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Self-Inking Stamp Disappointment: Has Anyone Else Experienced This?

In summary, the Merrill Corporation's self inking stamp is very difficult to read and unprofessional-looking.
I was wondering if anyone has ordered a self inking stamp from the Merrill Corporation? I just got mine a few days ago and am very disappointed. All of the letter for my website and email are so close together that it is hard to read what it says. It is very unprofessional looking. I am not referring to that the ink smears on the catalogs if you don't let them dry. It looks horrible even on a regular piece of paper. The e is the most difficult to read. I was just wondering if anyone else has had this problem. I know my recuriters stamp doesn't look like this.
Thanks for letting me vent!
I went to Staples and purchased a stamp with just my name address and phone number. I have had no problems with the self inking stamp.
rebuyI will be buying a new self-inking stamp. The Merrill one has a nice large Pampered Chef stamp and then small letters for my name. Since most of the stuff I stamp is PC material, I don't really need such a big logo but would be able to read my website address. I, too, was very disappointed and recommend you go somewhere else for your stamp.

I also let it default to the PC info and since I use a nickname, the name is wrong. Oh well, I guess I'll be visiting Office Max...BEE
Did y'all let the home office know about the problems with Merrill? We have two consultants here in my cluster who both bought business cards and they were wrong and hard to read. There was another thread on here about somebody saying that the template did not line up correctly for the cards you print yourself. Thats ashame - I was looking forward to purchasing from them but reckon I'll be making a trip to Staples!
I know I have read a lot about problems with Merrill and I was so anxious to purchase those fliers with the biz cards they could tear off but with all the problems everyone is having with them I think I will try something on my own.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
I sent an email to Merrill's' customer service. I wanted to give them a chance to correct the problem before I tell the home office. It is frustrating that we are limited to who we can deal with when their products are of poor quality.
I print labels...that is the only way that I can get all my information on my catalogs and paperwork and you can still read them...AND labels don't smear if you wipe them when they are wet. :)
nicolespcshows said:
I print labels...that is the only way that I can get all my information on my catalogs and paperwork and you can still read them...AND labels don't smear if you wipe them when they are wet. :)

Hi How do you wipe them when they are wet? Won't they smear that way? Do you mean dab them? Thanks!
What ever happened toTown & Country? :confused: I'm disappointed in the variety of things we can purchase through Merrill. :(
I, too will be going to an office store for my PC items. Diane
  • #10
here's a site that i'm contemplating getting my stamps/return address forms from. http://store.yahoo.com/keepsakemagic/index.html they're really cheap.. so i'm not sure, but it;s worth a try i think.
  • #11
I have been having terrible problems with Merrill, especially with their business cards that tear off. The template that they had does not work for me. I did email them and they offered to send me out some other ones (I did do as they suggested and printed out on regular paper to see if it matched up) and it looked like it did. Partly my error.

I did contact them again, they promised that they would send printing directions, but I never received them. They also said that they were unsure about why the template was not working for me with my printer. They did say it has to be a problem on my end with my printer. I uninstalled the drivers, uninstalled the printer, reinstalled everything, had the latest version of Adobe, the previous version, and it just would not work for me at all.
  • #12
I want a stamp with big print. When I first became a consultant I ordered one for my catalogs with my name, address & phone number. I have learned since that you really do not need your address. Just name, consultant #, phone #, email and website. The print on the stamp I ordered before is so tiny you can hardly read it! I can't imagine getting my whole website on one.
  • #13
I just bought two and I like them!
pchefinski said:
here's a site that i'm contemplating getting my stamps/return address forms from. http://store.yahoo.com/keepsakemagic/index.html they're really cheap.. so i'm not sure, but it;s worth a try i think.

I just bought two self-inking stamps from www.imakestamps.com and they were just fine! The brand is Trodat, which is the same ones that are shown in the link Amanda posted. Pretty inexpensive.. and free shipping with orders over $10. They actually did charge me shipping by accident, but when I emailed them, they credited my credit card with no problem.

I bought one stamp that has just my website and one stamp that has my name, consultant number, phone number, email address and website.

