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Special Consultants Are Running on Fb for Feb.

In summary, a consultant is advertising that they can get the great deal on the DCB, but then also saying that they can buy one and get one free. It is unclear how they are doing this, but it is possible that they are choosing a cranberry one and then a taupe one. If a host is interested in this offer, they should ask the consultant more details.
Gold Member
I've noticed a few consultants promoting February and saying that they can get the great deal on the DCB, but then also saying that they can buy one and get one free. I'm confused...are they just paying for the second 60% off one and writing it off? Can 2 DCB's be ordered? I thought in the past there was a restriction that only 1 of any stone could be ordered (for the host special, not the guest special.)
Yes. One one of each item can be chosen. My bet is those consultants didn't read the fine print.
It does say host may only select one of each item. So I don't know how they are doing it. If they are doing it and getting away with it, HIGHLY UNLIKELY. Id like to know how. :D
LOL...won't THEY be surprised if that is the case? ;)
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  • #5
I guess maybe they are choosing a cranberry one and then a taupe one?
The host can get one at 50 % off or free and the consultant is probably buying the 60 % off baker for 34.00 that one would be what the consultant is paying for
What about the free products the host earns? This is where the free one should come from.
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  • #8
No, see I don't think that's what prospective hosts are thinking they're getting. It's being promoted as buy one for $34 and get a second one free, that's only $17 each. Unless they are explaining to the hosts later that this means they are giving up their free &/or 1/2 price items. (and what if they only had a $150 catalog show?!)
I agree, Amanda, it only makes sense if they are reading the flyer wrong. And I highly doubt a host will be able to get both cranberry and taupe of the same thing.
  • #10
Maybe you should ask a consultant who is advertising to send you more details?
  • Thread starter
  • #11
I didn't ask one of them at first because I thought maybe it was something many consultants were doing and there was a logical way it was being offered and I just wasn't piecing it together in my mind correctly. ;) Thought maybe I was missing something obvious.
  • #12
I am one of the consultants doing this and I am paying for the second baker. I want to fill my calendar for February. The second baker will get added on to the hosts order. As for how other consultants are doing this, I am unsure.
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  • #13
heather223 said:
I am one of the consultants doing this and I am paying for the "FREE" baker. I want to fill my calendar for February. The second baker will get added on to the hosts order.

As for how other consultants are doing this, I am unsure.

Hopefully, the others are too. And hopefully for your sake, they have a good show to get to a good host discount! ;) GOod luck!
  • #14
Yes the consultant is paying for the baker even if she pays 34.00 for one if this is what helps you book alot of shows than spending 34.00 on a 5 or 600 show is worth it ,not to mention double points in Feb
You can think of any incentive you want to book shows , I offer a gift of 25-30 dollars more in from products some times ,it's worth it o fill your Calender .
  • #15
If they're offering it for new bookings only, maybe they're doing a past host order for the 2nd baker and eating that $34. They just have to be sure it's a past host who didn't have all of the bookings hold.

I'm not feeling the need to offer a booking promo for Feb., but I will be discounting ALL of the Stoneware 20% incl DCBs for guests in attendance. I'm not doing it for outside orders unless the host asks the night of the show.
  • #16
I am not offering the 2nd baker free- I am offering 2 for $34 each- so they are getting 2 bakers for $68. I figure if the host has a 20% discount then the cost is $68, subtract the $34 the host pays and I am only coming out of pocket $34. I will make commission on this so it is actually less than that. It is worth it to me if I fill my calendar and have shows for March and April. Like Doreen said, you can offer any promotion you want!
  • #17
You can actually get 2 DCB's for 60% off if you get one taupe and one cranberry.
  • #18
Heather ~ can you explain a bit more how you are doing that? Are you using the other host code? What if the host wants two pieces herself and then uses her 1/2 items and FPV on what she wants? I'm confused...Karen
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  • #19
Yes, please explain. :) My intention in making this thread was not to talk bad about promotions consultants are doing because that's each individual's choice. I just wanted to understand logistics so I could decide if this was something that I'd like to offer.
  • #20
Sure- I put the hosts order in as she wants it with 1 of the bakers with the 60% Host Special. She uses all of her 60% off Host Special, FPV, half price, and any other items get her host discount.I take her total the and then add $34 (For the second baker) and tax to that total. This is the total I tell the host she owes. I put in her payment. Next, I add the second DCB. The difference between what she pays and the new total is what I owe. I put this in payments as consultant gift. Hope this makes sense, if not ask away!
  • #21
So, you could end up paying between $34-$25.50 for the second baker, right?$85 x 20% host discount = $68-$34 the host pays = $34
$85 x 30% host discount = %59.50-$34 the host pays = $25.50Am I right?Karen
  • #22
thehaleykitchen said:
So, you could end up paying between $34-$25.50 for the second baker, right?

