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Should We Transition Our 2 Year Old to a Big Kid Bed?

In summary, the parents are debating when to switch their 2 year and 3 month old daughter to a "big girl" bed. The daughter has only attempted to climb out of the crib when she doesn't want to go to bed. The parents have read conflicting advice on when is the best time to switch, with one book suggesting waiting until the child is 3 and can help pick out the bed supplies. Other parents in the group have successfully switched their children around the same age, with some challenges in the beginning but ultimately a smooth transition. Some parents also mention that their child didn't even realize they could get out of the bed for a few weeks after the switch. Ultimately, the decision should be based on the individual child's

Our daughter Madelyn is 2 years and 3 months old and we are debated when to put her in a "big girl" bed. The only time to tries to climb out is when she doesn't want to go to bed and we have to rush out of her room before she attempts to pull any tricks. Last week was the first and only time she made it over and I was able to catch before any damage was done. My DH and I go back and forth on when to swtich her over. We think she is ready because she loves to sleep in our bed when we let her and loves to play "nigh...nigh" with her babies.

Today, I was at the book store and I came across one of the Super Nanny books and she was saying that if your 2 year old hasn't grow out of the crib yet (which she hasn't) don't push. She said wait until the age of 3 when they have a better understanding and they can help you shop for the things needed for the bed.

Any suggestions Pampered Chef Mommies!!
I put my 2 1/2 year old in a big boys bed about 4 months ago, and he is loving it. We went to wally world and he picked out a cars sheets and pillows. He did awesome because we played up the big boy blankets. He did get up and come out of his room a few nights but we simply walked him back to bed and said it's time for ninights (sp) and that only lasted a few nights and now he goes to sleep quite quickly. We also let him take a toy to bed like Mater from the cars movie, or right now he is taking Diesel from Thomas the train. He tucks them under his big boy blankets just like they were a doll.This is just how we did it and it worked for us, however each child is different you need to do what you feel is right.
I agree with Amanda. If you think it's time, then try it! My boys were 2 1/2 and 3 when we went to big boy beds and it's been great. Yeah, they could get out and come into our room, but we did just as Amanda did. We walked back to bed without really making a big deal out of it and tucked them back in. It only happened a few nights.

