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Sinus Infections: What Could a CT Scan Reveal?

In summary, my doc is worried about something inside my head and wants to do a CT scan of my head to check it out.
Gold Member
I just got back from my doc's office b/c I have a sinus infection. It's my 2nd one in a matter for 4 weeks. He put me on Augmentin for 3 weeks & said if that didn't cure it, I'd have to do a CT scan of my head. I'm very prone to sinus infections & have probably 5-6/year.

Why would he be doing a CT scan of my head? To check & make sure something's there? Can you medical folks help me out with this one? What would he be 'looking' for, possibly 'find' and do with the results?
I had a CT scan done years ago and found out I have a deviated septum (I had broken my nose in a car accident and that apparently caused the deviation). I've had chronic sinus issues all my life, and he recommended that I think about having the outpatient procedure done to remedy the deviation...but I opted not to at that time. He probably just wants to look and see what's going on in there that might or might not be affecting your sinus cavity. It couldn't hurt, right?
Why not ask him?
I just had a limited CT of my sinuses done about 3 months ago for recurrent sinus infections. I had about 10 over a 6-month period. I was sent for allergy testing-which came out negative so that was the next step. Basically, they were looking for any type of obstruction of the sinuses...in my case, they were looking for any deviations or polyps since I have a history of both.
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  • #5
I'm not really worried about it. I was just curious as to why a doc might do something like that. I'll ask him next time if we have to talk about doing. :)
I can't offer any help with your question, but I wanted to mention that a friend of mine has been plagued by sinus infections and recently found out she has an allergy to wheat. After eliminating from her diet, she's doing great and looks fabulous (has dropped 30 lbs!).
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  • #7
PampChefJoy said:
I can't offer any help with your question, but I wanted to mention that a friend of mine has been plagued by sinus infections and recently found out she has an allergy to wheat. After eliminating from her diet, she's doing great and looks fabulous (has dropped 30 lbs!).

I'm allergic to alot of things, but I don't know that they tested for a wheat allergy. That would kind of be detrimental to my lifestyle... my husband is a farmer & we have livestock (straw) and combine wheat. Wouldn't that just be my luck. I wouldn't mind the losing 30 lbs, though!! :D
My cousin had serious sinus issues for many years. The doctors finally figured out that the "drain hole" in his sinus cavity (no, I don't know the actual name for it ;) ) was too small, so his sinuses couldn't drain properly, even when he didn't have congestion. They performed surgery to open it up a little and it's made a world of difference.
  • Thread starter
  • #9
My troubles began when I was a wee child... My mother, step-dad, both grandparents all smoked like chimneys. I had bronchitis, tonsils removed, you name it. I've got asthma & allergies on top of all of this & I really get in bad shape. Right now, it feels like I have a box of tissues stuffed up my nose, yet it's still running (sorry...tmi)! I just wish that I could have more good days than bad. I hate being sick!
  • #10
chefann said:
My cousin had serious sinus issues for many years. The doctors finally figured out that the "drain hole" in his sinus cavity (no, I don't know the actual name for it ;) ) was too small, so his sinuses couldn't drain properly, even when he didn't have congestion. They performed surgery to open it up a little and it's made a world of difference.

Apparently, then, having a hole in your head is a good thing.

I paid 375 bucks for a CaT scan of my head and they didn't find any cats.

In fact, they didn't find anything.

Wait a minute, that didn't sound quite right...
  • #11
They did a brain scan and it was negative, right?
  • #12
  • #13
CT of sinuses will also show air fluid levels, polyps and masses. Anatomy variations and thickening of the lining.
  • #14
A CT will also show impacted infected upper sinuses, that can cause the infections to come back soon after antibiotics. I had to have a CT when my Neurologist thought I had MS, but they only found impacted infected left sinus. When they found it I had already been on 8 weeks of Augmentin to clear up my infection.

My Dr has put me on a nasal sinus rinse daily. It is called NeilMed I think and it does seem to help.
  • #15
An oldie but moldie that's appropriate hereOne morning, a Cheffer wakes up to find her dog dead, lying next to her bed. She just can't believe it, so she decides to take him to the vet. The Vet takes one look at the dog and says, "Ms. Cheffer, I'm truly sorry, but your dog is dead."

"No. He can't be dead. I want a second opinion!" replies our intrepid Cheffer.

The vet nods and brings out a Labrador Retriever, which then begins to jump all over the dead dog, tugging at it before barking, "Woof roof woof!"

The vet again says, "I'm sorry but your dog is truly dead."

The Cheffer says, "No!, I don't believe it, I want another opinion."

The doctor nods and agrees. He goes into the back room and brings out a cat. The cat jumps all over the dog, bites it, looks at the vet and says, "Meow."

The vet says, "Sir, your dog is dead. That will be 400 dollars."

"To tell me my dog is dead?" asks Kevin.