$85 x 20% host discount = $68-$34 the host pays = $34
$85 x 30% host discount = %59.50-$34 the host pays = $25.50

Am I right?


Correct! (And not to complicate this, then you also make commission on it so it is really less. The chances of selling a second baker without this offer is slim to none so I look at it as a bonus.) :chef:
  • #23
I am not offering this deal myself because I am not sure of the fine print (and have not yet called HO to confirm) but the consultant I talked to who is one of the people offering this said that because they are different item numbers, you can get one DCB in Taupe & one in Cranberry at 60% off and therefore you wouldn't have to pay anything extra out of pocket, the host is just using their 2 stoneware choices for both DCB's.Again, I have not confirmed this with HO and when I tried to do it in P3 on one of my Feb shows, the list of host specials wasn't even showing up and when I tried to manually enter the host item number it came up blank. We must be too far out for the update to have gone hit our software.
  • #24
This sounds like a great way to fill your calendar....I am not offering any extra incentives for February and I have 12 parties booked (8 kitchen shows) and still have 5 open dates which should be filled up by the middle of next week. Good luck to you all.....GO DOUBLE POINTS. I am going to vegas!
  • #25
Wow I had not thought about offering two bakers at $34 each. Makes perfect sense and an awesome incentive for bookings! Might have to steal this idea.
  • #26
I disagree for two main reasons:IMHO it undermines the amazing host program that PC already offers. You are sending the message that our company isn't offering our hosts enough - have you looked at our host program? Have you compared it to other companys'?And it makes you less duplicatable. Potential recruits will think you have to do this to get business and it could scare them away. We don't pay for host benefits and that is one of our perks when people are deciding which company to go with.Okay, there are three... Why spend money out of your pocket? In February hosts can put together JUST $150 in orders and get ANY TWO stones for 60% off including a DCB - that is huge. Why do you feel you need to sweeten the pot?Of course you can do whatever you want but I really don't see the need to give away the store. I would bet those hosts would have been just as willing to book if you promoted that they could get the DCB and ANY OTHER stone they want on sale for 60% off.
  • #27
BethCooks4U said:
I disagree for two main reasons:

IMHO it undermines the amazing host program that PC already offers. You are sending the message that our company isn't offering our hosts enough - have you looked at our host program? Have you compared it to other companys'?

And it makes you less duplicatable. Potential recruits will think you have to do this to get business and it could scare them away. We don't pay for host benefits and that is one of our perks when people are deciding which company to go with.

Okay, there are three... Why spend money out of your pocket? In February hosts can put together JUST $150 in orders and get ANY TWO stones for 60% off including a DCB - that is huge. Why do you feel you need to sweeten the pot?

Of course you can do whatever you want but I really don't see the need to give away the store. I would bet those hosts would have been just as willing to book if you promoted that they could get the DCB and ANY OTHER stone they want on sale for 60% off.

In theory I agree with you beth....but I've done things like this before to get bookings too. As long as you don't offer it all the time, I don't think there's any harm. For example, when I was first starting PC I was very part time. I did my 2-4 shows a month very happily. Then I decided to go full time and earn a trip so I had to basically triple my show schedule. That can be VERY difficult to do so I offered a few incentives like free stones and extra free product just to get my schedule where I needed it. From then on I just had to maintain.

