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Recruiting for Your Business: Tips and Insights from Successful Directors

In summary, it took a long time for all of you to get your recruits. SD said it takes some time. to the directors on here, how many do you usually lose?
Silver Member
Here's a question...how long did it take for all of you to get your recruits? I've been asking, listening, informing, basically wanting to help others take control of their own lives by becoming their own boss......and NO takers. I talked to by SD and she said that it takes some time. I get that, but I'd really like to figure out what I'm doing wrong that no one is interested. So, I thought I would ask all of you how long it took you to get your recruits. Also, to the directors on here, how many do you usually lose? I'd really like to get some recruits, but I think I'd be crushed if I got people and then they didn't qualify or quit after 4 shows. Your thoughts??
Just don't give up - I signed someone from my first show but they didn't do anything. If you keep at it they will show. Don't stop asking - Talk to every host. etc.
Chris I just celebrated 1 yr and I still have no takers. I figure all I can do is offer the opportunity. If nobody takes me up on it...their loss. But I keep on truckin'
yummy4tummy said:
Chris I just celebrated 1 yr and I still have no takers. I figure all I can do is offer the opportunity. If nobody takes me up on it...their loss. But I keep on truckin'
Me too! Although I have not Asked EVERYONE, so maybe that's my problem?:rolleyes:
  • Thread starter
  • #5
good to hear...well, not good, but at least I don't feel so alone anymore. Thanks Valky and Heather...sometimes I feel like I'm on my own island...sorry, it's getting late and my brain is fried. will be going to bed soon, i think. See, that's why the title of this thread doesnt make sense...I forgot the word "did"...yeah...how long it take you...caveman talking...ugh! ROFL!!!
but we understood...what does that tell you? LOL
  • Thread starter
  • #7
hmmm...tells me that you're all as silly as I am! See, I said I was going to go to bed....still not there. I'm addicted to this place. I stayed away for about a week, and now here i am..................I need to get some sleep!! this is more fun though. sleep is pretty boring. at least I['m entertained when I'm on here!!!! Valky, what wave are you going to for conference??
Valky, what wave are you going to for conference??

I would be in Wave 1 IF I were going. I need to show a profit first before I go anywhere. I keep re-investing my $ in PC stuff.

I signed on October of 2005, and I signed my first January of 06, and my 4th and 5th are signing this week. It is a process, and also a process of keeping them active at the same time.
  • #10
To recruit successfully, you have to take the focus off of you, and what's in it for you. It can't be, I want to recruit so I can be a director, potential recruits will actually sense that. Zig Zigler says "if you help people get what they want, you will get what you want" So change your "why" for recruiting. You are offering the opportunity to people to see them succeed as well. Hope that helps. Maybe your Director/AD has a Step up to Director program you can attend, it helped me tons.
  • #11
I signed in Feb 05 and just became a future in November 06! It took me forever I felt but this week I will be signing #5 and #6!!! Now to get them all qualified!!!:D

You can do it but you have to feel comfortable talking about it. I know I didn't!
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  • #12
ChefLoriG said:
To recruit successfully, you have to take the focus off of you, and what's in it for you. It can't be, I want to recruit so I can be a director, potential recruits will actually sense that. Zig Zigler says "if you help people get what they want, you will get what you want" So change your "why" for recruiting. You are offering the opportunity to people to see them succeed as well. Hope that helps. Maybe your Director/AD has a Step up to Director program you can attend, it helped me tons.

Actually, my director and I just talked about the step up thing this morning....and I know I have to get out of the "me" mindset...but it's not as easy as I thought it was going to be. So, I am working on that...hope it helps!! Thank you! And if it doesn't work, well, then I guess I'm not the only one living on the island like I previously stated. I'll probably FLIP when I get my first one signed!
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  • #13
I]'m still kinda uncomfy talking about it too, but I'm working on it! I have an awesome director who is quite helpful. That's such A GREAT perk! I wouldn't trade her for anything!
  • #14
Signing is the easy part, its getting them trained, qualified and productive that's the tough part for me. Of course, whatever their goals are, are OK with me, but some of them struggle to meet their goals.
  • Thread starter
  • #15
WHOA! If signing them is the easy part, then I'm in serious trouble!!! (This is meant to be read and laughed at!!) Oh no! Maybe I should just stay in my happy little world, and not try to branch out...now I"m worried! Actually, I like to motivate people...i'm just a litle tired this morning, so my brain is a little more "off" than usual.
  • #16
ChefLoriG said:
To recruit successfully, you have to take the focus off of you, and what's in it for you. It can't be, I want to recruit so I can be a director, potential recruits will actually sense that. Zig Zigler says "if you help people get what they want, you will get what you want" So change your "why" for recruiting. You are offering the opportunity to people to see them succeed as well. Hope that helps. Maybe your Director/AD has a Step up to Director program you can attend, it helped me tons.

