me.Your sister sounds funny. I love kids like that. I have a friend who was with me at the church I used to attend. When her kids were little she HATED the children's sermon. Her kids would always raise their hands, and her head would just drop. She never knew how they were going to embarrass her, but she knew they would.My favorite was the time the person doing the children's sermon was talking about how we can tell what some people do by what they wear. She brought out a stethescope. My friend's boy blurted out, "My daddy has one of those!" His daddy is not a doctor. That was just too much for us. We teased him for weeks about the kids catching him playing doctor. BTW, he's a mechanic, and does use a stethescope to help diagnose some engine problems. We liked our story better, though.
  • #1,087
Ahhh... y'all are making me wish that my church had a children's sermon... my old church in Arizona had one and it was always great (I even loved it as it kept my short attention span and tought me something valuable, as we all know that you learn everything you need to know in kindergarden) :)
  • Thread starter
  • #1,088
As a kid, I always hated going up in front of the church for Children's Moment, I don't know why, it just bothered me. It still does - as cute as some of the little nippers are, I always feel embarrassed for them.
  • #1,089
We have a great thing goin' at our church... Children's Church... all the kiddos go to Sunday School and then to their own service, not to "big church".
  • Thread starter
  • #1,090
That sounds pretty cool!
  • #1,091
Much quieter... of course, that also makes it easier for grown-up minds to wander. But without the kids there, I have the periodic "gotta check on the kids" excuse when that happens!
  • Thread starter
  • #1,092
REASON TO KEEP QUIET IN CHURCHA mother was giving instructions to her three children as she sent them into Sunday school, "And, why is it necessary to be quiet in church?"Her son quickly responded, "Because people are sleeping!"(This appeared in the Discussion of American Humor thread.)
  • #1,093

So should I worry? My finger is swollen and infected (I don't know why) and now I notice a redness on the back of my hand going from the finger to the wrist. It's not a red streak - more of a red stripe.

I don't want to panic and run to the doctor but...

Do you think I can wait until Monday and see what happens? Or am I just being a baby?

Of course today I have 50 things to do including a show tonight and a team meeting tomorrow meeting. lol
  • Thread starter
  • #1,094
Since you left your job, you've become a regular Typhoid Mary!
  • #1,095
Beth, infection is nothing to mess around with. I'd go to the doctor.

For you others, the church we currently attend doesn't have a children's message. We do have a great children's ministry, though. Adult Sunday school is before the service. Your children (ages 3 - 6th grade) are welcome to come to our Promiseland Kid Connection time. We play games and have all kinds of things for the kids to do. The "staff" is right in there on the floor or at the table playing with them. There is a snack and prayer time (one group for boys, the other for girls) before the service starts.

During the service, your children are welcome to sit with you, but they are also welcome to sit in Promiseland section with the staff. That's the first four pews on the right-hand side. They're up front so they can see everything. They stay for the music and prayer time.

As the offering is being taken, all of the kids and staff head over to the Promiseland building (which is attached, BTW) for a bit of time all together, then individual class time. When class is over, the kids all gather for more Kid Connection time until the adults show up.

One of the really neat things is that your kids are welcome to stay with us until noon. Service is usually over between 11:30 and 11:40. That means you can chat with a few people before you have to get your crumb crunchers. Now, if you haven't shown up by about 12:03, we'll come looking for you.

The staff is divided into two teams, which alternate Sundays. That means The Furry Guy (who is my classroom helper) and I get to be in the whole service every other week. And, the services are recorded. Part of our responsibility as part of the Promiseland team is to make sure we're listening to the messages we miss while we're teaching.

It works really well for our little church in the cornfield.
  • #1,096
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Since you left your job, you've become a regular Typhoid Mary!
I know. Do you think He is trying to tell me something? I did leave a job at a church and not with good feelings...

Okay, now to call the doctor and add one more thing to today's calendar.
  • Thread starter
  • #1,097
Um, no. Razzbrzt minimums.
  • #1,098
As someone who also left a job at a church with "not good feelings," I'm guessing that you had good reason. If I were a betting woman, I'd bet He's on your side.
  • #1,099
Thanks. I needed that reassurance. I guess part of my problem is I am trying to get all these things done yesterday now that I thave "time" and I guess that's not possible.

I see the doctor this afternoon (and DS also has an appointment for his clooege physical) so I can use this morning to get the house presentable for tomorrow and get ready for tonight's show - which was my original plan!

Ya know... I guess I should tell him about hitting my head yesterday - I still have a splitting headache. Oh, woe is me...............

  • Thread starter
  • #1,100
raebates said:
As someone who also left a job at a church with "not good feelings," I'm guessing that you had good reason. If I were a betting woman, I'd bet He's on your side.
With the number of churches that frown on gambling, yours is a most interesting choice of clichè to use.
<h2>1. What is a thread hijacking?</h2><p>A thread hijacking occurs when the topic of a conversation in a forum thread shifts from the original subject to something completely unrelated.</p><h2>2. Why do threads get hijacked?</h2><p>There are a few reasons why threads may get hijacked. Sometimes, it's simply the natural flow of conversation as one topic leads to another. Other times, it may be due to a lack of moderation or enforcement of staying on topic. Some users may also intentionally hijack threads for attention or to disrupt the conversation.</p><h2>3. Is thread hijacking a common issue on forums?</h2><p>Yes, thread hijacking is a common issue on forums. It can be frustrating for users who are genuinely interested in the original topic and can make it difficult for others to follow the conversation.</p><h2>4. How can thread hijacking be prevented?</h2><p>Moderation is key in preventing thread hijacking. Forum moderators should actively monitor threads and redirect the conversation back to the original topic if it veers off track. Setting clear guidelines for staying on topic can also help prevent thread hijacking.</p><h2>5. What should I do if I notice a thread being hijacked?</h2><p>If you notice a thread being hijacked, you can try politely redirecting the conversation back to the original topic. You can also flag the thread for moderation or report the issue to a forum moderator. It's important to remember to stay respectful and avoid engaging in any arguments or off-topic discussions.</p>

Related to theOfficial Hijacking Threads Hijack Thread

1. What is a thread hijacking?

A thread hijacking occurs when the topic of a conversation in a forum thread shifts from the original subject to something completely unrelated.

2. Why do threads get hijacked?

There are a few reasons why threads may get hijacked. Sometimes, it's simply the natural flow of conversation as one topic leads to another. Other times, it may be due to a lack of moderation or enforcement of staying on topic. Some users may also intentionally hijack threads for attention or to disrupt the conversation.

3. Is thread hijacking a common issue on forums?

Yes, thread hijacking is a common issue on forums. It can be frustrating for users who are genuinely interested in the original topic and can make it difficult for others to follow the conversation.

4. How can thread hijacking be prevented?

Moderation is key in preventing thread hijacking. Forum moderators should actively monitor threads and redirect the conversation back to the original topic if it veers off track. Setting clear guidelines for staying on topic can also help prevent thread hijacking.

5. What should I do if I notice a thread being hijacked?

If you notice a thread being hijacked, you can try politely redirecting the conversation back to the original topic. You can also flag the thread for moderation or report the issue to a forum moderator. It's important to remember to stay respectful and avoid engaging in any arguments or off-topic discussions.

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