Also, my youngest didn't figure out that he could get out of the bed for a few weeks! He was so used to being in a crib that he figured the big boy bed must have invisible slats to keep him in! It was classic. He would yell for me in the morning to come and get him and wait until I picked him up. Now he's 5 1/2 and I treasure the moments I can hold him!
We tried taking the side off my sons bed when he was about 2 1/2 and he just wouldn't go to sleep at night. He was getting up over and over for a couple of hours each night. So, I put it back on, and he went right back to sleeping well. I ended up taking it off again a little after his 3rd birthday, he was clearly ready then. I am of the belief that if it's not broken, don't fix it.
My dd moved at 22 months because her sister was due at 26 months) and I wanted to move her prior to the baby being born so she wouldn't feel pushed out. She did great ( had bedrails) and also didn't get up out of bed for the first 5 months- always called for me. I'd do it when you think he is ready, but if you are unsure- no harm leaving him for awhile
My 2 1/2 year old has been is his big boy bed since he was 13 months for the simple fact that he WAS climbing out of his crib and we didnt want to risk injury by keeping him in a crib he didnt want to be in. So we converted his crib into a twin bed (daybed, then it will serve ad the headboard and footborad for his full size down the road) and he absolutly loves it. Yes it took the proverbial 3-4 "death marches" back into the room when he wanderd out after being laid down, but once he know he had to stay, he did (we also put a baby gate in front of his door, so that gave him the "hmmm, maybe mom and dad dont want me out ravaging the kitchen at 2 am anymore" signal.
Your toddler will give you the signal he/she is ready. I figure, instead of a trip to the ER because of a skull fracture, I'd take the trip to Wally World for a toddler bed. HTH :p
My 2 1/2 year old has been is his big boy bed since he was 13 months for the simple fact that he WAS climbing out of his crib and we didnt want to risk injury by keeping him in a crib he didnt want to be in. So we converted his crib into a twin bed (daybed, then it will serve ad the headboard and footborad for his full size down the road) and he absolutly loves it. Yes it took the proverbial 3-4 "death marches" back into the room when he wanderd out after being laid down, but once he know he had to stay, he did (we also put a baby gate in front of his door, so that gave him the "hmmm, maybe mom and dad dont want me out ravaging the kitchen at 2 am anymore" signal.
Your toddler will give you the signal he/she is ready. I figure, instead of a trip to the ER because of a skull fracture, I'd take the trip to Wally World for a toddler bed. HTH :p
my little boy was in a toddler bed at 20 months old due to his sister being born right after his 2nd bday he did pretty good my dd was in the toddler bed around 2 also and she did really well now they are both in regular twins and they love them
My son is 3 1/2 and he has been in his bed for about...7 months. He loved to pick out his bed set and all that great stuff. The only thing that I have to worry about right now, is him falling out of the bed. He has done it twice so far. About keeping him in his bed, he has done pretty good about that. He did want to keep coming and sleeping with us but we just let him know that he has HIS bed and we have ours. :D Also, this is coming from someone who didn't have a crib and used a pack-n-play as one, or just let him sleep in our bed. That happened since he was an infant. So he has done PERFECT. Also... I won't be putting another baby into my bed again. Rough on the sex life. :/ TMI I am sure... But it really is. lol.
My son was actually in a bed since a week after he turned 2. He never got out of the bed in fact he called when he wanted to get up. It was kind of funny. But, I also think that if kids are climbing out of the crib that is a sign!
That is also dangerous. Heaven for bid they fall and hurt themselves bad.
Just my 2 cents.:)
  • #10
My six year old was moved out of his crib just after he turned 1 and that was only because he kept crawling out of it. He then slept in a toddler bed until he was 4 when he got a twin bed. My 2 1/2 year old moved out of his crib when I got home from Conference in July. He had been sleeping in a "big" bed during naps and at night while I was gone, so when I got back and tried to get him down for a nap the next day in his crib he had a temper tantrum until I let him sleep in his brothers bed. My DH just bought him a Twin mattress on Saturday and now we are debating about getting the boys bunk beds for thier room.

I personally would not push for them to move to a big bed if they are comfortable and happy with the crib. I was very disappointed when the boys moved out of the cribs, I wasn't ready for that transition yet.

  • #11
Both my boys were just over 3 when we moved them out of their cribs & into beds. Neither was a climber so I never had to worry about them climbing out of the crib & getting hurt. We made a HUGE deal about the Big Boy Bed and let them help pick the bed and the bedding etc.

My older son kept a bedrail on the side of his bed until he was almost 5. My little one is 4 1/2 now and has his bedrail. We removed it for a few weeks last year but he tumbled out of the bed twice and whacked his face on the wooden base of the bed...so the rail went back up. He likes it and when I change his bedding and forget to put the rail back up - he asks for it - I guess it gives him a sense of comfort - and a sense of "I am not going to fall out & whack my face" LOL
  • #12
My oldest boy was in a toddler bed at age 18 months and my youngest boy was in a big boy bed with side rails at age 15 months. They both were ready to get out of the crib. When it was time for them to go to bed we would shut the door and when DH and I would go to bed we put a gate in their doorway. My oldest would get up in the middle of the night and just sleep on the floor by the gate. They are ages 5 1/2 and 3 1/2 and have bunk beds. They love it and the oldest is such a big boy becasue he sleeps on the top.
  • #13
apriljc said:
My oldest boy was in a toddler bed at age 18 months and my youngest boy was in a big boy bed with side rails at age 15 months. They both were ready to get out of the crib. When it was time for them to go to bed we would shut the door and when DH and I would go to bed we put a gate in their doorway. My oldest would get up in the middle of the night and just sleep on the floor by the gate. They are ages 5 1/2 and 3 1/2 and have bunk beds. They love it and the oldest is such a big boy becasue he sleeps on the top.

