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Pros and Cons of Promoting to Director

In summary, Kathy, the pros of becoming a director are that you will make more money for the same amount of shows done, that you will be satisfied with affecting another's life, that you will have access to reports online/software and events at the conference. The cons are that you will have to put your heart out for flake after flake, that you will have less points for incentive trips, that you will have less time/effort for meetings, and that you will feel as though you didn't do enough for every recruit who quits.
I would like to know what each of you think of as far as pros and cons of becoming a director
more money for same amount of shows
free products seasonally
satisfaction of affecting another's life
access to reports online/software
events at conference
Bday/holiday recognition
reduced points for incentive trips
home office leads

monthly newsletter
putting your heart out for flake after flake
time/effort for meetings
maintaining directorship
feeling as though you didn't do enough for every recruit who quits
I like the idea of the pros but would worry alot about the cons if I were given the chance to decide to become one or not!
I think the whole key is to recruit in large quantities. Then you can't beat yourself up all the time over everyone who quits/never starts, and your directorship is pretty effortless to maintain. Plus, you'll get more production bonus money for having more names, and more consultants interested in directorship because of the sheer numbers.

Also, you won't feel like it's so time consuming to make a newsletter or hold a meeting for 10 people instead of hoping one shows up.
helping others succeed
free products
$50 monthly promotional allowance
less points for trips
more money
special workshops at conference
special luncheon and gift at conference
$100 annual development allowance
get the KCN online early
Leadership conference
training others helps me grow as a leader and consultantCons:
I honestly cannot think of any
We are reimbursed nicely for our time and effortsYou are so close Kathy. Is it what you want? You know the HO calls to ask you if you want to accept directorship.
My advice, keep recruiting, work hard with, and for those that work hard themselves. Don't want something for your recruits more than they want it themselves. My director told me something that sticks, "1/3 come, 1/3 stay, and 1/3 go." Don't take it personally.
I would love to become a director. Though you are working to help your recruits, it really is "residual income". I could be home enjoying a relaxed evening while my recruits are out having great show, and I get some money for that. I love teaching, mentoring and helping others just as I enjoy getting taught, mentored and helped by others. I'm really going to focus on recruiting as I start my new PC business. When it happens I'll be ready!
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  • #7
Biz opp meeting tomorrow - 2 RSVPs Yes we will see what happens

I thin the pressure of the cluster sales is what concerns me most (And really concerns my hubby) I have done pretty steady sales of 1200-1500 a month since I started
Kathy - you don't have to accept directorship the first month it is offered. They will ask you every month that you are qualified for it.
Depends who you ask, I think. From day one, I've pretty consistently recruited 1-2 people, and sold over $4000 in sales... so I was READY when they called. I do take it kind of hard when a consultant quits. That whole "did I fail them??" kind of thing.

I honestly feel that alot of why I'm having a great time as a director has alot to do with how much my Senior Director does. SHE holds the cluster meetings, opportunity events, kickoffs, and new consultant trainings at her home (her home is huge).

She has all of her directors' bring their teams together to those events. We're all one big cluster. She does have us help plan and participate/teach during each event. Her Directors do not get away with just skating through not contributing... but she does the bulk of the work, admittedly. I'm trying to be better about contributing more! :D

You may want to ask your Director how she plans on handling it when you promote. If your director is as accomodating as mine, it'll be easier for you. When I did Pampered Chef before, my director pretty much threw you out of the nest the minute you promoted, so that would have never been a good thing. I think the bigger your clusters are and the longer they can stay together under your uplines meetings, the better off everyone is.

But yes - if you're maintaining your cluster minimums yourself ($4000/mo) and consistently recruiting, it's a no-brainer. :)
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  • #10
As far as the pressure, stress or disappointment of not having every recuit succeed, I think it is really important to remember that this business isn't for everyone. And you must train yourself not to take it personally! I also tell my team members that I will match my time to their effort. So if they are working hard I am there to help every step of the way, but I won't work their business for them.

Beyond that, it's like my signature line says! I LOVE IT!
  • #11
You know, it's like parenting. Sometimes our kids (consultants) disappoint us when they don't do what we're expecting them to do. But every time they do something that THEY are really proud of? That feeling just can't be bought.