Oh, actually, I DO have to let the ink dry a little on glossy paper...
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  • #14
...my merrill stamp is screwed up too...my last name is elliott and b/c there are two l's in a row then an i it all runs together and you can't tell what it says...my director told me to send it back but I didn't i've continued to use it but i'm not satisfied....oh well i will be ordering from somewhere else and i refuse to order from merrill again.
  • #15
I, too, am very disappointed with the Merrill stamp. I do love their labels though and will probably reorder them.

I have gotten stamps from other places that are much better. We can't put "The Pampered Chef" on them but everything that I stamp already IS a PC doc so people KNOW it's PC and I just need to add my name and contact information. Find one you like at the best price you can.

One I liked best was free (except shipping so it really was around $7). There was room for 5 lines. You can put what you want but here's what I chose:

1. name (same size type as the rest of the lines)
2. title & consultant #
3. phone #
4. email
5. website

I got it from www.AmericasStampDepot.com
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  • #16
I too am unhappy with my stamp. I've had it a month and the in is running out. We have self-inking stmps that I use at work and the ink has lasted over a year. I do have the business cards they look nice but the type is small. I don't know if I will order from Merrill again.

Happy cooking Diane
  • #17
CarlyK said:
I have been having terrible problems with Merrill, especially with their business cards that tear off. The template that they had does not work for me. I did email them and they offered to send me out some other ones (I did do as they suggested and printed out on regular paper to see if it matched up) and it looked like it did. Partly my error.

I did contact them again, they promised that they would send printing directions, but I never received them. They also said that they were unsure about why the template was not working for me with my printer. They did say it has to be a problem on my end with my printer. I uninstalled the drivers, uninstalled the printer, reinstalled everything, had the latest version of Adobe, the previous version, and it just would not work for me at all.

Carly, I know I had seen mentioned somewhere that you should flip your screen and your poster to print upside down for it to print right, maybe that would help?
  • #18
I don't have a Merrill stampI was thinking about ordering one, I am glad that I didn't though! I did order biz cards and registry cards though. I like the biz cards, but they smear if you rub them, which kinds stinks. The registry cards are also very thin paper, which I was disappointed in. I thought they would be like the ones we got in our wedding packet, the tear off pages of 10 cards. Those at least were a little thicker. These just seem flimsy. I guess they don't need to be thick for what they are being used for, they just seem kinda cheapy to me....
  • #19
darn, I just ordered mine a week ago! Since I loved my biz cards from them I thought they would have a good stamp! Too bad, soo sad!
  • #20
And the tear off registry cards from Merrill rip a little unless you are very careful with tearing them apart.
  • #21
I love my business cards from them they look great. The stamp has been ok for me although its my first self inking stamp so I dont have anything to compare it to.:)
  • #22
I am so glad I am not the only one!
The print is so small you can barely read it!

I did find that in order for it to print nicely, you have to push it down slowly. Otherwise, it will smear no matter what.

I guess I will email them too.
  • #23
i'm glad i didnt buy anything from them. I bought mine from a company here in town and he just put my name address, phone, PC Consultant on it. cost me around 12.00!! no shipping!!
  • #24
I had my husband make me a stamp (he owns a print shop) and it is much larger than the Merrill one. It is perfect for the back of catalogs because the type is bigger and much easier to read. The ink you do still need to let dry but I just spread them out on my table for a few minutes and they look great. If anyone is interested in how to get one of them just send me off a quick line.
  • #25
All of the things I have bought from Merrill so far have been good, except the stamp...I too was very dissappointed. It works okay on regular paper or card stock except for being very small print, but if you use it on shiny paper (catalog) it smears. I do love my business cards!! They did mine right. I bought some of the labels with my info. on them and the print is very small on them also but they don't smear so you can read them. That is what I have been using on my catalogs since the stamp smears:(
  • #26
bank deposit stampCan you get a stamp to put on the back of your checks so you don't have to sign everyone? What should it say? My fingers thank you in advance...BEE
  • #27
For depoist only, but you can get one with your signature on it.. I know that they can make one just an idea.
  • #28
so has anyone had Merrill actually contact them back?? I emailed them and no response.
  • Thread starter
  • #29
I never did recieve an email back. I have sent an email to the home office and encourage everyone else who has had problems to do the same. They need to know that we are not happy, since we are limited to what company we can use!
  • #30
I sure do miss Town and Country!!! Everything I ordered from them had been wonderful!! (stamps, lapboards, pens, etc.) I haven't tried Merrill yet, but after hearing everyone's disappointment, I think I will go someplace else. HO should definitely know of these problems, and seek another company. I will put my 2 cents in to HO.