I think it's the people who offer discounts all the time that really discount the value of our product and our host program.
  • #28
PamperedK said:
In theory I agree with you beth....but I've done things like this before to get bookings too. As long as you don't offer it all the time, I don't think there's any harm. For example, when I was first starting PC I was very part time. I did my 2-4 shows a month very happily. Then I decided to go full time and earn a trip so I had to basically triple my show schedule. That can be VERY difficult to do so I offered a few incentives like free stones and extra free product just to get my schedule where I needed it. From then on I just had to maintain.

I think it's the people who offer discounts all the time that really discount the value of our product and our host program.

Yes Krista, I agree that in this instance it makes total sense to offer extra and I would tell my potential hosts that this is a one time deal and why I'm doing it.

Like I said, anyone can offer what they want. I just wanted to point out, as you did, that this is not a good practice to do other than the kind of circumstances you pointed out.
  • #29
I agree with you too Beth, and I don't offer discounts like this all this time. I am doing it this month because I am having a hard time getting shows booked and I NEED to have my calendar for February full. I am also not just using Facebook to get bookings, I am making phone calls. I don't initially offer it on the phone unless I can tell the person I am speaking to is on the fence about hosting.
  • #30
I was playing around with the host specials and, indeed, you can order one cranberry and one taupe DCB at 60% off.
  • #31
I'm not offering this, but I can see it in my head. So for those of you who are still wondering ... you can calculate the host's order without the extra item that you are offering and get her payment, then go back in & add the freebie. Then you can move things around until you find what's cheapest for you. Just don't accidentally omit something from her original order! Probably wouldn't be a bad idea to just print out her order before you start playing so that you can go back & confirm that you still have everything in there.Example: Let's say she had a $500 show and has a 25% discount. You could add in the extra DCB at 25% off (-$21.25) paying $63.75 out of your pocket. OR you can move stuff around. Let's say she has the DCB & the Rectangle Baker at 60% off and one of her 50% off items is a $10 item. You could bump the $10 item to the regular (25%) discount, bump the Rectangle Baker from 60% to 50% discount & add the DCB at 60% ... That's $7.50 (for the $10 item) + $24 (RB) + $34 (DCB) + $34 (DCB) - $58.20 (what she would have paid without your deal for her $10 item, RB & DCB) = $41.30 out of your pocket. You just saved yourself $22.45 by being creative.Now remember, if her 1/2 priced item is something big like a set of cookware or the knife block set, you certainly wouldn't want to change that! You'd definitely want to leave it as 50% off. But if you can move cheaper priced items into lower discount categories, then you'll save. Even though I'm not giving away anything, I always play to make sure that I'm getting the lowest price possible for the host. When you look at the numbers on P3, you have the full priced amount, - the FPV = subtotal - the host discount = SUBTOTAL ... it's that 2nd subtotal that counts! The closest that you can get that number to ZERO without leaving unused FPV, means you are giving the host the best possible deal! They might think they know what they want for free & what they want at 60% off or 50% off, but when you show them that you can save them $25 or even $2.50 by changing where something is on the discount list, they LOVE it! All of my hosts get excited regardless of the savings. LOL

Related to Special Consultants Are Running on Fb for Feb.

1. What is the deal with special consultants promoting February on Facebook?

Many special consultants are promoting February as a great time to purchase products through their Facebook pages. They may be offering deals or discounts for the month of February.

2. Can they really get a great deal on the DCB (Direct Cellars Bundle)?

It is possible that special consultants have negotiated a deal with Direct Cellars for a discounted price on the DCB. However, it is always important to do your research and make sure you are getting the best deal possible.

3. Are they also offering a buy one, get one free promotion?

Some consultants may be offering a buy one, get one free promotion for the DCB. However, this may vary depending on the consultant and their specific deals and discounts.

4. How does the buy one, get one free promotion work for the DCB?

The details of the buy one, get one free promotion may vary depending on the consultant. It is best to reach out to the consultant directly to understand the specifics of their promotion.

5. Can I order multiple DCBs through the consultant's Facebook page?

This may also vary depending on the consultant. Some may offer the option to order multiple DCBs, while others may have restrictions in place. It is best to clarify with the consultant before making a purchase.

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