When I get a phone call from a consultant squeeeeeealing in the phone about an accomplishment she just had, my heart just beams!
Sure, there are disappointments and let-downs. Just like any relationship. But, I wouldn't trade any of those relationships or experiences for anything.
  • #12
Sales requirements for furture director and director?What exatly are they to get increasecommission from people under you? What do future director and director have to sell?
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  • #13
I have a wonderful director and she won't kick me out. She knows my concerns and my hubby's concerns.
I will admit that when people don't do well (first recruit) that it hurt and he actually blamed me. Hello - You have to return phone calls and e-mails for us to help you. He signed from my very first show and sent an unkind e-mail to me about how my director and I were not supportive. It takes two to do this business. My director and I were always trying to come up with ideas for him to get shows and invited him to join us at craft fairs etc. But he always called back at the last minute or got ill that day. The day that he sent the e-mail was the day mom passed away. Kind of a stab in the heart when you just lost your mom after a tough battle with cancer. Actually it was this very weekend last year. We talked a while later and he came to a few more meeting but eventually went inactive. None of us can MAKE someone succeed.
  • #14
My director also told me that is is important for me to cayy the bulk of the team's $4000 in sales. When I do this there is less to worry about.
I find that holding my own smaller team meetings are more beneficial for my team. We cover alot of ground and I can tailor the training to my team's needs.
  • #15
Kathy - I have the same concerns as you. I have stressed & stressed some more about how I could make it work. My monthly average for the year is about $1,700. But, the 4 people that I have under me have yet to do enough to make $4,000. I honestly think I have 4 part-timers. That just means to me that I can't & won't accept directorship until I make my recruiting more consistant.

They are all 4 qualified, so I only need one more qualified consultant to be offered directorship. I just don't think I'll accept with only 5.

I'm not sure that means really anything to you. I just wanted you to know that you're not alone! :)

  • #16
cbord said:
What exatly are they to get increasecommission from people under you? What do future director and director have to sell?

Charlene - FDs must sell $1250 each month to get a 1% increase on their own sales and 1% of their recruits' sales. Directors must sell $350 personally, $4000 cluster (including the director's sales) and have 5 active in their downline to get their 3% more on their sales as well as 3% on their recruits' sales.
  • #17
It's not our fault as directors if someone quits... the bottom line is that we are all independent business owners. I've been a director for 3 years and it seems to be a catch-22 sometimes... if it doesn't work out for them, it's our fault and if they have some success, we had nothing to do with it! All we can do is be good role models... hold successful shows, sell, recruit and teach them what we can. I call everyone on my team every week no matter what. Until they are totally inactive. Then I only call the inactive ones when there is a promotion for consultants. It's tough but I would NEVER NOT want to be a Director.

My upline always reminds us that it's harder to become a director than to stay a director. It's very, very true. And it's so worth it! The money, the perks, the products, the HO leads... everything. GO FOR IT!!!
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  • #18
I don't have the cluster sales to be a director yet - I am getting more recruits and some are more movited than others but I will not accept until I have a strong enough team to not be stressing about it constantly.
  • #19
For me, the key has been to get my recruits to recruit. It's good if they do it right off while they are excited. This has helped build my team.
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  • #20
OK - Maybe I missed something For those in the know I would only lose directorship if I dont' have 5 active people You can become a director with 5 active Qualified people but you stay director with 5 actives. For the raise you would have to do the $350 personal and $4000 in cluster sales but if you didn't meet these goals you wouldn't lose directorship???

I am just confused and want to know more details
  • #21
I have been wanting Directorship for some time but have to say that with my full time job it is hard to just say to myself "I will do the $4,000" and then just worry about keeping 5 active.

As I understand it to get directorship you need to have 5 active qualified recruits that YOU recruited. To maintain your directorship as long as you keep 5 active qualified recruits in your first line. If others under you recruit and they don't promote up taking those out of your first line you are safe.

My understandnig to get the 3% raise you get it right away once you qualifiy to be director (maybe at the beginning of the next month) but you must maintain the minimum of at least $350 in sales on your own and also $4,000 in your cluster sales in order for any of it to continue. If it drops below you have 3 months to get it back up again before you loose your downline.