Tracy Graham
Kitchen Consultant
[email protected]

Pamler House Hilton
  • #31
I was thinking about ordering a stamp from Merrill. I sure am glad I saw this post today!! I will be looking eslewhere. Right now I am just printing my own labels, but I think a stamp would be so much faster and cheaper in the long run.
  • #32
Wow I think I am the only one that really likes the stamp and cards they got from merrill. :confused:
  • #33
I like my cards and name stickers. I did not get a stamp because I'm planning on promoting to director SOON!
  • #34
I got the cards and love them! But the stamp has very small print on it and would be hard to read for some! Probably will order another FREE one from one of those websites where you just pay for shipping next time!
  • #35
Some people were still able to order things from Town & Country. You might want to contact them just to check on it. I have one of their stamps and love it because there is virtually no drying time even when stamping catalogs.

We will be moving in August and I was planning on getting the card/stamp combo from Merrill, but I think I will first try Town & Country for the stamp at least. Did anyone purchase the photo business cards from Merrill? How do you like them?
  • #36
Chef Kearns said:
We will be moving in August and I was planning on getting the card/stamp combo from Merrill, but I think I will first try Town & Country for the stamp at least. Did anyone purchase the photo business cards from Merrill? How do you like them?

I have seen them and they are very nice looking.

how can you still order from Town and Country? I'd like to try!
  • #37
Jessica--I have only heard of people still ordering from T&C. I haven't tried myself.
  • #38
Chef Kearns said:
Jessica--I have only heard of people still ordering from T&C. I haven't tried myself.

darn! I was hoping you might have a tip on how to do it! LOL I didn't start PC until T&C wasn't a vendor anymore-and my merrill stamp was horrible...they actually ended up refunding me my money for it.
  • #39
How do you contact town and country?
  • #40
T&C isn't one of our licensed vendors anymore. You cannot order from them no more.
  • #41
You could still order a stamp from T&C. The stamps have nothing licensed on them, so you could order it from anywhere!

The Merrill stamps do have the logo, so you couldn't get that, but your name address, phone, and PWS url have no trademark or copyright on them.
  • #42
Tear Off Card SheetsI ordered these and had problems getting them to line up also, however after playing with some of the margins settings I figured out the problem. If you want to know what to do email me directly and I will go back in and figure it out for you. [email protected]

  • #43
I also hate the Merrill stamp. I was very, very disappointed. I will order another one from Stampin up instead.
  • #44
Staples has a special running right now

Buy 1 get one free

I bought one about two months ago and love it
  • #45
I like my business cards (although the print is a little small) and lap boards I got from Merrill. I really don't like the stamp. The letters are too small and run together. I only use it for my return address on envelopes. I just make labels with my name & contact info for catalogs. I also got their tear-off business cards & used rectangle stickers from The Booster (medium size maybe?) so I could put my website on them. If you use Merrill's template (at least a few months ago when I bought them) you could only put your name, phone & email.
  • #46
whiteyteresa said:
Staples has a special running right now

Buy 1 get one free

I bought one about two months ago and love it

where do you see that special at?
  • #47
I went to Staples Office Supply store Tuesday, July 11 and saw in the front of the store. It said that the special would run until July 31st
  • #48
whiteyteresa said:
I went to Staples Office Supply store Tuesday, July 11 and saw in the front of the store. It said that the special would run until July 31st

awesome! thank you :D
  • #49
beepampered said:
Can you get a stamp to put on the back of your checks so you don't have to sign everyone? What should it say? My fingers thank you in advance...BEE

I just went to my bank and they told me what info needed to be on my stamp. I think it just has for deposit only and my account number. I order it right at my bank and it arrived in a couple of days.
  • #50
I do CTMH as well as PC. We have custome stamps you can order if anyone is interested. Also, if you are stamping on the back of a catalog you should really try an ink called stanzon. It is made for slick surfaces like catalogs and it dries really fast.

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