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Reeling in the Hesitant Hostess...

In summary, the speaker is trying to encourage a hostess to confirm a date for a Pampered Chef party in September. They mention that there are new products and Italian themed recipes available. The speaker also offers to set up an online website for the hostess and provides tips for party planning. They also mention a hostess special for September where knives can be purchased at a 60% discount. The conversation includes suggestions for improvement, such as using less "I" and being more concise, and provides alternative dates for the party.
Gold Member
So in July I had a party with 4 bookings. That was great, however only 2 have held their parties. I have called and left messages with the others but no response. I currently have no bookings for Sept:cry: so I really want to encourage them to confirm dates soon. Here is the letter I just composed to one of the potential hosts. Please tell me what you think I could improve.

I am so excited about the new fall/winter catalogue from Pampered Chef! Along with some great new products (I LOVE the bamboo bowls that just came out) Pampered Chef came up with some exciting new Italian themed recipes for cooking shows. I’m hoping you are excited about your upcoming party and have been thinking about whom you plan to invite. I’ve attached a little file to help you list all the people you know who will be SO excited about coming to your party! At Katie’s party, we talked about a September party, so I’ve attached the hostess and guest specials for September. If you’ve been wanting a new set of fantastic knives, then this is definitely the best month for you. Our knives are available to hostesses at 60% off the regular price!!
At Katie’s party, we penciled in September 22nd. Will that date still work for you? I also have Sept 14, 16, and 28 available, if one of those would work better. I’ll also set up an online website for you where you can send e-vites and get instant feedback on RSVPs. Your friends can order directly from the website if they can’t make it to your party and the orders will still count towards your total sales.

I’ve attached some files to help you with your party planning. Please give me a call or e-mail at your earliest convenience so we can set you up to maximize your free product value as a hostess for the Pampered Chef!

(attachments: host and guest special fliers for Sept, 50 guests in 50 min, Sept OOF, Tips for a great show, my recipe choices)
Good idea, Dorothy. I might make only a couple of changes - a little less "I" to make it more about the host.

"Attached is a file to help you list different friends who will be so excited..."

When talking about the host special: " You will be able to buy some of the best knives in the world at 60% off in September"

And, maybe, take off the 28th as an option. Hopefully if the 22nd doesn't work, you will be able to get her earlier in the month.

Good luck (I need to do this with a couple of people too)
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  • #3
Good point, less I's!! I'll try to re-word it to make it more about her. I also like your knife wording too.. You are right, it is better to do earlier and I really want a September show. Thanks!
I also agree - less I's. "You will be so excited..."

I'd also try to use less words. Short and sweet will be read. The more you say the less they hear.
Hmmmm ... let me think out loud and re-word this for MY hesitant hostess! I thought she penciled in the 18th and changed to the 25th, but it turns out she penciled in the 25th and changed to the 18th, the only date that does not work for me.Enclosed please find the new fall/winter catalogue from Pampered Chef! Along with some great new products Pampered Chef came up with some exciting new vegetarian recipes. EVERY recipe in the catalog is meatless! Since your daughter is a vegetarian, I hope these recipes work not only for your upcoming show but also for your family! I’m hoping you are excited about your upcoming party and have been thinking about who you plan to invite. I’ve attached a little file to help you list all the people you know who will be SO excited about coming to your party! At Janet’s party, we talked about a September party, so I’ve attached the hostess and guest specials for September. If you’ve been wanting a new set of fantastic knives, then this is definitely the best month for you. Our knives are available to hostesses at 60% off the regular price!! I'm so sorry about the mixup in dates! In addition to the original date of Sept. 25, I also have Sept. 17, 19 and Saturday, Oct. 2 available, if one of those would work better. I’ll also set up an online website for you where you can send e-vites and get instant feedback on RSVPs as soon as I have a date for your show. Your friends can order directly from the website if they can’t make it to your party and the orders will still count towards your total sales.Please give me a call or e-mail at your earliest convenience so we can set you up to maximize your free product value as a hostess for the Pampered Chef!
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  • #6
update.. no response by either e-mail or phone. Sigh...

Thanks for all your help!
Dotty said:
update.. no response by either e-mail or phone. Sigh...

Thanks for all your help!

Keep trying Dotty! Maybe let her know that her friend (prior host) will get a host special also! Sometimes they will do it if they know their friend gets something... they feel more obligated.
I would suggest avoid emails, keep calling, but don't leave a message. Try calling at different times of different days until you get intouch the person you are trying to get intouch with. If you know where they live, then make a personal visit. Don't feel shy. Emails don't work, but face to face coversation is the best because then they can't just delete you and not say anything.

When you talk to them, tell them that you wanted to get with them first chance to pick and confirm a date because your calender is getting full and you wanted them to have the date that best suited them, not just your left overs. This makes them feel special and important, becuase it is all about them. Plus, they don't know you don't have any shows planned, and you don't have to mention it to them either.

Good luck.

Related to Reeling in the Hesitant Hostess...

1. How can I convince a hesitant hostess to host a Pampered Chef party?

The best approach is to highlight the benefits of hosting a party, such as earning free products and having a fun and unique event for friends and family. You can also offer to help with the planning and preparation to ease any concerns the hostess may have.

2. What are some creative ideas for hosting a Pampered Chef party?

Some ideas include hosting a themed party, such as a holiday or game night, hosting a virtual party, or hosting a joint party with a friend. You can also incorporate fun activities, like a cooking demonstration or a product scavenger hunt.

3. How can I help a hostess who is worried about the cost of hosting a party?

You can assure the hostess that there are no upfront costs to hosting a Pampered Chef party, and she can earn free products based on the party sales. You can also suggest hosting a smaller, more intimate party to save on food and other expenses.

4. What are some tips for making a Pampered Chef party successful?

First and foremost, make sure to communicate with the hostess and provide support throughout the party planning process. Encourage the hostess to invite a variety of guests and offer incentives for guests who bring a friend. Also, be prepared with product knowledge and engaging demonstrations during the party.

5. How can I handle a hostess who cancels or reschedules a party?

Be understanding and flexible, and offer to help the hostess find a new date that works for her. You can also suggest alternative options, such as a virtual party or a catalog party. The most important thing is to maintain a positive and supportive attitude towards the hostess.

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