I keep working on recruiting but unfortunately for me I get one or two and then loose one and then get two and loose a couple. I get so close but have yet to get all 5 at one time active and qualified. I said I would walk at conference but am going to really go for it again by Leadership. I have about 4 or 5 that have expressed an interest but it wasn't the time so I am hoping the next month or so they will come through. It is very frustrating
  • #22
To promote to Director, you need 5 active, qualified personal recruits.

To maintain Directorship you need:
$350 personal sales monthly
$4000 cluster sales monthly (including your sales)
5 active people in your downline (do not need to be personally recruited)

You have a 3-month new-Director period, during which time they waive the maintain qualifications. Then there's a relinquishment period - if you don't get all 3 of the monthly qualifications, you begin relinquishment, which is 3 months. If you get all 3 qualifications during that period, everything zeros out again.

Separate from that, you need to do $1250 personal monthly sales to get HO leads and free products.
  • #23
All the Pro's are the same as above for me... and some of the cons. The biggest con that I have struggled with is trying not to let my own biz slip while trying so hard to make sure everyone else succeeds. I am trying to be a good Director by training those who need it, being there for them as much as possible. But I have found that I am paying less attention to my own biz and it is starting to show. I work during the day full time as well in an office, so my time is already limited. Don;t get me wrong, I LOVE being a director and I want to be as good at it as I can, and I do hope to get up the nerve to quit my full time job so that I can do a better job for my team and myself with PC, but I have always wanted Directorship, so I don;t mind sacrificing a little for my team, just wish I could "sort it all out".
I am certainly not willing to give up Directorship though... the perks are too great!
  • #24
Okay...Time for Me to Chime In!If you want to be a Director, you get the recruits and you get the call, ACCEPT IT!

Why not give it a try? The very worse thing that can happen is you lose it and need to get it again; and as someone else wrote, it is much harder to become a Director than it is to maintain it.

The two biggest reasons it is easier to maintain than achieve first is your recruits' recruits become part of your first line so that automatically builds your team. Second, you get the Home Office Leads for Recruits and Sales. That will make a difference in your business. I have had Home Office Leads build my team and the sales are a huge help. Every month I have at least $200.00 (usually more) in sales that were leads. My Director had a $400+ order this month that was a lead. I remember a few months ago when Carolyn got a huge online lead order. Those leads will make you feel absolutely great and help you maintain the sales requirements.

Now I admit that becoming a Director can be a little intimidating since you are responsible for helping other become successful. However, just like Pampered Chef helped you become a Consultant, they will help you learn how to be a Director. You get specialized training in Directorship. Every month you will receive information on what you should include in your monthly newsletter. Your Director will help you. We will help you!

If you are questioning Directorship and have been recruiting, you know you want it! I did not recruit very much until I really knew I wanted to become a Director. When I made that decision, I basically became one in a five month period. Before that I had been a Consultant for about two years. So if you are recruiting, GO FOR IT! Don't end up saying to yourself, "If only I had..." Even if you become one and decide you don't want it any more, you can step down at any time.

So let me shout it loud and clear...


  • #25
YA!!!!! WHAT SHE SAID !! lol;)
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  • #26
I know I would be devestated if I accepted it and lost it that is why I am trying to be realistic at this point. I coul dsay - Oh sure no problem go for it and get the goodies but I know I would be very upset to lose it. We just had a somone in our cluster lose hers so that is why I have been questioning it alot Especially since I have been successful somewhat in recruiting. NOw to get some qualifications too.
  • #27
Kathy, you have over 1,400 post of Chef Success! That shows you really love to help people and share ideas. That is all being a Director really is! I do not think you are giving yourself enough credit. I think you would make a GREAT Director!
  • #28
I have a quick question....I'm still new but still curious.

If you make director and then you can maintain it do you lose all your recruits? That seems horrible. I would hate to do all that work and have a bad few months and have to start all over again.

Also, if your recruits start promoting do they come off your downline? Do their recruits come off then too? This is all so confusing to me being so new.
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  • #29
Thank you Lisa - I just have to have enough people that are serious about the biz before I can promote. 5 people that are just doing the minimum to stay active will not work

Yes Erin you would lose your recruits if you lost Directorship but they do give you a training period and several months to avoid losing it too from what I understand.