I couldn't agree with this more.

Make it about them and watch your business soar.
  • #17
DebbieJ said:
I couldn't agree with this more.

Make it about them and watch your business soar.

There is a acronym I picked up at conference...FAYC: Forget About Yourself Completely

When I started using this attitude it made a HUGE difference in my recruiting!
  • #18
I signed in April 2005, did my first show on May 21. My first recruit signed on Nov. 10, and qualified by Dec. 12th. She is still active. Since then, I've had several express interest and then back off because of the timing in their lives. I don't push them, but do stay in touch about every three months. I have all I can do to keep myself active. I'd love to do at least one show per week but getting bookings is my biggest challenge.
  • #19
StatisticsWhen I went to a regional PC event last year, they told us an VERY enlightening statistic.

In Direct Sales, 9 in 10 people who sign up end up going inactive, quitting, or leaving after 6 months. From my year and a half as a consultant, I've seen about this percentage of people come and go at our cluster meetings. So to become and remain a directory, you have to actively recruit each and every month because you have to expect that only 10% of your recruits will actually continue past the 6 month mark.
  • #20
Think about it as sharing. (Ever heard of Eileen Meckley?) She talks about how successful she was in recruiting and she says she didn't go out "to recruit" but made it a point of sharing what she did with anyone and everyone. She loved what she did and she wanted to share the experience. That is what we need think about is how can we share when we are standing in a line and what about that person in front of us? Could we be chatting with them? You may get that show - you may get someone interested in the business - or at least an order.

Last weekend I pulled my head out and thought I love PC and the recipes. I am going to get my hair done so why not share a recipe with the people at the salon. I really was hoping for a few orders or show or two booked. I now have someone interested in the business just by handing her a catalog.

I have been in for 4 years now. I have had 6 or 7 now come and go with only 1 still active. I know it will come but believe when I get better at sharing the business not just telling them maybe it will come to me easier.
  • #21
I recruited right away. I encourage my new team members to also recruit right away as well. The expression I use with my new people is this: "This business is amazing, but it is even more fun when you have a friend to join with you!" I encourage them to think of who could be a good friend, and accountability partner in the beginning of their new career.

Also, I side line most of my hosts into signing. LOL. When I go to hand out my prize drawing slips at the end of my demo, I encourage the guests to consider the option of having a show for the host if she decides to sign. (I do talk to my host ahead of time about the opportunity, but mostly focus on her guests to encourage her more) My last two shows that resulted in recruiting my host, I was able to help one host secure 10 bookings from her show and another secured 7 bookings, of which her first show holds tomorrow(which I am attending and helping demo), and her friend/host is also interested in signing with her friend as well.

I think I was able to accept directorship one year and 2 months after signing my contract with PC. I have had many come and go over the years, but it is to be expected I think. Keep the faith, and just show your enthusiasm. Keep those potential recruits on your radars as well. Of the 12 consultants I signed last year, 9 of them had been on my radar for more than a year! Each time there is a new incentive, send them info. Every couple of month, shoot an email, letter or phone call letting them know you are thinking of them. Its helped me out loads! GOOD LUCK!!
  • #22
I had 4 recruits before my SS months were over (loved getting all that cookware!) and got the call 7 mos after my first show.

I ask every host. I almost assume that they're considering it, since they're having a show. I always mention the kit credit and the fact that their friends all want to host shows... and that she should be making the commission from those sales!

At each show, I look for at LEAST 3-4 people I can hand a recruiting packet to and ask permission to follow up with.

