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Thanksgiving Prayers for Our Daughter's Car Accident Miracle

In summary, Kristina had a bad car accident yesterday and was unharmed. Her car is totaled, but she is ok. Her mom and dad are glad she is okay.
Gold Member
Our daughter, Kristina, who just sang her heart out for Jesus on Easter morning, had a bad car accident yesterday. We don't know if her steering malfunctioned or just what happened but she went off the right side of the road, was trying to cautiously come back on and then went skidding sideways across the left side of the road and careened into a telephone/electric pole. God guided the car to hit at the front wheel and not just 10 or 12 inches further back or we'd be in a far different place than home this morning. The tire and axle bore the impact, her airbags deployed and she, other than bruises and bumps, was kept unharmed. The impact on the pole broke a line across the road from where she hit and the sparks started a grass fire. A line landed across her car but she was able to shove her door open and get out safely. She had just left a golf match and her coach and several others who she knows were able to be with her until I could arrive. One parent took my three younger children home for me and her coach stayed until my husband arrived and actually until we were nearly ready to leave over 2 hours later. PLEASE PLEASE PRAISE GOD with us that she was kept safe and that God has chosen to let us continue to enjoy our daughter here on earth. The car is totaled but who cares... there's always another car... there's truly only one Kristina! Every time she sings her testimoy I have a feeling of a bit of motherly fear... wanting to hold on to her for myself even though she is His.... and wonder if He'll allow her to remain and continue to testifly, or feel her work is finished and take her home.. I know that is selfish but as she sang on Sunday I thought "If you take her tomorrow Lord, I'll rest assured she is with you" SO.. .you can imagine my hearts thoughts as I drove to the scene! I had been assured she was fine but a mama needs to hug for herself!
Sorry this got so long... thanks in advance for your prayers of thanksgiving!!!!!!!
Oh my goodness. I was so relieved to read that she is ALive and God kept her unharmed. I'm so happy for you and your family!:D
I'm so glad that she's okay!:)
What a blessing, she is ok.
She definately has a guardian angel
hugs to all
so glad that shes okay!!
Praying that your family will be calmed after such a scary situation and that everything works out vehicle and financial-wise.
Hallelujah! He is not done with her yet! I'm so glad she is OK.
Praise Him for His mercy! Hug her tight for me.
In the bible, I don't know the exact adress!!! But it says that when we follow in his way, he will satisfy us with long life! It is not your daughter's time and I think yesterday proved that!!! It IS God's will for your daughter to be alive and healthy and living a prosperous life - it says so in His Word and that's all I need to believe!!!
He doesn't need her in heaven when He has her down here, spreading His love and her testimony! She is winning souls to Jesus and she's right where He needs her to be!!! So rest in that and by all means don't fear!!! God did not give us a spirit of fear! He gave you a spirit of a sound mind, so believe it! So, you tell Satan to get out of your head! As I tell my daughter when she feels fear, God is bigger than all of that! And I tell her to "kick the devil to the curb!!:p - You're not welcome in my bedroom, my home or my head!!!" She is 6 and she loves that, she kicks in the air and yells "get out!!" :D
Makes her Mama's heart jump for joy, cause by the time both her and my son are my age, they are going to be spiritual giants!!! Oh, how I wish I knew what they know when I was their age! My life would have been definetely better and different!!!
I am thanking God for your blessings and I am telling you to kick those thoughts right out of your head, feel God's peace and know that you know, that you know that you know that your daughter is where God wants her!!! Here on planet earth spreading his love and saving souls!
I wish I could have heard her sing on Easter, I know I would have been sobbing! I could barely make it through the songs at church on Easter! God is good! And He showed it again yesterday when your daughter walked right out of that accident ready to tell the world how good He is!
God Bless you and your whole family!:D
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  • #10
MissChef said:
In the bible, I don't know the exact adress!!! But it says that when we follow in his way, he will satisfy us with long life!

Deuteronomy 6:2
so that you, your children and their children after them may fear the LORD your God as long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, and so that you may enjoy long life.

Ephesians 6:2-4
"Honor your father and mother"—which is the first commandment with a promise— "that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

Here is a few for you...
  • #11
Praise God that she is OK! Sounds like he is using her quite a bit here, so hopefully she will be testifying for a looooooong time to come!!

Peace to your heart, hug her for me! [[[[[[[[[HUGS]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Thank you all... you are all sweet treasures!!!!!!!
  • #13
Wow! God is AWESOME!
Praising Him with you and your family!!!


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What are "Prayers of Thanksgiving" and why are they important?

"Prayers of Thanksgiving" are prayers specifically focused on expressing gratitude and thanks to a higher power. They are important because they allow us to recognize and appreciate the blessings in our lives, cultivate a positive mindset, and strengthen our relationship with our faith.

How do I write a "Prayer of Thanksgiving"?

There is no one right way to write a "Prayer of Thanksgiving." You can start by reflecting on the things you are grateful for and expressing your thanks in your own words. You can also use traditional prayers or verses from religious texts as a guide. The most important thing is to speak from the heart and be sincere in your gratitude.

Can I say a "Prayer of Thanksgiving" for someone else?

Yes, you can absolutely say a "Prayer of Thanksgiving" for someone else. It can be a powerful way to show your appreciation for them and ask for blessings on their behalf. You can also include their name in a group or community prayer of thanksgiving.

When is the best time to say a "Prayer of Thanksgiving"?

There is no specific time or occasion that is best for saying a "Prayer of Thanksgiving." You can say one whenever you feel grateful, whether it's in the morning when you wake up, before a meal, or at the end of the day. You can also incorporate them into your regular prayer routine or during times of celebration or reflection.

Do "Prayers of Thanksgiving" have to be long or formal?

No, "Prayers of Thanksgiving" do not have to be long or formal. They can be as short or as long as you want, and can be in your own words or a traditional prayer. The most important thing is to speak from the heart and express genuine gratitude. It's also okay to keep them simple and focus on the things you are most thankful for.

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