I think I would worry more about the details as you get closer. I have 3 active currently - Only one is qualified so far. I have one that dropped out. I have two people that are considering the business. Altouhg one is already telling people she is becoming a consultant so she seems pretty serious!
  • #30
Erin, no you do not lose everything overnight. You actually have 3 months to pull it together. One of the best ways I have found to maintain a healthy team is to teach my team how to recruit. If you have a team of 5 and at least 2 of them are recruiting, your team strength grows. When you promote to director you get a director handbook that explains what you need to do to maintain directorship. Maybe your director will lend you hers to read.
  • #31
Being a new director and waiting for all my new Director paperwork...this thread has been very helpful! Thank You...

Kathy~good luck on recruiting and promoting. From my personal experince (a Director for approx. 12 days!) if you worked hard to become a Director you continue to work hard so not to lose it. If you want it bad enough you will make it happen~I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT~~~Enjoy Conference I guarantee you will promote shortly after, if only conference energy could be bottled...it is AWESOME you will be so pumped up!!!!
  • #32
Kathytnt said:
I know I would be devestated if I accepted it and lost it that is why I am trying to be realistic at this point. I coul dsay - Oh sure no problem go for it and get the goodies but I know I would be very upset to lose it. We just had a somone in our cluster lose hers so that is why I have been questioning it alot Especially since I have been successful somewhat in recruiting. NOw to get some qualifications too.

Believe me when I say this but ALL of us feel this same way. All of the WHAT IF's can drive you insane. I know and went through this same debate for a while after Leadership when I started my recruiting streak (didn't know it was a streak at the time). Carol Radu always said to all of her downline was that you should take the Directorship when you get the 5 as basically you would have almost 9 months to recoup if need be before you would lose it. My Director and Upline Director were worried about taking it at the 5 and wanted me to wait til everything was stronger, etc.
I ended up taking it the second they called (LOL!) but I actually had 7! One is still not qualified and one reactivated and another qualified on May 31st. However, my sales and my cluster sales were above the $4,000 so the sales issue wasn't a big thing at the time. My fear is just losing some of my parttimers who don't call or return e-mails on a regular basis so you have got to keep building your team and try to get your cluster to recruit as well!!!
You do want to do the bulk of your cluster's sales so that won't be a worry and obviously the more shows you do the more people you will be in front of which will lead to more recruits!
My sales over the last few months haven't been bad but I definitely wasn't concentrating on them though. I was so worried about everyone else's business and getting them qualified and all, I was lacking on my host coaching etc. My goal now is to work on my summer as I really want the cruise and I am on track for it. Had a show last night and got 5 bookings! 3 more for July and 2 more for August and ON MY CALENDAR!!! YEA!!!

So, in a nutshell, work your business, ASK EVERYONE to join your team, and accept Directorship when they call! YOU CAN DO IT!!!

...and by the way, the perks are great already!!! I promoted June 1st and last Friday I got ALL of the Spring NEW PRODUCTS!!! I AM SO EXCITED! Also, I have already had 2 online lead orders. 1 for $102 and one yesterday for $207!!!

Related to Pros and Cons of Promoting to Director

What are the pros and cons of promoting to Director at Pampered Chef?


  • Increased earning potential: As a Director, you can earn a higher commission rate and bonuses, potentially leading to a higher income.
  • Leadership opportunities: As a Director, you will have the chance to lead and mentor a team of consultants, helping them grow and succeed in their own businesses.
  • Recognition and rewards: Pampered Chef offers various incentives and rewards for achieving Director status, such as trips, gifts, and recognition at company events.
  • Access to exclusive training and resources: Directors have access to specialized training and resources to help them develop their leadership and business skills.
  • Opportunity for advancement: Becoming a Director is often seen as a stepping stone to higher levels of leadership within the company.
  • Increased responsibilities: As a Director, you will have more responsibilities, such as managing a team, meeting sales goals, and representing the company.
  • Time commitment: Building and managing a successful team requires a significant time commitment, which can be challenging for those with other commitments or a busy schedule.
  • Pressure to meet sales goals: Directors are expected to meet certain sales goals, and if these are not met, it can affect their income and potential for advancement.
  • Potential for conflict: Being a leader means dealing with different personalities and potential conflicts within your team.
  • Initial investment: There may be additional costs associated with becoming a Director, such as purchasing business supplies or attending training events.

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