I also call most of the "outside orders" I get, and usually wind up feeling them out for a few minutes and "popping the question" on them too. You just never know who's staring at a hefty VISA bill on their desk while they're on the phone and needs a way to pay it off.

I am ALWAYS excited about the opportunity I can give someone.

As far as how many I lose? My cluster ranges anywhere from 17 active to 8... I am constantly recruiting (should be starting 3 this month) and a couple of my girls are working towards Director as well. I just celebrated one year with the company, and walked at Leadership as a new Director. My goal is to walk at Conference as an Advanced Director. Worst case, next year at Leadership as an AD... We shall see. :D
  • #23
AJPratt said:
Signing is the easy part, its getting them trained, qualified and productive that's the tough part for me. Of course, whatever their goals are, are OK with me, but some of them struggle to meet their goals.

DITTO!!! Ann - I'm right there with ya:D
  • #24
Glad I'm not alone, Gina!

BTW: You are all so inspiring!
  • #25
I've been at this since December of 2000.
I recruited one person in my first year...she's no longer with PC.
That's it...no one else..
And for a loooong time, I just wasn't interested in recruiting. This was just a little something for me to do...get away from the house...
I was a SAHM for 6 years when I signed...now...I"ve been a SAHM for 16 years, and been with PC for 6...and my business is doing better now that it was 4, 5 ,6 years ago...
My Dir...A SED...asked me...how do you feel about Directorship? Is that something you want?
So she is really encouraging me...because at this point...YES..I'd make a good director - I think (??) ... and the perks of being a Dir. would be nice...

The fact that me signing took me and everyone I knew by surprise...I was so shy, I signed at my second show...never hosted...The consultant JUST ASKED me as we were doing my sales receipt...she wasn't asking everyone, but as much as we chatted, and as I lingered on to be the last guest there! ...She just asked, and I took the sheet home...took me a month to fill it out and send it in...took me another month to do my first show...took me from Dec 2000 to May 2001 to qualify (6 shows at that time)... I was slow to get going... It was a hobby...something to do for myself, with other grown ups!!

Now...I realize...looking back ...how BIG a difference PC has made in ME... I'm so much more confidant. I have something of my own. I'm not just a maid around the house. My two daughters see me earn products, make the car payment, (heck Feb. I made the House payment with a couple hundred to spare!!!) These things are valuable to show my girls that just because I don't have a JOB out in the business world...like Daddy...I Can Do something valuable, and that THEY can grow up and do whatever their heart desires. I often tell them...when they are scared or nervous about doing something...how SCARED I was with my first show...about had a nervous break down!! But I did it...survived...and each time it is easier and easier...and they will have the same experiences...

OK>..Sorry I went on and on... But it took my Director really talking to me about being a Director to make me realize that if that consultant never asked me ... I never would have EVEN thought about signing... and WHAT A HUGE impact this has had on me...and I DO want to share THAT with people... Not just "Be a Director" but to share the freedom it gives, the confidence it builds, and the satisfaction it brings of knowing that I can help with more than just the vacuuming!!!

I think if we recruit just to "Get a recruit" then they will fall away...If we recruit because that person really has a need for this...and a desire for this...then they will stick around, and stick through the "no bookings slump" that we all have been in...

Best of luck to all of you!
  • #26
OMG...that was longer than I thought it was...sorry!!!
  • #27
Don't worry about the length of your post! You offered some really great insight, especially your last line! Thank you for being so inspiring!
  • #28
Thank you!!! All of you have been very inspiring!
  • #29
I met someone at my last party who was thinking about joining, but she said the last consultant she talked to told her she didn't want to do it!! WTF??? You're kidding me right?? Apparently this same consultant was overcharging customers and overall was very unprofessional. She did a bridal shower for a customer (whom I was supposed to do, but was waiting on kit!) The bride still hasn't gotten her stuff and was very upset. Needless to say I gave her HO's phone number and told her if she couldn't get it resolved with the consultant, to give HO a call.

So now I must tread tenderly to try and recruit this girl. She's pregnant, so she's even more hesitant. I scheduled a show with her in June (the soonest she would do) and told her we would get together sometime before her show so I could explain the opportunity!