We too have the baby gate in front of my 2 1/2 yr olds door, but amazing as this kid is (I swear I must have had an affair with Houdini...) he climbs over it like an olympic track champion! We seriosly are considering the 1/2 door thing next. This is the same kid who has figured out how to remove the baby door knob protectors and the tolit protector. Just takes them off like it was butter...Had to buy a whole new door a month ago cause he figured out the doggy door...and I mean when it was locked with the board in it!!! We are going to enter him into Guiness Books one of these days...:eek:
  • Thread starter
  • #14
Thanks!Thank you everyone for your input! After hearing all the info and talking with my DH we are going to wait a little longer. I think I'm in the biggest hurry because I want to get the crib out and move the bed in. Which is kind of sad. I was horrible when we decided to wean her off the pacifier after her 2nd b-day.

Someone had said earlier in the thread if it's not broke don't fix it and for the most part it's not broke. My DH and I are going to see how the next month goes and see if she attempts to climb out.

Another question - Do any of your children insist on drinking there milk warm? 9 times out of 10 this is the way Madi insists on drinking it. We are at the stage where we put her milk in a plastic cup at meals cold, but some times she insists it to be warm. When it's warm she wants it in her sippy cup. HELP!! I'm sick of warming it up, but I don't want her to go without her milk.
  • #15
Okay here's my 2 cents worth again. MY son always wanted to drink his milk warm, so I slowly would put it in the mircrowave less & less and then he didn't want warm milk anymore. It just got to be too much when we were places and I couldn't warm it up.
  • #16
Amanda, that's a great solution.
  • #17
I switched my son from breast milk at 11 months to cold whole milk and he never complained (Now that I think about it that was mean!!) I just didn't put much thought in it. But my little sister (haha, my poor step-mother) will be 3 in March and still drinks her milk warm at night. I would think of it this way... there are still old men that have a cup of warm milk every night to help them sleep. My grandfather did this until he passed away in his 60's.

About the crib- when you do decide to switch (something I am in the process of doing right now!) ease him into it. We are letting our son take his naps on the toddler bed and sleep at night in his crib. He is slowly warming up more to the bed, but the crib at night for comfort. I figure he will give up the crib in his own time w/o rushing him into it. It is a big change for him and the family.
Good luck!!

Related to Should We Transition Our 2 Year Old to a Big Kid Bed?

1. How do I know when it's time to transition my 2 year old to a big kid bed?

Every child is different, but most experts recommend transitioning to a big kid bed when your child is physically able to climb out of their crib or is consistently trying to escape. Other signs include your child showing interest in a big kid bed or outgrowing their crib.

2. What type of bed is best for a 2 year old?

There are a few options for big kid beds, including toddler beds, twin beds, and convertible cribs. The best bed for your child will depend on their size and preferences. Toddler beds are smaller and lower to the ground, making it easier for younger children to get in and out of bed. Twin beds are larger and can last longer as your child grows. Convertible cribs can be used as a crib, toddler bed, and eventually a full-size bed.

3. How can I make the transition to a big kid bed easier for my child?

It's important to involve your child in the process and make it exciting for them. Let them help pick out their new bed and bedding, and consider adding familiar items like a stuffed animal or nightlight to make the new bed feel more comfortable. It may also help to have a consistent bedtime routine to ease the transition.

4. Should I use a bed rail for my 2 year old's bed?

It's always a good idea to prioritize safety when transitioning to a big kid bed. If your child is used to the confinement of a crib, a bed rail can provide a sense of security and prevent them from rolling out of bed. However, if your child is a restless sleeper or is able to climb over the rail, it may be safer to remove it.

5. How long will the transition to a big kid bed take?

Every child is different, so there is no set timeline for the transition. Some children may adjust quickly, while others may take a few weeks or even months to fully get used to their new bed. It's important to be patient and consistent with the new routine, and to offer comfort and reassurance as needed.

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