"Well," the vet replies, "The office visit was $50, the Lab work was $150 dollars and it was $200 for the cat scan."
  • #16
I have had the same problems with sinuses in the past. Plus our health history sounds similar. I put off having the Ct scan just because I didn't like the idea. They found that the openings to my sinuses were too small and I had cysts. Once I had surgery it made a HUGE difference! I think I went for about 10 years without a single sinus infection.
  • #17
I have had years of sinus problems.. and cat scans too. Surgery too. the best thing I have found is ENTsol. A buffered nasal spray that is saline. Haven't had a problem in years. I get it at the pharmacy. It is the kind of positive spray that does not go back in the bottle. Only sprays out so no contamination. I use it when I am a little dry of if I feel something coming on. Nielmed is another kind of saline treatment that also works. You fill a container (provided) with very warn water and dissolve a packet of the salt mix packet in it. You pour into one side of nose until it pours out the other nostril while leaning forward. (over the sink of course) It washes away germs and leaves a little salt to disinfect. might be tmi again??
  • #18
Re: An oldie but moldie that's appropriate here
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
"Well," the vet replies, "The office visit was $50, the Lab work was $150 dollars and it was $200 for the cat scan."
HA! Good one, KG!
  • #19
We're here all week, be sure to tip your server and drive carefully on the way home!
  • #20
OK... Worked in Radiology up to this year. CT Scans will show if it is a true sinus infection or if it could be allergies. Also a CT Scan will show if you have a possible Cyst that is blocking the sinuses and where the sinus infection is located. We have more than one set of sinuses. Very common to do though! :) I just had one about 3 weeks ago after being on a steroid and Avelox which is the strongest antibiotic out there. I got back for my 2nd round on allergey testing soon. Also I am on Nasonex plus Salin spray! LOL However, a Sinus CT scan is SUPER fast and you will be on the table 5 mins. top!
  • #21
I had the same problems as you since childhood. I had an X-ray first and then went on antibiotics for several weeks - I think it was about 7-8 w/different medicine. I finally had sinus surgery which included "roto rooter" and sinus windows. I've only had about 2 sinus infections since with which did respond to antibiotics. My surgery was 15 years ago.

One thing I also do is take a 24 hour Claritin (I buy the generic) each day. You have to take them every day for them to work. It takes several weeks for the Clartin to build up in your system. If you decide to do this take it a bedtime to keep from keeping you awake all night!

Good luck.
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  • #22
Thanks for all of the info everyone! I really appreciate it.

Here's what I take daily:

Singulair-take at night before bed
Claritin (generic from Sam's)-take at night before bed
Albuterol inhaler - as needed, sometimes 4x day

Now, I'm adding to that the Augmentin. Plus, doc gave me a script for diflucan to take over the next 3 weeks as I'm prone to what antibiotics can cause.

The Augmentin is giving me massive headaches (it's the only change in my behavior and they started after I took the first augmentin) so I'm taking Ibuprofen for that.

I really dislike greatly all the medication! YUCK!!
  • #23
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Apparently, then, having a hole in your head is a good thing.

I paid 375 bucks for a CaT scan of my head and they didn't find any cats.

In fact, they didn't find anything.

Wait a minute, that didn't sound quite right...

Yes it did....but we love you anyway KG!;)
  • #24
I had a sinus cyst that caused recurrent infections and really bad headaches. A little out patient surgery cleaned it out and I haven't had one in 6 years. I have allergies and that contributed to it.
  • #25
Crystal - seems like our history is similar. I too suffer from asthma and allergies and have had numerous sinus infections. I have had a few CT scans done in the past. I ended up having to have a septoplasty surgery (deviated septum) and just 2 years ago I had turbinate reduction surgery! It has helped a ton! Best of luck to you! Keep us posted!

Related to Sinus Infections: What Could a CT Scan Reveal?

1. What is a CT scan and how does it help diagnose sinus infections?

A CT scan, also known as a computed tomography scan, is a diagnostic imaging test that produces detailed images of the inside of the body. It uses x-rays and a computer to create cross-sectional images of the sinuses, allowing doctors to see any abnormalities or inflammation that may indicate a sinus infection.

2. How is a CT scan different from other imaging tests for sinus infections?

Unlike other imaging tests such as X-rays or MRI scans, a CT scan provides more detailed and precise images of the sinuses. This makes it a more effective tool for diagnosing sinus infections and identifying the underlying cause.

3. What can a CT scan reveal about sinus infections?

A CT scan can reveal the extent and severity of the sinus infection, as well as any complications such as blockages or polyps. It can also show the presence of any other underlying conditions that may be contributing to the sinus infection.

4. Is a CT scan safe for diagnosing sinus infections?

Yes, a CT scan is considered safe and non-invasive. It uses a low dose of radiation and the benefits of the scan often outweigh the potential risks. However, pregnant women and young children may be advised to avoid CT scans if possible.

5. How long does a CT scan for sinus infections take and is it uncomfortable?

A CT scan for sinus infections typically takes only a few minutes to complete. It is not a painful procedure, although some patients may experience mild discomfort from lying still for a prolonged period of time or from the contrast dye used in some cases.

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