I can't believe how this other consultant RUINED the PC reputation with this people. I'm lucky they came to my show! The bride wishes I had gotten to do her show as do I. If they all weren't so PC'd out right now, I'm sure I'd have many shows scheduled with them, as they all LOVE the Products.

Sorry.....had to vent about this!!!
  • #30
What a great post ChefNic, no apology needed for being so long.
  • #31
hoosierchef said:
So now I must tread tenderly to try and recruit this girl. She's pregnant, so she's even more hesitant. I scheduled a show with her in June (the soonest she would do) and told her we would get together sometime before her show so I could explain the opportunity!

I can't believe how this other consultant RUINED the PC reputation with this people. I'm lucky they came to my show! The bride wishes I had gotten to do her show as do I. If they all weren't so PC'd out right now, I'm sure I'd have many shows scheduled with them, as they all LOVE the Products.

Sorry.....had to vent about this!!!

Ugh. You might want to talk to her about who she thinks might be willing to do a show and to make sure they come to her show. That way maybe at the time of her show she'd have the 4-6 shows lined up already. Ask if she'd be willing to do the demo at her show to see how she feels about being up there. Make sure that she knows that you'd be thrilled to work with her and that you'll be there to support her. If she is interested you might also have her join here (you could even pay her $5 subscription) and we can help her get over her concerns.
  • #32
Please don't feel bad! I have been in PC since November 1998. Been trying (or maybe not trying hard enough) to recruit but not a lot of interest. Been a future forever but this time I know it will happen. My #5 (again) is signing tonight and I have signed 4 in the past 30 days. I have others that are inactive but are working on their business. Now, I'm working on getting them all qualified. I AM SO EXCITED!!! Leadership was what really helped me even though I haven't missed a Conference yet. Carol Radu kinda kicked me in the butt a little which tends to help too! LOL!
  • #33
My 5th JUST signed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!
  • #34
no worries. i dont have any either. i have had 3 potientals fall through. lately i havent really been trying hard, but i would like to get some before conference...wave 3 in july.
i am eagar to get some recruits.
  • #35
Once I decided Directorship is where I wanted to take my biz to ~ ONE MONTH ~ signed 5 in Aug (3 in ONE day) ~ they all qualified in Sept ~ promoted Oct 1, 2006.

Previous to that I had takers here and there, but they came to me, I didn't have any interest in recruiting. What made the difference? I set my goals, posted them and make the recruiting talk about THEM not me. Know what interests THEM with PC, know THEIR goals, and ONLY focus on that.


Related to Recruiting for Your Business: Tips and Insights from Successful Directors

1. How long did it take for you to get your recruits?

The length of time it takes to get recruits can vary for each person. Some may get recruits quickly, while others may take longer. It is important to stay persistent and consistent in your efforts to recruit. It may also be helpful to seek advice or guidance from successful directors in your company.

2. Is there anything I might be doing wrong that is preventing people from being interested in joining my team?

It is hard to say for sure without knowing more about your specific efforts, but it is possible that you may need to adjust your approach or target a different audience. It may also be helpful to attend training or workshops offered by your company to learn effective recruiting techniques.

3. How many recruits do directors typically lose?

The number of recruits directors typically lose can vary depending on various factors such as the quality of training and support provided, the individual's commitment and motivation, and outside circumstances. It is important to focus on retaining your recruits by providing them with the necessary tools and support to succeed.

4. What can I do to prevent recruits from not qualifying or quitting after a few shows?

The best way to prevent recruits from not qualifying or quitting after a few shows is to provide them with thorough training and support from the start. This includes helping them set realistic goals, providing them with resources and tools to succeed, and being available for questions and guidance. It is also important to maintain regular communication and check-ins with your recruits to monitor their progress and address any concerns or challenges they may be facing.

5. How can I effectively communicate the benefits of joining my team as a Pampered Chef consultant?

One effective way to communicate the benefits of joining your team as a Pampered Chef consultant is to share your own personal experiences and success stories. This can help potential recruits see the potential for success and the positive impact the business can have on their lives. You can also highlight the various perks and benefits offered by the company, such as flexible hours, training and support, and the opportunity for personal and professional growth.

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