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Product Adjustments: Missing Follow-Up Emails?

In summary, the person received an email telling them what to do next with the product and then they never received the product.
Gold Member
Any/all adjustments I have done in the past I got an immediate email that the adjustment was received and then within a few days I always got an email telling me whats going on and how to proceed. I have now done 2 in the last 2 weeks and I have only got the 'auto response' and then nothing....the product just shows up at my door. Has anyone had this happening? I don't know what they want me to do with the thermometer (didn't work) and SA bowl (shattered into a gazillion pieces). My assumption is that I just destroy them but I like to know what's going on (yes Type A here).

Is it just me or is anyone else finding this? Even when I had to just throw things out, I got an email telling me to do so and the new was on its way. Or the label was being sent and to ship the item back. Whichever.

I just dont want to miss the boat on something I was to send back and have the PC police chasing me down (j/k).
When I've processed an online adjustment, it tells me what to do with the product (return required) on the confirmation page and I think the automated email. But since you got the products, you must not have had to return them. I've had a couple that required returns of the product or a piece of it- and I did NOT get the product (or my customer) until it was returned.So...I think your assumption is correct. They don't want them back. If you still have your email or confirmation page- recheck and see if you notice anything there. (And I never got anything after I submitted, other than that first email.)
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ok - i never read the emails in their entirety...it was an auto response like 10seconds after i hit 'send' on the electronic submission. Will check. My beef with adjustments is that I want to be able to give more info. I feel guilty when I do an adjustment and I dont think the options they give us to check off are detailed enough. Example: "Product damaged but shipping box ok" (my wording for their option) and I want to be able to check that but then add comments like "broken into many pieces" so that they dont think i'm trying to get one up on them. I know i'm playing by the rules and i'm not guilty of anything but I just wish they could have more information.

Ok I'm babbling...sorry!
If you didn't get instructions on what to do with the broken product or whatever, I'd send another e-mail, just in case. You don't want to receive an e-mail later saying that they are waiting for your returned product. That has happened to me (actually a customer) before. I get the e-mail because I sent the adjustment. But, PC sent the product before receiving the return. PC shouldn't do that IMO, but I figure it isn't my problem. I let home office know that I can't do anything about it because I wasn't in possession of the product to be replaced.
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I did do the adjustment so I should get an email and always did before these 2.
If they want it back, they should ask for it and wait to receive it BEFORE sending the replacement. If they failed to do that, their loss not your loss. Toss the broken stuff if you've already received the replacement and don't worry about it. ;)
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I like the way you think. After typing this I am tossing the items. :D If you could only see the SA bowl...I've only had one item broken upon arrival in 6mo and that was minor. This bowl looks like someone drop kicked it across a paved driveway then ran over it with the car. It's pitiful. Bubye Mr Bowl...
You could take a photo & e-mail it to the shipping department as an FYI. ;)
Does anyone know how long it takes for a product adjustment to show up in Consultants Corner? Last night I did an online adjustment for a missing item, but it still doesn't show on CC. I got an email confirmation for it, though. Another strange thing. There is an adjustment listed in CC for a supply order, requested by "consultant". I didn't request an adjustment. I have know idea what it is. Anybody else have this happen?

Related to Product Adjustments: Missing Follow-Up Emails?

1. What do I do if I need to make a return or exchange for a Pampered Chef product?

If you need to return or exchange a product, you can contact our customer service team at 1-888-687-2433 or visit our website to start a return or exchange. Our team will be happy to assist you with the process and answer any questions you may have.

2. How long do I have to make a return or exchange?

You have up to 1 year from the purchase date to make a return or exchange for Pampered Chef products. However, please note that some exclusions may apply. Please refer to our return policy for more information.

3. Can I return or exchange a product without a receipt?

In order to process a return or exchange, a receipt or proof of purchase is required. If you do not have a receipt, please contact our customer service team for further assistance.

4. What if I received a damaged or defective product?

If you received a damaged or defective product, please contact our customer service team immediately. We will work with you to provide a replacement or refund for the item.

5. Can I return or exchange a product that was purchased through a consultant or at a party?

Yes, you can return or exchange products that were purchased through a consultant or at a party. However, please note that the consultant or host may need to be involved in the process. Please contact our customer service team for more information.

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